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Tangled Dreams

Page 29

by Jennifer Anderson

  I was sitting on the edge of the tub holding my dress staring into the full length mirror. It all seemed like such a dream. I couldn’t believe I was actually going with Gavin. If this was a dream I never wanted to wake up. Ever. Standing up I put the full length gown on and it looked gorgeous. It looked like it had been made especially for me. It was form fitting and strapless and fit me in the bust tightly and made me appear even bigger than I really was. The matching shoes were absolutely beautiful. They had criss cross straps and ribbon winding up my leg. Standing here I quickly curled my hair and put it in a style that was up with ringlets stringing down on my back. Hurrying to put on my jewelry and make up. Standing here staring at myself I could hardly recognize the reflection. I looked so much like my mom. I loved and hated it at the same time. Spraying on perfume, I grabbed a small black purse, threw some make up in it and left to go downstairs. Walking down the stairs, I was nervous and excited and ready to go with the guy of my dreams. Slowly peeking into the living room he was sitting in the recliner looking impatient and nervous. I was excited and terrified at the same time, taking a deep breath I stepped out into view, “Are you ready?” I asked my voice breaking a bit.

  Standing up slowly he just stared at me and I was hoping he hadn’t changed his mind. “Gavin, are you ready?” I said now even more nervous.

  “You are so gorgeous. I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful but, you did.”

  Blushing now, “Thank you.” I said looking down at my shoes nervously. Walking over to me he lifted my chin with his hand to look at him in his eyes.

  “I mean it.”

  Sighing, “I know. Thank you. You look so handsome to. And look we match.” I said pointing at his tie, just realizing how stupid I was for pointing that out.

  “Yes we do.” He said chuckling. “This means we came together.” Teasing me.

  “Yes, it does.” Embarrassed. “I know. Stupid.”

  “No, hardly. I find it cute. I missed the cute way you always point out the obvious.” Smiling. “Okay, well it’s time to go. You mind if I hold your hand?” Asking awkwardly.

  Shaking my head, “I don’t mind.” Smiling he grabbed my hand and led me out of the house, down the steps holding on to me carefully.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t get anything more fancy.”

  “Are you kidding? Who cares. I would have been happy to go in your truck.”

  “I know and that’s one of the things I like about you.”

  Helping me into the car, “I know I’m just a normal girl.”

  “There is nothing normal about you Maddie.” Chuckling. “And you sure the hell don’t look like any girl I’ve seen. You are all woman. A very gorgeous woman.” He said shutting the door and walking around to get into the car. Leaving me blushing. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I didn’t know exactly how happy you had to be to be on cloud nine but I was sure I was at it. Fidgeting with my purse I realized he had left to go back into the house and I was scared he really had changed his mind, knowing her paranoia was at work. Finally, the drivers side door opened and he slid in.

  “Sorry Maddie, I forgot your corsage. Mom would have had both our hides if she came home and found it in the fridge.”

  “Aw it’s beautiful.” I said putting my hand out so he could slide it on. “Well, it’s not as beautiful as you. I wish I could say I had a hand in getting it, but I didn’t. I’m not really the flowers kind of guy.”

  “It’s okay Gavin.” I said not really caring, it was enough just being with him.

  “You had everything, what would have happened if I would have said no?” I asked as he pulled out onto the road.

  “Actually, I expected you to say no. I thought getting dressed and buying the tickets were a total waste of time. And I told mom that but, she doesn’t give up.”

  “So you didn’t actually want to go with me?” I asked now getting a little upset.

  “Maddie, of course I did. I just didn’t think you wanted to.”

  “Okay.” I said. “I figured if you said no, she could just take the dress and tux back because, I wasn’t going.”

  “Gavin, it’s your senior prom you should go no matter what.”

  “Maddie, I know it’s my senior prom and it’s supposed to be this great thing, but, it’s only great if your happy with the person your going with.”

  “So, are you happy? I mean with the person your going with?”

  “Maddie, do you think I would of asked you other wise? You know me better than that.”

  “Yes, that’s true.” Sitting here in silence I felt like I was in a dream and all I could do was look out the window at the dark night sky and the pastures and trees rolling bye. It was so surreal. I couldn’t believe it was only a year ago that my life was so different. It was amazing how much my life had changed in such short of a time.

  “What’s the matter babe? Your deep in thought.”

  “Nothing, just happy.”

  Reaching over to squeeze my hand. “Really?”

  “Really.” Pulling into the parking lot you could see couples standing outside talking, getting ready to go in, and you could already hear the music booming. When all of a sudden I felt panicky. I couldn’t believe this whole time I forgot about Clay. I knew I was going to hurt him. I told him I didn’t want to go and here I am with Gavin. Sudden dread overwhelmed my body and I felt paralyzed.

  Opening up the car door, he helped me climb out. I stepped out into the night cool air, standing rigid.

  “What is wrong Maddie? You suddenly look terrified.”



  “Okay, I told Clay I didn’t want to go when he asked me and now he is going to be here.” I said fast almost in a panic.

  Gavin looking down. “Do you want to be here with him?” His voice obviously changing to disappointment and anger.

  “No, or I would of said yes.” I said now annoyed.

  That lifted his spirit’s a bit but, he wasn’t sure he really bought it. “Well, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of him if he gets to pissed off at you.” Holding his arm out for mine.

  “I don’t think I’m worried about him being pissed. I’m more worried about him being hurt.”

  “You care about him a lot.” Gavin said as they walked slowly to the building.

  “Yes, I do. He has been a really good friend to me.” I said almost to defensively, and just decided to drop it after that and try to have a good time. Hoping to no great avail that Clay wouldn’t notice me here.

  Walking into the gym it did look nice and you could tell a lot of time was spent making this dance even more special than the last. There was twinkling lights strung up everywhere. Of course, the bleachers were pushed back replaced by round tables with white table cloths. Silver star confetti was sprinkled all over with white candles floating in a glass heart shaped dishes on each table. The chairs even had white skirts of some sort over top of them tied with a ribbon on the back. It looked breath taking and straight out of a dream. I had to hand it to them I wouldn’t of recognized it as the gym at all if I didn’t already know better. Walking up to the first table in the entrance Gavin handed our tickets to our phys ed. Teacher.

  Turning to me, “You ready?” He asked winking at me.

  It almost felt like we were coming out as a couple to the world. Because, I knew that’s what everyone would automatically think. But, I was getting to the point that I didn’t really care. What girl wouldn’t be proud to be on Gavin’s arm? That was the real question. But, that didn’t replace my apprehension about the situation. My fear was being the center of attention. I hated any kind of attention from large masses. Of course, my idea of large masses is any thing over three people. Walking into the gym further, the music was booming in my head and the lights were streaming everywhere it was almost disorientating.

  “I know what your thinking Maddie. But, I’m sorry you’re the most gorgeous girl here. You’re going to attract the attention of all the guys he

  “How did you know I was self conscious about walking in.”

  “Maddie I know you. You think your average, and that you could blend into a wall. Hoping no one will notice, and if you do think people are going to be looking at you, you get all nervous and fidgety. That’s why you keep messing with your purse.” He said stopping to look at me flipping my purse around back and fourth.

  “This is one of those times, I wish you didn’t know me very well.”

  “Well, the only thing I have to say to that is tough. Because, if you didn’t want anyone to notice you, you shouldn’t of worn that dress. Oh by the way, remind me to thank mom later for picking that out.”

  “Gavin!” I said nudging him in the side with embarrassment. Grunting he held his side like I had broken a rib. “Stop it, you are going to draw attention.” Laughing he led the way to our table. Unfortunately it was more in the open than a lot of the other tables.

  “I’m going to go get us something to drink.” Gavin said shouting in my ear over the music.

  “Okay, I’ll be here.” Wishing now I had wore my hair down to hide my face from the now staring people. Looking down at the table I started fiddling with the confetti. Looking up that’s when I seen him. Clay standing not to far away staring straight at me, with a look of hurt in his eyes. Something I didn’t want to see. I was hoping he would just turn away and ignore me. That was about the time he started walking toward me. Sure, I thought. Gavin just had to walk away. Perfect timing.

  Looking up, “Hi Clay.” I said giving him the best smile I could manage.

  “Madison, I thought you weren’t coming.” Saying with hurt in his voice. “Well, I wasn’t planning on it when you asked me Clay.”

  “What changed your mind?” Spotting Gavin at the food table. “Oh, I should of known.” Looking back down at me.

  “I’m sorry Clay.”

  “I know you are. I knew up against him I would never win. You look absolutely gorgeous Madison.”

  “Thank you Clay.” I felt so horrible.

  “Do you think you could at least save me a dance? You are the most gorgeous girl here.”

  “I’ll try Clay.”

  “I guess that’ll have to be good enough.”

  “Is there a problem?” Gavin asked walking up setting the punch down on the table.

  “No, no problem.” He said staring at me.

  “I just asked Madison if she would save me a dance, if it’s okay with you that is.” Now giving him direct eye contact.

  “I’m not her boss, she can decide for herself.”

  “Great, I’ll look you up later Madison.” Turning to walk off. Gavin slumped down in the chair next to me and I could tell he was in a bad mood now. That made me so scared that I was ruining his last school prom and I knew I had to step out of my shell if not for myself, then for him for one night. He deserved that much. I refused to sit on the side lines all night. I was going to make sure he had a good prom if it was the last thing I did.

  Sitting here in silence I waited for a slow song to come on. He hadn’t looked at me since the Clay situation. Getting up I grabbed his hand and jerked it for him to get up.

  “Maddie, what are you doing?”

  “We’re going out to dance.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go get Clay?”

  Unfazed by his bitterness. “If I did I would have came with him.” I said pulling him out into the middle of the dance floor. Putting my arms up around his neck I laid my head on his chest while we swayed to the music. Closing my eyes I could feel his heart beating against my cheek and It was in pure bliss. The one time I did open my eyes, I could see Clay staring at us so I opted to close them and get lost in the moment. Surprisingly even with his coldness only seconds earlier he now held me tight against him.

  He loved the feel of her body gliding back and forth next to his. He loved the feel of his arms wrapped around her, he liked gliding his fingers up and down the back of her silky dress. And for that one moment the rest of the prom could go to total shit and he would remember this one moment forever. He was pretty sure he was going to have to beat the rest of the guys here off of her, but he didn’t care.

  When the song stopped and a different song started, I was disappointed I wanted it to last forever. I knew they would be playing more slow songs and I would take advantage of every one of them. When the tempo picked up he let go of me and started to walk off the dance floor.

  Grabbing his hand, “Not so fast. We’re not done.”

  “Maddie, what do you mean were not done?”

  “I mean we’re not done dancing.” I said now grabbing both his hands jerking him closer swaying sexily to the music against him. Of course, I wasn’t being downright out raunchy like some of these girls grinding there butts all over these guys. But, It was so much sexier than that.

  This was not helping that she had a body that didn’t quit. He was sure he was the envy of every guy in here. “Maddie, you don’t have to do this. I know you don’t like being in any sort of spotlight.” He leaned down trying to tell her in her ear. But, he was soon intoxicated by her scent and her chest heaving up and down with each breath she took and he just decided to shut up and enjoy it.

  As he started to stand up again and dance with me I grabbed his face and brought his ear down to my lips whispering, “lets just forget our differences for one night and have fun gorgeous.” I said ending it with a sexy kiss on his ear which made him jump. But, I wasn’t done with him yet. Grabbing both his hands I put them around my back and kept swaying to the beat. Dancing sexily, trying not to bring to much attention to us.

  It was driving him nuts and he decided two could play at this game as he twirled her around and pulling her against his body hard, their eyes meeting. He wondered were she got all these moves and why the hell she had been hiding them? Just when he thought he knew everything he could possibly know about her she surprises him by her boldness. He knew his dad would have a coronary right here and now if he seen this, but he didn’t give a shit. Sliding around on his body he didn’t know how much more he could take. Hell, looking out at all the guys with their jealous girlfriends dancing he didn’t know how much more they could take. He could tell the other girls tried to be in competition but, they just came off as sluttish looking imitation. But, Madison was pure sex appeal and I wished we were in private. On the other hand I was glad we weren’t because I wouldn’t be able to resist kissing her other wise. Finally, the song ended and I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. “Where the hell did you learn to dance like that?” Asking grabbing her hand walking off of the dance floor to their table.

  “Like what?” I asked innocently batting my eyes at him.

  “Madison, I think you got every guy in here in trouble with their dates.”

  “Why?” I asked now, not trying to be cute.

  “Because, they couldn’t keep there eyes off of you. They were drooling all over themselves.”

  “Oh, Gavin quit being silly.”

  “I’m not being silly, they were.” Annoyed now because, he didn’t like other guys staring at her like she was a piece of meat.

  “Your not mad are you?” I asked disappointed.

  “Madison, of course not.”

  “I was just trying to have fun together.”

  “Oh, yeah. Don’t think I didn’t have fun. No that was definitely fun.” Shifting in his seat still hot from it.

  The night was rolling by faster than I had anticipated. We danced most of the night and politely declined when Clay came over and asked me to dance. I felt bad but, seeing the look on Gavin’s face was worth it. I wanted to make him feel like he was number one tonight. He really was everyday but, he didn’t know that. When the last song of the night was announced we got up to the slow tune to dance. This time I held on just as tight to him knowing this was going to be the last time before he went off to college that I had an excuse to touch him. The song ended to soon and I didn’t let go. While everyone was
walking off the dance floor I still held tight to him not letting go.

  “Babe?” He said taking one hand lifting her chin up to look at him.

  I had tears streaking down my cheeks and I hated not being able to hold my emotions in sometimes.

  “What is wrong my Maddie?” He said taking his thumb wiping my tears away.

  “I’m just so happy and sad at the same time.”

  “Why?” Asking confused.

  “I don’t know.” I lied.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.” He said as he leaned down to kiss away a couple of the tears on my cheeks. One kiss our lips brushing. Pulling back we stood staring at each other.

  Leaning down closer to her lips he felt her get tugged out of his arms just when they were about to kiss.

  “Madison, I need to talk to you.” Clay said now angry knowing if he didn’t do something now, he would lose her forever.

  “Do you mind asshole?” Gavin said instantly pissed for being interrupted. Pulling her back into his arms and pushing her behind him now standing in front of her.

  “Yeah, I do mind.”

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. Since when did Clay get this brave to Gavin? Usually he’s terrified of him. Gavin instantly got into his face and warned him to back off. I just stood here like a deer caught into headlights. Watching Clay’s displeased date standing behind him trying to pull him back. Eying Gavin as she did. You could tell who she really wanted.

  “You back off Gavin. I was dating her first.” Saying now eye to eye.

  “Yeah, that’s what you think.” Now is temper boiling.

  “I love her Gavin. You need to back off.”

  “Like hell I do.”

  Now clearly to the point where I knew fists were going to be flying soon. Knowing if it did Gavin could possibly screw up his scholarship to college. “Gavin quit.” I said trying to tug back on his arm.

  “Madison. I’m not leaving, or getting out of his face until you talk to me.” Clay said still staring Gavin down.


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