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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

Page 4

by Joy Rider

  "Don't you dare. Swallow it all."

  She thought "No, No! Please don't make me do that."

  She kept her mouth closed and could feel his cum running out of the sides of her mouth.


  Suchin swallowed, feeling the thick slimy strings of his cum slither down her throat.

  The German went into the bathroom next to the bedroom to clean himself up, saying to Suchin "Get dressed."

  Bewildered and hurt she slowly picked up her clothes and got dressed.

  When the German came back, he gave her 500 baht ($15) and told her to take the night off.

  Klaus was thinking, "I don't want the bitch to go complaining to the other girls, give her time to calm down and get used to it."

  Suchin walked out through the bar as though in a daze not looking at anybody just staring straight ahead. The girls didn't giggle or make any comments when they saw her puffy eyes, tear stained face, swollen lips, and the red wheal on her face where he had hit her.

  It was dusk outside and warm. Suchin walked a long way down the beach to the other side of the bay. She cleaned her face in the sea and washed away the remaining foul taste with the salt seawater. She spat it out with vehemence. Then she sat looking at the red glow of sun as it sank beneath the sea and the procession of waves.

  After a while, she began to reconcile things in her mind. Maybe it wasn't so bad. It wasn't nice having the old Farang's cock in her mouth but with practice, she could do better and give him pleasure, so he didn't rape her mouth. One good thing was that he hadn't fucked her and the pain in her cunt that she was dreading hadn't happened. Also, she had 500 baht, which was more money than she had ever owned.

  She rang Noi and arranged to spend the night with her, as she didn't want to go back to the room with the other girls.

  They went out to eat at a noodle stall, and she told Noi everything that had happened. Far from commiserating, Noi thought it was wonderful that her boss wanted to fuck her and gave her money.

  She said "500 for a blowjob! I am lucky if I get 300."

  She added, "If you play him well you could have a cushy life, just fucking one old man and getting good money."

  "He is married." Suchin exclaimed.

  "Oh don't worry about that, the old girl will be used to it. You will be just a Mia Noi. You have to make sure he doesn't force you next time, some men like it that way, but you can usually charm them out of it and get them off quickly."

  Noi gave her lots of practical advice.

  "Get them to wash first, so you don't have to put a smelly cock in your mouth."

  "If they want to spray their cum in your face, that's good as it washes off easily."

  "If they insist in cumming in your mouth, hold it until you can get to the bathroom or a tissue."

  "Getting to the bathroom is easy; just indicate that you want a pee. They are scared stiff of you peeing in the hotel bed."

  "If you have to swallow their cum, so what it's just like eating fish eggs."

  They had a good laugh together and Suchin felt happy again, ready to face the next day working as a whore.

  The next night Suchin went to work and nobody said anything about her experience with the German. One of the men tried to get Suchin to go back to his hotel with him, but the Mamasan intervened saying she was off limits.

  The following night she had to go to the boss's office again. He made her drink the Coke cocktail and told her to strip. She wanted to ask him to take a shower first but was too shy. She undressed for him.

  Seeing his erection, she wondered about how easy it was to give men pleasure by just taking her clothes off.

  Klaus was much gentler with her and said he was sorry for being rough the other night. He was a skilled and experienced lover and showed her how to put a condom on his stiff cock. It was a lubricated condom, and he said that would make it go in more easily. It was still difficult for him though, as she was very scared, which made her unused cunt very tight.

  During the next few weeks, Klaus fucked her regularly and taught Suchin some of the many varied ways of 'making love'.

  Fortunately, he said that anal sex is for Katois (Ladyboys) so he didn't make her do that.

  She gradually relaxed and began to enjoy having his cock in her. She found her body would take over and climax with huge contractions, which made her cry out loudly. The girls teased her that they could hear her in the bar. They didn't mind, but Klaus' wife, Poo, was obviously unhappy about her husband spending so much time with Suchin.

  Klaus had become very fond of Suchin and he gave her presents. For her 19th birthday, he gave her a small gold necklace that was the envy of all the girls. He became quite possessive about her and told Poo not to let anybody fuck Suchin and to keep her out of the bar when there were rowdy drunks around. Poo was afraid of Klaus and did as she was told, so Suchin had an easy time of it.

  The other girls were happy about this arrangement as it meant there were more customers for them.

  They all wanted to 'get' a rich Farang to marry them. That was their main motive for working in the bar, as they dreamed of living a wonderful life in a far off land. They would prefer a young handsome Farang to marry them, but didn't really care if he were old and ugly. All they wanted was a man who had money, who would not get drunk, abuse them and gamble away all their assets, as Thai men do.

  Of course, if they get paid, while fishing for a Farang so much the better, as they could earn good money fucking the customers.

  Bargirls often go on holiday around Thailand with a Western visitor providing them with comfort and sexual services at night. Many Farangs fall in love with them (not difficult as Thai girls know how to make a man happy) and give them thousands of baht to stay in their villages, so that they will not have sex with other men.

  In a country where men make $3 a day for working in the rice fields, even the poorest Westerner is incredibly rich. Many houses in the villages have dirt floors but the bargirls get their Farang boyfriends to pay for building lovely houses with concrete floors or even ceramic tiles

  Some of the girls have several 'boyfriends' sending them money to stay in their village. In a few cases, this is sheer greed but most of the girls have to keep several boyfriends while they wait for one to decide to marry them. Beautiful Asian girls, with their slim bodies and golden skins, bewitch men on holiday, but when they get home forget about them and go back to their wives or girlfriends.

  When a man decides to marry a girl it can take many months to organise visas as western immigration authorities tended to be very suspicious of Thai bargirls, worrying that it might be a marriage of convenience or the girl might work as a prostitute.

  If their Farang 'boyfriend' loses interest or the regular payments dry up the girls drift back to the bar where they can earn good money

  In the Thai bar scene, there are no pimps involved, or drugs or any of the nasty things associated with prostitution in the West. If a man asks a girl for a date or sex they are free to decide if they go with him or not.

  The sex can be Short Time, which means using one of the rooms at the back of the bar for a quick fuck or a blowjob. There are no fixed charges but the man might pay the girl 500 to 600 baht ($15 to $18) for the services. A skilled pretty girl could do several each night if business was good.

  Mostly the girls do Long Time though, where the girl goes back to the man's hotel with him. He pays a 500 baht fine to the bar for taking their employee away from the business. Apart from that, financial transactions are between the girl and the customer.

  This often means that she becomes the guy's girlfriend for the night, and he may take her out for a meal or dancing, before going back to the hotel for sex. He doesn't have to pay her, but he is expected to give the girl at least 1,000 baht ($30) the following morning. If he has a good time, he might give her much more and pay the bar to keep her off work for several days.

  When you consider that the girl could earn in one night more than she could earn in two
week's hard work in the rice fields, it's not surprising that so many girls drift into the bars. More importantly to most girls is the likelihood that she will end up marrying a Farang, be rich the rest of her life and be able to look after her parents, brothers, sisters and children.

  As the wife of a Farang she will be an important person in the village as there is little stigma attached to being a bargirl, if she is successful in marrying a Farang. If they don't hook a Westerner, they may end up as the village whore.

  Some girls just enjoy sex, some only want money but most want to marry a Westerner and send any money they make back to their mothers. Many of the girls have had children from a village marriage with a Thai man. By the time they start working in a bar, a girl might have one or two children back in the village, cared for by her mother.

  Suchin learnt all this listening to the girls, but it wasn't helping her. She knew that Klaus wouldn't marry her and take her back to Germany. He gave her a few hundred baht for the sex they had together, but it was not enough to pay off her family's debts, and he was preventing her going with Farangs.

  She summoned up her courage and when the German was in a good mood told him that her family would lose their home, unless she paid their debts. He had become very fond of her and to her surprise; he agreed to lend her the money. So, she signed an IOU to him and paid off her father's debts.

  At the time, she was very happy and didn't understand that it simply transferred the debt to somebody who would have total power over her as a result. Her parent's house was safe, but an unscrupulous man owned her body.

  Strip poker

  One afternoon when Klaus was away, some of the girls invited Suchin to join them in a card game. She wasn't keen to go, as she knew it would involve gambling, but it was the first time that any of the girls had been friendly and the Mamasan was keen for her to go, so she gave in and agreed.

  The three girls arrived at the house, which was rented by a boyfriend of one of the girl's. There were four young Thai men there, which worried Suchin as she knew what they were like when they were drunk, but she felt safe with the other girls. They sat on the floor and played cards for small bets. Suchin hated gambling but it was difficult to say no, and she had learnt the rules watching people play in the bar.

  The boys also insisted on her drinking some Thai Whisky and Coke. Klaus had taught Suchin to drink, but she was still wary of it and avoided alcohol when she could.

  One of the men had a digital camera and kept photographing everybody. He seemed to be especially interested in Suchin and kept showing her the photos saying how lovely she was. She was happy that the young handsome Thai man liked her and thought she was pretty.

  One of the girls ran out of money, and the men suggested she bet with her clothes as money. Giggling she took off her top and gave it to one of the men. The girl continued to play in her bra.

  Suchin had a sinking feeling that the same would happen to her. She too was running out of money and didn't have a lot to sell. She was only wearing a white cotton blouse chastely buttoned, together with a small pair of green and white chequered shorts. Underneath she had bra and panties. She had left her shoes outside, as is the Thai custom.

  Suchin felt tipsy and the other girls were getting drunk, but Suchin was enjoying herself as the guys were nice young men who flirted with her. Everybody was very happy. Suchin giggled at the crude double meanings, common in the Thai language, and the jokes.

  Soon one of the girls, Joi was in her undies. Dao, the one whose boyfriend rented the house, was actually topless, so that the guys were getting a good view of her breasts. Dao didn't seem to mind their ogling and neither did her boyfriend, or the other guys.

  One of the men was down to his underpants and showing off what Suchin thought was a quite sexy body.

  Inevitably, it came to the point where Suchin had to bet with her clothes. She managed to spin things out by betting one button of her top at a time. She thought it would save her from having to undress as it was buttoned up to the neck, with nine buttons. The guy with the camera insisted on photographing her, as each button was undone. Suchin suddenly realised that she could use this to her advantage and did a deal, whereby she would get extra chips for each photo he took.

  Then she had a run on of bad luck and despite the photos, she had to take off her top and then her shorts. She told the photographer she didn't want any more photos taken, even for chips.

  Joi had been lucky and was fully dressed again but Dao was only wearing panties. The drinks seemed to be getting stronger and Suchin thought she might be beginning to slur her words.

  When Suchin lost her bra, she didn't want to let the men see her breasts so she arranged with Dao to swap her remaining bra panties for a nightie and dressing gown that Dao kept in the bedroom. She went into the bedroom took off her bra and panties. She then put on the polyester nightclothes, which were white with puppy dog patterns and red trim. Her naked body felt good and the material felt quite sexy as it slid over her skin.

  Returning to the other room, she gave the men her bra and panties. They duly sniffed her panties and made comments about the smell of good pussy. Suchin was mortified when one of the pointed out some yellow staining and damp area in the crutch of her panties. They took this to mean that she was sexually aroused and teased her about it. Suchin protested that it wasn't true, but she knew, and they knew, that it was.

  Suchin, was getting all the attention from the guys, so she asked where Joi was, hoping to at least share their banter with another girl. Dao said she had gone to the bathroom.

  They wanted to take more photos of Suchin and she let them as the nightie covered her up completely. She even posed for them lying down on the mattress in one corner of the room with her arms above her head.

  The game continued and to her horror, Suchin lost all her remaining clothes. She took off the dressing gown, but wanted to keep the nightie. The boys said she had to take it off as well and Dao pointed out that she was nearly nude, so why shouldn't Suchin do the same.

  Eventually, they let her just drop the nightie down to her waist exposing her breasts but not her pubic area. This was on condition that they could continue to take photos, for which she would get chips.

  As she was a bit drunk, it all seemed very funny to Suchin and she giggled as she let the nightie fall to her waist. At first, she was very shy when she saw where all the guys were looking. She carried on playing, very conscious of the four young Thai men enjoying the view of her breasts, but gradually got used to the attention.

  The guy with the camera took many photos of her, which kept her in chips for a long time. He asked her to put her arms above her head, as it would lift her tits up. Suchin felt terribly embarrassed to have a man using that term for her breasts in front of other men. She felt the skin on her face and breasts tingle as she posed for him.

  Suchin was annoyed that he should suggest that her breasts needed lifting. She was going to say something about it, when one of the men commented on how pointed her nipples were, and she became so confused that she forgot what she going to say.

  Dao lost her panties and had to take them off. She stood up and pulled them down quickly then threw them at her boyfriend. Before the men could get a good look at her, she ran into the bedroom closely followed by her boyfriend. Suchin heard the door lock and knew that they would be occupied for a while.

  This left her alone with three men who were all almost nude and drunk. Joi hadn't returned and suddenly Suchin was scared. They could do anything to her. She pulled the nightie back over her breasts and stood up saying "I have to go now."

  The guys all laughed at this and one said, "Come on Suchin finish the game." "The rule is that you have to give one hour's notice before leaving the game."

  This was news to Suchin and the other girls hadn't given any notice. So, she decided to go anyway. She looked around for her clothes. She couldn't see them! In fact, all the clothes including the men's and Dao's seem to have gone.

  She fel
t panicky, what was going on, where were her clothes?

  "Where are my clothes?" she said.

  The men made a big play of searching around for them and said, "They don't seem to be here." "Joi must have taken them with her."

  "I thought she went to the bathroom." Suchin stammered.

  "I'll tell you what." said one of the men "You play for another hour according to the rules and I then will go on my motorbike to get some clothes for you. OK?"

  Suchin thought desperately. What could she do? She couldn't go out on the street like this and the bedroom, which would have some of Dao's clothes in it, was locked. She thought of calling out for Dao but she knew that wouldn't work. She decided to play on and hope for the best.

  "OK." she replied.

  "You had better get your lovely tits out again then" one of the men said, "so that we are back where we were in the game."

  Reluctantly Suchin pulled the nightie off her shoulders and let it fall to her waist. The men were no longer disguising their lust for her. She knew what they wanted from the bulges in their shorts.

  Suchin discovered it was difficult to avoid looking at the men's bodies. Every time she found herself looking, she would jerk her head away and take a sharp intake of breath, while she tried to concentrate on her cards. She couldn't stop looking at the way one of the men was gently stroking himself through his underwear.

  The guy touching himself noticed where she was looking and said

  "Oh you hot little slut, want to see what's in store for you?"

  He pulled his hard cock out for her to see.

  Suchin gasped, not because of its size, as it wasn't that big, but because of the way a total stranger was treating her.

  "Oh you like it do you darling," he said.

  "Want to come over to me and feel it?"

  Not to be outdone, one of the other men took his shorts off altogether, so Suchin could see his hard cock, and the other man followed suit.

  Suchin was seeing three good-looking Thai men with firm bodies all with hard cocks lusting for her.


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