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A Walk In Heaven (Volume 1) (The Grayson Brothers)

Page 26

by Marie Higgins

  Walking closer, he closed the space between them. He cupped her face, leaned in and briefly kissed her lips. “I missed being alone with you, as well.”

  She snuggled against his hand, covering her cheek. “What do you suppose we should do about it?”

  “I think we’re working on the problem right now.”

  This time when he kissed her, she flung her arms around his neck and fit her body against his. His hands splayed over her back as he tightened his hold. Tenderly, his mouth moved over hers, slowly stroking passion inside her exhausted body. Surprisingly, her body came awake with urgency – urgency to hold and kiss him for hours into the night.

  Although she knew this was wrong, it felt so right to be here with him, kissing him endlessly as if neither of them had a care in the world.

  His kiss trailed across her cheek to her ear where he nibbled lightly on her lobe. “Oh, Joshua,” she sighed. “Being here with you is where I need to be. Where I want to be. You make me feel safe. Comforted. A feeling I thought I’d never have.”

  Joshua didn’t reply, just kept his lips moving over her ear then down her throat. She tilted her head back and moaned softly. “Joshua, I have been fighting my feelings for you and pushing you away, only because I worried that eventually I’d have to leave this place. But your family has made me feel welcome here. And the truth is…I’m in love with you, and I couldn’t stay away from you.”

  His head lifted as he stared deeply into her eyes. He cupped her face again, his thumbs stroking her bottom lip. “Oh, Careen,” he whispered before leaving a brief kiss on her mouth. “I love you, too, and I want you with me. Always.”

  Her heart sang with joy and she tightened the embrace. This time when their mouths met, the kiss lasted longer – became deeper with emotion. She held to him, enjoying the wildness that surged through her. When he slowed the kiss, he picked her up and twirled her around. He smiled against her mouth.

  “I can’t believe the happiness I feel right now,” he said.

  She laughed and withdrew, but stayed in his arms. “I feel it as well.”

  “Although my mind hasn’t been focused on the cattle drive, I wouldn’t have you anywhere else but beside me.”

  “Good.” She kissed his chin. “Because you would have had to hog-tie me to Jackson’s wagon just to keep me away from you.”

  “If I had it my way, you’d ride with me on my horse for the rest of the trip, but that wouldn’t be good for either of us.”

  Careen giggled. “No, it wouldn’t. Too many questions would arise, I think.”

  He caressed her cheek. “How I wish we could let everyone know our feelings.” He grinned. “Although Pa already knows.”

  She gasped. Uncertainty skipped her heart a beat. “He does?”


  “What did he say?”

  Joshua took her back into his embrace. “He thinks the mourning period is too long because we’re in love, and he’s going to speak with Ma about it.”

  “Indeed? That’s almost too good to be true.”

  “Having you here in my arms is like a dream come true.”

  Her heart softened again. She loved feeling this giddy. “Then I pray our dreams will last forever and ever because I don’t want this to end.”

  “It won’t. Trust me.”

  * * * *

  The next morning, the Graysons started their trek early. From what Joshua could detect, only he and Careen were sleepy-eyed. Everyone else seemed to be wide-eyed and refreshed.

  Careen rode with Jackson today, and their laughter could be heard over the cows. Joshua smiled, wishing he could travel beside them and join in their merriment. Often, his attention veered her way and he would catch her watching him with so much tender emotion on her expression. His heart leapt, and he counted the minutes until he’d get to hold her again.

  “Joshua, hold up a minute,” Peter called as he galloped closer.

  Groaning, Joshua slowed his horse and let his brother catch up. This past week, Joshua had noticed the way his brother kept a close watch on Careen. Joshua had a feeling he knew what his brother wanted to talk to him about.

  “Is anything wrong?” Joshua asked when Peter reached his side.

  “I just wanted to talk to you about something that has been on my mind lately.”

  “What is that?”

  Peter cocked his head, and narrowed his gaze as he bounced up and down with the rhythm of the trotting horse. “I’ve wondered why my brother pretends to be annoyed with a woman he secretly loves.”

  Here it comes. Joshua tried not to roll his eyes. “And, why should this bother you?”

  “Because I’ve come to care for Careen. More than I should as her brother-in-law.”

  Joshua nodded. “That makes two of us, then.”

  Peter huffed. “When Careen first arrived, I couldn’t understand why you were so annoyed with her. But lately I’ve noticed that certain gleam in your eyes when she’s around. So now I want to know what’s going on between the two of you.”

  “What are you saying, Peter? You don’t like the fact that you now have competition?”

  Peter scowled. “There is no competition, Joshua. As long as Careen thinks you’re sweet on her she’s not going to look elsewhere. It’s been like that all along. All of the girls Matthew liked would always stare at you with dreamy eyes. Apparently, nothing has changed.”

  Grumbling, Joshua removed his hat and swiped his fingers through his hair. “I know this, Peter, but I haven’t done it intentionally. How do you think I felt when I realized I had feeling for Careen? Guilt nearly ate away at me because I thought I was betraying Matthew in some way.” He shook his head. “What do you want me to do? Stop loving her just to give you a chance at wooing her?”

  “What?” Peter pulled his horse to a complete stop. “You’re in love with her? Already?”

  Joshua stopped Socrates. He peered toward Jackson’s wagon to catch a glimpse of Careen again. She visited with Betsy who rode beside the wagon.

  “Yeah, Peter. I don’t know how it happened or when, but it did. I fought it like mad because I didn’t want to be in love with one of Matthew’s girls. But I fell in love with her anyway – and she fell in love with me.”

  Peter frowned. “She’s actually told you that?”

  Joshua met his brother’s eyes. “Yes. We’ve already admitted our feelings to each other.”

  Shaking his head, Peter swiped his sleeve across his sweated brow. “Well, if you have already told each other your feelings, there’s only one thing to do.” He glared.

  Joshua’s heart dropped. Now what?

  He waited for his brother’s verbal abuse. Like Matthew, Peter had a temper and said things he didn’t mean. Later he’d apologize, Joshua was certain, but now he just need to remember his brother was hurt and angry. If roles were reversed, Joshua would feel the same way.

  Slowly, the corners of Peter’s mouth stretched into a smile. “I suppose it’s time to be the bigger man and give my congratulations to the happy couple.”

  Joshua shook his head, knowing he hadn’t heard correctly. Where was Peter? And if this person in his brother’s body was really Peter, why was he acting this way?

  Peter chuckled and slapped Joshua on the back. “I can tell my comment took you by surprise. Well, I’ll just let it sink in while I go ride off and do my job. Just thought I’d let you know I’m happy for you. I’m happy Careen will remain in the family. She’s a good, kind-hearted woman.”

  Still in shock, Joshua watched his brother leave. Finally, reality set in and he laughed. Peter surprised him. At least Joshua wouldn’t have to hear Peter’s anger. And it was good to know his brother didn’t hate him for loving Careen.

  The day moved slowly, only because Joshua wanted to be alone with Careen – to hold her hand or kiss her lips. When her eyes met his, he could read her thoughts. Her love shown through her eyes like a beacon, bringing light into his heart.

  The lunch meal passed too quickly.
Although she sat next to him, and he was able to hold her hand, he still couldn’t take her in his arms the way he wanted. The sooner they could get these cows to their new owner, the better.

  Peter must have said something to Gage because the younger brother passed Joshua and Careen a wide smile of approval.

  When they stopped to camp that night, Careen sat bundled in a blanket next to the fire. Joshua sat beside her and held her, sharing his body heat. She rested her head on his shoulder, but not a lot was said. Not even from his brothers, father, or the ranch hands.

  Gage pulled out his harmonica and played a relaxing tune. Joshua wanted nothing more than to crawl into his tent and sleep next to Careen on his bedroll. Thank heavens his father wouldn’t allow it, Joshua thought with a chuckle.

  “I think it’s time to retire for the night,” she said to Joshua.

  He withdrew only far enough to look into her tired eyes. “You’re an amazing woman, Careen.”

  She grinned. “Why do you say that?”

  “To keep up with all of us today during the drive, and not once did you complain.”

  She chuckled. “You forget, I rode in the wagon most of the time. Tomorrow I plan on riding my horse, so you may hear me complain tomorrow.”

  “I won’t mind one bit.”

  He stood and pulled her with him then walked her to his tent. “Rest yourself tonight, sweetheart.” He kissed her lips briefly. “And have pleasant dreams.”

  “I always have pleasant dreams when you’re in them.”

  Joshua couldn’t help it, and kissed her once again, making this one longer. He loved her so much he wanted to express his feelings always. This was so different from the way he was while married to Emma, and he cherished the newfound emotion.

  It wasn’t until he heard his father clear his throat loudly and his brothers’ laughter, when Joshua realized it was time to stop. He pulled away and gazed down at Careen. A red color brightened her cheeks, spreading throughout her face the longer everyone laughed.

  Joshua chuckled and lifted her chin until she met is eyes. “Sweetheart, there’s no reason to get embarrassed. In fact, let me warn you, as long as it’s all right with Ma, I’ll be showing you a lot more affection from now on.”

  She smiled. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

  He kissed her one last time before she went into the tent.

  The next day, Careen did as promised and rode her own horse. Joshua rode beside her as much as possible, but he couldn’t ignore his responsibilities with the herd. Whenever he couldn’t be beside her, his brothers or Betsy kept Careen entertained.

  The Grayson men delivered the cattle to the buyer on time and without any problems. Once William was paid, they all stayed in the nearest hotel that night. Careen wanted to stay in her room instead of socializing in the dining area. Joshua couldn’t blame her. She’d amazed them all by riding her horse and keeping up with them throughout the drive. The poor woman needed a little rest on a nice comfortable bed. Joshua would love nothing more than to spend the whole time with her in her room, if just to rub soothing ointment on her achy muscles. Once again, he knew his father or brothers would put a stop to that.

  Marriage. He sighed with a smile. For the first time since his wife died, he couldn’t wait to get married again. Being married to Careen would be a walk in heaven compared to his last marriage, and he couldn’t wait to start enjoying married life. Although first he needed to propose. He wanted it to be romantic, but out here so far away from home wasn’t exactly the spot he’d planned on popping the question.

  During dinner, his brothers boasted of a job well done, and they all agreed this had been a good cattle drive, especially when it could have been worse. They dined on steak and potatoes and corn on the cob. As Joshua lifted his glass of milk to his lips, he scanned the area, filled with cowpokes and cattle buyers. The front double-doors opened and in walked someone Joshua didn’t expect to see.

  William saw the man first and waved him over to the table. “Mayor Checketts, what a surprise it is to see you so far from Virginia City.”

  “Mr. Grayson,” the mayor greeted, shaking William’s hand. “I suppose you boys are selling cattle?”

  “Indeed we are. The drive – and sale – went very well.” William smiled.

  “Good to hear,” the mayor said.

  “So what are you doing here,” Joshua wondered.

  “Laura and I are here to see family. My dear departed wife’s sister is sick, and Laura thought it best we come for a visit.”

  Inwardly, Joshua groaned. He sincerely hoped not to run into Laura. Not now. In fact, it was hard not to think that woman followed him here on purpose. But Joshua ushered the thought out of his head. Although Laura had followed him around for years, they were both older and more mature. She certainly wouldn’t do that now. “Well, I hope you both enjoy the visit.”

  The mayor nodded. “Laura is at her aunt’s now, but I came here to meet a businessman.” He shrugged. “You know me. I have to mix business with pleasure.”

  When the mayor walked away, Joshua sighed with relief to know Laura wasn’t with her father tonight. “Pa?” Joshua asked. “We were going to leave first thing in the morning, aren’t we?”

  “Of course. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m just anxious to get back home.”

  William nodded. “Me, too.”

  Joshua wiped his mouth with the linen napkin before pushing away from the table. “I’m going to check on Careen before hitting the sack myself.”

  “Good idea. Let her know to get plenty of rest for our early morning departure.”

  “I will, Pa.”

  Joshua tried not to appear overeager as if he hurried up the stairs, but he couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms, and kiss her tender lips – even if he had to settle for doing that in the hallway. He knocked on her door and waited. After a few seconds had passed with no sounds coming from inside, Joshua wondered if she’d already gone to sleep. After all, the woman would have been plum tuckered out by now. Yet where was Betsy? Wouldn’t she be in the room as well?

  Really, he should leave Careen alone, but he couldn’t leave without one little kiss and to tell her he loved her. So far every night of the drive, he’s repeated those three little – and most meaningful – words. And he planned on telling her that for the rest of their lives.

  He knocked harder. “Careen, sweetheart. It’s me, Joshua.”

  He listened closer, but still didn’t hear anything. Worry grew inside him, and he didn’t know why. She was just probably asleep, but…an unknown worry gnawed at his gut. He didn’t dare leave until he found out why.

  Testing the doorknob, he tried to open the door, and when it opened, surprise washed over him. Why hadn’t she locked it?

  The room was dark, and he entered quietly. Light from the hallway spilled into the room and highlighted the empty bed. Panic took over the rhythm of his heart as he fumbled with the lamp beside the bed. Once the room brightened, he glanced around, trying to see any signs of struggle. There weren’t any. Careen’s things were still here, as well as her maids, but neither woman was present.

  He turned and hurried out of the room, nearly running into someone coming up the stairs. Betsy fell back against the wall, and he steadied her. “Where is Careen?”

  Confusion furrowed her brow. “In the room.”

  “No, she’s not.”

  “What?” She dashed past him and stopped in the middle of the room, her gaze sweeping over every inch. “She was here when I left her a few minutes ago to go to the privy.”

  “Something isn’t right,” he said. “I don’t know what, but I’ll turn over every stone in this building until I find her!”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Careen couldn’t believe the way her luck was changing. Then again, she should have known not to get too excited when things started going her way, only because she knew something bad would happen.

  In this case, her bad luck turned worse.

  She bundled the collar of the sheep-skinned duster around her neck tighter as she glared over her shoulder; first at the pistol pointed toward her, then to the woman holding it. Of all people to hold her at gunpoint, why did it have to be the one who’d pretended to be her friend?

  “Laura, I really cannot understand what all of this is about,” Careen said as she stumbled up the street of town, still wearing men’s boots. She hadn’t had time to change into her bed clothes before Laura burst into Careen’s room and took her away at gunpoint.

  Shadows danced all around them, making it nearly impossible for anyone to see that Laura Checketts had taken Careen hostage. Why hadn’t anyone noticed when Laura forced her down the backstairs and out the back door of the hotel?

  Laura pushed Careen toward an alleyway then shoved her against the building. Pain sliced through her shoulders as she hit the wall, and the back of her head cracked against the brick. She glared at Laura, still not believing any of this was real. How could it be? Miss Checketts was Virginia City’s angel – the woman who raised money for charities. The woman who visited sick friends and gave them her famous apple tea and honey.

  “You really don’t know what all of this is about?” Laura arched her eyebrow. “Well, that’s good to know. Then my performance is to be commended, don’t you agree?” Laura released an evil laugh, sending shivers of dread down Careen’s spine.

  “For years now,” the mayor’s daughter continued, “I’ve been trying to get Joshua’s attention. I couldn’t really stop him from marrying Emma, although during their marriage and right after the twins were born, I tried my hardest to convince Emma she had her uncle’s mental disease.” Laura released another cackle. “The fool woman actually believed me. Perhaps she really was insane as I’d suspected. Nevertheless, I had Joshua where I wanted him until you showed up and ruined my plans.”

  Careen recalled what Joshua had told her about Emma’s death. Was Laura really that evil-minded to have pushed Emma toward killing herself? Careen’s heart broke for all the heartache Joshua and his twins must have gone through. “I still don’t understand, Laura. Joshua didn’t even like me there at the beginning. In fact, Miss Jones had caught his eye first.”


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