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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 26

by Earl Watson

  Amanda was in the middle of giving Carney a tour of the condo and they had just left the wine cellar. “Mandy no one lives like this in the middle of Manhattan. Maybe in the Hamptons, or out in Beverly Hills. But not in New York City. I mean your place is nothing to sneeze at but this place is to die for!” They passed the locked room with the large French sliding doors.

  “Mandy what’s in there.?” Before Amanda could answer Carney pulled on the doors.

  “Mandy it’s locked!”

  “He hasn’t shown me that room yet, but he says that he will. Come on lets sit by the pool and talk.” Amanda fixed the two of them something to drink and they sat around the pool to talk.

  “You know Mandy I think that Marcus is a great guy. But you should have given it more time before you decided to move in with him.

  We both know that dating a man and sleeping with a man is totally different than living with a man.”

  “I know, I know, but what was I supposed to say? No!”

  “How are you adjusting?”

  “Alright I guess, but there is one thing that was very troubling and disturbing.” She told Carney all about the incident of her wearing his boxer shorts. Amanda then went into the master bedroom to show Carney a few of the bra and pantie sets. Carney picked up one of the sets and ran her hand over it.

  “Mandy I have never seen or felt anything so fine.” She held up a pair of the panties to her waist.

  “It doesn’t leave much to the imagination does it?”

  “Carney, do you know what he did with the shorts that I was wearing? He couldn’t wait to throw them away. Now why do you think that he did that?”

  “Mandy don’t make more out of it than what it is. Maybe he did that because the only masculine thing that he wants around your body is him. There sure ain’t no harm in that!”

  “I am sure glad that you are back Carney. Marcus is throwing a small dinner party for his grandmother, Manny, and his wife and you. It’s 202

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress to celebrate my moving in here and he’s having it catered by The Victoria Club. I hope that you will come.”

  Of course I can come, I am free until the middle of September. Have you met his mother yet?” Amanda looked away into the pool.

  “He never talks about her. He did mention once that he has a brother and sister that are younger than he is, and are twins. He hasn’t seen them in thirteen years. A friend of his has one of the top private investigation firms searching for them. But so far no luck.”

  “Did you say since he was thirteen? That’s a very long time. Doesn’t his mother keep in touch with his grandmother?”

  “Nope, they also haven’t seen each other in the same amount of time.”

  “Mandy that is just terrible. Do you think that Marcus would mind if I came over for a swim once in awhile?”

  “Of course not he wouldn’t mind at all.”

  “Now lets decide where we are going for lunch, and let me look thru your closet for something to wear. My stuff is over at your place.”

  “Sure but it will have to be either a skirt or a dress.”

  “A skirt or a dress! Why?”

  “I had Manny take all of my pants and pant suits over to the Salvation Army to be given away.”

  “What would make you do a thing like that? Mandy are you really serious?”

  “Marcus doesn’t like me in pants so I gave them all away.”

  “That was very smart, very smart. You can’t be serious you just can’t be! What in the hell do you plan to do if you and Marcus break up?

  Buy more!!”

  “Don’t worry Carney, I don’t plan on being a slavish puppy in this relationship. But he only likes me in skirts and dresses, I am glad that he does.”

  “Do you know something Mandy, you are in bigger trouble than you know.”

  Manny and his wife pulled up in front of Marcus’ building and watched as the valet drove it into the parking lot. As they moved in silence thru the lobby and toward the elevator his wife nudged him.

  “Are you sure that we’re invited? This place even smells like money.

  “Manny followed her into the elevator and pressed the Penthouse button.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I am the one who was invited. I just took you along as a guest.”

  This time she took her elbow and jabbed him harder in the ribs.

  “Stop! That hurts and I have a game coming up.” Amanda met them at the elevator door when they got off.

  “The front desk called to say that you were on your way up. We are so glad that you could come. Just follow me and I hope that you brought your bathing suits.”

  “Yeah, yeah, boss we brought them.” Amanda ushered them into the living room. Where a pinkish, orange sunset could be seen out of the giant window. Amanda could hear Manny’s wife gasp as she took in the sight. “I never knew that New York could look so beautiful.”

  Manny walked close enough to the window where his nose was almost touching it. His eyes were bulging out of their sockets and he just shook his head. Amanda gave him a slap on the back.

  “Come on you can look at that later. Marcus has hired a bartender and two maids to serve you. If you don’t see what you want just ask me.” Manny’s wife spoke up.

  “Mandy you can get me a sherry over ice and bring him a beer.”

  Amanda stopped one of the maids that was passing by and gave the woman their order.

  “Manny when you are finished with your drinks and the view I will come back to get you. Everyone else is in the library.” Amanda returned in twenty minutes and escorted them into the library. Marcus rushed over to greet them.

  “Manny it’s great to see you again, this must be your wife Angela.”

  Marcus gave her a slight bow and shook her hand warmly.

  “Thank you for gracing this household madam.” He kept hold of her hand and lead her over to meet his grandmother, while passing in front of Carney.

  “You already know Carney.” Angela stopped for a minute.

  “How is the world doing Carney?”

  “It’s screwed up and getting worse. So it’s up to me to whip it back into shape.” By this time Marcus was standing in front of his grandmother and Manny had joined them. He introduced them and they sat down as he rushed back into the kitchen. Within five minutes he was standing at the door to the library and announcing.

  “The food is here everyone. If you follow me there is plenty of room 204

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress to eat in the kitchen or the living room.” The food was laid out on a twenty foot table and was placed against the kitchen’s back wall. Behind the table were the two maids that were proudly dressed in their Victoria Club uniforms. The bartender was also dressed in his as he stood confident and eager to serve. Everyone approached the table in silence and awe. There was no need to speak because the spread that was laid out on the table spoke for itself. Fifty of the biggest Maine lobsters were piled high on a platter. As their steam lightly danced upwards toward the ceiling. Right next to them was a silver platter of just as many filet mignon stakes. There were so many that the maids had to keep pushing them back onto the platter. There was a pile of Alaskan King Crab Legs. That looked to be two inches thick and drowned in hot butter. Then came the golden fried shrimp that looked as big as a man’s fist. Next to that was a steaming heap of shrimp Parmesan, and spaghetti . Next came the extra tender veal and lamb chops sprinkled with slices of garlic that was thin enough to see thru. Also on that side of the table was a roast beef, a fried turkey, three kinds of chicken, a cooked ham, and a brisket. On the other side of the twenty foot table was a mountain of mashed po-tatoes, seven different salads with their own dressings, corn, greens, beets, and a medley of other vegetables. Directly next to that was an array of different breads that been freshly baked and was still hot to the touch. On a smaller table not far away were cakes, donuts, cook-ies, custards, pies, fruits, and a machine that dispensed ice-crea
m in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Angela and Manny lagged behind and allowed the others to go first. They were both in a state of shock.

  Angela whispered into her husbands ear.

  “Manny there is so much food under this man’s roof, we could feed our entire building. It’s almost close to being a sin.” Manny gave her a light pat on her backside.

  “Yeah it is a sin. Now lets go and be sinners.”

  As everyone sat in the kitchen or in the living room. All that could be heard was the cracking of lobsters and Alaskan King Crab Legs.

  Every once in awhile someone would find the time to comment on how delicious everything was. Marcus was constantly imploring his guests.

  “Everything has to be eaten before this night is over. What ever is 205

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress not eaten can be taken home by anyone that wants it. Anything after that will be given to the help from The Victoria Club.”

  After everyone had eaten their fill they all went into the library. The four women were sitting on the couch and talking while Marcus and Manny sat hunched over a chessboard that Marcus had moved into the library. Manny turned to Amanda.

  “Hey boss, Marcus is going to play with us next Sunday. It looks like we are going to be a few guys short so he said that he would fill in.”

  Angela cautioned Marcus.

  “Don’t do it Marcus, most of the games end up in a fight. This is going to be on grudge match for neighborhood bragging rights. You are too cultured for that kind of caveman stuff. Don’t let him do it Mandy.” Amanda looked at Marcus’ grandmother for guidance.

  “There is no use in telling him not to play Amanda. Doing so will only make him more determined. Even men of culture have the need to prove something against other men. Marcus, why don’t you take your guests on a tour of the wine cellar?”

  “Sure, why don’t you come also. I have stocked it with a few exotic wines from China that you might like.”

  “No Marcus, me and Amanda will join you later.”

  “That’s alright we’ll wait for you.” Mrs. Peterson raised her voice a little.

  “No Marcus we will come along later, now go.” Carney quickly understood the meaning of Mrs. Peterson’s request.

  “Marcus I have waited for weeks to be given a proper tour of your wine cellar. There is no better time than the present and I would be so grateful.” She took Manny and Angela by the hand and walked over to the door leading to the wine cellar.

  “Lead the way Marcus we are ready to get plastered!”

  Marcus hesitated for a minute before squeezing past them. “You can all drink to your hearts desire and if you can’t make it home don’t worry, I have plenty of room.” Mrs. Peterson moved closer to Amanda on the couch.

  “Isn’t it funny how such a smart man can be so dumb?” Amanda gave a slight chuckle as Mrs. Peterson took a sip out of her glass.

  “You are madly in love with him aren’t you?” Amanda’s face started to blush.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I didn’t know that it was so obvious.” Mrs. Peterson rested her drink on the coffee table and leaned back and crossed her legs.

  “What is it about him that you like?” Amanda looked around the room’s four walls for an answer but they stayed mute. She reverted her eyes back to Mrs. Peterson.

  “I guess that I like everything about him. He is unlike any man that I have ever come across in my life.”

  “I have known him since he was a baby and I can’t find anything wrong with him either. But I love him as a grandmother so I am not supposed to look for faults in him. But you on the other hand are a woman that is utterly smitten by him. You are the one that should look for his faults so that you know if you can deal with them. Like all men he has them you just have to look a little harder to find them.

  From the time that he was twelve until he was nineteen he lived with me and never gave me a bit of trouble. There is almost nothing that he can’t do better than most people.”

  “Yes Mrs. Peterson, I know and sometimes it’s very intimidating.”

  Mrs. Peterson took another sip out of her glass.

  “You know that he likes ancient things like castles, and artifacts and just about anything to do with history. He’s very fond of anything that smacks of ancient Rome, especially the Coliseum. I am afraid that I have to take the blame for that, I have the same weakness. He lived with me in Rome for six years before coming back to the states.

  He loved being in Rome for him there was something magical about it. Has he ever shown you any of the pictures that he painted.”

  “No, I didn’t know that he drew pictures of the city”

  “Oh no not of the city, just of the Coliseum.”

  “I am sure that he’s a good artist also.”

  “I know that it sounds a bit odd about him only painting one thing.

  But there were worse things that he could have gotten into. He must have over a hundred pictures of the place. One day I am sure that he will show them to you. Now enough about that, I am sure that there are few questions about him that you want to ask me, so ask away. I will do my best to answer them.”

  “Well I really can’t think of any right off the top of my head.”

  “Oh come on of course you can. You had better ask me about him because there is no one else that can tell you anything. Of course like 207

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress most men he won’t tell you himself.”

  “Well, there is one question that I would like to ask. Mrs. Peterson, I would like to know about his mother he never talks about her and I am very curious to know what happened between them. I know that he went to live with you in Rome, but why?” Mrs. Peterson stood up and walked over to the book shelves and her face took on a somber look.

  “How did I know when I woke up this morning that you were going to ask me that very question? I knew because no woman can ever really know a man until she knows what his relationship is with his mother. It’s even more important to the woman if she is in love with the man.” Mrs. Peterson returned to the couch and sat down and hung her head.

  “She’s my daughter but she has no idea how to be a mother. Did he tell you that he has a brother and a sister, twins?”

  “Yes he did tell me that, but he has no idea where they are.”

  “Neither do I, she just took them and vanished.”

  “Why didn’t she take Marcus too?”

  “I think that she thought that he could make it without her. He was always self sufficient and had a level of confidence that was beyond his years. I always thought that was because he didn’t have a choice.

  His mother was never there for him so he had to raise himself. After awhile it just became second nature to him. The other two children were very young so maybe she thought that they needed her in some way. So she took them where ever she went, who knows.”

  “You have no idea where she is?”

  “She’s hopping from one place to another, one state to another, one man to another. She has always had that problem when it came to men. When it came to the wrong men she always hit the lottery. The best thing that she ever did for him was to let him come live with me.”

  “Did he ever talk about her to you? Did he miss her, or wonder where she was?”

  “No he never did. It’s not something that he planned on it just worked out that way. It’s not pretty but that’s how it was. You asked me and so I....told you.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “That’s so sad Mr. Peterson.”

  “Yes it is. But on a happier note I don’t think that you have to worry about any of that and how he feels about you. I can see that he’s smitten with you too.”

  “He told you that?”

  “No, but I know him well enough to tell.” Carney opened the door and inquired. “Are you two finished talking about Marcus yet? He wants the both of you to come into the wine cellar and taste something special.”
While strolling toward the wine cellar Mrs. Peterson took Amanda’s hand and walked along side her.

  “Do you know Amanda, Marcus is my grandson and I think that you are lucky to be involved with him. However, after meeting you I am inclined to say that he is even luckier to be involved with you.”

  Eight days later on Sunday, when Marcus walked thru the door Amanda let out a frantic scream.

  “Oh my God, what happened?” As Marcus stepped aside she saw Manny standing in the doorway. He looked like the child that had just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “I am really sorry about this boss, but it couldn’t be helped.”

  Amanda checked him into silence with a stare that he had never seen before. She marched behind Marcus as he headed for the bathroom in the master bedroom.

  “It’s no big deal Kid, just a fat lip and a few cuts and bruises. But we won!” Amanda recoiled in horror as she noticed a cut on his neck that had dried blood caked into it.

  “Angela was right there was a fight after the game wasn’t there?”

  Marcus leaned over the sink and spit out a mouthful of blood. She reached for a washcloth and ran some cold water over it. She began wiping the dirt and blood off of his face but he took it from her.

  “It’s no big deal, I’ll do it.”

  “No let me do it I want to help” He cringed in pain as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Don’t make a super fuss over it. If you really want to help go and run me a hot bath.” Amanda was a little teed off about how insistent he was about not letting her help him. Her mind flashed back to his early childhood with his mother. Marcus made his way out of the bathroom and was sitting on the bed as she ran his water for a bath.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress He was in great pain as he took off his football clothes and called out behind her.

  “Don’t go blaming Manny, it wasn’t his fault.” Manny was still waiting by the door overcome with fear.

  “Hey buddy are you ok? Are you going to be alright?”

  “I will be fine Manny, I will call you tomorrow.” While the water was running Amanda went to show Manny out as he pleaded his case while rubbing his swollen face. “I am really sorry about this boss, but it wasn’t our fault! Those guys from across town started it, we had to defend ourselves.” Amanda’s stoic icy glare got even colder.


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