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Uncovering Love

Page 18

by Kacey Shea

  I jumped out of my truck, striding over to Blackman as quickly as I could, worried how this would play out. Harold and Elena had just reached the sidewalk and he turned, pointing his remote towards the car to lock the doors with a short honk.

  “Mr. Blackman,” I called out and he stopped, greeting me with a smile as I moved in front of him. He was facing the parking lot and couldn’t see his eldest daughter, who had stopped once more and was publicly grinding against the dance instructor as he kissed her neck. Fuck, this wasn’t going to go well.

  “Hello, Mr. Beltran. I’m glad to hear you wanted to speak so soon. Why don’t we head inside?”

  “No!” I barked harshly as he motioned to the store. I needed to break the news, but hearing about it and seeing it were two separate things. I had a feeling this little man could go postal if pushed to the limit.

  “Violet!” Elena shouted, bringing everyone’s attention to the lip-locked lovers. Violet broke away at hearing her name, revealing the notorious dance instructor. Violet gasped and Harold’s face turned red with rage.

  He screamed, “You little piece of shit! It’s not enough that you fuck my wife, now you go after my little girl? I’m going to kill you, you motherfucking no good degenerate!”

  Harold moved to charge the couple and I shot my arm out to hold him back. Considering his small stature I was surprised at his strength as he struggled against me. “Let me go! I swear to God, I’m going to kill him! I’m going to kill you! You hear me!” Harold continued to rant and I looked up to see Elena sobbing quietly only a few feet from where we stood. AJ stood across from us with a hand protectively wrapped around Violet and a smug grin across his face.

  “Daddy, no! I love him, Daddy, and I don’t care what you say about us. We love each other and we’re going to be together. You can’t stop us!”

  At her words Harold slumped against me. Violet’s declaration of love instantly deflated his rage. I released him and Harold moved towards the shop door, head down and silent, ignoring the situation taking place. “Mr. Blackman,” I called and he paused before entering the store.

  “I just need a moment alone, okay? This is just too much.” He swung his gaze to pin Violet with a sad look and then disappeared inside.

  “See, baby, I told you everything would be fine,” AJ murmured sweetly as he hugged Violet closer and rained kisses all over her face. One hand dropped lower and he squeezed her ass. I started to get angry again and couldn’t help adding my take on the situation.

  “Listen, dude, if you really love her you will show a little respect.”

  “It’s none of your business, meathead,” he shot back.

  There was nothing I wanted more than to teach this kid a lesson, but now was not the place or time. Besides, I didn’t need to go to jail on account of some ignorant asshole.

  “I’d watch your mouth, little man. I hear dance instructors don’t have much of a career once their legs are broken.” He stopped talking at my threat. Apparently he had some good sense in that stupid head of his.

  “Violet? How could you do this? How stupid are you?” Elena sobbed beside me. “Do you really want to end up just like Mom?”

  I was lost with no idea what to do next. I had one sobbing teenager, another proclaiming her love, a dad gone MIA, and a self-indulgent asshole staring me down. God, I wished Evie was here right now. I could really use some help.

  The door to Jolene’s flung open and Blackman stepped out with a wild look in his eye. He slowly raised one arm, revealing a full sized Glock, and pointed it straight towards AJ. Violet screamed and stepped in front of his aim. Oh, shit.

  “Harold. Harold, you do not want to do this. He’s not worth going to jail for.” I kept my words low and measured as I inched closer to him. I noticed quiet movement behind me as Sunny Lee came out of her store, wrapped the still whimpering Elena in her arms and pulled her back inside the store. Good. One less person to keep an eye on. I was certain Harold had been pushed to his breaking point. He still pointed the gun at AJ; the problem was his eldest daughter remained in his line of fire.

  Harold’s hands shook and his face twisted into a grim smile. “No, Mr. Beltran, you are wrong. I do want to do this. I’ve dreamt of the day I would avenge my broken marriage. I have fantasized about making this fucker pay for all the pain he has caused my life and this—”He spoke to me but his eyes remained locked with AJ’s. “This just seals the deal.”

  “Okay, I can understand that. I understand why you want to kill him. But what about your girls? They don’t have a good mother. They need their father. You can’t be a good father if you’re locked away in jail. Don’t you get it? Then he wins. Then he takes everything, and you lose it all.”

  I continued to creep closer to Harold. I didn’t want to hasten him to act, but I could disarm him if I got close enough.

  “Daddy, please. Stop! If you shoot him you’ll kill me too! I’d rather die than live without him!” Oh, God, please shut up. I wished I could telepathically inform the distraught teenager that she wasn’t helping. Harold straightened from his spine and brought his other hand to grip the gun as if to steady his aim. AJ appeared as though he was about to piss himself. Good! He should be scared. He had made a very stupid decision and was paying a dangerous price for his actions.

  I heard sirens off in the distance and prayed Miss Lee had been smart enough to call the police. She seemed the type to react rationally and I was hopeful. I needed armed backup and I needed it quickly.

  “Fine. You want to act like a whore? Just like your mother? You can die too.”

  At those words I didn’t wait to see what he would do next. I lunged at Harold, throwing my full body weight into him as I used the force from my arms to drive the gun from his hands. A shot fired and Violet screamed. A cop car screeched to a stop in front of the shop and two officers piled out of the car.

  “Everyone, hands where we can see them!”

  I looked down to see I had not only sent the gun flying, but in tackling Blackman I knocked him out cold. He’d be lucky if he didn’t have a concussion. I raised my hands above my head and slowly rolled to a sitting position.

  One of the officers easily located the gun and I looked around, suddenly worried the misfired shot had hurt someone. Another two cruisers pulled up and within minutes we were surrounded by what seemed an entire station of men and women in blue. Harold moaned next to me and started to come to.

  The next few hours were spent at the police station, giving statements and recounting all that had occurred. Because of the complexity of the situation and parties involved it took some time. They decided to keep both Harold and AJ overnight and thankfully, Sunny Lee agreed to keep the girls in her care.

  I was glad no one was hurt in the altercation and we had solved the case of Blackman’s daughter, but I was saddened by the outcome. Violet was still sobbing for her locked up lover and from what I overhead at the station, AJ was denying all accounts of being with the young girl. I guess his love for her didn’t hold true against the impending charges of statutory rape. The poor girl would need some good counseling to heal from this. I was relieved when I was finally able to head back home.

  WE PULLED BACK INTO TATE’S driveway after having quite possibly the longest and most enjoyable dinner of my life. Tate was the perfect gentleman and I loved that he held my hand every chance he could. He turned off the ignition, hopped out and came around to let me out of the car.

  “Do you want to come inside?” he asked hopefully before adding, “I’m sure Carly and the boys will be back soon. They’ll probably kill me if I don’t keep you here long enough to say goodnight.”

  “Yeah, I can stay for a while.”

  He opened the door to enter, guiding me with his hand gently against my lower back. I followed him into the kitchen where he placed his keys on the open counter and pulled a note off the nearby magnetic board. “Looks like we just missed them. They went out for pizza.” I had followed Tate into the room and he turned, pinning m
e with a grin that left me breathless. He was far too good looking for his own good. The way his broad shoulders filled out his sweater made him look downright sinful.

  My eyes moved back up to Tate’s and his intense expression caught me off guard. He crowded my space and I unconsciously backed up until the edge of the counter dug in behind me. His eyes searched mine, for what I don’t know, as he braced both of his muscular arms on each side of the counter next to me. I was rendered immobile, unable to do anything but hold his gaze. We still weren’t touching but the energy passing between us was like kindling, ready and waiting for a spark to ignite and set us both on fire.

  His gaze moved down to my lips and I licked them in anticipation. He moved in slowly and my eyelids grew heavy as a pool of desire settled deep in my belly. His lips grazed my ear.

  “If we do this, everything changes, Evie.”

  His tongue came out to trace my ear lightly before his lips came together to suck gently on my lobe. I let out a soft moan and he continued.

  “You’re breaking all the rules,” he whispered, and I slowly released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

  “More than you know.”

  Tate’s lips came crashing onto mine. He dominated my mouth with his own, and I went willingly. My arms automatically ran up his chest to wrap tightly around his neck. My fingers moved to run through his short hair. Our tongues moved back and forth in a delicate, orchestrated dance. His hands skimmed up and down my arms, sides, and back several times before dipping down to cup my ass and squeeze.

  With little effort he picked me up and perched me on the edge of the counter, his hands resting on my hips as he moved in closer. I gasped in surprise and he took full advantage by taking total control of the kiss. His tongue moved inside my mouth in a decadent, wanting manner that had me squeezing my legs together. It was only then I remembered I still had them wrapped tightly around Tate’s waist.

  His lips left my mouth to begin their descent south, nibbling, licking, and sucking across my skin before settling in that space between my neck and shoulder to kiss more. My back arched and my head rolled to one side, offering him as much of my skin as possible. His hands left my side and cool air hit my skin as he peeled my shirt up. He paused from his kisses for a short second to lift my shirt over my head and arms. He looked down between us and groaned. “Damn, Evie, you are so beautiful.” His hands moved to cup my breasts. His kisses slowly made their way from my lips, down my throat again, and to the valley between my full and heavy breasts.

  My skin burned as though I was thoroughly flushed. Tate’s barely there beard scratched at my skin in the most delicious way and I was sure I’d have marks that would last for days. I moaned in pleasure as his mouth covered one of my bra clad nipples, before he pulled down the cup to expose my sensitive skin. When he sucked my nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, I lost all control and rocked my hips against his own excitement. I felt him hard and wanting between my legs. I moaned louder.

  “That’s it, Evie. I want you to come for me. Only me.” His words only made me burn hotter. His hands moved from my breasts, one wrapping to grip my hip as he met my hips with a rocking movement of his own. His other hand snaked down between us, pushing my skirt out of the way. His hand slipped over my panties to the place I wanted him most.

  “You are soaked for me, Evie. Do you know how hard that makes me?” He proceeded to show me by thrusting his denim covered cock between my legs. My moans turned to full out panting. I was so close to finding my release. He found the spot where I throbbed for him and moved two fingers directly over my swollen clit. Seconds later I felt my orgasm building deep within me.

  “That’s it, Evie, let go. Come for me, baby, I’ve got you.” His words were the catalyst that sent me deep over the edge and I called out his name, digging my fingers into his broad shoulders as I came. Tate’s fingers slowed as he eased me down from what had been, hands down, the most intense orgasm of my life. Tate showered kisses all over my breasts and back up to my lips. He pulled back to look me in the eyes with a slight smile across his lips.

  “You are so damn sexy when you come.” Heat rose up my chest at his words and I dropped my eyes from his intense gaze. What did he think of me? I had never lost control like that. Tate cupped my face tenderly and raised my chin so I was forced to meet his eyes once again. His face showed no trace of the smile that had been there moments before. I felt raw and bare in front of him.

  His careful words that came next surprised me. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me that, for trusting me. That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed.” His eyes held mine captive and his words made me feel safe and cherished. He leaned back in and softly kissed my lips, once, twice, before that slow burn of desire begin to build back.

  Our kissing soon turned passionate once again. A familiar ping sounded from my purse somewhere on the nearby table. Ping. Ping. Ping. I tried to ignore the sound of incoming text messages when Tate pulled back and chuckled. “Do you want to check that? Or at least turn it off?” I smiled back at him, placed my hands on his shoulders and slid my own body down the front of his. Tate chuckled in amusement as I smiled up at him and then moved to dig my phone from my bag. When I pulled it out I saw a series of texts from Kate.

  Kate: Evie, please call me

  Kate: 911

  Kate: Evie!

  Kate: Evelyn Harper! Do not ignore me!

  Kate: Evie?

  Kate: 911 Evie! Meet me at your place. ASAP!

  Oh shit! Kate hardly ever used our code. My expression must have shown my concern, that and the fact I threw my phone into my purse and searched frantically for my blouse.

  “Everything okay, Evie?” Tate asked as he walked towards me.

  “I have to go—” I located my shirt and tugged it over my head. “I’m sorry, Tate. I have to go right now.” I pulled my keys out and met his concerned expression. He moved in front of me and gripped my arms firmly.

  “Just breathe, Evie, breathe. What happened? Is everything okay?” I met his look with slight frustration.

  “No, everything is not okay. Look, I need to go. I’ll explain later, but right now I have to go.”

  He looked lost but released my arms. Tate was only a few steps behind me and when I unlocked my car door he called my name. “Just be careful okay?” I attempted a sympathetic smile. I was sure he was completely confused, but I didn’t have time to explain. That was the deal with the 911 code we invented years ago. Once you received that message, it was like the bat signal to Batman—you didn’t ask questions or dilly dally, you got your ass to your bestie ASAP.

  I sped off towards my house with concern and dread pouring over me. I wasn’t sure what happened to Kate, but whatever it was couldn’t be good.

  The first thing I noticed as I ran towards my front door was the sound of loud voices coming through the walls. I put my key in and pushed it open to find Kate and Jon glaring at each other from across the room. “Just give her the benefit of the doubt, okay? We don’t know—” Kate stopped mid-sentence and they both turned to look at me. Kate gave me a once over and then flashed me a sad smile.

  “It’s about time,” she said softly.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Jon shouted.

  “What’s going on? Kate are you okay? You look okay.” I was confused and lost as to what was going on.

  “I’m fine, but we have a problem. I ran into Stacey Mills-Sandoval and her friend Veronica Ortega downtown. They had just finished dinner at Culinary Dropout.” She pinned me with a glare. “They said they saw Tate and you cozied up in a booth having what looked a lot like a date. She was outraged when I saw her, but I assured her she must have misread the situation because my friend would never do something like that.”

  Busted. I was completely busted. Shit, shit, shit! I looked at Kate’s kind and imploring eyes and then turned my gaze to Jon, who was glaring daggers my way.

  “So, were you? On a date tonight wit
h Tate?” Jon challenged.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t lie to my friends even if I tried.


  “Damn it, Evie! What the hell were you thinking?” Jon roared.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  “Do you realize how unprofessional this is? How this puts our entire business in jeopardy? If word gets out—which with Stacey being the one client you just had to screw over, I’m most certain it will—we’re ruined. Fucking ruined, Evie! And for what? So you can take the man for yourself? I’m so fucking disappointed in you! I expected so much more from you. I trusted you.” His words cut worse than his glower, and I held back the tears threatening to escape.

  “Now, wait just a minute, Jon. You aren’t even letting her speak or explain herself. Evie is our friend, not some entitled bitch named Stacey.”

  “Explain then.” He challenged.

  “I don’t know, it just kind of happened, and I wanted to tell you, I truly did, I just didn’t know how. I was going to talk to you tonight, I swear.” I looked into Jon’s hard eyes, imploring him to understand.

  “Oh that’s fucking great! Like I’m supposed to believe that now, after you’ve been outed!”

  Jon was yelling at me again and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Look, I’m sorry, okay?” I shouted back.

  “Sorry for what? For lying to your best friends? For screwing up our first real job? Tell me what the fuck you’re actually sorry for!”


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