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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

Page 3

by Joy Rider

  She must not use the clients' restrooms.

  She must not eat during work hours.

  She must buy own drinking water.

  The Mamasan took a bewildered Suchin to her new room, which she shared with six other girls. Then, one of the girls took her to the clinic for tests.

  At the clinic, the lady doctor made her undress and examined her vagina. This was humiliating and embarrassing for Suchin. She was worried that there might be something wrong with her because of Tong forcing his cock in there. It was OK, as the doctor was motherly towards her and gave her a sweet to suck on like a little girl. The doctor said she did not have any sexually transmitted diseases. She advised Suchin to shave off her pubic hair, as keeping the pubic area clean was healthier for girls in her profession and would reduce the risk of getting lice from her customers.

  Suchin enjoyed her first week at the bar. The girls were friendly, although most were from Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand and didn't speak Lao. The work in the bar was easy just serving drinks and playing bar games with the Farang visitors. As Suchin had only seen a few Farangs in her life she very afraid of them at first, especially as she couldn't understand a word they were saying. They were friendly and laughed a lot. She could see that, like all men, they wanted to have sex with her, but she would go back to the bar and start washing glasses when they started getting too friendly. So far, she had avoided the thing she was dreading.

  From the other girls, she learnt that a German man owned the bar and a gogo, where girls danced nude. Suchin was horrified but curious about the gogo bar, as she had never dreamt that girls might dance nude anywhere and certainly not in Thailand. In her village, people were very prudish and proper. There were always ladies in the villages that had sex with men for money, but people dressed conservatively and the idea that a woman might dance naked for men was extraordinary.

  The girls were all afraid of the German. He was away a lot, so they didn't see him very often. The Mamasan was his wife, and she ran the bar. The German spoke good Thai, but it was easier for a woman to run a bar which relied on a supply of young girls to make a profit. They lived in a big house up on the mountainside. The German had an office and a "Room" behind the bar. When Suchin asked what the room was for they all giggled and wouldn't tell her. From their comments, she thought that most of them had been into the room at one time or another.

  One afternoon, when she arrived for work at 4pm, she saw a big fat Farang talking to the Mamasan, who pointed to Suchin. When he turned to look at her, she could see that he was old perhaps in his fifties and balding with very short grey hair. Immediately, she could see from his eyes and the way in which he looked at her body, that he was interested in having sex with her.

  He welcomed her and told her he was sure she would be very happy in the bar. He said she should come and see him in his office at 6pm. When he said this, Suchin glanced at the Mamasan for approval but all she saw was a fleeting look of anger and hatred pass over her face. Suchin swallowed nervously and said meekly, "Yes Sir."

  At 6pm, Suchin tapped timidly on the office door. A harsh voice from inside said something she couldn't understand. She waited for what seemed to be a long time, acutely aware of the giggles from the girls watching her from the bar.

  Suddenly, the door opened and the big German took her by the arm and almost dragged her in. His office had a computer and papers everywhere. He looked at her and laughed. In good Thai he said,

  "You look as scared as a chicken ready for the pot..... Don't worry Suchin, I won't eat you. Come into the other room where we can relax and talk."

  He took her by the arm and steered her into a larger room with armchairs, a bar and a large bed. Suchin swallowed when she saw the bed as she could guess why it was there. She was even more alarmed when she looked at the walls which were covered with photos of girls dancing naked, in what she assumed was his gogo bar. She was shocked. How could they expose themselves like that?

  Seeing the look on her face, the German laughed again,

  "That's my gogo bar Suchin, but don't worry I only have naughty girls working there, not nice girls like you."

  He gave her a smile, which she guessed he meant to be reassuring, but came out more as a filthy leer. The fact that he was looking at her chest, while he talked, made it even less credible.

  Suchin shivered. She knew this was going to be the beginning of her new career, and she was scared of having a cock pushed into her again. The girls were always discussing their customer's cocks and saying how some were very large, much bigger than Thai men's cocks. They would look at Suchin and say "Especially the German." Then they would all cackle at her expression and make jokes about it being bigger than a Water Buffalo's cock and stiffer than a giant bamboo shoot. Remembering this, and having seen many Water Buffalo's cocks, Suchin started trembling.

  The German said, "Sit down my dear," and pushed her into a double chair.

  "Now what would you like to drink?" he said gesturing at the bar.

  "Nothing thank you Sir," Suchin murmured.

  Ignoring her reply, the German went to the bar, and started pouring drinks.

  He said, "You can call me Klaus dear, I am sure we are going to be close friends."

  He placed undue emphasis on the word "close."

  He handed Suchin a drink, which seemed to be mainly Coke, saying, "drink this, and you will feel better."

  She suddenly felt very thirsty, as it was hot in the room, so she quickly took a gulp of the Coke. It certainly had an effect as it burnt her throat, and she coughed involuntarily. Her head was swimming. She guessed it had some alcohol in it, and she never drank alcohol before. She had seen what Thai Whisky had done to her father and never wanted to use the evil liquid. She didn't have a lot of choice now though, and she thought, "maybe it won't be so bad if I get drunk first".

  Klaus sat down beside her and put an arm around her in a fatherly fashion.

  "Tell me about your village Suchin."

  She told him where she lived, and he quizzed her speaking some words in the Lao dialect of Issan. This was comforting to Suchin, and in the soft armchair, with the alcohol and his protective arm, she began to relax. He refilled their drinks and asked her if she had a boyfriend. Suchin didn't really want to talk about Tong, but she told him that she had only one boyfriend, and they had been together since she was 13.

  "...and did you make love my dear?" he asked.

  Suchin felt her face tingling and she stammered "not really...well once."

  "Tell me about it dear, did you enjoy it?"

  "No I hated it! He made me do it!" she blurted out.

  "Ahhh" he sighed and she wasn't sure if he was sympathising or happy about her boyfriend raping her.

  "You are 18 and just the one time? Lovely."

  Suchin became aware that his left hand had moved to feel her breast, and he was gently caressing it through her clothes. She wanted to move his hand away but didn't know how to do it. She thought that there was no point in trying to stop him, as it would happen anyway.

  He wanted more detail and asked where and when it occurred.

  "Did he undress you my dear?"

  "Yes, but I tried to stop him."

  "...and how did he force you?"

  "He tied me up" she almost sobbed.

  Klaus thought to himself "This is getting better and better, just 18 and very pretty. She is almost a virgin and wonderfully raped by her boyfriend, so I don't have to worry about the messy business of breaking her hymen. She is so vulnerable I could get her to do anything."

  He could feel his cock hardening and tweaked her nipple with his fingers. Through her bra, he could feel her nipple harden. He wondered to himself if she was getting aroused. Probably not, bitches' nipples always got hard from being touched, and it was easy to mistake this for arousal.

  It didn't matter as he would rather she was not sexed up when he fucked her. Older women like that bitch of a wife of his would get horny so that their cunts became wet and s
loppy. I meant that fucking the hag was completely boring. Now this little virgin was something else. She would be tight and probably dry, but he could deal with that.

  Klaus was looking forward to helping her discover her sexuality and turning her into a slut. Right now, he didn't have time to woo her and gently persuade her. He needed to hit her hard and destroy her defences quickly, or he would end up having to fuck one of the other whores tonight.

  "Stand up Suchin." he said in Thai in a commanding voice.

  Suchin frowned; through the haze of alcohol, she had difficulty in understanding him.

  "Yes Sir." she said struggling to get out of the deep armchair and to her feet.

  Klaus also stood, and switched on a single spotlight in the ceiling. Then he switched off the main lights leaving one area brightly lit.

  "Stand under the light Suchin."

  She meekly did as she was told. The light was so strong she could no longer see the fat German. She squinted her eyes trying to find him.

  His voice said, "You understand Suchin that I have to inspect you to see if you are suitable for work in the bar."

  "Yee...s... Sir" she replied hesitantly.

  "Take off your top"

  Suchin understood that she had to undress for him, and then he would fuck her. She hoped he would be quick, as she was getting hungry. She pulled her top over her head and looked for somewhere to put it. The light blinded her so she couldn't see anything, and she ended up holding it in her hands.

  "Off with the skirt Slut." He used the English word 'Slut', so it didn't mean anything to Suchin, but she understood what she had to do.

  She dropped the garment she was holding to the carpet to free her hands. Then she unclipped and unzipped her short skirt. This time she didn't hold it and just let it fall around her ankles.

  There was a long silence...

  Klaus was savouring the view. She had a heart shaped face with long black hair. Even without makeup, the girl was quite beautiful with large eyes, long eyelashes, a golden skin, and warm plump red lips. Soon they would be around his cock he knew. He undid his zip and started touching his hard cock with pleasure.

  Her underwear was obviously cheap but that added to the effect. He was pleased to see that her bra was not mainly made of foam rubber, like the bras of most of his whores. Suchin was not large breasted but her tits filled her brassiere nicely.

  Her panties were not those of a whore but a country girl, thin cotton with a puppy dog pattern. Tight enough around her cunt to show her swelling mons and a faint suggestion of her slit. He couldn't see any curly pubic hairs peeping out from the sides of her panties. Surely, the silly cunt had not shaved! He began to feel angry. Somebody was spoiling his fun.

  "Show me your tits whore!" he grated.

  This time he used the Thai word for 'whore', which shocked Suchin as nobody had ever spoken to her that way, but she had never been a whore before.

  She frowned, and rubbed her forehead before reaching behind her back to undo the clips of the bra. It fell loose and she shrugged it off her shoulders, freeing her breasts for the pleasure of the unseen watcher. Her bra fell to the floor.

  Suchin wanted to cover her breasts with her hands but thought that a whore wouldn't do this. In any case, he needed to inspect her breasts. She self-consciously pulled her arms in tight to her body as she shivered and hung her head down with shame.

  "Stand upright and push your tits out Cunt," the voice commanded.

  Suchin was really shocked this time. He called her a 'Cunt' nobody could call her that!

  Automatically she did what she was told, and straightened her body.

  "Push your tits out!"

  Suchin frowned, let out a short sigh, and complied.

  Klaus chuckled quietly to himself. She was so naive and malleable he would have such fun with her. He would keep her for himself and not let anybody else touch her. Poo wouldn't like it but it wouldn't be the first or last time he had made one of the girls his personal fuck.

  Poo would know that eventually he would get bored with this cunt. They all became boring after a while, and then she would be a good money-earning asset, with those looks. He thought of what she would be like in the gogo. He would degrade her completely and make her perform with a bottle in her cunt for the customers. The thought made his cock throb and need to be satisfied.

  Abruptly he said "Panties off!'

  Suchin took them off, stepping out of them and holding the thin material tightly in her hand, before dropping them to the floor. She stood naked in front of the watcher from the dark.

  Apart from Tong, this was the first time, since she had become a woman, that a man had seen her naked. In a way, she was happy that it had happened, as there was a sense of relief at having removed all her clothes. She felt a slight thrill of excitement knowing that a man was viewing and no doubt enjoying her sex. She was no longer a child, but a woman for men to enjoy, which gave her a sense of power.

  The man swore and shouted at her.

  "What have you done you fucking bitch? You look like a whore!"

  Suchin was stunned. She had undressed for him and let him see her most private parts. What had she done wrong? Was there something wrong with her body? Her eyes started to water and she realised how close she had been to tears. This was horrible, how could she let a strange man see her like this?

  He barked at her "Why did you shave?"

  At first she wondered whether he thought she was a Katoi (ladyboy) and that she shaved her chin and legs." Then she realised he meant her pubic hair.

  "The doctor told me..." she stammered.

  "Fuck" was the reply "Fucking doctor." "You are to let it grow back."

  "Open your legs."

  She had been feeling almost good about showing her body, now she began to feel ashamed.

  Klaus was thinking. "Humiliate her, debase her, and as long as I don't go too far she will realise what a slut she is and do what I want."

  Suchin opened her legs to give him a clear view of her vagina.

  "Open your lips!"

  Suchin opened her mouth.

  "Not your mouth, you stupid farm girl! Your cunt!"

  "How...?" she stammered.

  "With your fingers. Show me where your customers will put their cocks you cheap prostitute. I want to see the inside of your cunt."

  This was horrible, why was he doing this to her. She opened her legs more and tentatively put her fingers both side of her vagina and pulled the lips open slightly.

  "Wider!" The voice snarled.

  Suchin swallowed and shuffled her feet on the carpet so her legs were wide apart.


  She tried to open her vagina more with her fingers but realised that standing with her legs straight it would be impossible. Closing her eyes she bent her knees, spreading them apart, and at the same time stretched her vagina into a gaping hole with both hands.

  She stayed like that for a long time, a tear softly trickling down her cheek.

  She felt completely obscene.

  "Was it always going to be like this with men?" She thought.

  After a long period of silence, she whispered, "Can I stop now?"

  The only reply was the German walking into the light.

  He was dressed but his hand was stroking his huge cock, which was sticking out in front of him.

  "Suck this bitch," he growled.

  He walked up to her and pushed on her head, forcing Suchin to her knees.

  Kneeling naked, with her clothing strewn on the floor around her, all Suchin could see was a huge cock right in her face. Instinctively she tried to jerk her head back away from the horrible thing. He forced her back, grasping her hair at the back of her head with both hands.

  It hurt...

  He held her there forcing her to look at his hard penis. It was much bigger than her brother's penises or even Tong's. It seemed very large. "The girls were right it is like a water buffalo cock," she thought. It was circumcised and reddish, engorge
d with blood. There were blue veins bulging along the sides, and they were pulsating. At the tip there was a small drop of something glistening, later she learned that this was pre-cum. A piece of white fluff, from his underwear, clung to his foreskin.

  There was a mass of curly brown hairs around the base of his cock. She wondered why they weren't white like his head hairs. His balls hung loosely in their sack.

  The worst thing was the smell of stale rancid sweat. Just the thought of putting this dirty thing in her mouth almost made her vomit.

  "Open your mouth bitch" he snarled at her, tightening the grip on her hair, so that she winced with the pain.

  At last, Suchin started to cry, tears rolled down her face as she sobbed "Please don't make me..."

  "You fucking cunt! Do as you are told."

  He pulled her head back with one hand and slapped her face hard with his other hand.

  "Open your mouth!"

  Suchin gasped with shock and managed to make a garbled "Ahhh...." noise before he rammed his cock into her open mouth.

  She could taste his salty sweat on her tongue. His cock was gagging her so she could hardly breathe. She thought of biting his cock off but knew that if she did he would kill her.

  "I am a whore." She thought. "This is my job."

  She closed her lips around his shaft and started to suck.

  It took him a long time to cum. It seemed forever to Suchin. He was pushing his cock right down her throat, so she could only breathe when he pulled back again. She tried to time her breathing with his rhythmic movements. The tissues at the back of her palette hurt where the cock kept hitting. Her tongue was getting in the way, and her lips pinched between his cock and her teeth. Her hair hurt and her nose kept banging into the fat rolls of his stomach.

  He was grunting loudly and kept saying

  "Get your fucking teeth out of the way you ignorant cow".

  Then he stiffened, grunted and reaching a climax started to ejaculate. Suchin could feel hot liquid squirting into her mouth as he pumped and pumped into her. She started coughing as it ran down her throat. He pulled out. She start to spit out the vile liquid, but he grasped her hair again and said


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