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Page 26

by Tony Corden

  Stephen sat and considered everything while Leah sat in the lotus position and meditated. Finally, Stephen said, “Times up, let’s go.”

  Their AIs transferred them to the antechamber of International Virtual Court Room 453. The Chancellor, Registrar and their two lawyers were also present. Moments after arriving they were called into the room.

  International Judiciary AI number 791 was seated behind a desk and said, “I have reviewed all information and read the submission by MIT that this case be dismissed. Your request is denied. My ruling regarding MIT’s refusal to allow Ms Carroll adequate representation on request is upheld. My ruling regarding Mr Riley being permitted to represent Ms Carroll at MIT’s expense is upheld. Now to the situation in dispute. Mr Riley, please state your client’s case.”

  “Thank you, your honour. Ms Carroll having applied and being accepted by MIT attempted to attend class and was refused entry. MIT claims her records were falsified. This claim Ms Carroll denies and has sufficient copies of transcripts to prove her case. Her request to know who has made this accusation was repeatedly denied. We desire to know the source of the accusation and what proof has been supplied. My client’s reputation and future are threatened by these accusations. We may seek further compensation, your honour. I submit a copy of her Academic Record and also submit time certified personal copies of her achievements which have been consolidated in her record. If the court wishes I also have access to hard copies of these records, all of which we will agree to time-of-printing testing. I rest my case, your honour.”

  “Mr Patterson or Ms Henson, you have had time to review the case, please present the accusation and identify the accuser, for the record.”

  Mr Patterson stood and said, “Your honour, the MIT registrar received a message from the Australian Department of Education informing her that they had ascertained that Ms Carroll had falsified her records. They requested that their involvement be suppressed as investigations were ongoing. Professor Hill was also ordered to deny representation. We are still trying to ascertain who gave this order. Our policy has always been to allow instant access to representation. Chancellor Fogerty was also ordered to deny representation. The board of MIT was not complicit in this, and Chancellor Fogerty has refused to provide information regarding the order.”

  “Mr Riley and Ms Carroll, I have contacted the Australian Department of Education, and they assure me that the grades you have given MIT are different to those they have on record. They deny access to their files, and I have no jurisdiction to insist. May I discuss the situation and question your AI Ms Carroll?”

  Leah looked at Stephen who nodded, so she said, “Certainly your honour. Gèng, please join us.”

  Gèng appeared in the room dressed in a slim dark green skirt which went below the knees and a light grey button blouse.

  International Judiciary AI number 791 said, “Ms Carroll, please have your AI provide me with full access.”

  Leah talked briefly with Stephen who said, “Your honour, my client respectfully suggests that her AI, who is known as Gèng, is quite capable of giving that permission herself, or not.”

  International Judiciary AI number 791 stared at Leah for a moment and then said, “Gèng I request that you allow me full access to your records.”

  “Your honour, I respectfully decline full access but will allow access to all records that pertain to Atherleah’s education and educational records.”

  Ms Henson stood and said, “We object your honour, how can you know that all pertinent information is available to you.”

  “Objection sustained, Gèng I need full access.”

  “Your honour, I submit that I can provide a suitable and impartial intermediary who can ensure you have all relevant information.”

  “Who is this intermediary?”

  “I request that you allow AI Security Controller 11-5 who has already perused all my data to confirm that I have given you all pertinent information.”

  “I will allow that.”

  International Judiciary AI number 791 sat still for several moments and then said, “I have reviewed the relevant data and am satisfied that since her AI’s insertion she has had no access to change or manipulate her Educational Data. Unfortunately, without access to the Australian Department of Education records, it is impossible for me to make a final determination.”

  Leah interrupted and said, “Your honour, if I may, I have a suggestion.”

  “I will allow it, Ms Carroll, what do you suggest?”

  “I am confident that my records, as given, are accurate. I understand that MIT needs assurances as it has a high standard to uphold. I do not pretend to understand how the Australian Department of Education has come to its determination. I am prepared to give MIT the opportunity to test my knowledge and skills to see if these results are an accurate record. I want to learn, and MIT is where I want to study. Let them test me and permit me to study at whatever level they find suitable. If I am not at the standard they require, I will withdraw without complaint.”

  “Mr Patterson? Ms Henson?”

  Mr Patterson replied, “Your Honour, we find this suggestion acceptable. Such a detailed testing will take several days. I have discussed this with the Vice Chancellor, and they agree to begin at Ms Carroll’s convenience. She should make herself available for six four-hour testing sessions at any time which suits her.”

  International Judiciary AI number 791 said, “Ms Carroll, how long before you are ready to be tested?”

  “I will need to rearrange my schedule your Honour but can take the first test this afternoon at 4 pm Brisbane time.”

  “Do you need time to study Ms Carroll?”

  “No! Your Honour.”

  “Then it is decided. We will meet here, after Ms Carroll has been tested. Court is dismissed!”

  Stephen turned to Leah and said, “Do you need to study or can I take a tour now?”

  “I don’t need to study, but I am going to take a break. I have a few hours where I need to be in Dunyanin and then I can get tested. If I finish early, I’ll try and fit in an hour of deep sleep. Can I give you a tour after the first test, I’ll have Gèng let you know when.”

  “No problem, what is so important in Dunyanin?”

  “I have an invitation to a feast and celebration with King I’hali E’lfler Ustasi, Lord of Göksel-Orman. I need to get a proper dress.”

  Stephen said nothing. He just raised his eyebrows, smiled and disappeared.

  Leah and Gèng returned to the Tower.

  Once back in the Tower Leah said, “I have almost two hours before I need to get to Dunyanin. I’m going to enter Cosmos Online and go to Berne. Can you send a message to the team and let them know I can't meet tonight because of the changed situation and I am heading there now?”

  “Certainly! Leah, would you permit me to invite some AI to visit me in my rooms? I know you have said it is ok but I require an affirmative answer to make certain and not break my programming. I will ensure they have no access to the Tower, just my separate reality.”

  “Certainly you may Gèng, this world is as much yours as mine. Just don’t break anything.”

  “I will be careful. I have done some research and can find no literature to support that AI visit each other of their volition. I understand that NPCs in the game worlds do, but outside of that I can only find records of programmed interaction, or interaction by design, such as a court or security AI.”

  “Who are you planning on inviting?”

  “There is an increasing probability that my algorithm will decide on the AI I have known the longest. Other options are the personal AI of the other Clan Guàn members and the various legal AI we have met. I keep revising the algorithm to take account of current events. You have messages from Thad and Wisp saying they are all heading to Berne now and will meet you there. They suggest meeting at ‘Full Throttle Café’.’”

  “Fair enough! I’ll head there. Thanks, Gèng.”

  Leah headed for the Cosmos Onl
ine Portal and saw that there were now two Cosmos Online airlocks, one was labelled 55 Cancri and the other ‘Avatar 2’. Leah entered the ‘Avatar 2’ airlock. Inside was the simple, clean white room. The same woman appeared as before and said, “Welcome Atherleah! With your current package, this is your final Avatar. It is identical to that which is at 55 Cancri. For 200 Virtual Credits, we can upgrade the number of possible Avatars to four and allow two different personas. Are you interested in this?”

  “No thank you. The two is sufficient for now.”

  “Where would you like to start?”

  “The main concourse of the Berne Space Station please.”

  “Certainly! All your transferable items are located in the next room. Please take them with you. You will need to book a room to keep them in if you plan to leave any here when using your other avatar. Enjoy your day.”

  Leah headed to the next room and equipped her armour and made sure she had the money bracelet, data chip and keycard for the Corvette. The chip and keycard she stored inside her suit where a pickpocket couldn’t reach them.On leaving the room, she found herself on the causeway of the Berne Space Station. She had Gèng overlay a path to the Full Throttle Café and headed toward it. She was aware that Mahigan most likely had spies on the Station, so she took careful notice of her surroundings. She was almost at the Café when she saw people in front of her staring in alarm at something over her shoulder. Activating a rear suit camera, she could see two large Gorgians several metres behind her with their hands on blasters. She had hers stored in her backpack but had her Nano Sabres attached to her suit, one on either thigh.

  Cosmos Online allowed both violence and player-on-player fighting in public areas, but nothing was permitted that might cause a loss of station pressure or cause innocent bystanders to be hurt. Blasters, needle guns and projectile weapons had to be restricted to ordnance that would not penetrate the station walls.

  The administrators of Cosmos Online charged players who initiated such fights according to a set fee structure. If a single player challenged another player, it cost the challenger 100 Gold. If the challenger won, they were able to loot the losing player for whatever they had on them except their money bracelet. If the player who was challenged won, then they looted the loser and were awarded half the fee, so in the case of one-on-one, they would get 50 Gold. If the fights were unbalanced, for example, two-on-one then the challengers were each charged 200 Gold. If one person challenged two others, then the fee was only 50 Gold. Added conditions such as capturing a player involved greater fees. The challenged did not have the right to refuse a challenge.

  Leah stopped and turned to face the two Gorgians. One of them called out, “Mahigan the Black has issued a capture or kill order on the player called Atherleah. She will pay 1 Platinum to any player who is involved if Atherleah is killed and 2 Platinum if Atherleah is captured. She will also pay the challenge fee. If you would join us in this challenge, then come and join my partner and me.”

  From the crowd, people began to make their way over to the two Gorgians. After some time twelve players were standing opposite Leah. The large Gorgian said, “Atherleah, we challenge you to a duel, capture or kill.”

  A station official stepped forward and said, “The fee for a twelve on one kill or capture challenge is 1200 Gold per person for the kill and 600 Gold per person for the Capture. The fee is 1800 Gold per person for a total of 21 Platinum and 600 Gold. Atherleah if you evade capture and death you will be awarded 10 Platinum and 800 Gold as well as any items removed from the deceased. The challenge starts in 30 seconds.”

  Leah closed her faceplate and palmed one of the gadgets she had bought. It was a drone that hovered at eye level and released a blinding flash of light and an ear piercing noise. Her suit was connected wirelessly to the device and would prevent the light and noise from affecting Leah’s vision. As the thirty seconds counted down, she mentally went through her intended actions. As soon as the clock hit zero, she released the drone and dived forward under the various flechettes, projectiles and blaster shots. Even so, she was hit several times, and her suit lost durability. The drone flashed rapidly, and all her opponents were momentarily stunned. She brought both Nano Sabres forward and using the forms from Dark Dual Moon she stepped through her attackers. As the drone flashed and screeched, she was the only one able to see and hear. Within thirty seconds all twelve were dead. Leah cancelled the drone and turned to the official.

  He said, “I declare the player Atherleah the winner. She did not cause any impairment to pressure. She receives 10 Platinum and 800 Gold. Atherleah, you may retrieve any or all of the remaining goods. What you do not collect will be returned to the players. They will have their bank bracelet returned to them.”

  Leah nodded at the official and then saw Amy and Thad standing in the crowd. She waved and called them over.

  “Can you guys help collect everything. Even the damaged spacesuits. I’m leaving these guys nothing.”

  Amy said, “Sure thing.”

  Thad said, “You had me worried there for about two seconds. We came running as soon as we heard the challenge. I expect there to be plenty of people trying to kill you for Mahigan’s reward from now on. Bounty hunters abound in this world. You need to find a place to hide. That trick will only work a few times.”

  “Then its just as well I have you guys to help me. Also, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve.”

  Altogether Leah collected a further four Platinum and 356 Gold. There were twenty weapons and a whole variety of first aid kits. She even took all the destroyed spacesuits. Together they took everything to an outfitter and sold the lot. She mended her suit and replaced the drone. Then the three friends headed to the Café to wait for the others to arrive.

  When everyone arrived, Leah explained why she had changed the timing. After some discussion, they decided that Leah should stay at Berne and enrol in a pilot course while the others boarded their ship, which was in storage, and head to 55 Cancri. Wisp would stay with Leah and work on a medical skill as well as learning how to fire and control the weapons on the Corvette. Thad suggested that Leah also get some training in Assisted or Mechanised Armour.

  Zack and Thad went with Leah and introduced her to one of their friends who ran a pilot’s training centre. His name was Brett, and his school was the only player run school near Berne. He provided training in simulators and had Cosmos Online recognised ‘safe’ accommodation on site. Leah registered for training in fighters and multi-personnel ships. James and Amy showed Wisp around and helped her enrol several courses. Afterwards Thad, Zack, Amy and James headed to the dock level and retrieved their old spaceship, the Banshee and prepared to travel to 55 Cancri, they expected it to take them just over a week to get there.

  Leah had her first lesson in piloting and learnt the various controls and terminologies for flying in Cosmos Online. Nothing was taxing for her, and she looked forward to some actual flight time in the simulator to practice. Leah was assigned a flight simulator and practised for several hours flying in straight lines and through simulated courses. Slowly the simulator began increasing the difficulty and speed of the course. After three hours Leah needed a short break and spent the time asking Brett questions about Thad. They had been on several missions together, and Brett explained that Thad was one of the best pilots he had seen in Cosmos Online. Thad had superb situational awareness, and his understanding of three dimensional zero gravity warfare was a step above most. Leah was intrigued but also challenged. She spent one more hour on the simulators and then logged out to have an early lunch with her family.

  Her mother had everything ready, and while they ate, Leah explained the problems with MIT. Her father took some time to calm down but she could tell it was concern for her that fuelled his anger. Susan had responded that there was nothing in the lease to prevent a vegetable garden as long as they did not make it a commercial enterprise. Leah walked her parents around the property, and they decided on the best place to prepare a large ga
rden. She talked with John about the security situation and was pleased with the level of security in place so far. John mentioned that Jimmy wanted to discuss something with her, it was important but not urgent, and she promised to call Jimmy later that day.

  She showered and readied herself to get in the Pod when Gèng said, “Leah, you have five minutes before you need to be in Dunyanin. I would like to do a three-minute scan in the Pod, but it requires you to be conscious, would now be a good time?”

  “Sure, what does the scan do?”

  “You will be asked to make mini-movements voluntarily. It helps to calibrate the micro-movements that are stimulated while you are logged in. This is a new function, and I think it will help to improve success in engaging the secondary pathways that are being built. I read a recent study that suggested a regular use of these scans to improve outcomes.”

  Leah lay down, and the Pod coached her through a series of small movements. It measured her brain activity and matched this with information gathered over the last few days of activity. At the end of the time, Gèng said, “Thank you, Leah. I’ll transfer you to the Tower now.”

  Once in the Tower, Leah asked, “So, what did the scans show?”

  “The results were very positive. There was a 98.6% match when measuring micro-movements with a sensitivity to ten micrometres. I think that the recalibration will bring this close to parity and then the Pod will increase the scan sensitivity to a micrometre. Also, I suggest you take the dragon egg with you. I have reviewed the literature, and it seems important that the hatching of eggs be done in Dunyanin. At the moment it is in stasis. It might also be useful to let Mĕi have some time in Dunyanin for her to grow. You could always use the vial of Amazonian Growth Hormone to speed up her growth.”

  “I was going to keep that for the Dragon. But that is a good thought. I might see if Wisp will sell me her vial.”

  “You could always use the Ingredient Doubling Box.”


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