A Walk In Heaven (Volume 1) (The Grayson Brothers)
Page 27
Laura flipped her hand. “I’m not worried about Natalie. Once I discovered Miss Jones only wanted Joshua to get the ranch, I knew he wouldn’t marry her because of that. Then when her father was arrested… I knew nothing would come out of their friendship.”
The wicked Laura had a point there. Unfortunately, Careen still didn’t think Miss Checketts had any claim on Joshua, especially enough to hold her at gunpoint.
Sighing, she shook her head. “So you helped rid Joshua of his first wife, and you’ve formulated a plan so he doesn’t want Natalie… What will you do with the other women that come along once I’m out of his life?”
Laura rolled her eyes. “There won’t be any more women in his life. Once you’re gone, he’ll see me in a different light and fall in love with me.”
Careen couldn’t believe the words coming out of that woman’s mouth…and Miss Checketts believed them. Laura and Luther were so much alike – very pathetic people who thought they were invincible. “What do you plan on doing with me, Laura?”
“Well, the night of my charity ball, I tried to kill you then when I saw you and Joshua kissing in the buggy.”
Shock vibrated through Careen and she gasped. “That was you?”
“Yes. I saw you two leaving, so I decided to follow. When I realized he was in love with you, I knew I had to kill you. I picked a good night since Mr. Whitaker got drunk at that time and I could blame him. Unfortunately, I’m a terrible shot or you would have been dead by now. Pa convinced me not to kill you, that there were other ways to remove you from Joshua’s life.”
Once again, Careen couldn’t believe what she heard. “Your father knows?”
“Yes. In fact, I’m waiting for him to join me as we speak.”
“My father agrees with me that Joshua and I should be married. After all, I’ve loved him since we were in school together. I would make him the perfect wife, and Pa thinks once I’m married to a Grayson, I’ll be one of the richest women in Montana.”
Careen shook her head. Greed was the very key driving all of this. How she loathed these types of people. “I still don’t understand why we’re waiting for your father.”
“He’s meeting with a man at the hotel right now. This particular man sells American women to China to use as slaves.” Laura grasped a lock of Careen’s hair and caressed it. “I can imagine you’ll bring a fair price to them.”
Careen’s stomach lurched, and the small amount of food she’d had at suppertime threatened to come up. Although she hated to vomit, perhaps doing so would startle Laura enough for her to drop her gun and Careen could get away. Unfortunately, she couldn’t convince the nerves in her stomach to help with the plan.
“Laura, you are not a good person at all, and Joshua knows it. Even if you get rid of me, he still won’t marry you.”
The mayor’s daughter huffed and flipped a lock of hair over her shoulder. “Believe what you will. I know Joshua, and he’ll marry me.”
Careen shook her head. “No he won’t. He told me that just the other day.”
Angrily, Laura grasped a fistful of Careen’s duster and slammed her up against the brick building again. “What are you talking about?”
“Joshua only wants a wife who will love his daughters unconditionally. He already knows you won’t.” Careen tried to grin despite of the terror running through her and the pain in her skull. “He’ll not marry a woman his daughters don’t approve of. And you, my dear Miss Checketts, have never taken the time to talk to his girls, so why would they like you? Besides that, I’m sure the girls can feel the evil inside you without knowing what it is, so I know they’ll never let their father make you his next wife.”
Laura let out a loud screech and grabbed at Careen’s neck as the gun fell to the ground. Careen clawed at the other woman’s hands, but they wouldn’t move from her throat. Either the mayor’s daughter was stronger, or Careen didn’t know how to fight. The more she struggled, the quicker her breath slowly slipped from her. Just as blackness filled Careen’s head, the clicking of a pistol echoed through the alley.
“Let her go, Laura!”
Relief swept over Careen when hearing Joshua’s stern voice. Laura gasped and swung around to face him. His glare could have killed young animals, Careen was sure. Joshua looked like he’d do anything to save her.
“Step away from Careen,” he instructed harshly.
“Joshua, you…you don’t…understand.”
“Oh, I understand perfectly, since I heard most of your conversation with Careen.” He shook his head. “You’re going to jail for this, you know.”
“No I won’t. My father won’t allow it.”
“Your father won’t have any say in the matter, Miss Checketts.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” The man’s voice came from the shadows and stepped toward them, holding a rifle. “Joshua, I suggest you put your gun down. I don’t want to kill my future son-in-law.”
Careen gasped as the mayor walked toward them. Joshua grumbled and lowered his weapon. Tears gathered in her eyes. Helplessness drained her and all she wanted to do was weep.
“Drop your gun, Joshua,” the mayor commanded. “Now.”
Joshua did as the man asked. Laura giggled and cuddled against Joshua’s arm. He stood stiff, not making any attempt to encourage the woman’s display of affection. His gaze locked to Careen, and silently communicated his fear.
“Now, Mrs. Grayson,” the mayor said, “I need you to come with me. There’s a man I’d like you to meet.”
“No,” Careen cried out. “Joshua, they’re going to sell me to a man who buys women slaves for men in China.”
Joshua growled and pushed Laura away, then gathered Careen in his arms. “I won’t let you go,” he told her.
“You have no other choice.” The mayor adjusted his rifle. “Now let’s go before Mr. Jenkins leaves.”
Laura shoved her revolver against Careen’s side. “Joshua, start walking. Don’t make me shoot her.”
Careen held tight to Joshua as the headed for the small office building up ahead. She raised her eyes to Joshua. His jaw was set tight – as tight as his arms holding her. This can’t be happening, she told herself. Silently she prayed that they’d find a way out of this nightmare.
“Mayor Checketts, what are you going to do with me?” Joshua asked over his shoulder. “I’m a witness to what you’re doing. I could turn you and your daughter in to Sheriff Lawson.”
“Very true.” The mayor nodded. “Well, my first thought is to kill you, but that wouldn’t make my daughter very happy. So instead, I’ll give you the choice. You can marry her after your sister-in-law has been taken care of, or I’ll kill you. Then your poor twin girls will be without both sets of parents.”
Groaning, Careen clutched Joshua’s shirt, trying to be as close to him as much as she could.
“If you sell Careen to this Mr. Jenkins person, I might as well be dead if I can’t have her in my life.” Joshua lifted his chin, stubbornly.
She held in a sob and pressed her face against his chest. She couldn’t bear to think of him gone from her life.
“How very touching, but that’s the wrong answer,” Laura snapped.
“Laura, I don’t know why you want me,” Joshua said. “I have never loved you, and I never will.”
“Never say never,” Laura purred and cuddled against his arm.
He pushed her away. “I promise you this, if you sell Careen and your father forces me to marry you, I will never make you happy. I will never be a husband to you. Ever! No matter how many threats you or your father makes.”
They entered the shadowed office and the mayor shut the door. With the strike of a match, sulfur filled the air as a lantern was lit. A short, beefy man stood in the corner of the room, holding the light.
“Is this her?” he said, his fat cheeks shaking with each word. He waddled toward her. Holding up the lantern, he raked his gaze over Careen. Bile rose to her throat and twisted her stomach
“It is,” Mayor Checketts replied.
“She’ll do quite nicely. Her appearance alone will bring a bountiful price, indeed.”
The man reached for her, but Joshua pulled her away, placing his body in the way. “I’ll not let you take her.”
Mr. Jenkins threw the mayor a scowl. “Who is this man, and why is he stopping me?”
The mayor flipped his hand in the air. “He’s nothing but a menace, I assure you. I’ll take care of him, not to worry.”
“Well, you’d better do it soon because I need to take the girl, now. There is a stagecoach waiting as we speak.”
Mayor Checketts shoved his rifle in Careen’s back. “Say your goodbyes now and make them quick.”
Her life was ending. She felt it as Joshua’s love and protection slipped out of her grasp. Tears streamed down her face and she shook her head. Meeting Joshua’s gaze, she didn’t know what to say. Pain etched the contours of his expression as well. “Joshua, I lov—”
“That’s enough,” Laura snapped, yanking Careen’s arm and making her stumble back.
She released sobs as Mr. Jenkins grabbed her, but within seconds, Joshua plowed his fist in the other man’s face and grabbed her to him once more.
The mayor pushed his rifle into her side. “Joshua, step away from your sister-in-law or she dies.”
“Over my dead body,” Joshua growled.
“And over mine!”
Another voice joined the group as a man walked into the room from one of the smaller offices, holding a rifle. Behind him were two other men with guns. Careen sobbed with relief to see her father-in-law, Peter and Gage coming to their rescue.
The mayor kept his rifle pointed toward Careen. “Mr. Grayson, I suggest you call off your posse or I’ll kill her.”
“Mayor Checketts, I can guarantee that the bullet from my weapon and those of my sons will kill you before you even pull the trigger. Not only that, but the sheriff and five of his men are waiting outside the building to arrest you all. Needless to say, I think you are the one who needs to put your weapon down.”
Cursing, the mayor dropped his gun. Peter and Gage ran to hold the political figure from going anywhere. William moved his gun toward Laura. “And Miss Checketts, I suggest you stay right beside your father. You’re going down with the rest of them.”
“How did you find us?” the mayor snapped.
William grinned. “It was easier than you think. Because I’m a prominent man in Montana and have connections everywhere, I’d heard stories about Mr. Jenkins and how he sells girls to China. Although I’ve never met him, someone described him to me. When I saw you meet him at the hotel, I knew something was up. You were too far away from home to be conducting any kind of reputable business, Mayor.”
Mayor Checketts, his daughter, and Mr. Jenkins moved outside with the assistance of Joshua’s brothers. William followed closely behind.
Careen buried her face in Joshua’s chest and sobbed. Gratitude filled her knowing Joshua had been right. Indeed, the Graysons protected their own, just as they’d promised.
* * * *
Joshua kissed Careen long and hard before sending her off to bed. They’d been home a day now, and the stress of the past several weeks wore thin on everyone.
As most everyone retired bed, Joshua walked outside on the porch and took a deep breath. The night was calm, just as it should be. A few ranch hands littered the yard and by the stable, finishing their work after a long day. As Joshua turned to enter the house, he nearly collided with Betsy. She held a tray of steaming cups of hot chocolate.
“Pardon me, Betsy. I didn’t see you.”
“Oh, it was my fault, Mr. Grayson. I shouldn’t have been in such a hurry.”
“Where are you going with these?”
“I thought I’d take them to the men outside. The weather is a little nippy tonight, and these drinks will help keep them warm. The cook made plenty, and she sent me out here to share with everyone.” She smiled. “Would you like a cup?”
He grinned. “You’re very thoughtful, Betsy, but I’m fine. However, I’ll help you down the steps if you’d like.” He took the tray from her and carried it down the porch steps. It did his heart good to see Careen’s maid taking so well to the family and ranch hands. Since the cattle drive, Joshua had noticed how much closer she was with the hired help.
Joshua handed the tray to her and went back in the house. Straightway, he hurried toward his room, eager to sleep in a soft bed tonight. As he passed his daughter’s room, giggling came from inside. He peeked in the door and his girls sat together on one of the beds whispering. Chuckling, he stepped inside. They jumped and peered at him with wide eyes.
“What’s going on here?” he demanded with a sly grin.
“Nothin’ Pa.” Jessica quickly ran to her bed and crawled under the covers.
“It doesn’t look like nothing to me. Why aren’t you two asleep?”
“We can’t sleep.” Frances said. “We’re too happy.”
He sat on her bed and caressed her ponytail that Careen had weaved earlier tonight. “Why are you so happy?”
“B’cuz you love Aunt Careen,” Jessica said, jumping out of bed and rushing to his side.
He lifted her and sat her on his lap. “You know I love Aunt Careen?”
“Yes, and we hope you gonna marry her.”
Frances grasped his hand. “Pa? You gonna marry her, right?”
“Do you want me to? Do you want Careen as your mother?”
Both girls chimed the answer together. “Yes!”
His heart sang with happiness. “I’m glad to hear that, because I want to marry her, too.”
He laughed. “I don’t know, but soon.” He kissed each daughter before tucking them back into bed. “Now go to sleep and we’ll have to talk about this tomorrow. But don’t say anything to Aunt Careen. I haven’t even asked her if she wants to marry me, yet.”
“She does, Pa.” Frances said. “We saw her kissing you tonight.”
“Good, but let me ask her myself, all right?”
“Yes, Pa.” Both girls giggled.
As he left the room and shut the door, he grinned so wide his cheeks hurt. At least he knew his girls wanted Careen as their mother. He walked to his room, and as he passed Careen’s room, he listened by her door and heard her moving around, humming a song. His heart lifted again as he continued to his own room.
Tomorrow he’d ask her to marry him. He still didn’t know how to make the moment romantic, but he couldn’t wait another day. Now that his girls knew, he suspected they’d want to say something to Careen before he had the chance.
He didn’t light the lamp when he entered his bedroom, only because the quarter moon gave him enough light to undress. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he moved to the window to once again make sure all was well outside. What he saw instead startled him. His heart dropped as panic gripped his chest.
Four of men were lying on the ground. Unmoving. Joshua couldn’t tell if they’d been killed or had just fallen asleep, yet the position of their bodies told him they were not sleeping!
Toward the stable, something moved, and Joshua studied the object closer. A woman had pulled open the doors and was entering. Betsy? What was she doing in the stable? By the frightened expression on her face, he knew she wasn’t delivering mugs of hot chocolate to the ranch hands.
Joshua grabbed his coat and gun, and rushed out of his room. Cautiously, he stepped onto the front porch. The night was silent. As he passed the men on the ground, he could see none had a bullet hole in them. Instead, they were all still holding their mugs of hot chocolate. Joshua knelt to the ground and lifted the empty mug to his nose, inhaling deeply. It didn’t smell like hot chocolate. If his suspicions were correct, Betsy had put something in the drink to make the men fall asleep. But why?
He crept to the stable. One of the double-doors stood ajar. Inside, he could hear a man’s voice and a frightened woman’s high pitc
h. Joshua listened closer to hear what they were saying.
“I did everything you told me to do,” sobbed the woman.
“Everything except for bringing Careen out here,” the man snapped.
Joshua hitched a breath and crept to one of the windows to peek inside. The man’s back was toward the window, but his orange-red hair was very noticeable. Luther? But…it couldn’t be. That man was in jail!
Luther grabbed Betsy’s by the shoulders and shook her. “I should have known better than to trust you.”
Tears streaked down the servant’s face. “But wasn’t it I who told you where Careen was marrying Matthew? And tonight, I helped as well.”
Anger built inside of Joshua. Betsy had been in cohorts with Luther this whole time? Careen would be devastated when she found out.
“So then why aren’t I married to her now?” Luther shoved Betsy and she fell onto the hay. “Why are we still in Montana and not back home in Iowa? For goodness sake, I should be in Charleston by now! My reputation is at stake because of you. Believe me, I don’t treat people kindly who try to hurt me and my business.”
“Things have been complicated here.”
Luther slapped the servant across the face. “You are more trouble than you’re worth. I should have turned you into the authorities years ago.”
“No,” she gasped, rising to her knees as she gripped his leg. “Please don’t turn me in. I’ll do anything you want.”
Joshua scratched his chin. Apparently Luther was blackmailing poor Betsy. Well, it was time to end all of this. Luther needed to be stopped, and it fell on Joshua’s shoulders to do it. He’d gladly put the evil cousin back behind bars.
When Joshua turned, he stumbled into a prickly bush. Trying not to make too much noise, he untangled his foot before creeping around to the front of the stable. He took a deep breath, tightened his hands on his rifle, and rushed inside.
But Luther was gone.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Betsy stood staring wide-eyed at Joshua as she wrung her hands against her middle. Luther snickered to himself. Joshua couldn’t see him…yet.