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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

Page 27

by Earl Watson

  “Boss you are not going to tell Angela are you? I don’t mean about me I mean about Marcus getting hurt. But you should have seen him boss he was taking on three of their biggest dudes at once. He’s pretty nice with his hands and he ain’t afraid to rumble. He wears all of those Wall Street suits and ties but he can be rock hard gangster if he has too. But boss please don’t tell Angela, or she will put her foot down this time for good about me playing anymore because of what happened to Marcus.” Manny was shifting his feet side to side like a misbehaved student who doesn’t want the Dean to call his mother.

  Amanda’s glare softened a little and he knew that he was safe. He quickly closed the door behind him and left. When she got back to the bedroom she could see that Marcus was having trouble lifting his arm over his head so that he could take off his jersey. She could hear his muffled sounds of pain every time that he tried to lift his arm any higher than his neck.

  “I don’t care if you want me to or not I am going to help you take your things off. She helped him pull his jersey and undershirt off and gasped in horror. “The whole side of your rib cage is black and blue and it’s a little swollen!” Marcus turned and looked in the mirror and could also see that his bicep was also badly bruised. He could begin to feel the pain starting to increase. Amanda got control of her anger and disappointment by tightly folding her arms.

  “I think that we should go to the hospital, something might be broken.”

  “No I don’t think so but could you do me a favor? Help me take my sneakers off, I don’t think that I can bend over. She knelt down and removed his sneakers along with his socks. She then focused on his 210

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress waist and loosened the drawn string on his sweatpants and pulled those along with his shorts off.

  “Come on let me help you into the tub.” She could see him fight against the pain as he gingerly got off the bed and started walking toward the bathroom.

  “No that’s alright I can do it by myself.” She tried not to sound too motherly when she said.

  “You’re not going to make it, let me help you.” Marcus didn’t answer her as he started taking small baby steps in the direction of the bathroom. Amanda folded her arms again and balled her hands up into a fist while watching him struggle along. It took him a full three minutes but he finally was standing by the tub.

  “Kid do you think that you could come and help me into the tub?

  I can’t lift my leg that high.” She helped him into the tub as he laid back against the wall then placed a soft towel behind his head. She turned off the warm water and sat on the side of the tub. Marcus slowly lowered his injured bicep into the water and tried to get comfortable while he grimaced in pain.

  “You see, no problem.”

  “I think that I had better wash you up, is that alright?”

  “Could you please do that I just don’t think that I can.” She began lathering up a washcloth and started gently rubbing it over his face and down to his chest like he was a newborn.

  “Boy that feels good, I could lay here forever.” By now she had calmed down enough to ask.

  “What was the fight about?”

  “I don’t know.” Amanda stopped moving the washcloth.”

  “You don’t know!!”

  “No I don’t. I saw a couple of their guys punching and kicking one of our guys and so I ran over to help him out.”

  “But how did you know that it may have been your guy that started the fight?”

  “Yeah maybe so, but I didn’t have time to conduct an inquiry. Before I knew it the whole field was covered with players and friends on both sides fighting all over the place.”

  “But why didn’t you or your team try to talk yourselves out of fighting? You are the last man that I would ever think would be in a street 211

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress fight.”

  “Listen, sometimes when guys are throwing punches, cursing, screaming, rolling around on the ground, there is no time for talking.

  Sometimes the only way to get out of a fight, is to fight.” Amanda softly dabbed some of the dried blood away from the cut on his neck.

  She thought for a minute before blurting out.

  “Marcus the Police didn’t come did they?”

  “They came and cleared the field and made everybody leave. Boy my side is really starting to hurt now.”

  “I hope that you won’t be playing with Manny’s team again, the next time things might really get out of control.” She looked at Marcus and waited for an answer. But he just closed his eyes and pressed his head harder against the towel. She noticed some swelling around his cheek.

  “You are a real mess.”

  “Let’s just say that I have looked better.”

  “Keep your eyes closed I am going to wash your hair and your face.

  She washed from his hair down to his chest and onto his torso. She took care not to touch his side that was black and blue. Amanda put more soap onto the washcloth and dipped it into the water and started to softly move it around his genitals. After washing his scrotum she began washing from the base of his penis up to it’s head.

  With every move she could see and feel it begin to grow. Getting him sexually aroused was the last thing that was on her mind, but it was too late for that now. She let go of the washcloth and watched it float away and disappear below the soapy water. She wrapped her hand around his still growing penis that was now three quarters out of the water. She turned to look at him and saw a smile of expectant pleasure come over his face.

  “Kid, that feels even better.”

  “Just lay back and be quiet. Not that you deserve it but at least it might make you forget about the pain for awhile.” Amanda leaned her face closer to his erection and blew a few soap bubbles from around it’s head. Then she scooped up some water in her hand and let it trickle along it’s entire shaft to rinse all of the soap off. Amanda tightened her grip and slowly began to move her hand up and down.

  As soon as she started this motion she could see small ripples start to 212

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress spread out and lap against the inside of the tub. The soap was starting to make her hand slip so she put her other hand around it and gripped even harder. With the back of her head facing him she could hear him began to softly moan. She forced herself not to look at him and kept her eyes and mind focused on her grip. Suddenly the picture of a water pump flashed into her mind and she starting priming his member faster so that it would pour forth. In a few seconds her priming became faster and her grip got firmer. The water that was once lapping against the tub was now leaping out of the tub’s confines. It was now splashing into her face and wetting the front of her blouse. She leaned further into the tub to where both her arms were totally submerged. Marcus lifted his injured right hand and put it on her shoulder. His moans had gotten longer and louder and she could feel that he was larger and harder. She knew that he would be coming soon. Amanda now started pounding the water with all her strength as fast as she could. Every time that her hand pounded the water it would jump out of the tub in larger and larger amounts.

  The floor was almost covered with water and her face and blouse were completely soaked. Even with all of the water flying into her eyes she saw his body start to tense up. After pounding the water a little more she felt his body softly quiver and he let out a pleasurable moan. Amanda delivered one more strong upward and determined stroke and saw his ejaculated semen fly into the air. After a few seconds it just slowly spurted out and spilled over her hands. Just for good measure she pumped her hands up and down a few more times and watched the last of his delivery trickle out. Marcus’ soft and airy words floated out of the tub and around the entire bathroom. As they tried to balance between pleasure and pain.

  “You just can’t help turning me into a sex fiend, can you?”

  “No. I just wanted to prove something to you. Sex is more fun than football! Now keep still while I finish washing you so that you can get into bed.” Aman
da watched him make the same slow painful walk back to the bedroom that he had made into the bathroom. The few minutes of pleasure that he had felt a few minutes ago were now totally gone. She helplessly watched him as he got into bed and struggled against the pain as he tried to find a comfortable position.

  His right side had began to turn purple and the swelling had gotten 213

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress worse. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw how worried she was.

  “Don’t worry I will be as good as new in a few days.” By the way that he was moving she still thought that he should go to the hospital.

  But she decided not to bring that up again. She could see that he wasn’t the kind of man that would let a woman pamper him. She pulled up one of the coral high back chairs closer to the bed and watched him fall asleep.

  As the daylight faded into the evening she tiptoed out of the room and fixed something to eat for them and took a shower. When she returned into the room she closed the curtains and turned off all the lights. Then with great care she laid down a few feet from him and tried to be as still as possible. His voice startled her.

  “Come closer it’s alright.” She turned around to face him.

  “No stay just like that with your back to me.” She did as he asked and moved back until her buttocks were cradled into his pelvic area. She felt the warmth of his penis as it began to slowly creep up her back.

  “Marcus you are hurt we don’t have to...”

  “I know that we don’t have to. But I want to, I always want to make love to you. I hope that you won’t mind but you will have to do all the work.

  “I don’t mind darling as long as it’s not painful.”

  “I don’t mind a certain amount of pain, as long as it’s worth the re-ward.” Amanda reached behind her and found his penis while lifting her leg and pushing backward. She was surprised to find that the connection was made without any problem. She pushed back a little more until she could feel all of him inside of her. Because of his injured ribs and arm she knew that she would have to move slowly.

  After a few minutes she realized that she was moving too slow. He wouldn’t be able to remain in this position too long before the pain started to tick up again. But at the same time she liked having sex in this position and being totally in control. With Marcus laying totally still she could decide how fast and how deep she wanted him to enter her vagina. As well as deciding which areas of her she wanted his now fully grown penis to visit. With each backward thrust she could determine how far and how long she wanted him to go. Suddenly she stopped when she heard him utter a slight whimper. She 214

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress had become so engrossed in the her own mounting erotic quest. That she failed to see that she was moving to fast and pushing against his torso with too much force.

  “Marcus lets stop I am hurting you.”

  “No don’t stop. It’s always fun for me when I am able to bring you sexual pleasure. Besides, I owe you one for this afternoon. Never let it be said that I don’t pay my debts.” The pain had indeed returned but he blocked it out of his mind. He wanted her to be able to enjoy him whenever she wanted to. Amanda moderated her pace and tried to control the urge to move faster. With slower penetrating backward thrusts she now measured the degree of force that she pushed back with. Now when she pushed back against his pelvic area it was like her buttocks were planting a soft kiss against his body. With a few more of her slower thrusts she was able to find the perfect sexual rhythm. She shifted her body just a little so that he would be hitting the most sensuous part of her vagina. She knew that soon she would be approaching that final pleasurable note. She now pushed back into his body with her last few thrusts in quick succession. Amanda lifted her free arm and wrapped it around his waist and pulled him into her as far as possible. She felt the muscles deep within her vagina start to wildly contract and hold him tight. Her outside body was perfectly motionless but deep within her inner recesses she was a river that was overflowing it’s banks. Her sexual overflow formed into a warm fast moving stream. She rode along with the flow as it began to overwhelm her and take her to a forbidden hinterland that allowed her to explore every desire. It was if this erotic stream was flowing along outside of her while all the time it’s power to control came from within. Just as she thought that this river was speeding up it began to ebb and it’s last waves pushed her back to shore. She felt like a super sonic jet that had ventured into outer space and was now touching down at it’s launching sight. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to return back to the real world yet. Amanda freed her other arm and held on tight to the bed frame while still using the other arm to hold onto his hard backside. She could hear her heavy uncontrollable breathing as it mixed into the darkness of the room.

  She could still feel his throbbing penis inside of her. It’s soft gentle warmth pushed her into a peaceful sleep.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress With their first summer behind them Amanda and Marcus slipped into the coolness of a early October. She had eagerly settled into the every day life of living with him. There were times when she couldn’t remember if she hadn’t lived with him forever. At work he made sure to keep her up to speed on everything that was going on. When she was in her office sometimes she would catch herself staring at him thru his door as he worked. He would leave before her earlier in the morning and by the time she got there. He would have coffee and something light to eat waiting for her. She loved the sexual pranks that they would play on each other. When she arrived every day the first thing that she would ask him was to guess what color panties that she was wearing. He would get three chances to get the color right. If he guessed wrong he would lose out on sex for that night. So far he had guessed wrong every time. But when bedtime came she always let him slide. The sexual pranks that he would play on her were more risque and she never got tired of them. Anyone who knew him would not believe that he could come up with such things. One day at a meeting in her office with all her managers, he gave her a folder with what was supposed to be designs. When she opened it up she saw a drawing of his penis in crayon. Before anyone could see he snatched it back and gave her the right one and said.

  “Sorry that’s the folder for evening wear.” Sometimes when they would take the elevator home. If it was crowded he would stand as close as he could behind her to where she could feel his penis starting to grow. When she turned around to look at him. He would pretend to be reading the paper or looking at his watch. Then there was the time when he called her into his office in a panic. On the pretense that something had gone wrong with a big shipment. She rushed into his office and he pushed her into a small corner. Within seconds he had pulled up her skirt and pulled down her panties and had sex with her with both of their doors open. After seven or eight minutes she was sitting back at her desk and shaking her head.

  “I can’t believe you! You are totally impossible! Do you realize that both of our doors were open!”

  He looked at her with a self confident smirk.

  “I think that I am quite possible, as a matter of fact I am also very very good! Now I dare you to tell me that you didn’t enjoy that!”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress Amanda picked up some order forms and looked down at them.

  “Don’t change the subject, that’s beside the point.” Once when she was conducting an interview with a future employee at her desk. She was halfway finished when she felt someone’s fingers began to slowly move up her leg. It was one of those metal desks that were closed off on three sides. With the only open side facing where Amanda was sitting. When she felt the fingers get as high as her thigh. She quickly told the woman that she was hired. Amanda then walked the woman to the elevator and ran back into her office. When she looked under the desk no one was there. She slowly walked over to his office and pushed open his door all the way. Marcus’ head was down and he was filling out some reports. As hard as she tried she couldn’t make her voice sound like she w
as upset.

  “Marcus that may have been going too far.” He kept his head down looking at the reports.

  “Going too far! What do you mean?”

  “Marcus that was you under my desk and running your fingers up my leg!” He jerked his face toward her.

  “Someone under your desk and running their fingers up your leg!”

  Marcus rushed out of his office and looked under her desk.”

  “There is no one under your desk.”

  “Marcus I know what I felt and it was you.” He walked past her and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, and sat back at his desk with his head down looking at the reports.

  “Gee is that all that you think about? Is that all that you think I am good for? You’ve got a one track mind Kid. Can’t you wait at least until I get home?” The best prank of all that he played on her was when they were at home one morning. She had an early meeting and she had got up and got dressed while he was still in bed. When she got ready to leave she could not find her keys. Marcus roused his naked body out of bed and looked on the floor and then in the bathroom. They were on the vanity under a towel. He stepped into the bedroom.

  “Hey, I found them.” When she turned around she saw that he had slipped the key ring over his erect penis and they were dangling.

  Amanda turned her eyes away from his penis and the keys and took a few steps backward and said very cautiously while holding out her 217

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress hand.

  “Please darling just toss them to me.”

  “No I won’t toss them to you. I thought that this was a fifty fifty operation! I have done my part by finding them and it is only fair that you come and get them.” Amanda turned her back entirely to him and started walking backwards with her hand behind her. She didn’t want to be tempted by the sight of his penis with the dangling keys.


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