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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

Page 2

by Carolina Moon

  "Oh! Oh, yes," Honey hissed, both hands on his bobbing head, holding him close.

  Finally, release flooded through her. She cried out and her body gyrated out of control.

  He stayed right with her, slowly allowing her to return to reality. And then he stood up and took her in his arms again.

  "You taste wonderful," he whispered, kissing her. Honey could taste herself on his mouth and that excited her even more.

  She clung to him, pressing her body against his, loving the way his soft clothing felt against her sensitive nipples and the way his hands continued to explore.

  Without another word, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Placing her gently on the comforter, he reached for the bedside lamp.

  "No," Honey said a little too loudly. She'd never been really comfortable with her body before and even though this man didn't seem to mind her curves, she wanted this night with this stranger to be as perfect as it could be. "Please, don't turn on the light."

  "Okay," he said quietly, almost as if he'd read her thoughts.

  Honey lay back against the pillows listening to the whisper of clothing as he pulled off his shirt. She heard his belt buckle, his zipper, and desire shot through her again.

  "Hurry," she heard herself say and her hips lifted off the bed, her body reaching for him even though he wasn't there yet. "I need you."

  "I'm here," he told her, his voice hoarse and throaty.

  Honey shuddered at the way his deep voice rumbled through the darkness and reached for him when he crawled onto the bed between her legs. He allowed her to run her fingers through the crisp hairs on his chest and follow that strip down his flat belly. His breath caught in his throat when she touched him, and he gasped as she began stroking him. She loved the way he throbbed against her fingers, hot and urgent and, now, there was only one thing on her mind.

  She spread her legs wide and guided him to her slippery wet opening.

  His mouth covered hers again and he moaned as he inched his way inside of her. Honey was thrilled beyond words. Again, she was helpless in his arms, unable to think about anything except the way he burrowed deeper and deeper, filled her to capacity and still, just barely scratching the itch deep inside.

  Once their bodies were completely joined, he remained still while he kissed her mouth, her neck, her ears. Finally, Honey began rocking her hips, setting the pace, urging him to start moving, to give her what she needed.

  Moving in and out of her with slow, sensuous strokes, he only heightened Honey's pleasure. She met him more than halfway, taking everything he gave her and reaching for more. His hands seemed to be everywhere, sliding underneath her hips, pulling her against him as he thrust savagely deep into the folds of her body. His kissed her, burying his face in her neck, grunting with exertion as both of them worked toward release.

  Honey heard herself crying out, realized she was digging her nails into the steel-like muscles of his shoulders as he pounded her into the mattress. She wrapped her legs around him and held on, her orgasm threatening to overtake her at any moment. He worked his hips in a wicked little circle, grinding her clit between them.

  "Yes, oh, yes," Honey hissed as her orgasm exploded deep in her belly, sending shock waves all the way to her fingertips and toes.

  With a barely muffled roar, his whole body grew stiff, and he swelled and pulsed deep inside of her. Honey cradled him in her arms until the storm had passed.

  They lay together in a sweaty heap of arms and legs, sighing softly. He stroked her hair and murmured things that she didn't quite hear, but she was content to let the sound of his voice wash over her in the darkness. Her fingers played over his body, enjoying the feel of hard muscles. She didn't know how long they lay there, but Honey was eventually aware of his steady breathing and realized he had gone to sleep. Thrilled to still be wrapped in his arms, she slept, too.

  When Honey woke up again, it was still dark and she was still in this stranger's arms, his head nestled against her shoulder. She lay there for a few minutes, looking at the shadowy ceiling. Now that she seemed to have gained control of her body, she began wondering about her unusual behavior. She'd never even dreamed of a one night stand before, never imagined she could do it.

  Yet, here she was, in the middle of the night in a stranger's bed. She didn't even know his name and she realized that she didn't want to. He had pleasured her beyond words; had made her feel sensual and sexy, completely female. It was enough, and more - awkward introductions, sweet but unnecessary excuses - would only ruin the memory of it. She smiled to herself when she thought about Jess's reaction to this. Of course, Jess would be the only person to hear this confession.

  "You're awake," his voice sounded groggy with sleep and sexy as hell.

  "I just woke up," she replied, stroking his hair absently.

  "You're not going to leave me are you?" he asked, his hands on the move again.

  Honey smiled. "Not while you're doing that."

  He chuckled and kissed her lips. It was tender, almost romantic at first but when Honey sat up and urged him onto his back, he cupped her breasts in both hands. He licked his way down to her nipples and brought them to life.

  Honey reluctantly pulled away from his hands and boldly kissed her way down his body. He gasped and groaned, allowing her to do as she pleased with her lips and tongue and hands. When she felt he could stand the teasing no longer, Honey straddled him and slowly lowered her body, not stopping until they were completely joined.

  Her lover growled and with his hands on her hips, coaxed her to start moving. His mouth returned to her nipples. Honey teased him, giving him access to first one and then the other and finally sitting up straight as her needs took control of her body. Driving himself upward to meet her, his pinched her nipples playfully and she arched her back, thrusting her breasts into his hands. That sent wave after wave of exquisite delight rippling through her, each one more intense than the one before.

  Finally, blessed release reigned and the only thing she was aware of was his roar of pleasure and the way he swelled and pulsed inside of her. That sent her to even greater heights of ecstasy. At last, she collapsed on top of him, drenched in sweat and moaning as he stroked her sweaty back and whispered in her ear.

  When Honey awoke again, the sky was just beginning to lighten in the east. Her lover was sleeping quietly beside her and, suddenly, the impact of what she'd done hit her full force. She studied him for a moment, loving the way his hair curled down around his ears and across his forehead. She longed to run her fingertips over the rough stubble on his strong jaw, longed to kiss his full, very kissable lips. But she knew if she did that, she would never leave his bed.

  Honey knew, as well, that she had to get out of here before he woke up. Their night together had been magic and she knew she would never forget him. He would be forever her secret lover; a secret that she would never share with anyone, his memory tucked away to warm her on cold, lonely winter nights.

  Quietly, Honey slid off the bed and began searching the dark for her clothes. She found them, one by one and dressed in silence. Then, with one long fond look at the man sleeping peacefully, she left. On the drive home, she realized she could still smell his scent on her clothes and promised herself that she would not wash them too soon.

  Her father's car was not in the driveway and for that she was thankful. She went straight into her bathroom and took a long, hot shower, not allowing herself to think too much. Last night had been one in a million. She would never experience that kind of passion again, she was sure, and part of her wanted to just curl up in a ball and relive it over and over, scene by scene, every touch, every kiss.

  Dressed in shorts and a tank top, she pushed thoughts of the night before out of her head and realized she was starving. While she at breakfast and read the morning paper, her father came home…and he was whistling.

  "Have fun?" she asked, raising one eyebrow and looking at him over her coffee cup.

  "Yep," he answered with a gr

  Honey laughed and shook her head.

  "You know, you need to get out and have a little fun yourself," he said, sounding a little more serious.

  "I went out last night," Honey reminded him.

  "With Jessica," he reminded her. "It's been two years. You gotta try again sometime."

  "I will," Honey promised. "I've been so busy with the business and…"

  "Excuses. Excuses," he said and headed for his own bedroom, whistling happily.

  "If you only knew," she whispered when he left and felt a little like whistling herself.

  The reception for the new jeweler wasn't until that afternoon and, since her shop wasn't open on Sunday, she had most of the morning to relax. She read the paper from front to back, visited with her father and took care of a few household chores. When it was time to leave, Honey was dressed in black slacks and a pink silk blouse with princess lines that accentuated her figure just the way she liked it. As she prepared to leave, she tried to remember what she had heard about the man who owned Dazzlers.

  Evidently he knew what he was doing, arranging to have the small shop set up without ever being there. Was he young or old? She couldn't remember what the other shop owners had told her or if they had said anything at all. She couldn't even remember his name. Was it Mike or Matt? Or something else that sounded like that?

  She shook her head, wondering how all this had gotten past her. Usually, she was right on top of everything that concerned the shops on Lover's Ring. But this time she'd been getting a gown and three bridesmaids dresses ready for the Hite wedding. That had taken all of her thoughts and energy. Honey sighed, glad that one was over.

  Honey Moon Creations catered to full-figured brides but this one had been particularly hard to fit. Her top was a 36G. The bridesmaids were pencil thin. The alterations were completed well before the time she promised and, in the end, everyone was happy.

  But Honey was exhausted.

  Honey parked in her usual spot behind her shop and walked around to the wooden porch that spanned the width of the small cabin-like structure. In fact, all of the shops on Lover's Ring were built exactly the same, and had originally been built as a cluster of small cabins that served a small artist colony. They were all painted different pastel colors and, of course, had different signs out front, but they were all linked together with one common thread. All the shops on Lover's Ring catered to brides, grooms and weddings.

  To her right she could see Hair Elegante, Ink Blot Printers and the soon to be open Dazzlers Jewelry. To her left was Top Hat Menswear, the Love in Bloom Florist and the Sweet Nothings Bakery. Paul, who boasted that he learned his baking skills in the Navy, made the most beautiful, inspired wedding cakes she had ever seen.

  As the afternoon sun warmed Honey's shoulders, she smiled and went into her own shop, put her purse in a drawer behind the counter and looked around. It was quiet and peaceful here, and she was surrounded by wedding gowns just waiting to make some blushing bride look even more beautiful.

  The bell over the door tinkled and Karen, the florist popped her perfectly coiffed head in the door. "Hey, cookie," she chirped.

  Honey smiled. Who could help smiling when Karen was around? Older than Honey by 20 years, she had a quick, happy laugh and a good word for everyone. Karen had turned into a sort of mother figure for Honey after losing her own mother, offering sound advice, both business and personal. And since Karen had begun managing their business affairs, business had grown. Still, they were all struggling.

  Honey hugged the older woman warmly. "You ready to meet our new jeweler?" she asked.

  "Ready. I've talked with him on the phone a few times," she told Honey. "He seems really nice."

  "So you haven't met him?" Honey asked, surprised.

  Karen shook her head. "No one has."

  "But what if he's a creep?" Honey wrinkled her nose, picturing a fat, sweaty bald man who smoked cigars. "What if he doesn't fit in? What if…"

  "Hey, we needed a tenant. We found a jeweler through some connections Tiffany had out west," Karen said, holding up both hands. "I think he'll be fine. Really."

  Tiffany owned the print shop on Lover's Ring, Ink Blot Printers. She was the newest member of their little circle having arrived only about six months earlier. The only thing Honey knew about her was that she was from California. She seemed friendly enough and offered ideas when they had their monthly meetings but, like the others, she was busy just trying to keep her business afloat.

  Still, Honey felt protective. These people were her friends, and she wasn't sure if she could easily welcome an outsider into their little circle.

  "I just hope he can breathe some life into our little operation here," Karen was saying.

  Honey didn't want to think about losing her business and the new family she had found here at Lover's Ring. "Let's hope so. Maybe he'll have some new ideas, something we haven't thought of yet."

  "I don't know," Karen said with a shake of her head. "We've tried just about everything without much luck."

  Honey glanced at her watch. "Come on," she said. "Let's go get ready to meet our new jeweler."

  The two women strolled through the courtyard in the center of Lover's Ring. They had spent long hours designing this outdoor space and Karen's knowledge of plants and flowers had turned it into a jewel box that was just beginning to bloom.

  "What's his name?" Honey asked as they strolled the concrete walkway that led to Sweet Nothings.

  "Max Sanderson," Karen replied.

  At that moment, Eduardo and Joseph arrived, giggling about something. They held the door open for the two women and followed them inside, into a pastry-smelling cloud of heaven. Honey took a deep breath and sighed with happiness. The bakery smelled as wonderful as always, warm, spicy and sweet. Even though Paul specialized in wedding cakes, he sold a wide array of baked goodies.

  "Ladies, come on in," he said, in his big, booming voice that matched both his personality and his size. Taking off his apron, he came around the counter and hugged both women at the same time.

  Honey thought he always smelled like sugar and gave the best, warmest hugs in the world. A table was set up in the middle of the shop, draped with a white cloth and set up with a sampling of his baked items arranged on silver trays.

  "Looks like you went a little overboard," Joseph said, sampling a pink cookie. As always, he was dressed impeccably in khaki slacks and a red polo shirt. Somehow Joseph managed to make even casual clothing look formal.

  "Gotta make a good impression," Paul said, with a hearty chuckle. "We want this guy to stay at least long enough to maybe drive some new business in here."

  "I'll second that," Eduardo said, taking a tiny little cake with red and white frosting.

  "Can I do anything?" Honey asked.

  "The coffee is ready so you can pour it into a carafe for me if you'd like," Paul told her.

  "Here they come," Joseph said as Honey started toward the back.

  "They?" Honey said, stopping and turning around.

  "Yeah, he's walking with Tiffany. I believe they knew each other in a past life or something," Eduardo answered as he followed Joseph and Karen to the front window.

  "Well, let's not gawk at them," Honey told her friends, but she found herself heading for the window as well.

  "Ooooooooh, nice," Joseph said quietly and then, "Ouch! Dammit, Eduardo, I was talking about his suit."

  "Wow!" Karen elbowed Honey gently and giggled.

  "We shouldn't all be staring at him like this," Honey said but she didn't move.

  Looking out the window, Honey watched Tiffany and the new jeweler walking toward them on one of the many paths that crisscrossed Lover's Ring. Tiffany was a tall woman but she had to look up to talk to the broad shouldered man walking beside her. From what Honey could see from this distance, he had dark wavy hair and walked with air of confidence.

  "Looks like Tiffany might already have her hooks in this one," Paul said, as quietly as he could.

bsp; "Not surprised," Eduardo added. "They make a handsome couple."

  As they drew closer, Honey saw that Tiffany was laughing at something he said. She frowned. Something about him looked familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

  "When did he get here?" Honey asked.

  "I think he just got here today," Karen told her. "I don't think he's even found a place to live yet."

  "Oh, I bet I know where he's sleeping tonight," Joseph whispered. "Ouch! Eduardo, stop it!"

  "Well, I'm not going to let him find me here staring like this," Honey finally tore herself from the window and headed for the back.

  She heard the bell over the door tinkle to announce their arrival minutes later, heard Tiffany making the introductions. Putting on her best smile, she returned to the front of the bakery with paper cups in one hand and the full carafe in the other. Everyone turned toward her when she came through the doorway.

  Honey stopped dead in her tracks.

  "This is our Honey," Tiffany said, leading the handsome newcomer in her direction. "She designs the most beautiful wedding gowns in the city. Honey, this is Max Sanderson. He is our new addition to Lover's Ring and the owner of Dazzlers."

  Honey barely heard Tiffany over the pounding of her heart. Forcing herself to smile, she gazed up into a face she thought she'd never see again.

  Max Sanderson, the man she had left sleeping just that morning in a hotel room across town, looked down at her.

  "How do you do?" he was saying politely, and then he smiled and the dimple in his chin deepened. "Honey. What a pretty name. Very unusual."

  "It's a family name. Both of my grandmothers were named Honey," she explained, finally finding her voice. She placed the carafe on the counter and extended her hand, trying to keep it from shaking. "Welcome to our little family."

  "Why, thank you. I've only been in town since yesterday and I already feel very welcome here," he said with a little wink.

  His deep rumbling voice brought back a particularly vivid memory of the night before and Honey felt heat rising to her cheeks. Karen, their unofficial president, chose that moment to announce that this was a business meeting as well and she had a few things she'd like to discuss.


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