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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

Page 7

by Joy Rider

  "That's what her asshole is for Bull." was the reply and they cackled.

  "Nah this cunts ass is for cocks."

  Bull forced Suchin to lick the shit off his cock to clean it. The expression on her face as they made her eat her own excrement caused much amusement and disgust among the onlookers, who took many photos.

  The rest of the time was a blur to Suchin. They fucked her mouth, vagina, and ass, separately and together. What they called Double-teaming or Filling-all-he-holes. At one time, she had cocks in each hand, two going into her mouth, while one was in her vagina and another in her anus. It took at lot of contortions to do this and the men thought it was hilarious to watch.

  She had cum all over her, as they pulled out and ejaculated on her body. Bull kept his promise and squirted his volumes of cum right in her face and eyes.

  It seemed to take forever, but eventually Suchin realised she was lying alone, sore and bruised, on the bed.

  Most of the men had gone back to their rooms, and those that remained had fallen asleep, some with cans in their hands. The room was a wreck and Suchin timidly crept through the mess to the door. A big naked man was sitting leaning against the door. When Suchin pushed him, he just fell over and she made her escape.

  She staggered back to Peter's room where she had left her clothes, crawled into bed with him and fell asleep.

  The next thing somebody was on top of her forcing a cock into her mouth. Suchin resisted but then gave in.

  She was so disappointed to find that Peter was just like the other men. He was not brutal with her as they had been but she could see he was angry with her, for being a slut with the other men.

  Despite everything that they did to her, she understood his feelings, and knew that she deserved this treatment from all men. She sucked his cock and gave him pleasure the way Klaus had taught her. He made her swallow his cum which she hated, but she kept thinking irrationally "It's the cum of the man I will get to marry me so it must taste good."

  Afterwards, she could see that Peter was feeling miserable about forcing her suck him, and she put her arms around him to show that it was OK. They went to sleep in each other's arms.

  The next time she awoke, she couldn't see Peter anywhere, so she got up, showered and washed her hair.

  Peter came back as she was coming out of the shower and she let him take some photos of the as she dried her hair and got dressed.

  He gave her a huge amount of money, and Suchin was so happy as she knew that it meant that he was very rich and loved her. She felt sure he would marry her and take her to a Farang country.

  Apart from a stinging soreness in her behind, the nightmare of the night was just that, a terrible dream, and she began to hide it from her memories. She couldn't bear to revisit the night again, even in her thoughts.

  She went back to Nin's, happily knowing that she and Peter would be good together and with enough money to provide food for her family for many months. She didn't tell Nin the bad things that had happened to her during the night, and excitedly told her she had met a lovely Farang who was going to marry her.

  Later that day, she went back to the hotel to see Peter hoping to spend the night with him. This time she would make sure they locked the door.

  She couldn't find him anywhere and she searched for him for several days before somebody told her he had gone back to Australia. Suchin was broken hearted. She couldn't bear to stay in Phuket after everything that had happened so she sent most of her money home with a friend and set off for Bangkok to get a job.


  Suchin was tired when she got back to her room. She had been working all day on a building site carrying buckets of cement for the men who were building the concrete block walls of a housing estate for rich people.

  Her room consisted of a 4 by 3 metre (13 by 10 feet) box, in a whole line of boxes roughly constructed of timber and corrugated iron. Over 50 workers lived in the rooms that leaked in the rain and had neither air conditioning nor furniture. Suchin slept on a thin mattress on the wooden floor and cooked on the shared verandah outside, using a charcoal burner.

  There was no running water, and she bathed along with the other workers in a big concrete tank. As both men and women shared it, they wore their clothes when they washed.

  As she sat on the doorstep to her room thinking about what she could eat that night, her mobile phone rang.

  It was Nin in Phuket, and she was excited telling Suchin that the man Peter was in town, looking for her. It was a year since she had left Phuket. The terrifying night she had spent in the hotel and the man she had naively thought she would marry had faded in her memory.

  Suchin had come to realise that all men were like that and just exploited women for their bodies. She had long since given up her dream of marrying a Farang. She never wanted to go back to servicing men's cocks. Since she had been in Bangkok, she had refused all advances from Thai men, who wanted to take her out.

  Despite her disillusionment, Suchin's heart leapt when she heard the news. What should she do?

  She wasn't earning enough money to pay off her debt to the German and her mother had told her that the police had visited her house looking for her. If she went back to Phuket, there was a risk that the Klaus might see her and force her to work as a prostitute again. On the other hand, if she saw Peter, he might want to marry her. Suchin decided she had to take the risk and return to Phuket.

  Nin met her at the bus station. She told Suchin that Peter had been hanging around her old bar and asking for her. Nervously, Suchin asked if they had taken down the nude photos. Nin replied "Yes don't worry; I think they have forgotten about all that."

  That evening, Suchin waited in the shadows near the bar. After an hour or so, she saw Peter going towards the bar. She ran out to him and timidly smiled at him not knowing what to say. To her relief, he smiled back and said "Suchin! I've found you. I've been looking for you everywhere."

  He took her out to one of Patong's fantastic seafood markets where they ate delicious fresh fish, prawns, and crab. Suchin was so happy and enjoyed the food, even though she really preferred her burning hot chilli Issan food.

  Back in his hotel, they made gentle and tender love.

  That week was the happiest of Suchin's life. They couldn't understand each other's language, but they were more than capable of communicating in other ways. Peter was always polite and generous to Suchin. He gave her money to buy clothes and to send to her family.

  She introduced him to Nin and he visited Nin's small room.

  Nin spoke a little English, and she told Suchin that Peter said he would send her money regularly, on condition that she didn't work as a bargirl. Suchin readily agreed, as she wasn't working as a bargirl anyway, and she had no desire to fuck other men. She would go back to the village, where the money he was going to send her would be enough for her family to live on and slowly pay back her debt to Klaus. She was so excited, as it was her dream come true.

  One morning, after two weeks of heaven together, Peter packed his suitcases saying something to Suchin that she couldn't understand. She thought that maybe he was going to take her home to her village to meet her family.

  He took her to Nin's on his rented motorcycle, and Suchin assumed that he was going to get Nin to translate for him. Unfortunately, Nin wasn't there. Suchin knew that meant that she had found a Farang, and spent the night in his hotel with him. Peter seemed disappointed at this, and indicated to Suchin that she should stay at Nin's.

  She stayed in Nin's room for a couple of hours, becoming more and more worried about what had happened to Peter. She decided to go to see if he was still at the hotel, and used a motorcycle taxi to get there.

  When she got to the hotel, she was about to go in, when she saw Peter coming out with his arm around a beautiful blonde Farang lady. She was tall and elegant with a lovely figure. Suchin could see that they were very close, from the way in which the couple talked together excitedly laughing and catching each other's eyes.
  Suchin's whole world collapsed as she hid in the bushes to watch. She saw Peter put their suitcases in a taxi. They drove off still touching each other and talking intimately.

  Now Suchin knew what in her heart of hearts, she had known all along. All men were cheats, and somebody as handsome and gentle as Peter was certain to have a Farang girlfriend who was infinitely lovelier than Suchin, with her ugly dark skin, weak chin and small breasts. It was the end, and for the first time in her life, she knew that she should kill herself.


  After that trip to Thailand with the club, Peter Clarke felt strange back in Australia. He had a very good job as a software engineer working in the latest web technologies, but it was difficult to concentrate. His mind kept coming back to the pretty little Thai girl he had slept with on the last night of his trip.

  Even now, he felt guilty about what she had been through at the hands of that bastard Bull. Soon after getting home, he had written to the Club telling them the disgusting way in which Bull had behaved. As a result, the Club sacked Bull and he and Peter nearly came to blows.

  Peter had heard that Bull was heavily involved in the motorcycle gang, Men of Mayhem, which was reputed to be in the drug trade among other things.

  Peter was determined to go back to Thailand and spend some more time on those lovely beaches with such friendly people and beautiful girls. He still had the topless photos he had taken of the bargirl after her shower, and he often looked at them. He even printed out one of those that did not show her breasts, to keep in his wallet.

  Then Peter's sister Nicole said she wanted to go to Thailand, and asked if he would go with her. Peter jumped at the opportunity. He told Nicole that due to his work schedule, he would need to go a couple of weeks before her. In reality, he knew it was so he could look for the bargirl. He didn't dare to mention her to Nicole, as he knew that she and their parents would disapprove of him going with a common prostitute.

  Nicole wanted to go first to the mountains in the North of Thailand near Chiang Mai and then work her way down to the islands. Of course, Peter wanted to go to Phuket. As Nicole could break her journey there, they arranged to meet in Patong before going on to Chiang Mai together.

  Collecting his luggage at the airport in Phuket, he saw Bull waiting at the baggage carousel. Peter was surprised to see him back in Thailand. Then he thought to himself that Thailand is exactly the place one might expect to see a drug runner. He kept out of Bull's way as he despised the man.

  When Peter met Suchin again, he felt so happy he could have burst out singing. She was even more beautiful than he remembered and was lively, with obvious intelligence. In the back of his mind, he could never forget that she had sex with many men including that brute Bull. He rationalised that this was because she was poor and had to support her family. She certainly didn't seem like any of the stereotyped drug-taking prostitutes he had seen in TV shows. On the contrary, she was fresh and almost innocent.

  At the end of two glorious weeks together, he was thinking of proposing marriage to Suchin. If he did, he had no idea how he would explain her to his parents who were very opposed to 'sex for sale' and 'Ladies of the night.'

  He had heard stories of bargirls hooking into Western men and getting them to pay them to stop working as prostitutes. As soon as the men had left, the girls would go back to the bars to snare more men.

  He felt sure that Suchin was not like this, and it appeared that she had stopped working as a bargirl. Her friend Nin said that Suchin was working as a labourer in a construction site.

  It was difficult for Peter to understand how a small girl like Suchin could work as a builder's labourer and it was always possible that Nin was lying, but he couldn't believe that Suchin would lie to him. That was the problem with the language barrier. He tried to ask Suchin about her work, and explain the way he felt about her. The girls gabbled together in Thai, and Nin's limited English sometimes led to more confusion than explanation.

  When he left Suchin at Nin's squalid little room, before flying with Nicole to Chiang Main, he felt bad about leaving her. He wished Nin had been there to explain to his love what he was doing. He was sure she would be safe in his absence, but he worried about her.

  Back to the bar

  After seeing Peter go away with another woman, Suchin was desolate and inconsolable. She wandered around Patong and the beach trying to work out how to kill herself. She couldn't swim and at one stage walked into the sea fully dressed to drown herself, but it didn't work. It wasn't that easy to drown yourself.

  Then she thought of her family and her brothers. They would be so upset if she died and who would pay their bills? Perhaps it was a misunderstanding and things would be all right after all.

  As it became dusk, she found herself close to the bar where she had met Peter. Somehow, she thought that he might be there. She waited for hours in a dark shop doorway with tears streaming down her cheeks. There was no sign of him.

  A girl she knew, who worked at the bar, went past with a Farang and seeing her, said "Hi Suchin." Suchin worried about being recognised but as the girl had a customer with her; Suchin knew that she would not be returning to the bar that night.

  Suchin sat on the ground to wait. After a while, she was dozing off when she saw shapes coming towards her out of the darkness. By the time she realised it was the Mamasan and another girl, it was too late for her to escape. They took her dejectedly back to the bar.

  The girls all greeted Suchin as though she had just come back from spending the night with a customer. They were all friendly and cheerful as always and this lifted Suchin's spirits a bit. The Mamasan, Poo, was definitely unfriendly and told her she had been a wicked girl for running away.

  Poo took her into the bedroom off the office and told Suchin to undress. When she was naked, Poo looked her up and down and said viciously in Thai, "the punters will enjoy you." She told Suchin she could have her clothes back tomorrow when Klaus returned. She went out locking the door and leaving Suchin alone.

  Suchin cried until the pillow was wet and she fell asleep.

  In the morning, Poo brought her some food and drink. Suchin watched TV for hours before Poo brought her clothes back and told her to get dressed. Poo took her outside into the bar, which was empty apart from Klaus and two policemen sitting at a table, joking and drinking beer.

  They made her sit at the table opposite Klaus. She could see the two policemen looking at her in the way that men have when they want to fuck you. Klaus was very severe with her and gave her a lecture about stealing. Suchin didn't think she had stolen anything, although she supposed that breaking her contract and not repaying her debt might be stealing.

  When one of the policemen told Suchin they would have to take her to prison for her crimes, she became very scared and looked beseechingly at Klaus for help.

  She whined to him "If I am in prison, how can I ever pay off my dept to you?"

  Klaus looked thoughtful and said to the policemen "She's right you know."

  The policeman smiled at her with a strange crooked smile and said

  "OK Suchin, you can stay and work for Klaus to pay off your debt, but don't you run away again. If you do, we will have every policeman in Thailand looking for you. Next time you will find out what our jails are like for a young lady. I will visit you every week to make sure that you are behaving properly." he added looking at her breasts and legs.

  They let her go for the rest of the day. Klaus told her to come back to the bar at 6pm, which was later than her usual starting time.

  Suchin tried to find Nin to tell her that Peter had gone off with another girl, but she couldn't find her.

  When she arrived for work, Klaus told her that she couldn't work there any more as the bar was only for nice girls and that a slut like her would have to work in the gogo bar. He added that she would make more money there anyway. Suchin's heart raced when she heard this. She remembered the photos she had seen of girls dancing naked in the gogo. She couldn't poss
ibly do that!

  For a Thai village girl there would be nothing worse than to display her naked body every night for men to enjoy. Certainly, she had sex with many men but that was always in private.

  She swallowed as she remembered being gang raped in the hotel, except for that of course.

  She assumed that Klaus wanted her to serve drinks in the gogo, at one time, he had been very fond of her, and she thought he wouldn't want her exposed nude. If he made her perform in the gogo, and the people in her village found out, she could never go home. She knew all the women would despise her and the men would use her like the cheapest dirtiest whore.

  Unlike the bar, which was tucked away in a side street, the gogo club was in the main entertainment area where there were many men, even early in the evening. Suchin caught her breath when she saw thousands of flashing lights around the entrance and photos of nude girls spotlighted for viewing by passersby. This was worse than she thought, it was obviously a big club and many men must go there.

  Inside it was dark except for a low stage that wound around with bar stools along its sides. Loud music was playing and several girls were dancing on the stage. To Suchin's relief, they were wearing bikinis. She thought it was a good thing that the girls were dressed, as they were dancing so close to the customers that the men sitting around the main stage drinking beer could reach out and touch them.

  She was taken into a side room where there were many girls changing and making up. Klaus handed Suchin over to one of the girls named Pang who found a bikini bra and briefs for her, then told her to change into it and make her face up in the mirror. The girls were all busy and chatting to each other, so Suchin felt lonely as she undressed leaving her clothes in a neat pile and put on the bikini.

  The show was changing over and Suchin found herself dragged out to the stage with several other girls. She was petrified and just stood there while the other girls were gyrating about. The only way Suchin knew to dance was the elegant Thai hand dancing, that she was taught at school, and she had no idea what to do as a gogo dancer.


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