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Scarlet's Torment (1)

Page 5

by Krihstin Zink

  We dry off and dress in David’s comfy clothing then move to his sofa. He moves in on me slowly. His kisses smother my neck as he moves from my ear to my cheek, lingering until he finds my lips. At first, his kisses are slow and tender until he begins to kiss me deeply with passion. I have no other option but to meet his intensity.

  Inch-by-inch, we fall back onto David’s sofa. I’m wearing a pair of his boxer briefs and a T-shirt, and David’s hand slinks up my shirt to caress my free breasts. We kiss passionately, a moan of pure pleasure escaping my mouth, making him thrust into my pelvis. Not much separates us, so his thrust ignites a desire below. I stop kissing him and surface for air.

  “What is it?” David questions with worry. I consider how to address the pressing manner, but blurt out, “It’s just that… I have no experience. My first and only serious boyfriend turned out to be gay, and we only…we never had sex. I’ve never had sex!”

  David furrows his face with confusion, then says, “But you kiss…And you were so comfortable in the tub with me.” He sits up, his forehead is wrinkled as he stares over my head. The tip of his penis peeks through his boxers. I fight back a strange urge to taste him then avert my attention to his face. He doesn’t notice me staring at him.

  “I have experience, and I have kissed someone before. I’ve just never had sex.” I stare at a spot on the wall, unsure if I should just leave.

  I should have known this would be a mistake. I attempt to sit up, but David returns to his position on top of me. He grabs my hips and says, “I’m in no hurry, and we can keep doing whatever it is that we’re doing, no pressure to go any farther.” He kisses me then continues, “Is that all right with you?”

  I kiss him deeply. “Yes,” I say in an unfamiliar, sexy tone. Wow! Where did that come from?

  We continue kissing and moving our hands all over each other. Kissing David is nothing like kissing Tim. My skin is burning with desire, and I’m craving David. I dig my nails into his back, then dig harder as he releases a pleasure-filled moan.

  He involuntarily thrusts my pelvis and whispers, “Slow down, or you might be giving me your virginity.” He gives me a sly stare then lifts my shirt to lick my breasts before circling my nipples with his tongue. Blazing desire engulfs my body. I feel so much tension building inside of me.

  “I’m really considering your proposal,” I mumble as I pull him closer to me. We kiss one another deeper and longer than before. My hands are all over his tight, firm ass, and I find myself thrusting into him.

  Time passes, and his rock-hard growth is pressed firmly against my moist, unexplored area. I thrust again, with purpose this time, hoping that he will initiate and take the lead. As I consider it for a moment, I conclude, why not lose it to him? Better him than some jerk at a bar that I’ll never see again. No one would have to know. We could be a secret—a sexual secret that would continue until—until what?

  David stops and announces, “I think we should work up to that. To make it special.” Special? His sweetness makes me want to melt into him to become one. I kiss him this time, and manage to move myself on top of him so that I’m straddling him. I kiss his lips with vigor then move to his neck up to his ear. I notice that David’s naked, so I hustle to join him, removing the shirt he lent me.

  Then, somewhere in David’s home, a buzzing phone interrupts us. I kiss David, then whisper, “Ignore it.”

  He gives me a remorseful stare then utters, “I wish I could. I’m on call, remember?” He slides out from under me then walks to his phone. “It’s not my phone.”

  His nude body is flawless. He combs his fingers through his hair and I’m in a daze as I take in the view before me—every single chiseled muscle line. And yet, somehow, he’s tan-line free.

  “Are you going to answer your phone?” David questions. I try to remember where my purse and phone are, but the buzzing stops. David walks over to me with his manhood pointed directly at me. I grip the sofa cushion to keep myself from grabbing him. My eyes widen as I note that all of him is supposed to go into all of me. All of his magnificent and frightening growth will soon fill me. Maybe I should reconsider this? I become a tad frightened, and my facial expression causes David to laugh.

  “Don’t fret. I’ll be gentle.” He grins then joins me on the sofa. I search the area for his clothing but become helpless when he pulls me onto him. Naturally, his lips find mine, and we’re kissing and petting all over again. David lifts and carries me into his bedroom. He gently places me on top of his soft blue bedding.

  “Do. Not. Move,” he orders in a stern, sexual tone.

  “All right,” I answer in compliance. David leaves the room and gives me another view of his firm, tan, magnificent ass—I tremble with excitement.

  On his return, I notice he’s holding candles, his phone, and a Bic lighter. He places the items on his dresser while searching for something on his phone, and lighting the candles at the same time. The ceiling lights are off, and his bedroom curtains are drawn. I’m naked and in awe at David’s capacity to seduce me.

  Today started as a regular Monday. If I were home, I’d be in bed reading about Sookie and her supernatural adventures.

  I’m pretty sure I’ll be losing my virginity tonight to Dr. David Jensen. I let out a relaxing sigh then acknowledge that I’m not anxious or worried, but instead excited. I remember how Sookie described her first time, so I prepare myself for the pain before the pleasure.

  The life I lived before meeting David was of a twenty-four-going-on-fifty-year-old spinster. I was sexually deprived and in need of sexual attention. I become aware that I don’t know David’s age, or really anything about him, but what I do know is that he enjoys his profession, and he likes to talk about the beach. I smile, and David notices my inner reverie.

  “Deep thoughts always lead to thought-out decisions. Are you reconsidering us?” David walks over to the bed and settles next to me. He gives me a long, profound stare.

  “No, I’m not. I have no qualms. This isn’t a drunken night with some random stranger. I’m happy with you and this setting.” I’m speaking more to myself than to him. “Good,” David says as he moves his index finger from my lips to my moist apex.

  He produces a condom from his nightstand. It’s obvious that this isn’t his first time. His experience is apparent as he manages to kiss me deeply as he inserts his growth into the condom. He’s gentle, but there’s still an uncomfortable effort as he fills me with his growth. I experience some pain at first, but after some adjusting and pleasurable motion, I begin to feel an incredible sensation of unadulterated pleasure.

  I relish as David moans with pure desire. He moans my name, and my body thrusts in response. David continues to move himself slowly in and out of me. He begins to pick up speed, and somehow I’m keeping up with him. I’m panting as I feel the familiar sensation of an orgasm building, but this one’s more intense than tongue or finger stimulation.

  My hands are on his ass, and I’m pulling him deeper into me. I thrust as I let go of my sweet release. David follows my lead and also climaxes. We lie silently basking in the afterglow of our first time together.

  David and I had sex two more times before I was able to slip away. He begged me to sleep over, but I protested with the fact that we wouldn’t get much sleep. Not sure how I manage to dress myself, or how I will even muster up the energy to drive home, I attempt to sneak into the house then bedroom without being heard. I silently laugh as I realize this is something I should have done as an adolescent. I make it past the kitchen when I’m sure that I hear Violet’s door open. I scurry into my bedroom and lock the door behind me. I take a quick shower and settle into bed before 1:00 AM.

  Tomorrow, I won’t regret staying up late because I lost my virginity to an attractive, sincere, OBGYN with an incredible ass. I giggle as I recall David’s pouty lip as I kissed him goodbye. I was unsure what to say as I left, so I said, “See you soon.”

  David replied, “Sooner than later,” before shutting my car door.

  He’s such a gentleman. He walked me to my car and watched me drive away. I start my prayers, but as I recite my usual gratitude list, my body surrenders to exhaustion.

  I rocket into an unfamiliar dream setting on a deserted beach. There’s no one in sight. I walk for miles until the water greets my feet. I slip out of my nightgown and swim in the warm, salty ocean. The sun is set at an afternoon stance; it’s bright and searing my skin with its warmth. I bask and drift as I take in the cloudless pink and blue sky.

  As the sun sets, the water grows cold around me. I swim back to the shore to retrieve my gown. There’s no one in sight, so I walk naked, holding my gown in one hand and using the other to comb through my hair. I hear my name then turn to look, but no one is there. The familiar fading that follows the end of my dream surrounds me.

  “Good morning, beautiful!” I wake up to Violet staring at me. I glance at my phone, 9:20 AM. Holy shit! I overslept. I sit up quickly and knock Violet off of my bed. She lets out a loud, infectious laugh then returns to her spot on my bed.

  “Whoa. Sorry. I should’ve been less perky.” She’s beaming and much perkier than usual. “Don’t worry about the time. I sent Vera a text letting her know we’d have a half day and will be closing early,” she proclaims with a melody to her tone.

  “What’s so special about today? It’s Tuesday,” I question as I excuse myself to my bathroom duties. I return to my bed and take in Violet’s appearance: ruffled hair, still in her outfit from yesterday.

  “So, why are we lazy employers today?” I fluff my pillow then wrap the blanket around my feet.

  “No special reason…but Betty and I had a late night, and I ended up meeting someone at Bayside Seafood Grill and Bar. Betty left around one in the morning. Later, Milton Pyke and I walked the beach by La Playa Resort until the sun came up. Then we went to Sunburst Café for breakfast. He just brought me home. Oh, Scarlet, I think I found my other half.” Her lips spread as she grins from ear to ear. She lies back and gazes at my ceiling.

  “How romantic, Violet. Tell me all about him,” I probe as I nudge her with my foot.

  “He lives in Miami but is visiting his sister. He said while in Naples he decided to search for a new location for his lucrative bar and grill, Fire and Ice.” Her eyes are wide as she reveals her night with Milton. I’m so happy for her; she deserves romantic happiness. She has had many admirers, but nothing serious—not since Peter.

  “Oh. I’ve heard of that place,” I mention as I rub my eyes.

  “Yeah, he’s successful in Miami and wants to open a Naples location to be closer to his sister.” Violet’s voice grows to a whisper as she tells me that Milton’s parents passed away a month after his graduation from the University of Miami’s School of Business. Then she mentions that he didn’t go into much detail about the rest of his family, but he did give his age—he’s forty-five, and a divorcee of five years. His ex-wife’s also sterile, so they never had kids.

  “We chatted for so long, I should be tired, but I’m not.” Her eyes sparkle as a wide smile spreads across her face. She informs me that she plans to sleep and requests that I take the lead at BDR.

  I reply, “Yes. You get some sleep, and I’ll tell everyone you had an unexpected late night. What do you think?” Violet agrees and calls my idea a fabulous one. She gives me a tight hug then checks her phone as she glides to my door.

  But then she spins around and announces, “I love you, Scarlet. Look at me, gushing on about my night. How was yours? Did you and Vera have any luck with Naples’ social nightlife?”

  Any luck? Ha! I consider telling her that I indeed got lucky and lost my virginity to the best candidate I could’ve ever selected. Instead, I decide to tell her, “No, I just… took a long bath and read until about one.” Violet’s eyes grow wide as she tilts her head forward and glares at me.

  “What’s wrong with you, Scarlet? It’s as if you have no interest in ever being with someone.” She sighs deeply then checks her phone. “Maybe you should sign up for one of those dating sites?” she offers as she glances up from her phone.

  “Maybe…” I mumble. Without thinking, I ask if she’s up for a run. The moment the question leaves my lips I feel soreness in my thighs—I had too much fun last night. I relax when Violet declines my running offer. She runs over to give me another hug then sashays out of my room.

  Mentioning my night with David I believe would create discomfort and anger from Violet. I roll to my side and feel the soreness of losing my virginity and more. My mind wanders to my night with David, and I’m enthralled by my mental pictures of his firm ass. That ass!

  My cell phone rings. I hope it’s David. Glee overcomes me when I notice his number. He made sure I saved it before I left his home.

  “Good morning, David.” My attempt to be smooth fails, and I humiliate myself with a squeaky greeting.

  “Good morning, gorgeous. How’d you sleep?” His voice is deep and throaty. I wriggle in my bed with excitement as I picture David’s sexy face.

  “All right. How about you?” I manage to calm my voice but my feet are wiggling all over the bed.

  “Not too great,” he reveals in a smug tone.

  “Why? Is everything all right?” I question with concern.

  “You, beautiful. Last night, you left me sexually exhausted and all alone in my bed. I felt rejected,” he divulges playfully. “So, do you have any plans after work? I’m still on call and thought maybe you’d like to join me for dinner at Chops City Grill. Maybe around seven, or whatever works best for you?”

  David and I are secret lovers, and I like it, especially after my relationship with Tim. I was afraid to even try again, and frightened to invest in another relationship that’d conclude in disappointment. I didn’t want to be romantic with anyone, especially if there wasn’t a future. I tried not to overthink and blunder what could be something special. Maybe he wants more than a physical relationship?

  “Hello? Scarlet?” he urges.

  “Yeah. Sorry…Hmm…As far as I know I don’t have any plans, but I’ll have to double check to make sure,” I say as I roll my eyes at myself. I know damn well I don’t have plans.

  “All right. No pressure. I’d like to take you on an official date. It’s the least I could do after last night.” He’s laying it on heavy.

  “It wasn’t my first time, but I hope it’s the first of many times.” He’s silent and waits for my response. I’m unsure how to reply without coming off like an idiot.

  “After all, I lured you over for dinner but didn’t even feed you. Shame on me.” He laughs at his honesty.

  “You’re right. You do owe me a meal. Honestly, as much pleasure as you gave me, I feel that I should be the one to pay for your dinner.” My candor startles me.

  “Hmm… maybe I’ll take you up on that offer. So, is seven all right?” he inquires with urgency.

  “Yes, seven’s fine,” I whisper as I fail to control my excitement.

  I assume that’d be the end of our conversation, but then David bellows, “Sounds like a plan! Also, make sure you’re free for the night.” We agree to meet at Chops and leave for David’s house after dinner. For a moment I’m cheerful at the possibility of what could become of us. But then I question, What are we?

  During our time together, I’ve gleaned that David is an only child of two lawyers from Miami Beach. His mother, Martha, is one of four daughters, and his father, Jackson, is one of two sons. David has many cousins but no siblings. He mentions his recurrent discomfort with his smothering family, then gushes as he recollects his delight with his acceptance to the University of California, in San Francisco. David graduated at twenty-six, then he accepted an internship at a women’s group in Naples. He remains here due to the perfect distance from his family.

  He’s thirty years old and thrilled to open his own OBGYN facility. Following his three-year internship, he worked briefly as an associate for the Naples Women’s Group, but later longed for the opportunity to open his
own OBGYN center. As soon as he acquired investors, David enthusiastically rejoiced in the realization of finally developing and opening a birthing facility. I question why he didn’t pursue a law degree like his parents. He paused then shared his fond recollection of the birth of his younger cousin.

  Aurora, his aunt, is a natural free thinker and decided to allow the family into the birthing room. Besides two of David’s aunts, Agatha and Marla, David’s mother, Martha, was the only adult who wanted to witness the birth. Aurora was unmarried and artificially inseminated. David was too curious to listen to his older cousins’ warnings.

  Any other ten-year-old would enjoy playing video games or playing sports, but David shared that the miracle of life has always intrigued him. As a child, he enjoyed nature programming and would become enthralled by scientific theories. Before Lilliana’s birth, he wanted to be the next Einstein.

  “Witnessing Lilliana crown and then my aunt birth her…It was captivating and awe-inspiring all at once. I remember a sense of jealousy that I wasn’t the one catching Lilliana.” His eyes sparkled as his skin wrinkled around his eyes.

  June, July, and August zoomed by as a result of many nights alone with David. We decided to continue our relationship, sans family involvement. David agreed it was best to continue our secret relationship, especially for the sake of the development of his birthing facility.

  For weeks we’d have dinner and spend our evenings together. However, it wasn’t all perfect. We had some misunderstandings. I’d disclose to David how well Violet and Milton were getting along, but he’d be distracted by his email.

  “Milton? Who is Milton?” he probes as he stares into my eyes. I release an exaggerated sigh then declare in annoyance, “Milton Pyke! Violet’s boyfriend. They started dating when we did, remember? I’ve mentioned him before.”


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