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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

She shook her head and stepped back on wobbly, unsure legs.

  “We need to check you over,” Dale told her.

  “My hip is fine. I’m fine in this.”

  “Sage, relax and let us take care of you,” Matt said.

  She darted her eyes around at each of them. She felt her throat close up, the fear grip her as she shook her head.

  Dale moved around to where Virgo was as Matt and Quaid gently reached for her arms and caressed them gently.

  “It’s okay. Trust us, Sage. We’re grown men, experienced men, who know how to treat a woman and care for her. We’ve waited far too long to tell you how we feel about you and how much you mean to us,” Quaid told her as she held his gaze.

  She slowly relaxed a little. Maybe they would just see she was okay and didn’t have more bruises and then they would go to bed and sleep. She looked at their bare chests. Quaid had muscles even on his forearms. They were so much larger than her. She liked that. She could get lost in any of their embraces. She wanted that. To feel so safe with their arms of steel around her, protecting her.

  Matt and Quaid lifted up her camisole.

  Matt ran the palm of his hand along her lower back to the clip and zipper of her skirt.

  “You’re gorgeous, Sage, so beautiful,” he whispered and she felt him press a kiss to her shoulder. She shivered, looking at the three men in front of her. Her heart began to race and it pounded against her chest. Virgo pulled off his shirt and she gasped at all the muscles and tattoos. Then Dale did the same thing. It was torture not touching them but she was frozen in place. They were all so quiet as they stared at her body.

  She went from fearing her past to wanting to look sexy and perfect in their eyes. It was instant, and as if her dream of one day being free from the pain of the past was reachable with Dale, Virgo, Quaid, and Matt. Was she putting too much faith in four men she hardly knew, or was her gut right? Were they trustworthy and meant to be hers?

  The sound of her zipper going down filled the room. She could feel every sensation, including Matt’s knuckles as they brushed against her lower spine, while he undid the zipper. She held Virgo’s gaze as he licked his lips and let his eyes roam over her body. She wanted him to like what he saw, yet she wasn’t ready to allow them complete access to her body. It was mental chaos.

  Her skirt dropped to the floor over her bare feet, and immediately Matt exhaled against her shoulder as his hand pressed over her ass.

  They inhaled. All of them were looking her body over, and she felt both Quaid and Matt caressing her back and then her ass over the thong bikini panties she wore. Virgo fell to his knees in front of her.

  “You’re gorgeous and sexy, Sage.” He leaned forward and kissed her belly.

  She gasped, and felt her legs shaking. “I’m fine. I told you all, I’m fine.”

  Quaid lowered down and checked over her hip. “It’s pretty badly bruised. Icing it might hurt a lot,” he said.

  Virgo placed his hands on her thighs on either side of her. His hands were huge as they splayed across each thigh and then he squeezed. “This is unacceptable, baby. I don’t want any marks on you.” He leaned forward to kiss her belly again.

  “Virgo, wait. Virgo.” She closed her eyes as she felt them all touching her, caressing her, surrounding her with a wall of protection from their sizes and touches alone.

  She felt the sensation as Virgo trailed his tongue along her skin to her hip that was bruised. He kissed, licked, and pressed his lips gently against it.

  She held on to his shoulder and closed her eyes, it felt so good, so sweet, just like Virgo.

  Matt ran his hands under her hair and against her head. He gripped it, and she turned toward him, his lips inches from her own. He looked so in control and determined.

  “This body is ours, just as our bodies are yours.” He covered her mouth and kissed her as they all began to press kisses to her skin. Dale stroked her breast through the material of her bra as Virgo kissed her belly and Quaid caressed her ass cheek. It was overwhelming as her body swayed, yet they held her up, kept in control, and guarded her.

  When she felt Virgo’s mouth over her panties by her groin and then over her mound, she pulled her mouth from Matt’s. “Oh God, Virgo, don’t please.” She stopped him, gripping his head, and holding his gaze. Her legs were shaking so badly she thought she may fall.

  “I want to taste you, make you relax and bring you pleasure,” he told her sweetly. She wanted that. Oh God, how she wanted that so badly.

  She gripped his shoulder, her mind arguing over letting him, letting them touch her so intimately.

  She felt that panicked feeling as the tears hit her eyes. “Damn it!” she yelled out. All touching and kissing stopped, and Virgo’s warm breath against her mound ceased.

  She opened her eyes and she looked at each of them.

  “Talk to us,” Quaid said.

  She bit her bottom lip and felt on the verge of crying yet also confessing her fears.

  Matt caressed her back then whispered into her ear.

  “It feels good, because we care about you and this is meant to be. Tell us your fears and we’ll help you through them.” She turned to him, she knew her eyes showed her anxiety and reservations.

  “Will you? Could you understand or are you so experienced with sex that you would do or say anything to break down my defenses? Isn’t this what men do? Manipulate a woman’s body to want things and desire things?”

  Matt shook his head. “This is different.”

  She snorted in disbelief, mocking him.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed against her as he used his free hand to cup her cheek and jaw.

  “This is not typical or just a fling. We watched you from afar. We’ve wanted you to be part of us and us part of you. You feel it, Sage, you’re just scared. Maybe you had bad experiences with sex?” Matt asked.

  “We’ll change your perspective,” Quaid added and then suckled against her neck, making her moan and close her eyes.

  She felt Virgo’s mouth against the elastic of her panties. She gripped his hair and looked down into his blue eyes. He looked hungry, wanton, and that was how she felt.

  “I’m scared, Virgo. If I give in, and you all hurt me, I’ll be left all alone. This is all I have to hold on to. It’s a part of me that no one else will ever have,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  Dale gently caressed it away with his finger. “We won’t ever hurt you. We want you in every aspect of the word. Forget about anyone else who hurt you, or took from this body. Just think of us. Focus on our touches, our caresses, and kisses,” Dale whispered.

  She glanced at Matt. He looked frustrated and she couldn’t help to think that he thought she was lying or playing a game.

  “I need you to know something.” She felt the tears well up in her eyes. Her heart was racing, and it ached something terrible. She couldn’t say the words. Despite their strong hands on her, caressing her making her feel safe, she just couldn’t get herself to tell them.

  “It’s okay. Just relax,” Matt whispered.

  She held his gaze and pressed Virgo’s head against her belly in support as the words left her lips.

  “Someone hurt me.” She took a deep breath, felt almost as if she could have an anxiety attack but she controlled it.

  She felt Virgo’s lips against her belly and his warm breath as he held her thighs too. “Sexually?” Virgo asked.

  She cried and shook her head side to side. He went to move away and she held him tighter, made him keep his warm breath against her belly and mound.

  “I want this. I want to feel it fully. I want to know what it’s like to be loved, to be cherished and taken care of. I do, but the memories. The memories are so vivid. The things I saw, I felt, were so terrible. I just can’t give you all what you want. I can’t,” she said as she cried.

  Virgo lifted her up into his arms and lowered her to the bed. He knelt on the floor, her thighs wrapped around his midsection as
he semi-crushed her to the bed, just holding her.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  * * * *

  Mat ran his fingers through his hair in anger and sadness. He felt terrible for her. It was obvious that no one knew how much pain she went through. Perhaps not even Lena and her men either. It enraged him. She was so scared. What had that guy back in Detroit done to her?

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay. I understand how scared you are. You’re so brave, Sage. Just telling us tonight and breaking the silence means so much. You’re going to be just fine, and we’re going to take it nice and slow, and show you what it means to be loved. Truly loved just for being the woman that you are,” Virgo told her. She wiped her eyes and looked at him.

  “I want to be with you. But I’ve never had sex before, and everything I know about it or had seen was bad, and well, violent.”

  Matt sat down on the bed so did Dale and Quinn.

  “What? But you just said someone hurt you?” Matt asked.

  She looked at him, took a deep breath, and then released it, but the tears still rolled from the corner of her eyes. “I said he hurt me. A man can hurt a girl, a woman, in so many different ways, but he didn’t rape me. A man so evil and desensitized to feelings, connections, and human emotion can do things to a woman’s body aside from rape. He made me do things to him. Made me watch what he and others did to women, young girls who developed earlier than me. Having a boy’s body until I was seventeen saved my life,” she said with disgust.

  Virgo cupped her cheeks between his hands.

  “He can’t ever hurt you again. We won’t do anything to you that would make you feel degraded, unloved, or uncherished. You’ve held on to your virginity. You have a right to decide to whom and when to give it away. Let us help you forget his hurtful actions. Can you trust us to do that?”

  She stared at him and Matt watched, his heart racing, his possessiveness growing thicker, stronger to the point that he knew he would probably aggravate her with it. She was so very independent and strong-willed. Just like him. But he didn’t care. He wanted Sage to never feel such terror and pain again.

  She looked at Matt, then at Dale and Quaid.

  “I need slow.”

  “You got it, sweetness,” Quaid stated, and she smiled.

  “Did you like the way we’ve all kissed you?” Virgo asked. She nodded her head.

  “Do you like the way our hands feel on you, against your skin?” Dale asked and she whispered a yes.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you about the spanking thing,” Matt interrupted. She stared at him and Matt saw her cheeks turn red.

  “Matt, that didn’t scare me. It made me feel things I never felt before.” He raised his eyebrow at her in question.

  “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “I, we, need to be sure,” he replied, his dick getting harder by the second.

  “It aroused me. Made certain parts of me erupt, and others harden.”

  “Sweet Jesus, woman, you are something else,” Quaid said.

  She lowered her eyes. “This is embarrassing.” Quaid moved her arm from her face as Matt leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “When you say certain parts erupt, do you mean your pretty little wet pussy?” Virgo asked, as he lowered his mouth down over her panties and to her mound.

  She reached her good hand down and cupped his cheek.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Then I think this pussy is a good starting point,” Matt said then leaned down and kissed her on the mouth again as Virgo began to push her panties down.

  Matt lifted away and held her gaze.

  “Nice and slow, and we only go as far as you feel comfortable, okay?”

  She nodded her head, and then tilted her hips up as Virgo blew a warm breath against her folds.

  “Can we explore you a little tonight, bring you pleasure and help you to see how real men threat their woman?” he asked.

  She nodded and smiled as Virgo licked across her pussy lips.

  “Oh, Virgo.”

  * * * *

  Virgo took his time licking, sucking, exploring Sage’s pussy and bringing her nothing but pleasure. The thought that some asshole hurt her and made her do sexual things pissed him off and made him feel extra protective. The fact that she was allowing them to see her naked, touch her, and trust them enough made him feel like moving to Pearl was his best decision ever. This was what he wanted and yearned for. The connection, the desire to love and protect the perfect woman, and Sage was perfect.

  “I’m going to remove this bra, baby, so we can get a good look at what belongs to us,” Dale whispered. She thrust her pussy against Virgo’s mouth and tongue. He reached up and pressed a finger to her cunt, just as Dale unclipped the front of her white lace bra releasing her abundant mounds from confinement.

  “Hot damn, woman, you were made for us,” Dale said as Quaid and Matt both licked across her nipples and began to feast on her breasts.

  “Oh please, it’s too much. Too good.” She moaned just as Virgo thrust a second digit up into her pussy while he licked her cream.

  “Never too much, Sage. You look so sexy and hot like this, sprawled out on the bed. I’m going to come in my pants just watching Matt and Quaid suckle your big tits while Virgo licks and fingers that sweet, wet cunt.”

  “Oh, Dale.” She screamed her release and wiggled and shook on the bed. Virgo licked her clean as Dale encouraged her.

  “Holy damn, Sage, you like the dirty talk, don’t you, sweetness?” he asked as Quaid and Matt pulled from her breasts and smiled at her.

  “So that’s what an orgasm feels like?” she asked, panting softly.

  Virgo licked up her body from her pussy lips to her belly and up to her mouth. “Get used to them, baby, we’re going to be giving you plenty of them.” She reached up and wrapped her good arm around Virgo’s shoulder and pulled him against her.

  “Thank you, Virgo. Thank you all for taking your time with me. I can definitely get used to more of those.”

  They all chuckled and then Virgo lifted her higher and up onto the mattress so they could tuck her in and gather around her.

  “You need to rest, but tomorrow, we promise more orgasms,” Matt told her. She blushed and snuggled against the pillow.

  “It is tomorrow, Matt,” she said and then closed her eyes. Virgo looked at Matt who caressed her hair and cheek as she lay under the covers in his bed.

  “Something tells me our little party girl is going to be a fast learner,” Matt whispered, and they all agreed. Virgo hoped she could truly let her guard down and let them in, just like he hoped he could let his down.

  Chapter 6

  “She’s out cold, but she seems okay. The painkillers definitely helped,” Matt told Bryant over the phone. “Kenny got in from work this morning after the night shift and told us all what happened. Lena is worried.”

  “We’re taking good care of her. As soon as she’s up and ready, one of us will bring her by her place to grab some clothes. I’m sure she’ll call Lena as soon as she wakes up,” Matt told Bryant.

  “Listen, I know Kenny allowed you to take her home with you last night, but she’s not like other women, Matt. She’s been through a lot. Please, take your time with her.”

  “Bryant, I know she’s not like other women. She’s special, and we’re fixin’ to make her ours. We’re taking things slow. I promise to have her call Lena as soon as she wakes up. I only got up an hour ago. It was nearly five in the morning when we finally got to bed.”

  “Okay. I appreciate it. I’ll let Lena know,” Bryant said, and Matt put the cell phone down on the counter. He poured himself another cup of coffee and thought about last night. Matt knew he was a hard man, and expected nothing less than a hundred percent from people he worked with. He hated slackers, disliked incompetence with a passion, and he was used to being in charge and keeping control of things. But seeing Sage hurt and lying on the gurney in the
emergency room affected him. Then when they got her here and she confessed why she was resistant to them, and about her fears, he was shocked and angry. He wanted to wipe her mind and any memories of the past straight from her brain. He wanted to take away any scars, physically, emotionally, or mentally that she may still have from the abuse she sustained. He wanted to give her a new slate, a new life, a new everything where he, his brother, and cousins could wrap her up in their arms and protect her always. It was so powerful and scary.

  It was as if he loved her already, and he had never been in love before.

  He had heard stories about how other ménage relationships started out in a similar way. There was a lust, an attraction and when they first kissed and fooled around they all knew that life wouldn’t be the same again. Well, that was what he felt this morning, up in the bedroom with Dale, Virgo, Quaid, and Sage.

  Life was never going to be the same again. He wanted her. Hell, he didn’t know he was going to try and date her, and take things slow, when all that would make him feel content would be to be inside of her, and connected.

  “Hey, what time did you get up?” Virgo asked as he ran his fingers through his hair and walked into the kitchen toward the coffeepot.

  Matt smiled. “Only about an hour ago. Good thing, too, because Bryant called. Lena was upset about Sage and wanted to talk to her. I said we would tell Sage when she woke up.”

  “How did that go? Letting Bryant know she was here with us?”

  “He knows where we stand. He asked us to go slow and said she was special and had a hard past.”

  Virgo swallowed hard and placed his cup of coffee down on the island. “You think Lena and them know how badly this guy in Detroit hurt her?”

  Matt shook his head. “I think Sage has been carrying this around with her all these years. She’s tough. She’s used to trusting herself, her instincts, and being self-reliant.”

  “We have to make her feel that she can trust us fully and that it’s okay to let go. We’ll be there to catch her if she falls.”

  Matt smiled. “You said some really great things to her last night. Things I felt, but would never be able to explain so fluently and deeply. It made her see that we care, and that she can indeed trust us.”


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