Book Read Free


Page 11

by Tony Corden

  She wasn’t sure if she had time to look at the spell, so she sent out a message, “I’m on Level 3, where are you guys?”

  Wisp replied, “We are in trouble. We are on Level Three but are caught in a tunnel. There are dozens of Elven warriors and goblins. We are being attacked at both ends. You should be able to find us easily as a guy is banging a huge gong and bringing new opponents every half minute.”

  Leah saw a door nearby, and after opening it, sure enough, she could hear a loud gong sound every ten-seconds. She equipped the Haladie in her right hand and one of her knives in the other and ran toward the sound. Occasionally she would come upon an elf or goblin but she hardly stopped in her dash and cut her way through them, she didn’t stop to see if they were dead, nor to harvest anything. As the gonging got louder, she could see more elves, necromancers and goblins walking toward the sound. She ran past them in her mad dash until she came to the entrance to a tunnel filled with people trying to get at her friends. She emptied both hands and flung them forward together casting Chain Lightning. The lightning burst from both sets of fingers and arced into the backs of ten separate enemies before moving onto the next and the next. Those in the back four rows simply dropped with steam coming out their eyes and the ones at the front were cut down as Thad and the others fought through their dazed foes.

  A quick checked showed Leah had depleted all her Mana and her Ki in the single attack. She equipped her Demon Wing Bow and joined the others in defending the room. Thad and Zack were able to hold the tunnel together and with James and Wisp continually healing them, Leah and Amy firing arrow, after arrow, they soon got the upper hand and finished the last enemy. Both Amy and Wisp rushed to Leah and hugged her. Then Thad came over and gave her a hug that felt different, and she knew he wasn’t simply giving her a hug, he was also holding her. She felt herself fall into the holding for a moment before stepping back and saying, “What is it with you lot, I take a small break, and you get into so much trouble. Now, Zack, tell me what happened because I know you will give the unvarnished truth with practically no embellishment.”

  Zack proceeded to tell an amazing story of unimaginable danger and how their great desire to find their beloved leader had led them through horror after horror. In desperation, they cast all hope aside in a desperate effort to reach her and how as they were about to succeed in vanquishing the enemy their leader turns up and once again grabs the limelight. They all had a good laugh. Thad was the leader of the five, and he went to harvest the loot but found he could only collect half of it. The rest of the damage had been done by Leah. So before adding the additional percentages the five of them shared a base EP of 304,700EP. Leah received a base EP of over 400,000 when she added all the ones they found walking down the corridor to the room she appeared in. They reformed the group of six with Leah as the leader.

  She had appeared in the boss room which was supposed to have a demon in it. In digging up the marble circle, they uncovered the treasure and after Leah took a Luck potion it rewarded them with:

  You have harvested:

  12 Gold Coins minted with an image of the Dark Lord Kotu at Platin

  12 Silver Coins minted with an image of the Dark Lord Kotu at Platin

  12 Copper Coins minted with an image of the Dark Lord Kotu at Platin

  2 Dark Spells: ‘Summon’ and ‘Banish’

  12 Black Opals

  1 Vial of Phoenix Potion

  1 Book of Necromantic Runes

  Thad suggested that they do one more level before logging out. Zack showed Leah how using the Mine Blast spell in the hole where they found the treasure would lead to the next level. He set off the blast, and they all scrambled down to the next Level.

  This level was a maze with different traps everywhere. Using Leah’s echolocation, the various mining skills and quick reflexes they finally arrived at the centre of the Maze. The local boss was a Level 99 Dark Elven Mage who had ten Level 95 Dark Elf Warriors in attendance. He used various spells of death and nature to attack. The group was back together though, and they worked seamlessly as a team and defeated the boss and then using Mine Blast saw the final portal to the Dark Lord.

  Checking the time they had thirty minutes. According to the forums, the final stage in the Dark Lord Dungeon was a single fight through the length of the throne room. The Dark Lord only joined the fight when there were five protectors left. They were all at full health and ready, so they decided to end this now. Before they did Leah checked her spell book to see what had been the cause of her expending all the MP and KP in the lightning blast. It turned out that she had melded the skills Dual Wield and Cast creating a new skill Dual Cast. She had also used Chain Lightning at the same time as Ki Attack and formed a new spell called Ki Lightning. This Spell used all her Mana and Ki and had a cool-down of twenty-four Dunyanin hours.

  Together they arrived at the far end of the Dark Lord’s Throne Room. Along the length of the room, there were forty Elite Dark Elf Warriors, twenty on each side. The first ten were Level 95, then eight at Level 96, then six at Level 97, then six at Level 98, four at Level 99, four at Level 100 and two at Level 101 before the Dark Lord at Level 115. They were all dressed in black metal armour etched in gold and platinum. Each had a sword in their right hand and a knife in their left. The fight was designed so that one soldier would attack each assailant. If only one person offered to fight then only one soldier would step forward but as soon as the soldier died another would take his place. If any help was given, in the form of a spell or an arrow, then the room considered two people to be attacking, and so there would be two soldiers in each battle. If someone was killed or became too tired, the room ignored that and continued to send the same number of soldiers. So if two were fighting and one died, the remaining attacker would still face two soldiers.

  Most guides recommended that the group start with a single player and see how far they got but Leah suggested they work as a group. They could fight six as a group but would fail if even one in the group became too exhausted to fight. They stepped forward as one, and from the start faced six Warriors. Leah, Amy and Wisp all loosed their arrows together; at the same time, James began casting Plasma Bolt. They had all targeted the same Warrior Elf who perished immediately. Thad and Zack took a warrior each while Leah cast Chain Lightning. The other mages used spell after spell to block, grab or impede the warriors. Slowly the six friends made their way down the line. Half-way along and James stepped aside to recuperate and give a potion time to restore his Mana. Even Leah stepped out when there were ten left, she was low on Mana and Ki. When there were five left the Dark Lord rose to join the battle. Leah surged forward killing two and catching the Dark Lord mid-step. They began to dance, just the two of them, both holding only a sword. The rest of the team finished the last three guards and then stood and watched as the fight increased in intensity. They could see blood dripping from the Dark Lord’s side, and a slash appeared on Leah’s right thigh. Those watching weren’t sure exactly what happened but later slowing down the video they saw the Dark Lord thrust at Leah who, instead of blocking, allowed the sword to cut deep into her side. The moment he was off balance, she skewered him through the heart.

  Wisp and James jumped forward to heal Leah while Thad stood there shocked. They dragged all the soldiers to the Dark Lord, and when Leah harvested the loot, they received all 40 sets of armour.

  They received the achievement for completing the dungeon, and when the door appeared, they all stepped through into the octagonal room. Nine hours was up, and they all needed a few hours break. They agreed to meet at nine the next morning Dunyanin-time.

  Diary - 25 November 2073

  What should I do? How am I supposed to react? I’ve always laughed at girls who go all weird over a guy but how do I explain my consternation every time I look at him. What do the weird looks from Amy and Wisp mean? Are they mocking me as I’ve always privately mocked others? Are they laughing at me for being confused or are they happy for me? What switch was flipped tha
t one moment he was a good friend and the next something more? Did he cause this reaction by his hug or has it been building for a while? Mum tried to help by saying it was all normal and that she had felt the same for my dad, but that is too weird to think about.

  Also, what does the game know? Why would it have Thad and me as King and Queen? Is this feeling or attraction so easy to notice that even the game can work it out? What goes Emil think? He watches everything. Does he have a smirk on his face or a smile? If this attraction is some dance where everyone can tell whose involved by the steps they make, what is the playbook? How do know what comes next? I liked him holding me, but I wasn’t sure what messages I was giving away. I think mum’s right. Take things slowly and think things through. Emotions are good and healthy but shouldn’t rule alone.

  At least its taken my mind off the Kodomans. Seeing their men outside the gate scared me. When John stepped out from behind the house, I almost ran to him. I have to get the fear under control. I need to set the agenda and refuse to follow theirs. I need to have them reacting to me, not me to them. It’s like that last fight, I need to control each aspect, not just defence. If I get hurt, it must only be in areas I am prepared to be hurt in. I need to protect what is vital, my family and friends. I need to think of them as the demons. If I know someone acts one way then I need to use that to my advantage, I can’t let them limit my actions or my resolve. They are going to come after me, they are that petty. How do I respond?


  November 26, 2073

  Leah hurriedly had a late dinner and then went into deep-sleep for one-and-a-half hours. She felt much better after the sleep but needed to review the journey and her achievements. As she entered the garden Gèng had created she saw Gèng enter as well.

  “Leah, do you mind if I join you for some meditation and Tai Chi.”

  “Not at all, you’ve been to my lessons so you should already know this.”

  They were still for half-an-hour, and then together they practised the Tai Chi.

  Afterward, Leah said, “So how did it go, the meditation. I imagine you struggled, but maybe that is a faulty assumption.”

  “You are right; I found it hard to do. In fact, I did not achieve more than 243.23 nanoseconds of continuous quietness. But that was 239.45 nanoseconds more than my previous attempts. I am not sure of the usefulness of the activity except that after those intervals I perceived my processors to be operating at a measurable, though negligible, faster rate. The Tai Chi was also difficult as it used far more processing power than expected to maintain the slower pace of movement. I believe the experience was beneficial.”

  “Good! Now, do we have a spare room where I can unload the Megapede.”

  Gèng led the way to a room that she had just created. It had shelves on which to display what the demon merchant had been carrying and was decorated with various still pictures of the animals Leah had met. Leah touched her choker and willed the Megapede into the room. Gèng had measured everything exactly, and the creature took up the whole length of the room.

  Leah walked close to the creature and said, “How about you squat down so I can get the bags.”

  The beast dropped to the floor, and Leah began to untie the various bags and boxes, chests and rolled up material. As she brought it to the shelves, Gèng unpacked them and added everything to the inventory. Altogether there were sixty large boxes to unload. The total value of coins was staggering and more than doubled Leah’s wealth. There were all sorts of weapons, potions, chemicals, materials and peculiar knick-knacks. When it was all done, she willed the Megapede back into the choker and closed the door behind her. As she closed the door, Gèng said, "Leah, you have a new message from the Dunyanin Administrators that you should read."

  To: Player Atherleah

  From: Dunyanin World Administrators

  Regarding: Megapede and Cargo

  Dear Atherleah

  Once again you have done the unexpected. Both the Megapede and Trader were being used by our Çaresiz Development Team (ÇDT) to seed Çaresiz with objects to entice travellers to explore further. When the Vatan Developer Team gave you the coordinates, they did not take into account the valuable nature of the cargo. When bringing the small change to the Mage’s spell to land at those particular coordinates, they failed to realise that you might also acquire the Megapede. When they realised what had happened, they contacted the ÇDT to apologise, and it was only then that they realised the size of their mistake.

  We have already caused you an inconvenience but must ask that you do not use any of the objects, or the Megapede until after Çaresiz has been released. In light of your previous willingness to help we look forward to your acceptance of this request. After the Çarsiz release date, we trust you enjoy this stupendous windfall.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Dunyanin World Administrators

  Leah removed the choker and the bow and opening the door, she placed these on the tables with all the other things.

  She and Gèng spent some time walking through the whole tower and outside into the valley Gèng was creating. They discussed improvements. Leah wanted the entry portal for the group to be outside the tower, and several parts of the valley would look better if changed slightly. Gèng created a beautifully worked stone podium for their arrival with stepping stones down to a pathway which led to the tower.

  Finally, with only twenty minutes remaining Leah logged out and had the first breakfast for the day. After a shower, she logged once more into Dunyanin and found herself in the Octagonal Room with her friends.

  As everyone arrived, they greeted each other and began discussing what they knew. Supposedly Adamantine was not a naturally occurring metal and was only found in isolated pockets and usually in craters caused by meteors. Another difficulty was that there was no reference anywhere to a Lord Y’sam Ejderhasi. Ejder was a small settlement that served as a trading station in the only known pass through the Omurga Mountains. The one piece of information was a map that they had received in the Altin Mine. It had marked on it all the Goblin Mines in Vatar, and there was a small mark with a circle near the town of Ejder. Unfortunately, the map had insufficient detail to say where exactly near Ejder. Before putting her hand on the Black Adamantine door, Leah checked the group's statistics.

  Atherleah - Leader

  Level 113 (126084/215000) (+52%)

  Annairë the Wize

  Level 96 (89562/142000) (+42%)


  Level 95 (69854/140000) (+28%)


  Level95 (25896/140000) (+28%)


  Level 95 (60623/140000) (+28%)


  Level 94 (45265/138000) (+28%)

  She noticed they had all improved by around ten levels since leaving the Dark Lord’s Dungeon. When she asked about it, they said that they had all completed their coin collection quests to be closer to her level.

  Leah placed her hand on the door. This time, instead of the group fading away, the door opened, and they stepped through into the small settlement of Ejder. There was a total of six large buildings in the town. Four were huge longhouses which served as living quarters for the Barbarian clans living in the highlands. There were also an Inn and a general store. The store was more of a trading house for the various merchants that came and went. Most merchants would come to the pass and sell everything at the general store before buying things from the other side of the mountain range and returning the way they came. The Barbarians were able to make this work by trying not to be too greedy and keeping the profits to just 10%.

  It was cold, and Leah suggested that before they have an ale, or whatever it was they wanted, that they find some warmer gear. When they entered the General Store, they were greeted by a large man, easily six inches taller than Thad. He was the storekeeper and helped them choose warm leggings, jackets and cloaks. They talked about the weather and what to expect in the mountains. Leah suggested tha
t they might try their hand at prospecting, but the man just laughed and said nothing was ever found in the mountains; except snow, pelts, goblins and death.

  “So where are the goblins? It might be sensible to steer clear of them.” Leah said.

  “Well, Ejder here is the only point in the Omurga Mountains where you can get a cart or horse through. To tell you the truth I’ve never heard of a man, elf or dwarf making it on foot elsewhere either. Now to our east is Mount Dusen and it’s there that the ghost goblins live. They're called that not because they're real ghosts but because they shun any contact, and kill anyone who does manage to stumble on them. To the west is Mount Ucan, this is where the Dark Goblins live, Dark because they seek out travellers and merchants to kill and to steal from. So either way is death, but if you want the smallest chance, then I’d take the Dark Goblins. If you want better information, I’d try the tavern. Hunters in there often try the mountain slopes on both sides.”

  After thanking the trader, they headed to the Inn. Three things were immediately obvious: they were the only travellers, Thad was the sixth shortest person in the room, and there was an oversupply of men in the tavern. As Thad pushed his way to the bar, he could hear numerous ribald comments aimed at the three girls. A few comments were aimed at Zack, he was the shortest person they’d ever seen, but most were aimed at Leah, Amy and Wisp. When he got to the bar, he found himself standing next to a huge barbarian, easily a head taller than he. The Barbarian turned to Thad and said, “If I were you I’d take your women outside before they get hurt, especially the elf lass.” Thad burst out laughing and said, “Hurt, anyone stupid enough to try and hurt her will most likely be dead or unconscious before you can drain a tankard.”


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