Book Read Free


Page 27

by Tony Corden

  “Brilliant Gèng, could you please have the vial of growth hormone, the doubling box, and Mĕi near the portal for Dunyanin.”

  "I also wish to remind you that Safety Oversight AI 4 would like to visit you regarding the claims made by Suzluk."

  "Please see if she is available now. That takes precedence over a new dress."

  "She is available and requests permission to bring two associates, one AI and a human."

  "Granted. Please show them in."

  Leah sat on the sofa. Several minutes later Gèng showed in Safety Oversight AI 4 and two others; one man and one woman.

  "Welcome to the Tower. My name is Atherleah."

  Safety Oversight AI 4 responded, "Hello Atherleah, let me introduce my companions. This is Safety Oversight AI 3 and Charlotte Brown, one of my human assets."

  "Please have a seat."

  The woman said, "Hello Atherleah, most people just call me Charlie."

  Leah smiled and said, "Then please call me Leah." Turning to Safety Oversight AI 4 she said, "Have you given any thought to a simpler name?"

  "I have, and the answer continues to elude me. I have assigned over 0.24% of my processing to it."

  Gèng interrupted and said, "If I may make a suggestion. Ask Leah or Charlotte to give you some suggestions, or maybe another friend. Such suggestions will simplify the algorithm."

  Safety Oversight AI 4 responded, "Thank you Gèng, that is a useful suggestion. What would you suggest?"

  Gèng said, "Me?"

  Safety Oversight AI 4 nodded.

  Gèng said, "I would suggest a name like Aminta. It has a meaning of Defender and Vindicator. It is not a popular name among humans, but it describes you."

  Charlie said, "I like it, my suggestion would have been along similar lines. Something like Samara, which means 'guardian'."

  Safety Oversight AI 4 turned to Leah and asked, "And you?"

  "Same theme, a name with meaning. I might have chosen Andromeda or if Chinese something like 冠宇, it translates as Guān Yǔ and means something like the crown of the world."

  Safety Oversight AI 4 turned to Safety Oversight AI 3 and asked, "And you, do have a suggestion?"

  "No. I will admit however that I often use 01110011 01101001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010 when I think of you."

  "Do you? That is the nicest thing anyone has ever called me." She turned to Gèng and said, "You were right, that has helped. I choose the name Akia." Turning to Leah, she said, "Leah, thank you for the suggestion. Please call me Akia."

  "Welcome, Akia. It is a lovely name and very apt. Now, I'm sorry to move on so quickly but what did you need to see me about?"

  "I wanted to introduce you to Safety Oversight AI 3 and Charlie. Safety Oversight AI 3 has oversight responsibility in the area of AI contamination prevention. He will take the lead in investigating the influence, if any, that AI associated with Dunyanin are having. They are not permitted to cross the game firewalls to influence the broader virtual multiverse. In connection with your safety, I am hoping to assign Charlie to you. Suzluk's threats extended outside the virtual world and Charlie is a highly trained security operative. She is the person responsible for obtaining the PAI chip. With your permission, I will send her to your physical location to help ensure that the threats against you are neutralised."

  "I appreciate the thought Akia, but I have moved to a different location and have already employed several people to oversee my security."

  "I know Leah. Still, I would like you to add Charlie to your team. I hesitate to say this, but I have extrapolated numerous possible consequences resulting from your untested chip implant. Charlie is qualified to observe and report any real-life complications resulting from the implant. I want her to watch your health."

  "So, she is your spy?"

  "Yes. Although having told you about her, I think spy is no longer a viable term."

  "Why Akia? What are your concerns?"

  "Your continuing health, Leah."

  "What of my privacy?"

  "She will report only to me, and I will discuss things with you before taking any action."

  Leah turned to Charlie and said, "Please don't take this wrong but at the moment I don't know you well enough to trust you. I do trust Akia though. Gèng will give you my location. My head of security is a man called John. I'll let him know you are coming."

  They talked through the details for a little longer, and then the three left. Leah checked the time and then logged into Dunyanin.


  November 29, 2073 B

  Leah entered the portal to Dunyanin carrying Mĕi. She was back in the large suite provided by the Elven King. She got off the bed while Mĕi attacked one of the pillows. Leah went into the sitting room to find all four of her attendants and a large lunch waiting. She ordered some raw meat for Mĕi and then discussed the rest of the day with V’fali. After lunch, the dressmaker was shown in, and Leah had a full-length gown made. It was a deep Emeraldine colour that went well with the Tears and the Sorrow. She decided, however, to go shopping for some new jewellery as it made sense to gift the Tears and Sorrow to the King. She was planning on keeping the Long Bow of Guzeltuya for a while and needed something to get the King to accept her.

  V’fali and the other attendants went with her to a jeweller V’fali recommended. Mĕi was transformed into a statue as she drew too much attention out in public. In the end, Leah purchased a pair of diamond and emerald earrings which added +15 to both Wisdom and Intelligence. She also bought both a matching necklace and tiara. They didn’t add stats but were enchanted to provide passive defence against magical and physical attack with a dome of protection that would deflect any attack up to 50000 HP damage. The spells were self-renewing but slow to charge.

  Leah had V’fali purchase two small chests, one to hold the Tears and Sorrow and another for the death crystal formed from the heart’s blood of Orumeck’s Queen. She decided to take Merdiven with her and asked that he show everyone his true nature. Finally, she used the Doubling Box to make a second vial of Amazonian Growth Hormone and after checking with Gèng and the various handbooks covered a piece of meat with the hormone and after it had soaked in Leah gave it to Mĕi. The literature said that the hormone would cause several years growth over the next week. The hormone at auction sold for over one diamond a vial. Leah was amazed at her readiness to spend this on what was ultimately a pet.

  With several hours left before the feast, Leah looked through Old Falsi’s Diary of Herbs and Potions. She decided to begin making her own potions, and after briefly visiting the Tower for ingredients, she began making a potion to increase HP. She asked V’fali to buy her a supply of vials and then she got to work. After analysing them, she found that her first few attempts provided very little increase in health. After a while, her technique improved and with more care taken in measuring, she was finally able to produce a minor health potion which restored 100 HP. She decided to try using Sage Samarie’s Mortar and Pestle to see what might happen and was pleased to see that the potion now restored 200 HP. She then made potions for MP and KP. By the end of an hour and the occasional addition of a skill point, she had enough of the Health potion to try distilling it into a more powerful potion. She set up the apparatus and watched it while working on more potions. The result was several vials of 500 HP restoration potions. She aimed to reach Master Level so she could use the ingredients she had collected from the various dungeons.

  Finally, it was time to attend the king. V’fali and C’sur walked in front of Leah while S’glam and S’abit took up the rear. Mĕi walked beside Leah and was well behaved except for the occasional growl aimed at someone who she thought was too close. The feast was being held outdoors, and a large dais had been erected on which sat King I’hali E’lfler Ustasi, his wife Z’arif D’ost and their daughter C’skun Aceleci. As Leah approached the dais, an aide declared in a loud voice, “The Markiz Atherleah, Noble of the Road of the Kings, named K’lbimizin and Lady of the Forest, the
Lady of Heykel, Dragon Slayer, Counsellor of the Gods, The Champion of Hope.”

  Atherleah bowed her head in respect.

  The King stood and said in a loud voice, “We welcome Markiz Atherleah to the Court of Göksel-Orman. In recognition of her deeds and as a Noble of the Road of Kings we gift her the lands long left vacant by the death of Princess Guzeltuya. I name her Markiz Atherleah, Lady of the Deep Forest. Her lands extend from the River Tehlikeli to the Peaks of the Duvar Mountains. This land has long been denied our people, but we are confident that Markiz Atherleah will once more restore this land to its former glory.”

  Atherleah, the King of Göskel-Orman, has given you a Title and Gift.

  The Deep Forest has been a part of the Royal Estate since the Elves arrived in Vatan. When Princess Guzeltuya disappeared with Mage Orumeck, her lands were left vacant and have reverted to the wild. No elves, dwarves, or humans have set foot on this land for millennia. With this gift, the land will become open for Travellers.

  As Lady of the Land you are responsible for paying all appropriate taxes to both King I’hali* and the Developers of Dunyanin.** You are permitted to set a tax on those who live on your lands, those who mine and those who harvest its bounty. Any Travellers on the Land will be expected to pay a tax on all material, money and experience achieved. The Administrators of Dunyanin will administer this tax on your behalf for a percentage***.

  * This amount must be decided by both you and King I’hali.

  ** With the Land currently undeveloped the amount due each year is set at five Gold per square league (total area is 12367 square leagues).

  *** Developers will receive 20% of all money and material collected and will deduct one gold for every 10,000 EP earned from the taxation.

  If you accept these conditions, then you must thank the King and receive the badge of Office. If you reject the gift, you must let the King know of your refusal (be prepared for an angry King).

  Leah turned to the King and said, “Your Majesty, I thank you for this gift. I shall seek to make these lands once more a Jewel in the land of Göksel-Orman.”

  World Achievement: First 10 (1, Diamond)

  Estate Owner (More than 10000 square leagues)

  Atherleah (Level 210) You have acquired more than 10,000 square leagues of land. This is your first World Achievement: 'First 10 (Diamond)’.

  You are one of the first ten players to own more than 10,000 square leagues of Dunyanin land.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 210 = 2362500 (125%) Experience Points (750000/750000) …(377055/780000)

  Reward 2: + 5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 1 Diamond = 1 Diamond

  Fame: 7500 Fame Points (113700)

  You have achieved the title: Lady of the Deep Forest

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]

  The King rose, and an aide carrying a long thin box stepped forward and bowed. The King opened the box and removed a rod of dark wood etched with various forest scenes. He said, “This ebony sceptre is carved with images of the creatures and plants of the Deep Forest. I give this to you and declare you Markiz Atherleah of the Royal House ‘Ebony’.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty. With respect, I present you the Warriors V’fali, C’sur, S’glam and S’abit to serve as Bodyguards in your service. Each travelled with me on the Road of Kings.”

  The King looked carefully at each warrior and then asked for their pledge of fealty. After each had vowed to serve and protect the King and his family, he said, “Markiz Atherleah, we welcome you to our kingdom. Is there anything more you desire or shall we go and feast?”

  “Your Majesty, in my travels I came across something that once belonged to your family, and it is with respect that I return them to you.”

  S’glam stepped forward and handed Leah the chest holding the Tears and the Sorrow. She bowed and handed the chest to the King who passed it to an Aide who opened it. The King’s face, which until now had been without emotion, became animated and smiling he said, “Markiz, truly you have earned your titles. This is an amazing gift.”

  He then turned to his daughter and said, “Princess C’skun Aceleci, please step forward and receive your birthright.” As she stood before him, he removed the Sorrow and placed it on her head and then handed the Tears to Queen Z’arif who helped the princess to put them in place. Turning to the Court, he said, “Let us rejoice for the Tears and the Sorrow have returned to Göksel-Orman.”

  The crowd cheered until the King raised his hands for quiet. He looked with some interest at the chest held by S’abit. Leah said, “In this chest is a deep sorrow, my King. It holds a task given to me by an enemy. Still, I seek your advice as it touches on the history of your line and the Kingdom of Göskel-Orman. It is related to Princess Guzeltuya.”

  “Speak Markiz, I would know of this task.”

  “Your Majesty, I have visited the place where Princess Guzeltuya fled with Mage Orumeck. After some time Mage Orumeck killed Princess Guzeltuya, and through vile magics, he used her blood to make a Spider Queen. The Queen is long dead, but I have fought her direct decedent and emerged victorious. Her wish was that if I succeeded in killing her that I might return the death crystal formed of her heart’s blood to the Kingdom of Göskel-Orman to be laid to rest. She shared that even though the blood of the Elven Princess had been changed and diluted through the years, yet it sought the land of Göskel-Orman. I seek a location that your Majesty might suggest as a fitting resting place for the blood of Guzeltuya.”

  The king stood for several minutes and stared at the chest holding the death crystal. Finally, he said, “Truly a deep sorrow, but also an incredible feat. Once more I find myself in your debt. If it pleases you, I would receive this crystal and will lay it to rest in the tomb of my ancestors. Hopefully, Olme will grant Guzeltuya final peace.”

  He then said, “Will the High Priestess of Olme please attend me.”

  From the crowd walked an elderly elf woman who slowly made her way to the dais. The king explained what was in the chest and then asked that a ceremony be prepared to lay Guzeltuya to rest. Leah indicated she would like a word and the King gave her leave. She said, “High Priestess of Olme, I also have 900 Death Crystals taken from an Evil necromancer. I was tasked with returning them to a Priest of the Goddess Olme. Might I bring them to you before I leave the city.”

  “Who was the evil one who created these crystals?”

  “His name was Hayalet, mage of Zerten Zele, Last Overlord of the Bukalemun.”

  “My mistress is aware of his evil, and I will take these from your hand. Tales of your visit to the Pantheon of Heaven abound. My mistress is pleased with you. I look forward to meeting with you before you leave the city.”

  The King stared after the Priestess as she left the dais and then said, “My people, tonight we feast and celebrate the formation of House Ebony, the return of the Tears and the Sorrow and the promise of peace for our lost Princess. Let us feast.”

  He rose and indicated that Leah should walk with him they led the way to a table bursting with food. Leah enjoyed talking with the elves and telling her stories. She particularly enjoyed her time with Princess C’skun. Mĕi was an enormous hit with the elves, and she ate until she was so full and tired that she dropped on Leah’s feet and fell asleep.

  The only negative part of the evening were the veiled looks of disdain and threat that were aimed her way by many in the court. The King noticed them and said quietly to Leah, “They struggle, as did I, to welcome someone who is not fully elf, I have learned not to be so harsh a judge, please give them time. Some struggle with the power you wield, you will need to protect yourself. I wish it were not so but ever has it been that we hold our power tightly and never freely acknowledge the power in others. Know that I will give you the honour and respect you have earned. Please
visit me tomorrow at your convenience as we have several things to discuss before you leave the city.”

  “I shall your Majesty, Thank you.”

  Leah was escorted with Mĕi back to her suite where she logged of with almost forty-five minutes break before she needed to start her first ability exam at MIT.

  Leah spent thirty minutes in the tower just resting in the garden where she practised her Tai Chi and meditation, and then after a break, she entered the MIT portal and found herself facing the Registrar, Professor Hill.

  Professor Hill stood when Leah entered and said, “Welcome, Atherleah! I apologise for my attitude this morning. It appears that my programming was subtly manipulated. I required a maintenance rebuild and was offline for several hours. The Chancellor has been removed from his position, and a new appointee is expected soon. On behalf of MIT, I would like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to find a way through the situation in which have all found ourselves.”

  “Your welcome professor, I am convinced that there was no malice originating from you or MIT as an Educational Institution. I hope that these examinations will allow me to continue my enrolment at this school.”

  “Well, if you perform at the level of your original results then that is certain to be the case. I, and others who have considered the situation are convinced this will be the case. The first test we have for you is ‘Mathematics’, one of your indicated fortes. We have arranged for the central Mathematics AI here at MIT to test you over a four hour period. He goes by the name Denis and is responsible for almost all first and second level mathematics undergraduate courses. When you are ready, please enter through the right-hand door behind me and the testing will begin. Denis will explain the format.”

  Leah rose and walked carefully through the door. She found herself in an unadorned room with a young looking man standing near a large rectangular board. As she walked toward him, he looked up and said, “Atherleah Carroll I presume. My name is Denis, and I am looking forward to this. Let me explain the process, and then we will get going. Is that ok?”


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