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Sage's Story [The Town of Pearl 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Virgo was silent a moment. “I had just about given up on meeting anyone who could touch my heart, and make me want to give everything I have to them. Sage does that to me, and I’ll do whatever she needs me to do to help her see this is right. She belongs with us. Together we can help her be happy, safe, and free from all that shit she’s carrying around inside.”

  “Well, each of us know about heavy shit we carry inside. She’s worth waiting for. But how are we going to convince her to move in with us immediately?” Matt asked, and Virgo looked at him like he was crazy. Matt chuckled.

  “Suggesting that would send her packing in an instant.” They both laughed.

  * * * *

  Sage woke up to the feel of warmth and gentle kisses against her hip bone. She blinked her eyes open and saw Quaid. His green eyes sparkled and then she felt the other body behind her. “Afternoon, sweetheart,” Quaid whispered and then leaned up and kissed her on the corner of her mouth.

  “Afternoon?” she asked and then turned up to look at Dale. He smoothed his hand along her waist and right to her breast.

  “It’s about two o’clock,” Dale told her as he cupped her breast. She closed her eyes and moaned as she felt the imaginary string from her nipples to her pussy.

  “How does your arm feel?” Dale asked her as he continued to kiss along her skin and play with her breast. Quaid slowly rolled her against Dale who slid to the side so she was now on her back.

  “It aches,” she whispered. Almost as much as her pussy ached right now, but she wouldn’t tell them that.

  Quaid used his palm to massage against her inner thigh.

  “We’ll get you some more painkillers the doctor gave you,” Quaid said and then she felt his fingers against her pussy lips.


  “Yes, baby?” He leaned up and kissed her lips then made his way down her body to her breast. As he pressed fingers to her cunt, he licked her nipple.

  “Oh God, this is torture.”

  Dale pressed his palm against her inner thigh helping to spread her legs.

  The feel of his fingers gently gliding along her groin aroused her further.

  “Touch me. Do something.” She told them.

  “You wanted slow, remember?” Dale asked, as he latched onto her other breast and tugged on the nipple.

  She moaned again as Quaid kissed his way down her body to her pussy.

  “I need a taste. I just know you’re going to be delicious.”

  She felt his tongue plunge between her pussy lips and then his teeth nipped her clit. She cried out, thrust upward, and felt her body tighten another notch.

  “Quaid.” She moaned. He licked, suckled, and pulled on her pussy, causing amazing sensations to erupt in her body. At the same time Dale licked along her breast and was careful not to put pressure on her arm. He held her gaze, Dale’s green eyes sparkled. “I can’t wait to taste you next. I loved holding you in my arms in bed. I want you all the time,” he told her.

  Quaid pulled away from her pussy and then leaned up and kissed her. She tasted herself on his tongue and she loved it. It aroused her as she opened wider to allow Dale’s big body to wedge between her thighs.

  “That’s it, baby. You make room for me. This pussy is ours.” Dale pressed his thumbs against her cunt and then began to draw tiny circles with her cream against it. She moaned, twisted, and thrust upward, feeling that tight feeling build and build from deep in her core.

  “More. Please more,” she begged when she felt two thick, long digits press deep up into her pussy. In and out he thrust his fingers and then slurped up her juices with his tongue. She grabbed a hold of his head and thrust upward against his fingers, riding them.

  “That’s it, baby. Just like that. God, I can’t wait to be inside of you,” Dale told her.

  “Hot damn, she’s so sexy and responsive. My cock is about to burst from watching her.”

  “Oh God.” She screamed her release and Dale pulled his fingers from her pussy and replaced them with his mouth. He licked, suckled, and devoured what he could, making her shake and continue to erupt.

  She was panting softly.

  “You look like an angel when you come,” Quaid told her as he leaned up and kissed her. Dale laid his head against her belly and she locked her legs against his sides.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Dale continued to caress her thigh as he moved to the side to not crush Sage. She pulled the sheets up between them and against her body, but he moved part of it away so he could look at her thigh. He had a perfect view of her left side from ankle to neck. He caressed his fingers along her skin, making her shiver.

  “You’re perfect, Sage. Your skin is so soft and smooth.”

  Quaid moved in behind her and kissed the top of her shoulder.

  She held Dale’s gaze. “Why do you guys want to share one woman?”

  Dale smiled but continued to trail his fingers along her skin, pushing the sheets a little further away to expose more of her.

  Quaid kissed her upper shoulder on the arm that was bandaged.

  “I think we have some different reasons for wanting a ménage relationship, but ultimately, I guess it’s the security, and the bond we share. You know, Virgo and I spent a couple of years away from Matt and Quaid after we returned from serving in the military. Our friends, some of them troop members, settled down in Delite.”

  “Why didn’t you and Virgo?”

  He paused, touching her to hold her gaze. “Because we were meant to meet you. If we’d stayed there, we wouldn’t be here with you right now, feeling so content.”

  “Content? You feel it then? Both of you?” she asked and tilted her head up toward Quaid.

  Quaid smiled. “We all do, baby. This is real. We’re not using you, or going to leave you. In fact, if I know my brother Matt, he’s probably downstairs right now trying to figure out a way to get you to move in here with us immediately.”

  She gasped and both Quaid and Dale chuckled.

  “Don’t get scared or freak out.” Dale looked at her bandage and then softly ran his thumb over her bruised hip bone.

  “We want to protect you, so that no one can ever hurt you, ever again,” Dale said.

  She smiled softly. “I feel lucky.” She reached up with her good hand to touch Dale’s chest. He swallowed hard. The woman had no idea how difficult it was to lay here next to her naked body and not want to get lost inside her, making love all day.

  “I think we’re the lucky ones,” Quaid said and then moved against her back. Her eyes widened, and she tilted up to look at him. “That’s what being next to you does to me. To all of us. Looking over your body, getting to know you, tasting you ignites our desire. I want you so badly it hurts inside.”

  She blinked her eyes. “If it helps, I feel it, too. I want to try, I do, but then I panic.” She lowered her head and sunk deeper into the pillow.

  “There’s no rush, Sage. We’re not going anywhere.”

  She widened her eyes and pulled back.

  “I’m leaving for a trip tomorrow. I’m going to Dallas to visit my friend from college and to see two offices that are looking to hire in September,” she told them.

  “What?” Dale asked, feeling his gut tighten and a sick feeling fill it. He didn’t want to lose her. Was she still considering leaving Pearl?

  “You’re not still considering leaving Pearl, to move to the city are you?” Quaid asked, now sitting up behind her. She rolled to her back, taking the sheets with her and looked from Quaid to Dale.

  “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I gave myself the deadline of midsummer to decide so I won’t lose any opportunities.”

  “What’s going on?” Matt asked as he and Virgo entered the room.

  Dale stood up. “Did you know about this? About her leaving for a trip to Dallas tomorrow and exploring jobs?”

  Matt scrunched his eyes together and then stared at Sage with his hands on his hips. “No. Wha
t are you talking about?”

  Quaid explained.

  “I said I wasn’t sure about moving. I gave myself the deadline of midsummer in case I do leave so that I can get a job. I’ve been offered a few already.” She now sat up and covered herself better with the sheets.

  “How could you think about leaving when things between the four of us are just getting started?” Quaid asked.

  “I didn’t say I was leaving. Listen, I’m going tomorrow. It’s an overnight trip and I’ll be back Tuesday.”

  “Who is going with you? Who is the friend you’re staying with and where do they live in Dallas?” Matt asked.

  She took a deep breath and released it. “His name is Curtis.”

  “It’s a fucking guy you’re staying with?” Dale asked, all pissed off. He couldn’t help himself. He was instantly jealous.

  “I’ve been friends with him for the past four years. He has a girlfriend.”

  “What does she think about you staying at his place with him?” Virgo asked.

  “I met her, and she’s great. She knows that Curtis and I are just friends. So you should understand that, too. Listen, before this gets out of hand quickly, I’m going. I already purchased the bus ticket. I’m going to go check out the three jobs, to keep my options open. I explained early this morning that I needed things to go slow. You four acting so overprotective and jealous for no reason is kind of scary.”

  “Scary? Scary was hearing the fucking radio call about the bar fight and then finding out you were in urgent care hurt and getting stitches. How the hell are we supposed to let you out of our sights right now?” Quaid asked as he ran his hand through his shoulder-length, dirty-blond hair. His dimples were nearly lost when he was angry.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and then looked up at them.

  “I think this is about trust.”

  “Son of a bitch. She’s using that one against us now?” Dale said as he walked away and pulled on his jeans. He felt so upset. He just wanted to be with her. Virgo walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “We trust you, and we want you to trust us. This has more to do with our worry and concern for your safety. We can’t keep you safe if you’re hours away in Dallas.”

  “I’ll call and text a bunch. It’s only two full days and one night. I’ll miss you, if that helps.”

  Virgo sat on the bed while he simultaneously lifted Sage up as if she were light as a feather and paced her onto his lap. Of course the sheet fell from her body and Dale caught his breath from the sight of her luscious body.

  “Virgo,” she reprimanded.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his hand over her ass. He used his other hand to cup her cheek. “I’ll miss you, too.” He kissed her and then fell back onto the bed, spreading his thighs, causing Sage to open hers wider, giving them all a perfect view of her pussy and ass.

  * * * *

  Matt stepped forward and reached out to her. He couldn’t resist. The need inside of him was overwhelming. The moment his palms pressed against her skin, he closed his eyes and tried to breathe through the desire. He couldn’t push her, rush her, or act like a caveman. But that was how he felt. He was possessive, and couldn’t even stand to think about her leaving right now.

  He absorbed the sight of her perfect skin, the way her back arched and her thighs looked wide open. He needed to taste her and touch her. He hoped it was enough until she was ready to let them love her. She moaned as she continued to kiss Virgo.

  “Your body is perfect, Sage. Absolutely fucking perfect,” Matt told her as he lowered down and spread her ass and pussy with his thumbs.

  She moaned and pressed back against his hands. He licked underneath her. Her thighs tightened, and he felt them shaking under his palms.

  “Oh God, Matt,” she blurted out after pulling from Virgo’s mouth.

  Matt took that moment to press a finger up into her cunt from behind while she straddled Virgo.

  “Oh.” She moaned and rocked her hips. He placed his palm on her left ass cheek, while he added a second digit and thrust both fingers into her pussy.

  “Oh God, more, Matt. More.”

  “Fuck, baby, you look hot. I love her breasts. Look at them sway,” Dale stated as he knelt on the bed watching her.

  Virgo reached up and pinched her nipple.

  “Virgo, oh.” She leaned forward to kiss him.

  Matt continued to thrust his fingers into her pussy.

  Quaid moved to the other side and caressed her hair from her face. “You’re gorgeous.” She was panting.

  “I want you so badly, baby. You got my cock so fucking hard,” Matt told her as he leaned over her while he thrust his fingers, and as he kissed and licked her shoulder.

  “I want you, too. Do it. I’m ready, Matt.”

  They all stopped. Matt pulled his fingers from her pussy and she moaned.

  “What did you say to me?” he asked her, and she turned to look over her shoulder at him as she held on to Virgo.

  “I want you all to make love to me. I want to be with you. I want to feel that connection and show you that I want only the four of you.”

  Matt leaned forward and kissed her. When he pulled away, he saw Virgo caressing her breasts and she held on to him.

  “Like this. Take me like this, so I can hold on to Virgo. I want you all touching me. I need all of you touching me, and guiding me through this. Please,” she told them.

  “Are you on the pill, baby?” Matt asked her.

  “Yes,” she whispered and swallowed hard.

  He leaned back, undid his jeans in a flash, and threw off his T-shirt.

  “You’re going to be ours. No regrets,” he said.

  “No regrets. Please, make love to me, Matt. Please.”

  Matt aligned his cock with her pussy from behind and then slowly moved his palms up and down her back. She thrust back against the tip of his cock, and he slowly pushed between her pussy lips. She tightened up, and he clenched his teeth trying to not push in too quickly.

  “Easy, baby. Let him in. Relax your muscles,” Virgo said and then pulled her down to kiss him. As her torso lowered, his cock pushed deeper. He rocked back and then pushed further inside of her.

  “So tight and wet. Damn, baby, I’ve wanted you for far too long.”

  “Oh.” She moaned, pulling her mouth from Virgo’s as Matt pushed the rest of the way inside of her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and slowly pulled out and then thrust back into her. She moaned and panted as he tried so hard to not hurt her and make this perfect. He cupped her breast and licked against her neck and ear.

  “You’ve made me so very happy, Sage. We’re going to take such good care of you. You’re mine now.” He pulled out and then thrust back into her again.

  “You feel so hard, so good, Matt. I’m okay. You can move faster,” she told him, and he smiled.

  Virgo held her and Matt picked up his pace, thrusting in and out of her pussy from behind. He stroked his finger between her ass cheeks and against her sacred hole, and she creamed out sending him over the edge. Three more thrusts and he poured himself into her, moaning and calling her name.

  He scattered kisses along her shoulders as Virgo asked if she was okay, beating him to it. Matt was so out of breath. He had held back, not wanting to scare her in any way. It was exhausting.

  “That was perfect, Matt,” she whispered as she lay her head against Virgo’s chest. Virgo was caressing her back and her ass with his hands. She lifted up and looked at him.

  “I want you to make love to me, too, Virgo.”

  He cupped her cheeks and held her gaze.

  “Are you sure? You’re not achy from your first time?”

  She shook her head. “I think we should all make love so no one feels less important. My feelings for each of you are equal,” she said, and he smiled.

  “There’s not need to worry about jealousy or being equal with your love and affection. We’re in this together.”
/>   “If you want to wait then,” she said, looking sad.

  Virgo chuckled.

  “Hell no, baby. I want in. I want all of you.”

  He kissed her deeply before he gently rolled her to her back. He slid down her body and then undid his pants, took off his shirt, and was back between her thighs. He ran his hands up her inner thighs to her cunt, and she moaned holding his gaze.

  “You ready for me?”

  She nodded her head and smiled.

  Virgo slowly pushed up into her pussy as Sage wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him down to her so she could kiss him.

  * * * *

  Virgo held his breath as he stroked his cock slowly up into Sage’s pussy. She gripped his arm and kept her injured one down by her side. He focused on her beauty, her ripe, large breasts, her firm stomach muscles, and her shapely thighs. She was incredible and he didn’t want any other man to be able to have her but them. He wanted so much for her it made him thrust deeper, and faster. She lifted her hips up, wrapped her strong legs tighter against his sides and it set him off.

  “So good. So fucking sexy,” he told her as he squeezed her ass cheeks and thrust, stroked, and penetrated over and over again. Sage screamed out his name as she shook from her orgasm. He continued to stroke into her, feeling so complete and so very alive for the first time in his life. Making love to the woman of his dreams for the very first time was life altering for him.

  “So good, so damn tight. I’m coming, baby. I can’t hold back.” He thrust three more times before he released his seed and squeezed her to him.

  “You’re mine, too, now, baby. My woman.” He kissed her cheek and then her neck and she kissed him back as her delicate hands caressed his shoulder and arms.

  * * * *

  Quaid was there to take Virgo’s place, and Sage welcomed him with open arms.

  “I’m going to take it easy on you this first time, woman, but watching my brothers make love to you has really turned me on. Your breasts swaying, the way you use these sexy thighs to hold on tight while Virgo fucked you was incredible to watch.


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