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Thai bargirl from village girl to prostitute, stripper and sex slave

Page 8

by Joy Rider

  As she was the only one not dancing, a man sitting a few feet from her shouted at her "c'mon honey dance" and another yelled out "strip." Trembling, Suchin started to dance. Automatically, she used her hands twisting them expressively and bending her fingers back into graceful shapes. "Ooo sexy!" someone said.

  Suchin struggled through the rest of the session and was relieved when the girls left the stage. She started to go back to the changing room but a girl steered her back into the bar, telling her that she had to chat to the customers.

  It was beginning to get crowded, and Suchin had no idea how she could chat to the customers, as they were nearly all Farangs. She noticed that there were other girls serving drinks wearing skimpy costumes but not quite as skimpy as her bikini. She wished she had their job rather than having to perform on stage.

  Chatting to the customers was not as bad as Suchin feared. Most of them were polite to her and smiled. They looked down at her body a lot, but all men did that. Nobody tried to touch her. Even so, Suchin was relieved when the girls told her to go back to the changing room.

  For her next show, they gave her a pair of skimpy lace panties, and a see through nightie to wear. Looking at the other girls, she could see their nipples through the lacy top and their buttocks through their panties. She noticed that none of them had any pubic hairs. She had a mass of curly black hairs in around her crotch, as she had not shaved for over a year. In some ways, this was good as men would not be able to see her vagina easily, but it would also draw attention to her.

  She looked in the mirror and saw that her nipples were pointed pushing the material out, which made them very obvious. She wondered why they were so hard as it was hot in the changing room. She realised that in spite herself her body was excited anticipating exposing herself to the men in the audience. The problem was that they would see her nipples and know that she was a bad girl. They might think she was hot wanting them play with her tits and this would be far from the truth.

  Surreptitiously, she looked at the other girls, as far as she could see they all had flat nipples. She looked back in the mirror and to her horror saw that curls of her pubic hairs were peeping out from the panties. Suchin desperately tried to tuck them in, but one of the girls pulled her away to go out to the stage.

  With the bright lights on her, she couldn't see the audience, but from the noise and heat, she knew that the bar was packed out with maybe 100 men. As she started dancing, she glanced down at her nipples. Oh no! They were pointing out like pegs! Some of the men saw where she was looking and made comments about her. "She's a hot little slut." "What's your name love?" Suchin felt the skin on her face and breasts tingle, and she began to sweat.

  Then somebody noticed her pubic hairs and shouted, "that's nice Curly". Suchin couldn't stop herself putting her hands over her pubic area as she danced, even though she knew it would draw attention to her more and make her the butt of more jokes.

  Some men in the audience started chanting, "Take it off Curly." She looked at some of the other girls and saw to her horror that some were taking off their nighties and dancing topless. She shook her head thinking. I can't possibly do that not in front of all these men. Soon all the other girls were topless and every man in the place seemed to be determined to get Suchin to display her breasts.

  One of the men stood up and reached out for Suchin catching her nightie pulling on it until one of the shoulder straps snapped. There was a great roar of approval from the crowd. This was too much for Suchin. She grabbed her nightie in both hands and pulled it out of his grasp. It the process her right breast fell out. She pulled the material over it, covering her breasts with her arms and ran from the stage sobbing.

  Back in the changing room, the girls waiting for the next show were sympathetic.

  "Don't worry, lots of us get stage fright. You will get used to the punters" they said in Thai.

  They helped Suchin pin up the broken strap and told her; "You will have to go out to be nice to the Farangs when this session finishes, or there will be hell to pay."

  "Some of them will want to boom boom (fuck) you after that show; do you know where the rooms are?" They took her to see the rows of cubicles out the back where the girls did Short Time for their customers.

  When the music stopped and the girls came off the stage, Suchin had to go out into the crowd. She was very nervous. Some of the men were sympathetic to the young girl who had run off the stage. They were all keen on getting a closer look at her pointy nipples and curly pubic hairs. Soon there were men all around her. She didn't understand what they were saying except the words "nipples, tits and pussy."

  Then one of them reached out to fondle her breasts. Suchin firmly took his hand away but not before he had squeezed her left nipple. She could see that the others were going to try the same thing. Then one of them said 'Short Time" to her, and she nodded and took him to one of the cubicles.

  She took everything off and let him touch her breasts but not her vagina. He was amused at this. Somehow, being alone with one man and fucking him was better than being in a crowd of men all trying to feel her body.

  She helped him put on a condom and to her relief his cock went into her easily. As he fucked her, he made a squelching noise as some of her juices started running out and down to the crack of her ass.

  She understood when he said the word "wet' and realised that she had been excited by her experience on the stage. She couldn't understand how her body did one thing while her mind felt something else. He climaxed quickly and went back into the bar, telling his friends that the whore was really wet.

  Then she had to go back into the changing room and prepare for her next dance. She was relieved to see that the outfit was another bikini set. The material was very cheap thin printed cotton, and it was difficult to put on, as ribbons held it together. The girls helped each other dress and one of them tied the ribbons for Suchin. She tied a bow at the back of the bikini top instead of a clip and then the bows that attached the shoulder straps to the cups. The very brief bikini bottom was held together by big bows at either side.

  It wasn't until she started dancing that Suchin understood the way the ribbons operated. Every movement she made loosened the bows, and she could feel the top coming off her breasts at the same time as the briefs started slipping off her hips. Of course, the men watching them knew this and loved every moment of it.

  The other girls were obviously enjoying it as well, throwing their skimpy clothes into the audience, where men caught them. Later Suchin learnt that this was a speciality of the gogo club and men would come just to get the girls’ clothes as souvenirs.

  Soon, she was the only girl still covered. Suchin could hardly believe that the girls were actually dancing nude in front of men. As they danced, they chatted and seemed very relaxed despite a huge crowd of leering men. She remembered how horrified she had been at the photos of girls dancing like this in Klaus's room, and now she was going to become one of them.

  She was dancing with as little movement as possible and used one hand to keep pulling up her clothing as it fell down. Again, she was the centre of attention, as she was the only girl left with clothes on. The men in the audience started yelling at her "Take it off, take it off!"

  The first time she realised that the other girls didn't like her getting all the attention was when she felt a hand from behind her tug on her bra top undoing it. Suchin gasped and used her right arm to hold the bikini bra over her breast. Then another girl pulled on the bow at the side of her bikini briefs undoing it so it fell away.

  Suchin had stopped dancing altogether and was holding the briefs with one hand covering her breasts with the other. The place was in an uproar as the audience cheered the girls on. One danced in front of Suchin and with a big grin on her face undid the shoulder straps while another girl undid the remaining bow of her briefs.

  Suddenly the two girls ripped her top and her bikini briefs were from her and threw them into the audience. Men fought for them and made a big show o
f smelling them as they handed them around. She was so ashamed at being nude in front of an audience that she desperately tried to conceal her sex with an arm across her breasts and her hand over her pubic area.

  For the first time in her life, she was on a stage, not as an actor or a teacher, as she had dreamed when she was young, but completely naked. The audience was all male and they were not interested in what she had to say or do or what she wore, they were only there to enjoy her sex, to look at her breasts and her vagina.

  All women carefully covered up their 'private parts' only allowing a few men, their boyfriends or husbands to see them often after months of courting and persuasion. Now Suchin was nude with all her private parts showing to a crowd of strangers. Her private parts! There was nothing private about her any more. Fucking men was OK. Women in her village did that and so did the whores in the brothels of Nong Khai. Nobody would dream of dancing nude on stage. They never did that, even in Nong Khai.

  Suchin knew that she had become a complete and worthless Slut.

  She was so absorbed in her own disgrace and humiliation that she hadn't noticed that all the other lights were out and there was just one light on her. She looked around and couldn't see the other girls, either they were there in the dark, or they had left her alone on stage. Suchin just kept dancing trying to think of something other than the men watching her. The trouble was that she did not know how to stop. She felt stupid trying to cover up her intimate areas, so she gave up and let her hands drop to her sides, allowing them all enjoy the view.

  Then she realised that it had gone quiet as the music stopped. After a short unnerving silence, the audience erupted in loud applause, yelling and whistling. Suchin ran naked from the stage.

  In the changing rooms, she found Klaus, who kissed her on the forehead and said she had put on a wonderful show. He thought that the word would spread, and soon he would have even more customers queuing to see her.

  He told her she had to put on the same 'act' every night appearing as the cute girl from the provinces reluctantly being forced to take her clothes off. They both knew it wasn't an 'act' but Klaus wasn't worried about that.

  He said, “Go out to entertain the punters now. You can do Short Time but charge three times the usual rate and don't forget that we keep a record of the number of customers you entertain, and you have to pay us half of your earnings.”

  Her heart was racing as she went out into the bar completely naked. Immediately, men surrounded her enjoying close-up views of her body. They were talking about her breasts and one of them tweaked her nipples with his fingers, which were already hard and pointed. She tried to stop them but soon several men were feeling her breasts, and other hands were touching her bottom and legs. Suchin panicked as hands started to explore her pubic hairs. She looked pleadingly at the men and said in broken English "Sh..short Time?" Several replied enthusiastically and asked her how much. That night five men paid well over the usual price to have sex with Suchin.

  Suchin had to do her act every night, as men loved seeing this naive pretty girl from the provinces stripped by the other girls and exposed under a single spotlight, while modestly trying to cover herself up. Every night several men fucked her, or she gave them blowjobs in one of the cubicles.

  Klaus gave her top billing and there were big photos of her outside the gogo. In them, she was not quite nude but tantalisingly covered by small scraps of material, which other girls were pulling away. The swelling of her breasts showed including the edge of one nipple and a few curls of black pubic hair.

  One night after finishing her performance and going nude into the audience, she saw the big tattooed man with a beard that she knew as Bull. Seeing him had a peculiar effect on her. He had brutally raped her, but she felt excited by him, drawn to his strength and masculinity. It was almost as though she wanted him to rape her again. Just seeing him, she realised what a cheap horrible slut she was and how a girl like her should let men do anything they liked with her body. In a strange way, because of the things he had done to her, this man owned her.

  She still had thoughts of Peter, but she understood that nice men like him would never want to marry a slut like her. No man would want to marry a whore who displayed her sex publicly every day and let hundreds of men enjoy putting their cocks in her. She knew intuitively that only a man like Bull would know how to use her in the way she deserved.

  When Bull saw Suchin, he made his way to her through the crowd. He was six feet four inches tall and massively built, so it wasn't difficult to push other men aside. He greeted Suchin as though she was a long lost friend, saying, "Come here darling", and pulled her towards him. He bent down towards her and as she looked up at him, he kissed her on the lips. She let him kiss her and didn't draw away. He kissed her a long time and pushed his tongue into her mouth licking around her palette.

  She never let men kiss her and nobody had done this to her before. Suchin felt completely weak and helpless in his arms. Seeing this happen the other men cleared a space around the couple. Partly because it was so strange to see a bargirl kissed at all and never like this, but mainly because of Bulls imposing presence.

  Bull pushed her away from him to get a good look at her. He admired her breasts and fondled them gently stroking her taut nipples. The effect on Suchin was electric. She could feel a tingling down her spine, and she wanted to hold his head to her breast so that he could suck on her nipples. She was too shy to do that but her mouth opened in an expression of overt sexuality.

  The men surrounding her were thinking. "The lucky bugger, she is desperate to get his cock in her." Suchin shivered as Bull ran his hands down her sides to her buttocks, which he massaged with both hands.

  Then he slid his right hand around to her pubic area holding the cheeks of her bottom with the other hand so that she could not draw away from him. She felt him slip his fingers into her vagina, which was something she had never let any of the customers do. The thrill of his touch on her clitoris nearly made her climax straight away.

  She opened her legs slightly to give him better access and arched her back with mouth open and gently moaning. In the back of her mind, a voice was asking herself why she was doing this. She was used to men seeing her nude and fucking her. That was just a job, and she felt nothing when she was doing it other than a slight thrill from being exposed. This was different; she couldn't stop her body responding to this brute of a man, even in front of perverts enjoying the show.

  Bull stopped massaging her cunt and picked Suchin up in both arms, as though she was a kitten. He carried her into one of the back rooms. He laid her on the bed, where she opened her legs wide. She closed her eyes with her mouth open breathing deeply.

  When nothing happened, she opened her eyes again and saw Bull naked in front of her. He had an overly muscled body covered in tattoos and a huge hard penis. Suchin's eyes went wide and she made a small "Oh" noise at the sight of him. Then he lowered himself carefully on to her and pushed his cock deep into her moist vagina.

  When Bull had finished with her, Suchin lay exhausted for a long time. Eventually feeling warm and rosy she had a shower and went back to the changing room. She asked Klaus if she could leave as she was not feeling well, and he reluctantly agreed.

  That week Suchin spent a lot of time with Bull, and he fucked her regularly, always at the gogo bar. She felt mesmerised by his body and the way he used her. He didn't hurt her but called her a hoe and treated her like one. She knew that her role in life would always be to provide sexual pleasure to a man like this and serve him as a slave. She wanted to be his slave. She would do anything for him.

  Then Bull explained to her through one of the girls who spoke English, that he had to go back to Australia, but he would arrange for them to get married, so that she could come and live with him there. Suchin was overjoyed at this, as it was her dream come true at last. She could stop performing and fucking men to be with just one strong man who would take care of her.

  Bull said he would come bac
k in a few weeks, and he wanted her to stop working while he was away. He paid a bar fine for her, and Suchin was surprised that Klaus agreed. She thought that Klaus seemed to be afraid of this big man and wondered what he had over the German.

  Bull told her that as he would miss her while he was away he would like some photos of her. He didn't have a good camera with him but he would arrange for a friend to visit her to take some photos. The friend was a professional photographer and she could become a top model if she did some sexy poses for him. Bull instructed her to do whatever this friend required including having sex with him. Suchin thought this was strange, but she would do anything he asked.


  For Bull his arrangement with Suchin was the culmination of carefully laid plans. He hadn't become Sergeant at Arms for the Men of Mayhem biker gang through strength alone. He was cunning and knew how to manipulate both men and women.

  He had already established a thriving drug importation business for the gang and went to Thailand regularly to organise this. He was careful never to leave any incriminating evidence of his activities and stupid naive young mules did the drug running. He worked in the background and contact with the mules was through his trusted lieutenants who would not dare to rat on him if they got caught, as they knew what the consequences would be.

  The idea for their new business came to him one evening in the clubhouse. They were watching some video clips of Thai bargirls they had downloaded off the Internet. There were hundreds of these from series such as Asian baby makers or Bangkok Street Whores.

  There were six guys sprawled around on cushions watching the girls being fucked on a huge plasma screen. Some of them were saying that they would pay good money to fuck one of those bitches.

  They were watching a Bankok Street video about a Thai girl called Jeab. She was nude on the bed while two guys discussed her. She didn't understand a word and just looked puzzled into the camera. The girl was very pretty but the guys thought she was dumb.


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