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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Stay, the night’s just getting started,” he whispered, and she stared up into his eyes, and then looked at Matt, Quaid, and Virgo.

  “So tell me what happened next,” she said and then stepped away from Dale and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  Quaid smiled and then began to tell the rest of the story. But Matt couldn’t take his eyes off of Sage. Her long brown hair was done up in some twisted style to the side, causing the chocolate, silky-looking locks to cascade over one shoulder, covering her breast. Her green eyes sparkled as she laughed, the thick, long eyelashes made them stand out even more. Her nose was small, delicate, her face kissed from the sun already and it was only mid-June. Her body looked incredible. She was toned, curvy where she should be around her hips and ass and up top where her breasts didn’t quite flow from the pretty top she wore, but instead revealed just enough cleavage, to indicate she was well endowed. He inhaled, loving the scent of her light perfume, honeysuckle and something else. Was it rose water? Lily of the valley?

  He felt his cock grow thick against his zipper. This was a given when in the presence of the woman he wanted. No other woman made Matt feel this way. Not any of the ones he bedded.

  He heard Sage laugh and then place her hand on his arm. He smiled at her.

  “You poor thing. You’re right. I think they should have helped you. But I’m impressed that you took on three guys and still got to stay at the bar and enjoy some beers.”

  He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth as he shook his head. Her eyes watched his movement, and damn did he want to kiss her.

  “I think they should have helped me, too.”

  “I have a question though, what happened with the guy’s sister? I mean they wound up having beers with you guys even after you fought them and nearly knocked them out. Why would they want you to stick around?”

  He felt his cheeks redden and he waited for his brother or cousins to fill her in.

  They were chuckling. Dale slapped his hand on Matt’s shoulder.

  “Sucker boy here felt badly for what he did. So he stuck around and got the woman’s number and took her out on a real date the following night.”

  Matt didn’t even want to see her expression. She would probably think he was a wuss or something and everyone around here feared his reputation. This happened years ago, before life’s tragedies, and personal experiences working for the government changed him.

  “Really? You did that, just so the brother wouldn’t be pissed off and the girl wouldn’t be insulted at what you did together at the bar?” she asked him.

  He gave his brother and cousins a dirty look and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “That was years ago. I was barely a man.”

  She held his gaze. “That was really nice, what you did. You sound like you wouldn’t do it again, now that you’re older.”

  He stood up and reached for her, but Sage lowered her eyes and stepped away.


  She took her time looking up, and when she did, she seemed intimidated by his size and his close proximity. It didn’t sit right with Matt. His gut, his instincts told him she was scared of him or worse, at being touched.

  “You want to know if I’d do that again?” he asked, holding her gaze while his brother and cousins stood right around them, yet all he could feel and focus on was her.

  “How about this? If it was me and you, slow dancing, our bodies rubbing up close, my hands caressing your every curve, while you whispered in my ear, moaned in my arms as we felt such an intense attraction and desire, then hell, baby, there’d be a lot more than reaching under skirts. There’d be a whole lot of me and you making love in my bed.”

  She stared at him, and he could see how his words affected her. Her nipples pebbled through the thin cotton she wore, her eyes sparkled, and she swallowed hard.

  He reached the small distance and took her hand. She gasped, he felt her slightly try to pull back but with little effort.

  He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Look at me, Sage.”

  Her eyes darted from his mouth on her knuckles to his eyes staring deeply.

  “You feel the attraction between us. Between all five of us.” Her eyes darted to the others who now surrounded them. She shook her head.

  “Don’t deny it,” Quaid added.

  “Ain’t any use in fighting it, Sage. You’ve instantly snagged my attention,” Dale told her. She glanced at Virgo. He remained silent, but that was Virgo. He feared opening up his heart, and showing any vulnerability. From what Matt knew from Dale, every time Virgo thought a woman had feelings for him, she turned him down or went for another guy around him. Not now. This was different.

  “You’re wrong. There’s nothing to feel. You’re mistaken,” she said, her voice quivering. Dale moved closer and placed his arm around her waist.

  “No use in getting freaked out now, darling. We know we can be intimidating, especially to a pretty young thing like yourself. But we’re honest, noble men. Men that would never hurt you.”

  “Men that want to take that look of fear off your face and make you smile. You’re real pretty when you smile,” Virgo added, and Sage looked up toward him. She swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry. But I don’t date. More than likely I’ll be leaving come the end of summer.”

  “Leaving?” Quaid asked, sounding shocked.

  She took a deep breath and released it. “I haven’t really made my decision yet.”

  “Why not look for a job in Croton or even Keanter? It’s a little bit of a commute, but at least you can stay around here where you’re safe,” Quaid told her.

  “Safe?” she asked, and then looked away from them. He wondered why she said it like that. Did she not feel safe here, in Pearl? That angered him. After all, he felt that he, Quaid, and the sheriff were doing a great job protecting the women.

  “I need to go. It was nice talking to you guys. Enjoy the party.”

  “Wait, I’ll walk with you. I think the food has been out for a little while already,” Virgo stated, and Matt watched the two of them walk away.

  “What the hell was that all about? She seems fearful. Did you get that feeling, too?” Quaid asked.

  “Sure did, and I didn’t like it one bit.”

  “Maybe it’s just the way she feels. You mentioned that she had a past. How bad were things for her, Matt?” Dale asked, and now he sounded angry and upset, too.

  Matt turned toward him. “I’ll explain what we know.” He looked past Dale and saw Kenny and Bryant Jones heading over.

  “We got company coming,” Quaid stated.

  * * * *

  Kenny was trying his hardest not to run over toward the table where Sage was talking with Matt, Quaid, Virgo, and Dale. He was concerned for Sage. She looked so nervous over there between the four extra large men. It seemed to him and to Bryant, that the men were staking a claim to Sage. Neither of them were feeling too excited about the possibility. Matt and Quaid were hard, experienced men. Men who had dangerous pasts and still did secretive things for the government. He also didn’t know much about Virgo and Dale except for their military backgrounds and that they lived in Delite, a place where a lot of Bryant’s friends lived after retiring from the military. Bryant said he could make some calls. Maybe that would be necessary.

  “Are you guys planning on joining the party, or are you only interested in my daughter?” Kenny stated, with Bryant right beside him.

  Matt gave his typical straight-faced, no-bullshit look that probably made most men fearful. Truth was, Kenny did feel a bit intimidated by all four of the men. They were each over six foot three. Virgo and Dale were buffed out, and their dress shirts looked snug against their muscles. Matt and Quaid were less bulky, but he could tell the men were physically fit. Hell, he’d seen Matt and Quaid when they were angry, and it wasn’t a good thing. He glanced over his shoulder, back toward the table where Virgo and Sage now sat eating together.

She’s a grown woman, Kenny. You know I care about her,” Matt told him.

  “As do I,” Quaid added.

  “And you and Virgo?” Bryant asked with attitude toward Dale.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but Sage is a beautiful, smart, young woman. We look forward to getting to know her better,” Dale told them.

  “Getting to know her better?” Kenny asked with an attitude as Bryant stepped forward. “She is our business, and if the four of you try to push her or hurt her—”

  “Whoa, Bryant, calm down. You know us pretty damn well,” Quaid said.

  “I don’t know you that well. Plus, you and Matt have nearly ten years on her. That’s a lot of experience, and could be intimidating to say the least. She’s not like her other friends,” Bryant added.

  “You mean Amanda, Mary, and Sissy? Hell, we know that. The bottom line is that we like Sage, want to get to know her, if she’ll accept us,” Matt stated.

  “And has she accepted your advances?” Kenny asked, with his hands on his hips and his heart racing. He worried about Sage. She never talked about what happened between her, Triumph, and Ariel. She refused to, despite even the counselor’s push to help.

  “Our cousins just got here a few weeks ago. It took them some time to venture into town, as you and Wyatt know,” Quaid told them.

  “You just got here and you’re telling us, you and Virgo both feel something for Sage?” Kenny asked.

  “Probably the same thing you felt for Lena the moment you set eyes on her,” Dale retorted.

  Kenny felt the hit to his gut. They were right. He was instantly attracted to Lena, and so were his brothers. These were grown men. They were good men. Maybe even men capable of breaking down those walls of fear and uncertainty Sage still had up.

  “You’re right,” Kenny whispered.

  Matt stood up and approached Kenny. “We promise not to hurt her and that we have nothing but good intentions. We’re old enough and experienced enough to know what we want.”

  Kenny looked at Bryant. Bryant stepped forward.

  “She may not be ready though. There are things you don’t know, Matt,” Bryant said and then looked at Dale.

  “What things?” Dale asked.

  “Things we’re not at liberty to disclose, and that only Sage can divulge to you if she ever can,” Kenny added.

  “I know. Not all of it, but enough to know she’s hiding behind a wall she’s built up. We get it, and we’ll tread carefully,” Matt said firmly.

  “Enough said.” Kenny reached his hand out to shake Matt’s. The others did the same, including Bryant.

  “How about we grab some food. This is a party,” Kenny stated, and they nodded their heads as they headed toward the feast of food and the rest of the guests.

  * * * *

  Sage was pleasantly surprised to find out how sweet and gentle Virgo seemed. He was a gentleman, had fixed her plate, offered her things first before he took for himself. He even let her sit down first and offered her a napkin. He was just so very big, and it concerned her.

  “What’s that look for? You feeling okay?” he asked.

  She nodded her head, and then put her fork down. She was finished anyway.

  “You’re very big.”

  He widened his eyes slightly but then wiped his mouth with the napkin and reached for his beer. “You don’t find me attractive?” he asked, and he looked like his own comment shocked himself as he cleared his throat and took a sip of beer. She had a feeling that Virgo wasn’t so suave when it came to the ladies. He was quiet, reserved, and like a great big teddy bear. Well, maybe more of a grizzly if anyone ever made him angry.

  She held his gaze. “You’re very attractive, and any woman would love to…”

  “Love to what?”

  “Be your woman.”

  “How about you?”

  She lowered her eyes and took a deep breath. “Virgo, I—”

  “You know what. Forget that I said that. I like you. You get that now. You know that Dale and our cousins do, too. It will take some time to get to know each of us and that’s okay. But I want you to know that I’m not used to this.”

  “Used to what? Flirting and hitting on unsuspecting young women?” she asked, he smiled softly.

  “I guess if you want to put it like that and think of yourself as unsuspecting.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Well, you said it. I didn’t.”

  “No, you didn’t. You were going to tell me how you don’t flirt.”

  “Oh, I flirt, but I’m not good at it. It never comes easy, and seems forced. However, with you, with that comment I said about finding me attractive? I never would have said anything like that. It’s you.”

  She felt her belly tighten and a feeling of desire and attraction instantly build for Virgo.

  “Oh, so it’s my fault you made such a bold statement?”

  He blushed as he lowered his head and shook it. “Damn, girl, you make my head spin.”

  She chuckled. “You are too much, Virgo, but very sweet. I appreciate you being honest. You must be the calmest of the four of you.”

  “I guess the most quiet. Dale tends to muster over things, but he’s pretty verbal. He’s set in his ways, like Matt and Quaid. I consider myself more flexible.”

  “I can see that. Any man who can drink Jack and coke and look so cool and collected has got to have his act together. It makes Dale appear older and hard though. Like maybe he doesn’t like to smile.”

  “Pretty good description. He’s had a rough life. We both served in the war, and then settled in Delite for some time.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  “Lots of reasons. Mostly because Matt and Quaid called us to help them, and give us a change of scenery from Delite. You ever been there, to Delite?”

  “No, I was supposed to take a trip there with some friends from college. There’s a place called Dixie Chix that’s supposed to be awesome.”

  Virgo smiled, and his whole face lit up. “My friends own the place.”

  She listened as he told her all about the seven women who built up the dance hall from scratch, and how they met and fell in love with their men. It was quite the story.

  “They sure did go through a lot. I guess if things go bad, there are some people who give up and others who keep fighting.”

  “Sounds like you know personally.”

  She looked at him. “Virgo, I really don’t like to talk about—”

  “Hey, no pressure from me. I get it. Maybe someday you’ll feel strong enough, empowered enough to get past the things that hurt and embrace all the things that make you happy. It’s a process, but it’s one people can’t force on you. You need to be ready.”

  She held his gaze, her heart growing fonder of him by the second. “Sounds like someone with similar experience.”

  He looked away from her and then back toward her face. “Experiencing war can scar a man for life, make changes in him, he just can’t seem to grab control of.”

  “Maybe not as intense, but I can tell you from experience, the city streets of Detroit can scar a girl for life, too.”

  They stared into one another’s eyes. He lifted his beer. “To moving forward and never looking back.”

  She raised her beer and they clinked them together. “To moving forward.”

  * * * *

  “What is going on over there?” Anna asked Lena, as Stacy and Millie joined them.

  “Oh God, those men are so big and intimidating. I don’t know, but by the way they were surrounding Sage, talking to her like that, I’d say they’re interested,” Lena whispered, as she watched Laya, Frankie, and William eat ice cream by the picnic table. The other kids were there, too. Hope stood watch at nearly seven years old, while Anna’s three three-year-old triplets sat with their fathers Wyatt, Charlie, and Ben. Wyatt seemed to be watching the scene over by the picnic table where now Bryant and Kenny walked.

  Her two men would get to the bottom of this.
  “Well, I have to say, Sage sure did snag some interesting men. Matt alone is such a mystery, and so macho. Wyatt has a lot of respect for him. Apparently both Matt and Quaid worked some dangerous missions with the government,” Anna told Lena, Stacy, and Millie.

  “Dangerous missions. I don’t know if I like this. They seem so hard and distant. And I know nothing about their cousins who came here a few weeks ago,” Lena said.

  “Hard and distant. They have got some serious charisma and bodies on them. Hearts are going to be breaking all around Pearl as word gets out,” Millie stated.

  They chuckled, but Lena felt on edge. She worried about Sage. She kept a lot inside, and didn’t share much.

  “Don’t jump the gun yet. Sage hasn’t ever even dated a man, never mind four men as big and authoritative as those four. That one guy Virgo is huge,” Stacy added.

  “This could be a bad situation. Maybe I should talk with Sage and feel her out. You know, see if she needs any advice?” Lena said as she looked toward the table away from the rest of the guests to see Sage and Virgo in deep conversation. Sage didn’t look scared. She looked comfortable.

  “It couldn’t hurt, but I’m sure she’ll deny the attraction to them. Just like all of us did with our men,” Anna added.

  They chuckled. “The difference here is that Sage has a hell of a lot more heavy backup around here. Between all our men, and her fathers, those guys won’t hurt her unless they have a death wish,” Millie stated, and they all agreed.

  “Didn’t you say something about dangerous missions for the government?” Lean asked.

  Anna chuckled.

  “Not one woman had captured those men’s eyes the way Sage has. We all know those looks. She’s as good as done the moment one of them kisses her,” Millie whispered as she looked toward her men who were standing near the swing set and jungle gym with her two little three-year-old girls, Mia and Rose.


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