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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He was breathing through his nose as he looked her body over in the outfit she wore to the dance hall. “Matt?” she whispered, but he shook his head, indicating for her to not say a word. She swallowed hard.

  He looked at her bandaged arm and then stepped closer, he reached up, maneuvered his hand over her shoulder, under her hair and cupped her head before his mouth crashed down upon hers.

  She moaned into his mouth and allowed his access. He tasted of whiskey and mint. Had he been drinking? Were they out, too, and maybe not at home but somewhere nearby? Who was he with? Who was Quaid with?

  Her thoughts were scattered, her body feeling so tight and odd, she thought she might cry out in excitement. His hands moved over her thighs and to her ass. He squeezed her against him. She felt the pain to her hipbone and pulled from his mouth.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked as she placed her hand over her belly to her hipbone on the left side. Her left arm was the injured one.

  “Sage, are you hurt somewhere else?”

  Matt started to lift her top.

  “Matt, someone might see.”

  “No one is around, and Quaid has the door blocking anyone’s view.” The light inside the truck illuminated them, as Matt inched her top up.

  “It’s lower. I think I got knocked into a table or something,” she whispered, looking down at his large hands as he gently began to push the waist of her skirt down.

  “Don’t, Matt. I’ll just look at it later.” He applied just enough pressure for her to tilt back against the truck to get his point across.

  “Let me see how bad it is. We’ll look closer when we get you to our place.”

  He began to press down the material as his words registered in her head.

  “You’re place? No, you’re taking me home.”

  “Son of a bitch. This is a nasty bruise. What the fuck happened in that dance hall?” he reprimanded. She couldn’t help but to shudder at his tone and the fatherly way he reprimanded her. Her belly twisted at the thought. She didn’t think of him as fatherly. Hell no, she thought of him in the most lust-filled, inappropriate ways her mind could conjure up. Too bad she was such a freaking emotional mess of fear and distrust.

  She pushed his hand away and fixed her skirt, as she turned to get into the truck.


  She turned to look at Matt and Quaid.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t try to reprimand me as if I’m some child, a teenager who was caught drinking at a party and got hurt.”

  Matt lifted her up, shocking her as he gently placed her onto the leather seat.

  “Sage, you’re no fucking teenager, but we’re going to set some rules. Rules you damn well better follow, or I swear I’ll spank that sexy, round ass of yours until you get it. You don’t seem to understand how much we care about you. Enough bullshit. I’ve had enough.”

  He held her gaze with a determined, firm expression that successfully gave her a shocked and awed feeling.

  When he reached up and gently caressed her cheek, then softly ran his thumb over her lower lip, and she was done for. Lust filled her body, made her pussy ache, and her heart race nearly out of control. He stared at her and she wondered if he would kiss her again. She wanted him to, but he stepped down from the truck and walked around to get into the driver’s side.

  She glanced at Quaid who hopped in next to her, as her mind tried to process the things Matt just said to her.

  A spanking? Rules? Why am I feeling so aroused by this? Shouldn’t I be afraid that he’s going to hit me?

  She looked at him and could tell he was so upset, but when he kissed her, she felt that wall inside begin to weaken. Sage was confused, and as they headed out of town and back to Pearl, she thought about her friends. Tonight she realized how bored, how more mature, and beyond drinking and partying she was from her friends.

  It was part of why she felt leaving Pearl was a good idea. Moving to the city, being an adult in a professional field, and earning a living on her own was the epitome of being self-sufficient and not needing anyone but herself. But after tonight. After the way Matt kissed her, and how he and Quaid came here right away to see her, changed those thoughts. She couldn’t help but wonder, and feel an ounce of hope that perhaps staying in Pearl would bring her that feeling of love, fulfillment, and completion she’d been fighting and searching so hard for.

  * * * *

  Amanda was really liking this guy Jet she just met. He was so good looking and seemed like he had a lot of money. She was feeling a bit tipsy. When Corey came back an hour ago and said that Matt and Quaid London showed up at the urgent care after Kenny did, it made Amanda smile. Those men were so incredibly hot and mysterious. Every single woman in Pearl found them attractive. Sage never found any interest in dating, and Amanda knew it was because of her past. Maybe it was going to take men like Matt, Quaid, Dale, and Virgo to finally convince Sage that falling in love was a good thing.

  She smiled to herself, as Jet caressed her knee while they sat at a table in the dark corner of the bar. Her friends were having a good time.

  “I could use some fresh air. I’m going to use the restroom real quick. Meet me out front?” Jet asked with his adorable smile. The man was to die for. She thought maybe he wasn’t so interested in her, and she felt panicked. He was the type of guy a woman dreamt of meeting. He was tall, and handsome, with dark brown eyes that immediately drew her in. When he looked at her, it was as if he could see her soul. He had a suave sense about him, too. The man knew how to seduce a woman, and she was so ready for his seduction. He threw down bills like he had money and with a powerful attitude.

  He gently took her chin between his thick fingers and tilted her head up toward him as he stood. She followed him with her eyes, wondering if his chest was filled with muscles, and wanting to explore it. He leaned down and kissed her softly, then shocked her when he pressed his tongue between her teeth. “Meet me outside. Here are my keys, so you know I mean it. Hurry,” he said, pressing his keys into her hand. She squeezed them as she watched him head to the bathroom.

  She took a deep breath and released it as excitement filled her body. She was going to see where this led, and hopefully it was to his bed.

  She glanced around to see if any of her friends were around, but she couldn’t see them. Plus, Jet said hurry. She quickly walked outside, passed the security guards, and headed to the side of the building. Jet was there to meet her. He took her hand and made their way through the parking lot to walk down the strip. Instead he led her deeper into the parking area.

  “Hey, I thought we were getting some fresh air?”

  He pulled her closer, turned her in his arms, and cupped her cheeks. He kissed her on the mouth, taking her breath away. When he released her lips, he smiled. “First, I need a little alone time. Someplace quiet.”

  He took her hand and pulled her closer to a souped-up Corvette, with tinted windows sitting between a navy-colored van and a dark burgundy Cadillac.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she hoped his car was the ’Vette.

  As he leaned against the car, he pulled her close and started kissing her again. His hands roamed slowly over her ass, then against her thighs and up and under her skirt. He was a great kisser.

  She was absorbed in his embrace when she thought she heard something behind her. Then there was a pinch to her neck, and she gasped and reached up.

  “Hey,” she said, turning behind her to see two men in a van with the side door opened. Her eyes darted around, and she noticed bodies inside. Women tied up, and gagged. Before she could scream, they were pulling her into the van as her body began to feel numb. It was like she lost all control of her muscles as she slipped out of their arms and to the floor. Vision blurry, she heard a muffled voice and looked toward the door, the only light. She fought to keep her eyes open as Jet spoke to her.

  “You be a good girl now, Amanda, and do what the boss says. Maybe you’ll live longer than most.”


  Quaid was relieved that Sage didn’t fight them on coming back to their estate. He wasn’t certain if Matt would be able to keep control much longer. He had been so angry and concerned over Sage’s well-being. When he heard the radio chatter about the dance hall fight, Matt immediately woke Quaid. His brother didn’t have a lot of patience. He expected people to obey his command, to step into line and remain there at his command. Sage was fighting him tooth and nail, and seeing her hurt tonight was enough for Matt to draw the line. He just hoped that Matt remembered how fragile Sage could be, and how earning her trust was key to developing their relationship. He knew the painkillers were kicking in, and as he attempted to lift her out of the truck to carry her, she insisted on walking. She wobbled on her feet, and shivered.

  “Let Quaid carry you. Your body has been traumatized, you’re exhausted and cold, so stop fighting us when we’re here to take care of you.”

  She stood there and tried to take another step and nearly fell.

  “Damn it,” Quaid said as he lifted her up and into his arms.

  Matt placed her bandaged arm gently onto her belly, and still held that stern, serious expression.

  “Let’s get her inside and warmed up.”

  Quaid carried her up the walkway and into the house as Matt locked the doors behind them.

  “I feel sick to my stomach,” she whispered.

  “It’s probably from taking the meds on an empty stomach and only those two beers you had. It is after four o’clock in the morning,” Matt stated.

  “What in God’s name is going on?”

  Quaid and Matt turned toward the entry to the kitchen as the lights came on and both Virgo and Dale stood there.

  “Oh God, what happened to her? Is she okay?” Virgo asked as he hurried to Quaid and Sage.

  “Put me down, Quaid. I can walk.”

  “You just said you felt sick and you were completely off-balance outside. Let me set you down in the chair and we’ll make you something to eat.”

  “I’m okay, Virgo, Dale. There was a little trouble at the dance hall,” she said as Virgo and Dale moved to either side of her.

  “What’s wrong with your arm?” Dale asked.

  “What type of trouble?” Virgo asked.

  “There was a bar fight. She took a hit to the forearm from a glass beer bottle,” Quaid told his cousins.

  “Holy shit. Thank God it didn’t hit you in the face or the head,” Virgo added.

  “I know. I was lucky.”

  “Not so lucky, you needed fucking stitches,” Matt barked.

  “Stitches?” Virgo asked, eyes scrunched together. He placed his hands on his hips.

  “Where the fuck were those guys you hang out with? How come they didn’t protect you?” he asked. She swallowed hard.

  “I don’t need protection from my guy friends. I can take care of myself. But just for the record, my ‘guy friends’ did help me,” she replied.

  “Doesn’t look that way to me,” Virgo added.

  “Oh give me a break. These things happen. It was an accident.”

  Virgo ran his hands through his hair and then looked at Quaid, Matt, and Dale. They were all pissed off.

  Sage moaned.

  “What’s wrong?” Dale asked.

  “She needs something to eat,” Quaid stated.

  “I’m heating up this sliced steak. That should help, along with some bread,” Matt stated.

  “French fries would be better, from Francine’s,” she whispered as she laid her head on her good arm on the island.

  “What?” Virgo asked.

  “Oh, our little party girl was going to be out all night with those friends of hers, and they planned on hitting Francine’s for breakfast before calling it a night,” Matt told them.

  Dale slammed his hand down on the table. “Rules. Have you explained rules to her? We need them.”

  “Rules? What are you talking about?” Sage whispered.

  “Here, eat this, but take your time so you don’t get sick.”

  She sat up and glared at Matt, as he placed the plate of food down in front of her, then crossed his arms in front of his chest. Quaid did the same thing until she quickly sat up and then cringed as she grabbed her side.

  “What’s wrong?” Dale asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder from behind her.

  “Nothing,” she stated firmly as she stared at Matt.

  “Eat something,” Matt ordered. Quaid swallowed hard. This had the potential to escalate.

  She went to cross her arms in front of her chest and jerked. Matt slowly uncrossed his arms and laid his palms on the island counter in front of her. He bent slightly and held her gaze.

  “You’re going to eat some food so that you’re no longer feeling sick. Then we’re going to bring you upstairs and undress you to make sure you don’t have any other injuries before we tuck you into bed to rest. When you wake up later in the day, we’re going to have a discussion. Now, eat up.” He softened his tone on the last few syllables.

  Quaid stared at her as she slowly reached for the fork and began to eat.

  Was it a show of retreat? Was she choosing her battles wisely, or was this the calm before the storm?

  * * * *

  She just got out of the bathroom after freshening up and trying to splash some water on her heated cheeks. She couldn’t get Matt’s words out of her head. He, they were going to undress her and check over her injuries. Doing something so intimate, letting her guard down like that was something she had been trying to fight. But the way they all reacted to her injury, the upset at her being hurt and unprotected, tugged on her emotions. Deep down inside she wished she could release her fear even just physically, to let them in. But she knew it would be difficult to give of her self, her soul, and emotionally. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to give all of her. But as she prepared to exit the bathroom, she felt her heated cheeks, her need to remain looking attractive, mature, and capable of handling four men.

  Despite the way the painkillers were making her feel, her attraction to Matt, Dale, Virgo, and Quaid was hotter. She took a deep breath and opened the door, the dizziness as intense as her nervousness. She grabbed onto the door frame as Virgo stood there, shook his head, and then picked her up into his arms. She had been right. The man was as wide and muscular as a linebacker, but with a softness in his eyes that instantly made her feel safe and protected. If not for the fact that her skirt was lifted higher under her ass in this position, she would relish in the time he held her. So many things were going through her head. She liked them. She felt like she could even have strong feelings for each of them. But the fear, the distrust, was too strong. She wanted to take a chance. She truly did, but then she would think about Detroit, and the horrible things she witnessed, never mind experienced. She knew that the way those men had treated women was wrong, and they exploited them, used them, and then tossed them away like trash. She was a lucky one, a late bloomer which saved her virginity and her body from deeper harm. Well at least from being raped. The touching, the pain he inflicted on her despite the fact that she had an underdeveloped body still scared her deep. Could she even let her guard down tonight to let these four men, men she knew wouldn’t hurt her, see her in nothing but her panties and bra?

  She looked at Virgo as he climbed the stairs and carried her down the hallway to the last room on the right.

  “Are you okay? You’re being very quiet,” Virgo said.

  “Fine.” She snapped, and she didn’t mean to, but she was nervous.

  He made a noise as if annoyed with her.

  “Are you mad at me, too?” she asked him, and was surprised that she did. Why did she care? She never cared what people thought. But thinking that Virgo, the calmest, sweetest of the bunch was angry with her gave her guilt inside.

  He looked down at her. “I care about you. You’re too beautiful, too special to be injured and to have to get stitches. I don’t like it. I don’t want any scars on this gorgeous body.” />
  She swallowed hard. “It was an accident.”

  “So you say,” he countered.

  “It was, Virgo.”

  He paused in the middle of the bedroom and she turned to the left to see Matt and Quaid standing there undressing.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a panic.

  “We all need some sleep. We’ll check you over and then get you in bed,” Matt stated. She nearly drooled at the sight of Matt and Quaid undressed wearing only boxers and filled with muscles. They were stunning, and it made her panic in both excitement and worry. Would they want to make love to her? Together? Was that how it worked? Did they just rescue women from bar fights, whisk them off to their home, and then take what they wanted from them?

  “Get that look off your face. We’re not going to take advantage of you. We’re going to take care of you,” Dale told her firmly. Now he was even getting short with her. Why were they so high strung? They all had sex before. God knew how many women they took into this bedroom, undressed, seduced, and then had wild crazy sex with? She closed her eyes tight and cringed as she felt her body shake. She gripped onto Virgo.

  “Virgo, set her down, and we’ll get a better look at the bruising on her hip bone,” Matt stated.

  Virgo looked at her, as if waiting to see if she were ready to stop gripping his neck. She slowly loosened her grip, and he set her down and she held on to him. They locked gazes.

  “We’re not going to hurt you. You’re our woman, Sage. Tonight you start trusting us, and opening up your heart.”

  She felt his words, the sincerity of them, and the power of them to her heart. “I believe you, but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared.” Quaid and Matt reached for her camisole.

  “Let’s take this off nice and easy,” Quaid said.


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