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Scarlet's Torment (1)

Page 4

by Krihstin Zink

  Unexpectedly, her phone rings. I check my wristwatch to check the time: 12:50 PM.

  “Yes, Vera,” Violet answers in a sweet tone. “Thank you, Vera. Scarlet and I will be out shortly.” She ends the call then gives me a stern expression. Straight to business, Violet says, “You ready, Scarlet? Is my makeup all right?”

  “Of course I’m ready! And you look dazzling as always. How do I look?” I stand up and move closer to Violet to give her a better view of my face.

  “You have a booger.” Violet’s face wrinkles in disgust.

  “What?” I panic then dart to her office bathroom. I hear laughter as I reach the restroom doorknob.

  “Ha-ha! I’m joking; I needed a laugh.” I turn to see Violet chuckling. I relax and decide against giving her any grief.

  “Glad I could help.” I wink then change my direction towards Violet’s office door where she joins me. We give one another confident smiles and leave Violet’s office. I gesture at Flora to join us; she stands to adjust her shirt and pantsuit. We walk toward the wall that separates Vera’s desk from the rest of the office.

  As I curve around Vera’s desk wall, I’m jolted by Dr. Jensen’s splendor. There he is, over six feet tall and as tan as any Florida beach bum. His eyes are a piercing shade of blue, and his hair is black and wavy. I can’t compare him to anyone I know because I’m speechless by how gorgeous he is. Masculine, but beautiful. He has perfect facial structure. What is wrong with me? Facial structure? He’s not a building, Scarlet! I’m speechless, so I glare at Violet and allow her to take the lead.

  Violet steps forward to give Dr. Jensen her hand, saying, “Hello, Dr. Jensen. I’m so glad you were able to make it today.”

  Since rounding the wall behind Vera’s desk, my eyes have maintained eye contact with Dr. Jensen. He shows no intention of removing his gaze from mine until he turns his attention back to Violet. He opens his mouth to speak, and his deep, husky voice produces a chill throughout my body.

  “Hello, Violet and Flora, it’s so nice to see you again. And you must be Scarlet. It’s a pleasure to be in your presence.” He quickly shakes Violet and Flora’s hands, but lingers as he slowly shakes my hand. We’re in a trance as we stare deeply into one another’s eyes.

  “Scarlet, are you feeling well?” Vera interrogates with a smirk. It’s obvious she’s trying not to laugh at my reaction to Dr. Jensen’s attractiveness. He’s dressed casually in navy, pressed, dress slacks, and a lavender, button-down shirt. He missed two buttons, so some of his chest hairs peek through. His shoes are what I assume all doctors wear. He smells incredible, as if he just showered and spritzed on some high-end, masculine aroma.

  I let go of his hand then glare at Vera with a smirk on my face as I say, “Yes, Vera. I’m well.” She’s still suppressing her laughter.

  I direct my attention toward Dr. Jensen to say, “I’m sorry, Dr. Jensen, it’s so delightful to finally meet you. Please follow us to the conference room.” I check for Flora and Violet’s reactions; they gesture for me to take the lead. I glance at Dr. Jensen who gestures for me to go first then holds the door as we swiftly walk into the conference room.

  Violet gestures for Dr. Jensen to take a seat while we unroll the building plans that Vera brought in earlier.

  “So, as you can see, we plan to stay with the three-story building structure with the reception, administration area, laboratory, cafeteria, and waiting area on the first floor, and birthing rooms and extended rooms on the second, appointment rooms, and staff offices on the third.” Flora presents Dr. Jensen’s building proposal with elegance, which leaves Violet beaming with approval.

  “What construction company have you decided to use?” Violet inquiries.

  “I’m considering the Harold brothers, as you recommended.” Flora, Violet, and I nod in approval of Dr. Jensen’s selection.

  “Excellent. Don’t forget to mention BDR’s involvement so that Chandler can give you a fair deal,” Violet offers with a warm smile. Dr. Jensen’s cell phone buzzes. Flora and Violet shift in their seats. He checks his cell then decides to let the call go to voice mail.

  “So, Dr. Jensen, will we be signing contracts to initiate the construction of Jensen and Associates OBGYN Center?” I question with too much confidence. Violet’s face pales with alarm toward my candor. However, I’m ready to seal the deal and proceed with this account.

  “I like your assertiveness.” He leans in closer as his lips lift into a sexy smirk. “Let’s seal this deal over drinks. Have you ladies had lunch?” Dr. Jensen questions as he reveals a luminous smile.

  “No, we haven’t, but we’re planning on having a surprise office outing for our receptionist. If you wouldn’t mind making it a double celebration at TGI Friday’s, then we could leave, pronto.” Violet’s lips lift into a soft smirk.

  “Sure. I could go for some ribs, and a cold Coors light.” Dr. Jensen smiles amiably at everyone then leans back into his seat; this reveals his masculine frame.

  An inner fire ignites as an unfamiliar heat overcomes me. I become moist as I imagine myself sitting on Dr. Jensen’s face. I snap into the present then clear my throat to speak, but Violet interrupts me.

  “All right. I’ll get the contracts and get the out-of-office sign for Vera. Flora, let’s tell her the great news.” Violet excuses herself then leaves the room. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back shortly.” Flora gives me a “go for it” expression as she shoots me two thumbs up.

  I’m left alone with Dr. Jensen. An image of his naked body pressing against mine flashes as his smell weakens me.

  “I noticed your last name is Rodrick and not Belka. Did you take your husband’s name?” As he grows closer, his aroma overpowers me. A seductive smile appears across his face before he quickly checks his phone. My hands are on my lap—my normal posture during meetings.

  “Not that it pertains to our business together, but no, I’m not married. The Belkas adopted me when I was ten. I decided to keep my last name, in case my biological mother…” At that moment, Clara’s face flashes in my mind. A pang forms in my chest. Dr. Jensen notices my shift in demeanor then quickly changes the subject.

  “What happens after we sign the papers?”

  I shift in my seat then give Dr. Jensen a welcoming smile. “Well, we oversee the construction of the center until you agree that the center is completed as you see fit,” I reply in a business-like tone.

  “BDR will manage the operation?” Dr. Jensen leans in closer, his closeness causing my body to tense.

  I feel my face form an awkward smile then somehow I reply, “I guess you could say that, but if you decide to go with the Harold brothers, they’re recognizably phenomenal professionals. We recommend them because they know how to correctly execute an account.” I shift away from him.

  My heart rate accelerates as he moves closer to me. I restrain my desire to jump him as my mind produces our cheesy business porno.

  “SOLD!” He laughs at his reaction. I jump, then relax as a quivering laugh escapes my lips. “So, if you’re not married, are you dating, anyone?” He stares into my eyes. Suddenly he’s too close, and I feel as if I might lose control. What is wrong with me? “Frankly, I’m single and a busy man. I don’t have time for dating, but I’m very interested in pursuing something with you. If it’s not something you would be interested in, just let me know, and I’ll back off.” He moves a flyaway strand of hair behind my ear.

  Goosebumps cover my body as my skin blushes. I manage to answer, “Honestly, Dr. Jensen, it’s frowned upon to mix business with…”

  I mentally search for any other word besides pleasure, but Dr. Jensen retorts, “Business before pleasure, huh?” He moves in even closer, places his hand on my thigh and releases a throaty whisper into my ear, “Scarlet, please call me David.”

  My body aches and longs for him to make another move—anything. I shift to keep myself from pouncing him. What is wrong with me?

  No man has ever caused this reaction. He’s a stranger
to me, and a client! I sway toward David with desire, but I’m quickly reminded of my professional and personal values.

  “We shouldn’t do this… this is my…” I utter as I fail to restrain my desire.

  “You’re right. Maybe we can meet tonight? Since I delivered a patient this morning, I’m on call for the next three days, and I don’t have any appointments.” David’s muscular hand makes small, sensual circles on my thigh.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea.” I reach to remove his hand then stop.

  “Let’s make it a good idea. Plus, we won’t know anything until we try. Let’s try.” He leans in to kiss me. I lean forward, but someone knocks on the door, and I stand up so quickly that I hit my knee on the damn table.

  Flora peeks in. “We’re leaving. Are you guys ready?” Flora gives me a devious smile. I straighten out my skirt then walk toward Flora.

  “You saved me,” I whisper as I leave for my office. I hear footsteps and look back to see that David is following me.

  “I just need to grab my purse.” My voice is weak, and I try to escape David’s presence but fail.

  David follows me into my office. “Would you like to ride with me?”

  “I drove today and shouldn’t leave Violet without transportation.” I walk briskly to my desk to retrieve my purse.

  “Understandable.” David’s awkwardly standing in my doorway. Great. I straighten up and build my confidence as I walk toward him.

  “We’ll be working together a lot. We seriously shouldn’t get involved. If it doesn’t go well, then it might ruin the project morale. It’d be too awkward and uncomfortable for everyone.” I give David a sympathetic smile. Not bad for a relationship novice.

  Truthfully, he’s everything a woman would want: financially independent, attractive beyond belief, and driven. What’s wrong with me? I should go for it. But look at him. I would end up hurt—but I wanted him, I truly did. However, if I were to complicate this project of all projects, Violet would be furious. And the scandal would hurt the business. I’d lose the respect I’ve worked too long to earn.

  David rummages through his pockets, where he produces a card. He offers it to me then says, “Here’s all my contact information. Please call me if you change your mind.” David leaves my office with his cell phone to his ear. I watch as he approaches Violet. I stare as they walk into her office. A pang of regret forms in my chest. I’m such a coward. I grip my purse then escape to my private restroom.

  When I walk out, I halt when I notice Vera sitting in her usual seat.

  “Hey, so what happened? Dr. Jensen stormed out.” Vera gives me her, “you better spill it immediately” look.

  “We’ll talk after work. I don’t want it to become lunch’s topic.” I roll my eyes then slump into my chair. My hand finds my face as I shake my head—I regret rejecting him.

  “All right,” Vera answers with a pout.

  “Come on, let’s go get some lunch. I’m in need of a margarita or two and some blackened salmon.” I stand and sling my purse over my shoulder.

  “That sounds delicious! I think I’ll have the same combo.” Vera follows me out of my office.

  After lunch, the work day flew by quickly. Vera’s mother notified Vera of some previous engagement, so we rescheduled our plans. Violet let me know she intended to have dinner with Betty, and that Betty would give her a ride home.

  Everyone else had left before I was able to. I lock the office then walk, alone, to my car. I drive to Naples Winery to buy a bottle of Sonoma Coast Chardonnay. As I’m leaving the parking lot, I receive an unknown phone call. Since I’m alone, I place the call on speaker.

  “Hello?” I squeak.

  “Hi. It’s David. I became impatient and wanted to know if you were available for dinner. I apologize for my forwardness, and I’m normally not like this, but, Scarlet, you have awakened something within me. I don’t care what anyone says. Now that I have met you…” David pauses. Hmm… His persistence and honesty are weakening my morals. I know our relationship would be wrong, but now I want him. David interrupts our joint silence. “Can I make you dinner or we can eat out?”

  “Thank you for the offer, David. I seriously appreciate your efforts, but I’ve had a long day, and I’m tired. I just want to take a long hot bath and slip into bed. Sorry.”

  I wait for his response, and I’m surprised when he says, “Well, we can do that together.” The audacity of this man!

  “Ha! I don’t bathe with strangers,” I retort, much harsher than I intend to.

  “I give a mean massage. Are you sure you can’t give a lonely doctor a memorable evening?” Did seriously he just say that?

  He must think I’m some doctor groupie. His offer is tempting, but honestly, my lack of experience and current virginal status are extremely uncomfortable subjects. Maybe something long-term could flourish? Maybe he’ll use and leave me? Or maybe I could use and leave him?

  Admittedly, I’m a twenty-four-year old with a boring personal life. I lack a sex life, and I’m truly tired of being alone. Maybe this is what I need? A summer fling?

  “Well? Hello?” he inquires with angst.

  “Give me your address,” I say in a confident manner.

  “Atta girl!” he replies enthusiastically. David recites his address.

  He lives on Park Shore Drive, less than twenty minutes from Quail West. Before leaving my car, I text Vera to let her know I’m having dinner with David, and that I’d text her later. Just in case David turns out to be a rapist or murderer, I had to be cautious and let someone know I’d be with him.

  Twenty minutes after obeying the speed limit, I park, shut off my car, grab my bottle of Chardonnay. I walk briskly to David’s front door. Without hesitation, I ring his doorbell then a moment later David opens the door.

  A heat overwhelms my body as I take in his appearance. He’s wearing loose, blue, cotton shorts and a fitted, cotton, black t-shirt that accentuates his muscular physique—I can see that he’s not wearing any undergarments. His casual attire causes a tinge of jealousy. I’m still in my work clothes. David yanks me into a hug then shuts the door.

  “So, I have some of my clothing I thought you could wear after our bath. You look like you could use it.” David grins. He won his prize...

  I’m here, in his home, alone with one of the sexiest men to ever grace my eyes. At this point, I’m exhausted. I don’t protest and just let David guide me into his bathroom. I barely notice his home, but what I do take in are lots of blues and greens, and spacious areas—not at all what I expected.

  David’s bathroom has a double sink, toilet, then loops to a standing shower. Next to the shower is a large garden tub that is the center of the room; behind the bathroom door is a linen closet.

  My shoulders loosen up as David massages my tension away. We met less than ten hours ago, and yet his touch feels so familiar—not rushed, or hesitant. It’s as if this were our daily routine.

  As he slips off my Chanel skirt suit. I effortlessly remove my Christian Louboutin heels. I’m thankful I took the time to select matching underwear this morning. My black-and-crème-colored panty and bra set from Juliana Ral are an enticing sight for David, and his approval is written all over his face.

  He lets out a laugh once he notices the black lace flower on my cheeky boy shorts. I give him an inquisitive stare then ask, “What is it?”

  A devilish grin spreads across his face before he responds, “I thought the flower was a cat, a pussy cat.”

  He caresses my face, and on cue I begin to blush. David turns to fill the tub with lavender body wash. The aroma instantly relaxes me. Without much thought, I blurt out, “We’re not having sex!” I’m confident with my decision, in spite of the fact that I want him to pleasure me in whatever way he wants.

  “We’re not?” he answers with an adorable pout. I wrap my arms across my chest to block David’s view of my hardening nipples. “I’m just kidding. I know we’re not having sex. Not tonight, but who knows…I mig
ht say or do the right thing to make you give in.” His smirk weakens my virginal defense. Oh my! I’m in some trouble. I watch as David hangs my Chanel skirt suit and shirt on the back of the bathroom door then turns to approach me. He leans in as if to hug me, but instead—like a pro—he unlatches my bra. He sniffs my hair then kisses my neck. My breasts are free, and a chill sweeps over me as I stand practically naked.

  “Hey. Why am I the only one being undressed?” I question in a playful manner. As quickly as I speak, David’s naked and aroused. I attempt to direct my gaze at his face, but his growth is remarkable, much larger than Tim’s, which is my only reference. I notice David’s arrogant smile. In a mocking tone he probes, “Do you like what you see?”

  My face blushes to a deep shade of red. I manage to utter, “Maybe.”

  Honestly, David’s my first completely up front and in person naked male body. As often as Tim and I pleasured each other, we were never completely naked. If I remember correctly, Tim was never this turned on. Wow! What a body. I remind myself that I’m just another naked female to David. After all, he works in the vagina industry.

  I wonder how I compare to all the women he has seen and or been with, and then I remember he delivered a human being this morning. David is pure confidence. Suddenly, I feel uncomfortable with the fact that I’m only wearing boy shorts, until he leans in and slowly pulls them down.

  He never loses my gaze. As he stands, he kisses my thigh. I sway as he gives me another kiss in-between my breasts. My guard is telling me to stay resilient, but I’m weak. I want David to make me his. Without effort, he lifts me then slowly lowers me into the tub. He gestures for me to scoot over, so that he can slip in behind me. We fit comfortably as I relax into his chest. Even with his growth jabbing into my back, I manage to melt into his embrace.

  As we soak, we converse about work, our families, and our interests. All the while, David tenderly massages my back. He was right: he gave me the best foot rub. But then again, it’s the only foot massage I’ve had, because I haven’t had anyone in my life who wanted to rub my feet. Unless they were giving me a pedicure, that is.


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