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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Lena smiled.

  “I hope she finds love and happiness. I just don’t think she’s as happy as she could be,” Lena stated.

  “Mom, can Tyler and I go with Uncle Hank to the dojo early tomorrow morning? He said he would pick us up?” Johnny asked his mom Stacy as his brother Tyler stood next to him.

  Stacy smiled. “As long as uncle Hank is willing to pick you up on a Sunday that early, then it’s fine with me.”

  Lena smiled as the two six-year-old boys ran back toward Hank.

  Lena wanted this life for Sage. The connection of family, reliable friends, and of course, a safe environment. But it seemed to her that Sage was still kind of running from life. Although she remained in Pearl for now, she kept talking about heading out of town and taking a job in Dallas. That worried Lena but also saddened her. When are you going to stop running, Sage, and take a chance of opening up your heart? Not all men hurt. Can’t you see that by now, just from looking around you? Maybe older, more experienced men like Matt, Quaid, Virgo, and Dale would have what it took to gain her trust, and to show her what true love really felt like.

  Chapter 3

  “Everything went well. No problems, and it’s been twenty-four hours since we nabbed them, and no sign of anyone reporting these women as missing,” Rye told his partner.

  “Excellent. Now, are you set for the next event?”

  “I am. I also wanted to know more about this brunette. When are we grabbing her? Who is she?”

  “You’re not grabbing her. She’s sort of a special request from Scorpion.”

  Rye was instantly angry. After seeing her picture and reading her profile, she interested him, and he thought his partner sent him the stuff on purpose. “Why for Scorpion? I thought you sent her picture and bio for me? You know she’s my type. Would actually fit well by my side during business and pleasure.”

  “She would need a lot of training by you, and I am certain she would be resistant. However, Scorpion is in Venezuela. The fear of being taken out of the country, and having no means of support or help would break down any of her resistant behavior. But do not fret, my friend. There are plenty of others to choose from.”

  “But she has a fire in her eyes.”

  “Scorpion will pay big bucks for her, and who knows, maybe like the others, she will succumb to his power and control, and accept her fate without much of a fight. If that happens, I’m pretty sure Scorpion will allow you access to her when you visit.”

  Rye smiled.

  “Now that is something I will look forward to. So back to a potential problem from two weeks ago.”

  “You mean the witness who saw your guy force the blonde into the car?”


  “He’s been terminated.”


  “Yes, now, no need to worry about that. Let’s stick to the schedule. Remember, September is our cooling-off time, so the next three months are crucial to meeting our quota. If you fail any of these missions, we’re done. We’ll need to pack up and head to a different state or perhaps a different country.”

  “I understand. Oh, by the way, there’s that big poker event taking place on Friday. I need six girls. Can I call Falcon to see if he can handle on such short notice?”

  “Sure. He’s the best man for the job. Make sure he gives us a good cut.”

  “You got it, and don’t worry. This week’s hit will go exactly as planned.”

  “I’m betting on that, Rye.”

  * * * *

  Sage finished her workout at the dojo and was going to jog back home to the cottage. She took off her gi and had changed into black running shorts, a workout tank top in raspberry, and she tied her sneakers.

  As she stretched out, holding the small backpack and taking a sip of water, she heard Bill Jacob’s Mustang pull down the road and park right in the spot by the bench she was stretching by. He honked the horn, drawing attention to him, as usual as his brother Corey, along with Lenny and Davie, got out of the car.

  “Hey, Sage, where you headed off to?” Corey asked, as he leaned against the pole and eyed her over.

  “Just finished up at the dojo, and now I’m headed home.”

  “Need a ride?” Bill asked as he stared at her chest and then her thighs before rolling his tongue over his bottom lip. She placed her hands on her hips as Davie gave Bill a light smack against his side.

  “Nice try, Bill, but I’m not one of those mindless bimbos you usually hook up with at the end of the night at the clubs. Do yourself a favor and don’t use that line again,” Sage stated.

  Bill shook his head. “You’re a tough nut to crack, Sage. But I’ll keep trying. You are definitely worth it.”

  “You’re such a loser,” Lenny told him, and they all laughed.

  “I thought you were trying to hook up with the redhead from Keanter? Is she going to be at the dance hall in Turbank Friday night?” Sage asked Bill and Corey. Corey stepped one foot up on the bench as he leaned on his leg looking relaxed and suave. These guys, her friends growing up here the last four years, were very attractive and had great personalities, but she didn’t have feelings for them beyond that. In fact, she knew they were joking around about hooking up with her. These guys would have her back in a flash if some guys bothered her. She thought about Dale, Matt, Virgo, and Quaid. Something she had been doing constantly since yesterday. Not that they would try something, but these young guys here wouldn’t survive one hit from Virgo, never mind some strategic attack from Matt and Quaid. And Dale, hell, Dale could probably just give that cocky, mean, take-no-shit look of his and these guys would retreat.

  “Maybe. I don’t know. She was so damn shy last time we saw her,” Bill stated.

  “She was probably shy if you were throwing out sexual innuendoes the way you like to do so much. You need to lighten up on the flirtatious comments. Just talk with her and get to know her,” Sage told them.

  “Like you were talking and getting to know Matt, Virgo, Dale, and Quaid?” he countered. She was shocked as she looked at Lenny and Davie who seemed upset. “Amanda told us about the barbecue,” Davie told her as he held her gaze. She felt guilty and she didn’t know why. They were all just friends.

  “Well it was nothing,” she told them.

  “That’s not what we heard. Word is, those men are staking a claim to you,” Corey added.

  She gasped, the anger hitting her belly. “A claim to me? What the hell is up with that?”

  “Calm down, Sage. You know it’s how things are done sometimes around Pearl. It’s to keep you safe, and to warn off any other men,” Lenny added as he stared at her while he chewed his gum.

  “I know how things work. I’m also not interested in dating anyone. I may be leaving here after the summer anyway. This is insane. You must be wrong.”

  “Maybe if they found out you were the one who did the wheelie through town on the speed bike, they’d be pissed off?” Billy teased.

  She glared at him. “Very funny. But you were the two idiots that decided that racing through town would be a great idea. Oh wait, you lost that race,” she countered. Bill went to say something but then shut up. They all chuckled.

  “They’re good men, Sage. Strong, experienced and no one would dare mess with any of them,” Davie told her.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t stand here and try to convince me of something I’m not interested in or ready for.”

  “You’re more than ready, Sage,” Lenny added.

  “She sure looks ready and ripe for the taking,” Bill stated. They all began to yell at him but not before Sage shoved him, causing him to nearly fall backward into his own car.

  “Holy shit, Sage. I didn’t mean it.” He smiled but then his eyes widened.

  “Is everything all right over here?”

  Sage felt the large presence behind her right before Bill’s eyes widened. Turning toward the voice she immediately recognized as Dale’s, she looked way up at his face, and the man looked ready to kill.

/>   “Everything is just fine. We were fooling around. Do you know the guys?” She introduced them to Dale, who from where she stood, smelled incredible and looked just as appealing. His dark jeans with the tapered legs really accentuated his muscular thighs. He had a firm, flat waist, the T-shirt he wore was tight against his bulging muscles. The man was a work of art. She had to get her shit together or he would catch her drooling and that would make him think she was accepting to his so-called claiming. Not likely.

  Davie introduced them. Thank God, because right now, standing in only her sneakers with Dale nearly pressed against her back, she felt so feminine and small.

  When his large hand moved to her waist as he reached around her to shake hands with Bill, she felt her pussy clench and her nipples harden. She was definitely attracted to him. What woman wouldn’t be? The fear that hit her made her instantly feel breathless. She moved to the side, causing his warm, possessive hand to leave her waist as she bent down to grab a drink.

  “So, we’re going to head to Francine’s. Do you want to join us, Sage?” Bill asked her. He was trying to give her a way out of this. That was exactly why she put up with his bullshit. Bill was really a good guy deep down under his perverted mind.

  “I was actually going to ask her the same thing,” Dale said with that expression of his that was beyond stern.

  “Well then, I guess we’ll see you during the week. Remember about Friday night. I’m driving,” Bill said.

  “Yeah, we’ll pick you up around eight. Is that good?” Corey asked, and she nodded her head, and then waved good-bye to Davie and Lenny.

  Dale’s hands went to her hips as he pressed her back against his front and whispered into her ear. “You aren’t really going out with them, are you?”

  She was struck by the validation that Dale turned her on. He made her feel things. Things she was resistant to.

  “That’s really none of your business, Dale,” she whispered, half wanting to challenge him.

  He slowly turned her around so that she faced him. His dark green eyes held hers firmly. “Oh, it is my business, and Virgo’s and Matt’s and Quaid’s. Now why don’t we walk a little and then maybe grab a bite to eat for lunch.”

  “It’s too early for lunch. Besides, I just finished working out at the dojo and I’m jogging home.”

  He reached up and gently brushed the back of his hand against her cheek.

  “You do look a little flushed.”

  She felt her cheeks grow warmer. Dale was good. Way beyond experienced. That was a definite.

  “I need to go. Maybe another time.”

  “How about I give you a ride back to the cottage and you can change and we can go somewhere else for lunch? By that time it will be well past noon?”

  “What makes you think that I would allow you, a man I don’t really even know, to come back to my cottage with me and wait while I’ll shower and change? Do I look like I was born yesterday?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

  He looked her body over. “My intentions are noble, Sage.”

  She felt her cheeks grow warm again at the way he held her gaze.

  He stepped closer and ran the back of his thumb gently against her lower lip as he held her gaze. “I like you and want to get to know you better.”

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to hers. She closed her eyes, shocked at how firm and good his lips felt. But it was a quick kiss. One meant to tease her, tantalize her taste buds, and make her lips tingle for more of him.

  He stepped back and looked at his watch. “I’m meeting Wyatt at the department, then I’ll head to your place to pick you up for lunch. Is an hour enough time to get your pretty little self ready, darling?” he asked.

  She was speechless, and he smiled, and then winked. “See you in an hour.”

  * * * *

  “Wyatt, this is some intense information that’s leaked out. They really don’t have any idea who these guys are, that are taking these women. I think it’s important that we’re aware of these cases, even though Pearl is a small town. We have a lot of events coming up that bring in large amounts of people from all over,” Matt said as Wyatt, Dale, and Matt looked over the files Matt received from some friends in the government.

  “This is terrible. It really gives me even greater concern with the women’s shelter and all those young girls needing protection right here in Pearl,” Wyatt stated.

  “Those are my thoughts exactly. We need to keep an eye out for any new strangers we see around town or of course anywhere near the cottages and shelters. I think it’s important to start planning some safeguards, just in case these abductions move closer to Pearl,” Matt added.

  “There haven’t been any in Turbank, Croton, or even as far as Keanter, but then Dallas, Houston, any of the big cities aren’t really that far when dealing with smuggling women around. Taking safeguards to protect the women and children here is part of what makes Pearl so special,” Matt said.

  “Exactly. I don’t even want to think about criminals like this getting their hands on any more young women, never mind ones in our own town. Where are the detectives at in their investigation?” Dale asked, and then glanced at his watch again. Matt took notice and so did Wyatt.

  “Are we keeping you from something?” Wyatt teased.

  “No worries. I got about thirty more minutes. So how do you want to handle this?” Dale asked.

  “We could up the security details, and work on improving the surveillance cameras?” Wyatt suggested.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that Virgo and Dale are around. They know a lot about setting up surveillance, and securing a perimeter,” Matt stated.

  “Excellent. Let’s go over the places that need improvement, and then any ideas you might have to enhance the security in town and around the bed-and-breakfast would be great,” Wyatt said and then they talked more about their ideas.

  As Dale and Matt exited the sheriff’s department, Matt confronted him.

  “Okay, so I saw you outside talking with Sage and those guy friends she’s got. What’s the deal?”

  “They’re not a problem. Although I could tell the two quiet ones, Davie and Lenny definitely have a thing for Sage. But I made it clear she’s ours.”

  Matt raised his eyebrow at his cousin.

  “I’m meeting her to take her to lunch. That’s where I’m headed now.”

  “You got her to accept a date for lunch?”

  “I convinced her that she was safe with me and I didn’t give her too much of a choice. We need to get to know her on an individual level. I think she’ll loosen up and let us in. Maybe when we’re all together it puts her on the defensive.”

  “I agree with you. This whole thing about these young women being taken or persuaded doesn’t sit right with me at all. I don’t know why, but it makes me think of Sage. Young, attractive, sexy body, college degree. I would fucking kill someone if they tried anything.”

  “The thought crossed my mind, too. If she’s with one of us, then she’s safe from shit like this that takes place in the busier towns and cities. Out here in Pearl, women are more protected.”

  “That’s what we’ve been trying to do. But remember, Sage is still considering leaving Pearl and taking a job in a bigger town or in Dallas. That just makes me jealous and worried. I want her here. She could do great here, maybe even help us with our business?”

  “What are you thinking?” Dale asked.

  “She has a natural knack and understanding of the laws. As a paralegal her job entails lots of reading and research as well. I know a great way she could help, even in cases like this one, and right from home. Our home, eventually,” Matt said.

  “You’ve really given this a lot of thought. What if Sage turns us down? What if you’re wrong? What if we’re wrong and she’s not attracted to us and willing to be part of a ménage relationship? Then what?”

  “Well, hopefully that’s not the case and we can convince her otherwise. I take the barbecue and her respo
nse to us as a positive sign. Add in the long, deep conversation she had with Virgo, and now lunch with you, makes me think we’re making progress. Now don’t you go getting all pompous and pushy. You have a lot more experience than Sage. We all do, and it probably scares her, too.”

  “I know that, Matt. Thanks for the advice. I’m going to go now, so she doesn’t think I ditched her.”

  “Keep me posted.”

  * * * *

  Sage was shocked, but she actually was nervous and excited to see if Dale actually showed up at her cottage to take her to lunch. Truth was, she didn’t want to go to lunch. To be on public display for everyone to gossip about. She didn’t like being exposed, or feeling that way.

  She started washing some lettuce in the sink in between dicing up grilled chicken she prepared after taking her shower. She didn’t know why, but she wanted to look older, more sophisticated, because of Dale. She had no idea how old he was. Rumor had it he was nearly midthirties. He was so calm, confident, and yet hard. Kind of like Matt, except Matt was more GQ where Dale was casual, Nautica. He was a good-looking man.

  When she heard the truck pull up, she knew he had arrived. She had already fixed the table, and since it was kind of warm outside, she thought they could eat inside but have some sweet tea on the back porch.

  Wiping her hands on the dish towel, she headed toward the door, as she pulled the short, snug-fitting cotton tank dress down a little.

  She locked gazes with Dale, through the screen door.

  “Hi,” he stated.

  She smiled and then opened the door.

  “I’ll grab the iced tea. Would you like to sit on the back patio?”

  “I thought we were heading out to lunch?” he asked as he walked inside and took in the sight of her cottage. It was small, had one bedroom, a tiny kitchen perfect for just her, and a little living room. Enough for a comfy couch, a recliner and the small flat-screen television.

  “Well, to be honest, I’m kind of tired and thought I would make us lunch. Is that okay?”


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