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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

Page 3

by Carolina Moon

  "Karen is our unofficial president," Joseph explained to Max as the small group gathered around the table.

  Honey found herself standing right beside Max with Tiffany on the other side. Karen spent a few moments explaining how they all worked together at Lover's Ring, intent on making it a one stop wedding place to shop for all your wedding needs.

  "If one of us gets a customer who is planning a wedding, they make sure the customer knows about the other shops," Karen told him. "As a jeweler and being closest to the highway, you're likely to get the most traffic."

  "Makes sense," Max said. "I've got a big advertising campaign underway right now with the new shop opening," he told the group. "Do you have cards or flyers or something I can give to people when they come in to purchase their rings?"

  Everyone admitted that was a good idea and Tiffany suggested that she design one brochure that highlighted all the businesses in The Ring. They could all keep them in their shops to help promote each other.

  "Max, you'll help me take some pictures won't you?" Tiffany said in a pleading little voice. Honey almost rolled her eyes.

  "Well, of course," he answered.

  "Then, that's settled," Karen said and they spent a few minutes discussing it excitedly along with some other business matters.

  "I'll be honest with you here," Paul said from the other side of the table, "We're all keeping our heads above water, but just barely."

  "That's why the photographer pulled out," Joseph explained.

  Honey barely heard them. The only thing she could think about was the man standing beside her. His scent, his voice, even his very presence made her wonder if her impulsive act the night before might have been a terrible, terrible mistake.

  And then it dawned on her that he didn't seem to recognize her.

  "Failure is not an option in my book," Max was telling the group. "I picked this spot to open Dazzlers for a reason. The location isn't the best but I think with the right promotion I can make a go of it. And as far as I'm concerned, if I succeed, you succeed."

  "Here! Here!" Eduardo shouted, holding his paper cup up to toast their new friend.

  Max's confidence and leadership abilities seemed to buoy everyone's spirits and Honey joined in the happy toast with her own paper cup of coffee. At one point their eyes met and Honey looked away quickly. Now, she was seething with hard, cold anger, mostly at herself, for falling to some sexy man's charms, only to be dismissed completely. As irrational as it seemed, she felt like just another conquest, and she was sure he had plenty of conquests.

  He was supposed to be her dream, a warm, happy memory, yet here he was, pulling her dream into the cold light of day and somehow mocking her with it.

  If she didn't get out of here she was going to explode.

  After they discussed a few more business issues, the conversation turned to more personal matters. Honey excused herself and went to the bathroom in the back of Paul's bakery. She was trembling from head to toe, practically speechless with anger. How was she ever going to get around this? Some of the brides who came to her grew close enough over the course of time to ask advice, sometimes even on personal matters. How could she advise anyone on anything when she had probably just made the biggest mistake of her life?

  She'd spent the night in bed with a man who didn't even recognize her the next day!

  Unable to face her friends and Max again, she slipped out the back door and headed for the safety of her bridal shop.

  Her cell was ringing when she stepped inside and she scooped it up quickly. It was Jess.

  "Hello," Honey managed to mutter.

  "Honey, are you okay? Your voice sounds…weird." Jess asked.

  "Yes," Honey's answer was short, clipped but she knew if she said much more she would burst into tears.

  "Look, I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry," Jess said. "But I really did hurt my ankle."

  "I'm not mad at you," Honey said quietly, walking toward her front window. She ran her fingertips across the soft white lace of the closest gown. That seemed to calm her somewhat.

  "Something is wrong," Jess said, concern resonating in her voice. "Did something happen?"

  "Look, I can't talk right now," Honey said, tears blurring her vision as she watched Tiffany and Max walk back across their end of the Ring. There was no way she could compete with the printer's tall, willowy figure and long, silky blonde hair, nor would she even want to try with a cad like Max had turned out to be.

  "Come over here," Jess was practically shouting into the phone.

  "Not today," Honey said, struggling to keep her voice steady. "I have to go."

  Without waiting for an answer, she ended the call and changed her ringtone to silent. She placed the phone in her purse and slowly walked toward the back of the shop, where she picked up a pad and pencil and began sketching a wedding dress. Her tears dripped onto the page as she worked until finally, unable to stop the tears any longer, she placed her head on the table and sobbed quietly.

  Her angry tears turned to tears of grief and she found that she was really and truly crying for the first time over the loss of Jeff and the bleakness of her future. They had been best friends, or so she thought. And then she'd caught him in bed with her maid of honor, Laura.

  The pain had been sharp and sudden, severing her heartstrings. She felt a shadow of it again now and was helpless, just as she had been before, to fight against it. She let herself cry.

  What seemed like hours later, Honey's thoughts were clearer. The night she had shared with Max evidently meant more to her than it had to him. She just had to accept that fact and move on. She was determined to make her working relationship with Max smooth somehow, no matter what. Her business and the success of Lover's Ring depended on it.

  Looking down at the dress she had just finished sketching, she realized it was almost an exact replica of the wedding dress she'd designed and made for her own wedding, with a contemporary tweak here and there.

  Honey made her exit out of the back door of her shop just before dark, slipped into her car and drove home. Her father was out and for the second time that day, she was glad. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. She went straight to her room and lay down across the bed.

  She didn't wake up until she heard her father come home. The bedside clock told her it was midnight and she shook her head when she heard him whistling quietly as he headed for his own room on the other end of the hall. Taking off her clothes, she crawled under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately.

  The alarm went off, jolting Honey up out of a dream. She showered, dressed and headed for work. Usually, she was excited to start her workday, busy in her little shop and surrounded by her friends, but she was dreading this day. The closer she got to Lover's Ring the slower she drove. She was going to have to confront Max sooner or later. It wasn't something she was looking forward to.

  Honey noted that the bakery was busy but it usually was in the morning. A few cars were parked in front of Hair Elegante, some of Eduardo's elderly regulars and even Karen looked busy, placing arranging bouquets of flowers wrapped in green paper outside her shop in a plant stand that looked like a small wagon.

  "Good morning," Karen called out when she saw Honey unlock her door.

  Honey waved in return and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Max directing workmen who were hanging the Dazzler's sign in front of his shop. She hurried inside her own shop, closed the door behind her and changed the sign to OPEN. Just as she turned from the door, she saw Tiffany strolling up the walkway toward Max with a cup of coffee in each hand.

  Taking a deep breath, Honey put that little bit of drama aside and checked her schedule. She had a fitting that afternoon and an appointment with a prospective client in less than an hour. It was a co-worker of Jess's and she really wanted to impress her. She returned a couple of phone calls and made a few appointments for later in the week. June was wedding month and it was approaching quickly. She longed to fill her calendar up completely; ma
ybe even hire someone to do alterations.

  The bell tinkled over the door and Honey looked up to see Karen standing there with her hands on her hips.

  "Well?" she said, crossing the room quickly.

  "Well, what?" Honey asked, afraid that somehow Karen had discovered her secret.

  "You disappeared awfully quickly yesterday."

  "I…I was just tired," Honey said, looking away from the older woman. "And I had some things to take care of here," she added.

  "I'm not buying it," Karen said. "I won't pry but I don't believe you."

  Honey could think of nothing to say and tears burned the back of her eyes.

  "You know I'm always here if you need to talk," Karen said softly.

  Honey smiled, relieved that Karen didn't push. "I know."

  Not ten minutes after she left, Joseph and Eduardo sashayed into her shop.

  "Good morning," Honey said, smiling when she saw them. "Do you do everything together?"

  "Most everything," Eduardo said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  "We came to check on you," Joseph said, ignoring her question. "You left pretty quickly yesterday."

  "I was just tired. And I had some things to do here." She repeated the same story she'd given to Karen.

  Joseph seemed to accept her story but Eduardo looked suspicious.

  "Now, scoot, I have a customer coming."

  "Don't forget to send them our way," Joseph reminded her.

  "I promise," she said.

  Her client arrived right on time with her mother and best friend in tow. Her name was Tracy and she was built much like Honey with ample breasts and a narrow waist that flared into full hips. But where Honey was shorter, this woman had height to go with her full figure, making her look almost regal. After the introductions, Honey made a few notes in the young lady's file, personal information including her sizes, the date of the wedding and her budget. The wedding was two months away and money seemed to be no object.

  "I think I may have a gown that will flatter your figure perfectly," Honey said, to the excited young woman. Now they were finally getting to her favorite part of her job. "Let's try something on."

  She led Tracy back to the dressing room and they picked out several gowns. "Most shops don't carry gowns for girls like us," Honey told her. "I do and I can make the alterations right here as needed," she explained.

  "You design gowns, too, don't you?" Tracy asked. "I think Jess told me about that."

  "I do. Would you like to see one or two of mine?"

  Tracy nodded enthusiastically. "I'm looking for something unique."

  Tracy tried on the gowns that Honey had chosen for her as well as one or two of her own creations.

  "It's so hard to decide," Tracy told her mother. "I love them all."

  "Well you only need one," her friend told her.

  "Do you do bridesmaid dresses, too?" Tracy asked.

  "Yes," Honey assured her.

  "We've got plenty of time," Tracy's mother said. "Why don't we go home and think about it for a couple of days?"

  "Do you have your flowers, wedding cake, invitations?" Honey asked.

  "We've only just started planning," Tracy's mother said.

  "Let's take a few minutes and let me introduce you to some really good people who would love to help you out," Honey suggested.

  The three agreed and Honey took them out into the spring sunshine. It was weak but growing warmer and a light breeze ruffled Honey's hair as she led the trio up the walkway. "All of the shops here on Lover's Ring cater to weddings. Top Hat Tuxedos is here and Hair Elegante is on this side of me. Love in Bloom is over here, and does the most beautiful flowers," she said, pointing toward Karen's beautifully decorated windows. "Sweet Nothings is the bakery and he does fantastic wedding cakes. Then there's a printer for your invitations and a jeweler. Sort of everything you need in one place."

  The three women asked a few questions. It was obvious they were interested and Honey offered to take them around and introduce them personally.

  "I love this idea but we really have to go," Tracy's mother said, looking at her watch. "We'll call in a few days and make an appointment so you can take us on the grand tour."

  "That sounds great," Honey said, feeling pretty proud of herself.

  "Mom, can we just go look in Dazzler's really quick?" Tracy said to her mother.

  Her mother sighed heavily and looked at Honey. "Would you mind walking up there with us? We don't have much time to look but you could introduce us to the owner."

  "I'd be happy to," Honey said, a small rock of dread sinking into her stomach. It was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Honey had not been in the jewelry shop yet and she stopped just inside the door. The understated elegance of the place was quite impressive. Soft music played and the showcases glittered and sparkled with diamonds of every size and shape imaginable.

  Max came out into the shop when he heard them come in. He smiled that sexy, boyish grin of his when he saw Honey and her three customers.

  "Tracy, this is Max Sanderson, the Dazzler himself," Honey said pushing her personal feelings out of the way. "Max, this young lady is in the process of planning a wedding and she wanted to take a few minutes to see what you had to offer."

  Dressed in an impeccably tailored black suit, Max looked more handsome than Honey could ever remember. She was sure she heard an audible gasp from one of the women standing next to her when he came toward them. He shook hands as the introductions were made and instinctively picked out Tracy as the bride-to-be. Then, much to Honey's dismay, he draped an arm around her shoulders as if they were the best of friends.

  "I trust Miss Honey's gown is going to make you the most beautiful bride of the year," he said, his fingers stroking her upper arm gently.

  "She's the best," Tracy told him.

  "That's what I hear," he said, giving her a little squeeze. "Now, let's talk about another kind of diamond for a few minutes."

  Honey had to get out of there and away from him, his touch, his flirty eyes…

  "Ladies, I'm going to leave you in Max's good hands," Honey said, moving away from them and backing toward the door. "Please call me when you're ready to look at some more gowns."

  "We will," Tracy said, waving. "And thank you."

  Tracy's mother and her friend were too busy looking at Max to even notice she was gone. She didn't blame them for that.

  Furious with herself for reacting to Max's simple touch, Honey hurried back to her shop. Karen brought lunch by around noon and they ate together quietly. Her afternoon appointment showed up right on time. In between there had been no phone calls, no walk in customers, nothing.

  Just before she closed up shop, Jess called and invited her to lunch the next day.

  "I'm still limping but I have to get out of here," Jess wailed when Honey offered to bring something to her apartment. "Please, let's do lunch."

  ""Okay," Honey said. “Where?"

  They made arrangements to meet for an early lunch the next day at a café not far from Lover's Ring. And then Honey said, "In the meantime, think about ways I can promote my business. Westwood Mall pays you to do that for them. You owe me one after the other night, so you can help me for free."

  "Times are tough," Jess reminded her with a laugh.

  Honey ended the call and changed the sign on the door to CLOSED. "Maybe she'll have an idea of something we can afford," she muttered to herself.

  Then she froze. Max was walking in her direction. Immediately, she thought about hiding in the back, pretending she was already gone for the day. But she was afraid he'd seen her and then she'd just look like an idiot. Instead, she grabbed her purse and opened the door as if she was just leaving.

  "Glad I caught you," he said, flashing that beautiful smile that threatened to melt her heart.

  Honey wouldn't be so easily swayed this time. "I was just on my way out. Can this wait?"

  "I wanted to thank you for bringing those customers in today,"
he said and handed her a small bouquet of colorful daisies.

  "You're welcome," Honey said coolly, but smiled at the flowers. "But this isn't necessary…"

  "Oh, yes it is," he said, moving closer, forcing her back into the shop. "And I'm supposed to be taking your picture for the brochure." He pulled a small but expensive looking digital camera out of his jacket pocket.

  Then he gently closed the door, effectively blocking her escape.

  Honey simply stared at him, clutching the flowers in one hand, her purse in the other.

  "But first, I want to know why you're so angry at me," Max demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

  "Oh, so you noticed," she shot back.

  He merely nodded, a muscle in the side of his jaw twitching.

  "How do you guys do it?" Honey demanded, her anger rising to the surface so quickly it surprised her. "You just take what you want from one woman and then move onto the next without even a backward glance."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You don't remember me, do you?" she snapped, turning from him and then she shot back over her shoulder. "And now you're all buddied up with Tiffany."

  "Wait a minute," he said, catching one of her wrists in a vice-like grip that prevented her from moving another inch.

  They were in the doorway to the back of the shop. When he spoke again, his voice was quiet and calm but Honey sensed that his anger was bubbling just below the surface.

  "First of all, I'm not 'buddies' with anyone and that includes Tiffany."

  Honey lifted her chin defiantly.

  "And I did remember you," he said, his tone softer now. "I do remember you. I told you you were like a perfect diamond, flashing fire. Remember? After we danced, we went up to my room and you graciously allowed me to enjoy every inch of that voluptuous body of yours."

  Now Honey was almost speechless, especially when he described what she was wearing down to her shoes. Finally, she whispered, "You didn't act like you remembered me."

  "I wasn't sure how much of your private life you shared with your friends," he said, his voice even softer. "And what we shared was very private."


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