A Walk In Heaven (Volume 1) (The Grayson Brothers)
Page 28
“Where’s Luther?” Joshua snapped at the maid.
The maid sobbed and brought her hand to her mouth. Luther quickly stepped out of the empty stall and shoved his pistol in Joshua’s back. The clicking of the barrel made Joshua’s body stiffen.
“I’m right behind you,” Luther growled. “Now drop your gun.”
Slowly, Joshua’s shoulders wilted and he lowered the rifle to his side.
“I said drop it, Grayson!” He pushed his pistol deeper into Joshua’s back.
Joshua did as instructed and the rifle fell to the ground.
“Now move over by Betsy.”
Joshua took slow steps toward the servant. Softly she cried, her fist muffling the sound from her mouth. The other man turned and faced Luther. Hatred blazed from Grayson’s eyes and Luther was sure the man would kill him if given a chance. But Luther didn’t plan on making that an option.
“Are you going to kill me like you killed my brother,” Joshua asked.
Luther shrugged indifferently. “I’d rather not kill you.”
“Oh, really?” Joshua arched an eyebrow. “Why not?”
“Because you’re not married to her like Matthew was. Your brother made the mistake of exchanging vows with her. He had to die.” He shrugged. “All I want now is to take the love of my life with me tonight back to Iowa where we both belong.”
Joshua shook his head. “That’s not going to happen.”
“Yes it is, thanks to Betsy’s help.”
Joshua looked at the maid. Her red, puffy eyes nearly pleaded for forgiveness.
“What have you done, Betsy?” Joshua asked softly.
“I put the same sleeping draught that I gave the ranch hands into your family’s drinks tonight. Everyone is asleep.”
“Why aren’t I asleep? And why didn’t it affect my daughters?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t put anything in the girls’ drinks, and I’m assuming you didn’t drink anything at dinner.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“That’s why you’re still awake,” she answered with a wrenched voice as she lowered her gaze.
Luther motioned his gun toward Joshua. “No more of this. I’ve wasted enough time here already. Betsy, tie him up. I’d rather not kill him if I don’t have to.”
Betsy ran to get the rope hanging on the wall while Joshua threw heated glares at Luther.
“You’re not going to take Careen. I won’t let you,” Grayson warned.
Luther threw back his head and laughed. This insipid man didn’t know Luther Kennedy very well. True, up until now he’d been dealt the short end of the stick, but finally things were going his way. He would indeed win. And in time, he’d become a very powerful man. “Don’t be too sure of yourself. I have always come out ahead.”
“So have I.”
“Not this time.”
Betsy tried to wrap the rope around Joshua’s wrists, but the stubborn man struggled. She whimpered, trying harder, but it was quite obvious Joshua wouldn’t let her.
“I can’t tie him,” she whined.
“Oh, good grief.” Luther lifted his gun, pointing it toward Joshua’s head. “It looks like I’m going to have to kill you after all. And why not carry on the tradition with shooting you in the head. After all, it worked well that way for your brother.”
Luther released a malicious chuckle before becoming serious and steadying his aim. “Say your prayers – even though I know they won’t help.”
The blast of the pistol exploded, and Joshua squeezed his eyes closed. Instead of Grayson falling to the ground like Luther had expected, the jolt of the bullet hit him and knocked him off balance. His right arm blazed with pain, as warm sticky blood flowed from his shoulder.
In shock, Luther fell to the ground and clutched his wound. What had just happened? Blood poured between his fingers, and slowly his arm turned numb.
Betsy sank to the ground, crying hysterically. Joshua stood staring at Luther with an expression of utter amazement. Then the man’s focus shifted to the stable door. Luther swung his gaze in that direction. Holding the still smoking rifle, Careen walked toward him.
Joshua rushed to her, taking her shaking body in his arms. She smiled at him through quivering lips.
“I’m sorry…I’m late,” she said.
* * * *
Careen’s heartbeat hammered so hard she thought her ribs would break. And her hands shook so badly, she was surprised she had hit her target. The bewilderment, yet relief, on Joshua’s face let her know he was all right.
She glanced back at her cousin who groaned in agony as he rocked back and forth on his knees. “I missed,” she said.
“No, sweetheart.” Joshua kissed her forehead. “You shot him in the arm.”
“I know. I was aiming for his head.”
Joshua chuckled as he took the rifle from her. “At least you stopped him from killing me.”
Nodding, she gazed up at the man she loved. “That was my plan.”
“How did you know?”
“From out my bedroom window, I saw you sneaking around. That’s when I noticed the ranch hands lying on the ground. I knew you needed my help.” She aimed her glare back to her cousin. “When I received that telegraph, I had a feeling not to believe it. Luther I know you well, and suspected you were up to no good.”
Joshua kissed her forehead. “Your instincts were correct. Now let’s get him tied up and I’ll fetch the sheriff.”
While Joshua wrapped the rope around Luther’s wrists and ankles, she continued to shoot glares at Luther. “Why? Why did you think you needed to kill people over my measly inheritance?”
Luther glared at her. “It wasn’t over your measly inheritance. I love you!”
“No, you don’t. You love power and money – and possession. You love yourself more than anything else. So why did you do this?”
“Does it matter now?”
“Yes. I want to know why you killed Matthew and almost killed Joshua.”
“Well, my dear cousin, you don’t have a measly inheritance like you think. I have a group of men waiting for me in Charleston and a man from Ireland who I need to pay. The man from Ireland is selling me a shipment of guns, and they’ll be delivered to your family’s plantation in Charleston. The river running along the property was perfect for the exchange. But in order to get your inheritance, I must become your husband.”
Careen shook her head. “Why were you smuggling guns, Luther?”
“The lot of us were tired of the Yankees taking over our towns. We want our history back!”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, Luther. Why can’t you see the past is behind us now? We will never get it back.” She shook her head. “The war is over. Let’s not start another one.”
Careen’s maid continued to wail. She walked to Betsy and knelt by her side. “Why did you do it?”
Betsy wiped her eyes and shook her head. “I had no other choice. Luther would have turned me in to the authorities otherwise.”
“What had you done that was so terrible it made you want to obey Luther?”
“Before you came to live with your aunt and uncle,” Betsy sniffed and dragged her sleeve under her nose, “Luther witnessed me killing a man.”
Careen gasped, putting a comforting hand on her servant’s shoulder. “Why did you kill a man?”
“He was attacking me. The lowlife northerner tried to have his way with me.” She shook her head. “I wouldn’t let him, so I shot him.” She moved her attention to Luther. “Your cousin said he’d turn me in for killing a soldier unless I helped him.” Shrugging, she met Careen’s stare again. “I decided I’d do anything to stay out of jail or away from the hangman’s noose. I never thought I’d regret my decision until now. Luther had me doing some despicable things over the years, but trying to help him marry you has been the worst.”
Betsy frowned as more tears collected in her eyes. “I was the one who told Luther where you were meeting Matthew. I was the reason he killed your husband
.” Tears fell faster.
Rubbing her forehead, Careen closed her eyes. Although it hurt to think her trusted servant – who had been a good friend – had done this, relief poured over Careen, knowing it was finally over.
“If I go to jail, so do you, Betsy,” Luther barked.
Careen snapped her attention to her evil cousin. “I don’t think so. You have been blackmailing her, and because she killed a man trying to protect herself, I think the judge will be more lenient with her. However—” she stood and marched over to him, kicking him in the leg, “—I can’t wait to attend your hanging, and I’ll be cheering the whole time.”
“And I’ll be standing next to her,” Joshua added, “as her husband.”
She gasped and met Joshua’s eyes. “My…husband?”
He groaned and raked his fingers through his hair. “Oh, Careen, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to say it that way.” He took a deep breath. “I’d meant to propose in a more romantic setting, I assure you, but… Well, I just had to let your foolish cousin know that I have won. Not him.”
Happiness burst inside her and she fell to his side. His arms wrapped around her as he held her close.
“Joshua, it would be my privilege to become your wife and the mother of your daughters.”
He smiled wide. “No, believe me, the privilege will be all mine.”
Two months later
Careen stood beside her husband as Pastor Adams gave them his, and God’s blessing on their marriage. Tears stung her eyes as she looked at the man she loved more than life itself. Joshua had been her rescuer in every way, and she had the rest of her life to repay him for everything he’d done.
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Pastor Adams grinned.
Joshua didn’t waste a second before gathering her in his arms and kissing her in front of his family and friends who had attended the ceremony. This time she wasn’t embarrassed to show her affection for this man.
When Joshua ended the kiss, he hugged her tight and whispered in her ear, “I’ll love you forever.” She wanted to weep with happiness. Finally something had gone right in her life.
They turned and took each other by the hand and headed for the doors as people in the pews gave them nods of approval and wide smiles. Careen kept her eyes on the door, and with each step closer, fright consumed her, slowing her steps. Memories from when she had left the church with Matthew resurfaced and she couldn’t bear leaving the building and having history repeat itself. She stopped a few feet in front of the doors, her limbs frozen.
She knew Luther wouldn’t be outside waiting to kill her husband this time, but it still frightened her to think that something may happen.
“What’s wrong?” Joshua asked.
“I…don’t dare leave,” she whispered.
He slid his arms around her waist. Pulling her close, he kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Always.”
Joshua motioned for one of the ranch hands to come over. When they did, Joshua gave him instructions in a low tone. The other man nodded and walked out the church, withdrawing his gun from the holster.
Smiling down at Careen, he winked. “Are you ready to go now?”
She nodded, and said a silent prayer as they walked out of the church. The sun shone brightly, warming her face. Fright still pumped in her chest, but as she glanced around the street, her fear subsided.
Careen breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed against Joshua. “I’m sorry to have worried you.”
“Nonsense. You have every right.” He kissed her lips. “Now, should we proceed to the buggy and drive home for the party my mother has arranged?”
He took her by the hand and led her toward the vehicle. Suddenly, a man ran out of a nearby building waving his hand and calling Careen’s name. Her heart plummeted again. She clutched Joshua’s arm.
“Hold up a minute.” The man waved as he neared.
When she realized he wasn’t holding a gun, she relaxed and willed her heart to start pumping regularly.
“Please, give me a moment. I’ve been trying to locate you for a few months,” the man said.
Joshua stepped in front of her and faced the man with sandy hair and a mustache. “What do you want with my wife?”
“I need to talk to Careen Kennedy…er, Grayson.”
Curiosity got the best of her, mainly because he knew her maiden name. She gave Joshua’s hand a reassuring squeeze and stepped around him. “What is so important?” she asked.
He took off his hand, respectfully and smiled. “I’m your Aunt Charlotte’s solicitor. She had heard you were married, and she wanted me to find out if that was true.” He switched his gaze to Joshua. “I know you’re not Matthew Grayson because I’d heard he was killed.”
“Correct. I’m his brother, Joshua.”
“Nice to meet you.” He shook Joshua’s hand. “My name is Floyd Martin, and now that I know Careen has married, I will let her aunt know where to send her inheritance.”
Unbelieving, Careen blinked as her mind swirled. “Mr. Martin, you stated you’ve been trying to reach me for a couple of months?”
She glanced again over his attire; nice suit, hat, sandy hair and mustache, southern accent. This was the very description Miss Jones had given Joshua when they thought Luther was here. She laughed lightly. “Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” She shook his hand. “But I don’t need my inheritance.”
“Oh, you must, Mrs. Grayson. Your family’s plantation in Charleston is flourishing and making lots of money.”
Joshua chuckled. “Well, wouldn’t you know.” He slid his arm around Careen’s shoulders. “You’re a wealthy woman after all. And to think I fell in love with you when you were as poor as a church mouse.”
She grinned. “Poorer, in fact, my dear husband. There for a while, the mice fed me.”
From behind, her mother-in-law laughed and Careen glanced at her, giving her a wink. She turned back to Joshua and hugged him. “I don’t really care about the plantation. All that I love and hold dear to my heart is standing beside me—” she glanced at her new family, “—and are all with me now.”
Joshua kissed her, then pulled away. “Then what do you say we start our life right now? I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood to hold you for the rest of my life and never let you go.”
“That, my loving husband, sounds like the perfect ending to a perfect day.”
~The End~
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Other stories from Marie Higgins
“Winning Mr. Wrong” – Romantic Comedy (LDS novel)
“Heart of a Hero” – Historical romance
“Hearts Through Time” – Time-travel / suspense romance
“Secrets After Dark” - Paranormal / suspense romance
“It Must Have Been the Mistletoe” – Christmas short story
Christian Historical Series
“A Walk In Heaven” – (book 1)
“Reaching For Heaven” (book 2 not out yet)
“A Touch of Heaven” (book 3 not out yet)
Regency Romance Series
“The Sweetest Kiss” – Regency romance (book 1)
“The Sweetest Touch” – Regency romance (book 2)
“The Sweetest Love” – (book 3 not out yet)
Victorian Romance Series
“Love Me Always” – book 1
“Charmed By Knight” – book 2
“True Love’s Deception” – book 3
“Belong To Me” – book 4
“Love Comes Blindly” – book 5
Colonial Romance Series
“Take My Heart” – (book 1)
“Falling In Love Again” – (book 2)
Last Waltz” – (book 3 not out yet)