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A Council of Betrayal

Page 13

by Kim Schubert

  Logan rolled over, squinting as the light of my phone flashed.

  “Go back to bed,” he growled.

  “Make me,” I growled back.

  He scooted closer. I watched him curiously, feeling his irritation with the mate bond. Reaching over the comforter I turned toward him, liking where this was going. He snaked an arm around my waist and yanked me down flat.

  I huffed, my own irritation spiking. He settled his tree trunk limb over my stomach, bending the limb to rest his hand on my shoulder.

  “Now,” he grunted.

  “It doesn’t work that way Logan,” I informed him. “Do you need me here to sleep?”

  “I’d prefer it. Do you have somewhere else you’d rather be?”

  “Killing something sounds appealing, or figuring out what the fuck is going on with the vampires and the djinn, and let’s not forget finding out who is making the serum for forcing shifters into full beast.”

  “And you think by not sleeping you will suddenly figure all that out?” Logan asked wearily.

  “No.” I was being grumpy.

  “Give it an hour. If you still want to prowl the halls looking for trouble, I’ll go with you.”

  “Deal,” I conceded. “At least we get to leave tomorrow.”

  Chapter 9

  Showered, dressed, and with a few more hours of sleep, the horde of shifters I called my own and me waited outside my former room, leaning against the hallway walls.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned with a raised eyebrow, not sensing a threat. I mean, if you were going to announce your presence with my current horde, you were either not spoiling for a fight or suicidal.

  “Your lips are the red rubies sought after by countless others,” began the siren in front of me. “Your skin the smoothest pearl to behold.”

  “What are you doing?” I asked, confused.

  “Your eyes the sea herself is jealous of.”

  I still didn’t sense a threat.

  I turned, seeing Mark laughing. “I fail to see the humor in this situation,” I informed him.

  “Your breasts, the subtle swell of perfectly formed mountains.” The siren was adding dramatic dance to his blathering.

  “Please tell me this is going to stop soon,” I grunted, crossing my arms over my stomach.

  “I can’t wait for Logan to see this.” Mark rubbed his hands together excitedly, casting a look behind him at Logan, who was on his cell phone, watching everything.

  The siren reached out for my hand, cradling it in his own very soft and weak hands.

  “You are aware I have shit to do?” I asked the siren.

  He reached out to touch my hair. “The softest strands of lovely locks.”

  Alec came up beside us. “If you value your life, you will leave the Alpha’s Mate alone.”

  “What is he doing?” I asked Alec again, since the siren had never bothered to answer.

  “The lady does not deny my affections,” the siren preened.

  “Affections?” I repeated, seriously confused.

  A low growl behind us had me trying to turn, but the siren tugged me closer to him, under his arm.

  “Seriously, what are you doing?” I huffed, irritated at losing my footing thanks to ridiculous shoes.

  Logan’s eyes were changing, flecks of espresso spreading around the raw sienna.

  “Release. My. Mate,” he commanded. I’m not going to lie, just that commanding voice alone was dampening my panties.

  I pushed the siren off easily. “So, are you going to explain what’s going on?” Down raging hormones, down.

  Logan looked at me and I felt him nudge the mate bond I had been keeping on lock down. Having another with that level of access was unnerving. Blowing out a breath, I let him in. His face relaxed with the connection, arms coming to circle my waist. He bent to my ear and explained, “He was trying to seduce you.”

  I jerked back, needing to see his face to determine how serious he was. A small smile played over his lips and I wasn’t sure if that was from the mate bond being reconnected or his amusement at the situation.

  “Mate bond,” he answered, pulling me in for a bruising kiss. “There is no humor in another touching you.”

  He broke the contact and I smiled, ready to haul him in the room for more.

  “Where did he go?” Logan asked. I could feel the need to eliminate the threat that dared attempt to steal his mate away.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. He looked down at me, not seeing the humor in the situation.

  “Oh, come on, it’s a little funny,” I teased him, taking his hand as we walked as a group to the elevators. Ali, Grant, Mercer and Grams joined the party.

  Logan growled.

  “The siren was doing his best to seduce me and I had no idea what was going on.”

  Logan pushed the call button harder than necessary and I checked for cracks. The doors opened at my back and he stalked me into the enclosed space.

  “You guys should probably take another elevator,” I warned over Logan’s shoulder. None of them had even taken a step into the small space.


  Logan helped me pull down my skirt and adjust my underwear, copping a feel of where he had just been. I batted his hands away before the elevator doors opened and a room full of Supernaturals got a whiff as to what was going on in there. Can’t say I even gave a damn.

  Actually, I was hoping there were cameras in there and it got leaked, ‘cause that was some of my better work. Shame me now, motherfuckers, shame me now.

  “What are you feeling smug about?” Logan whispered, nuzzling his mark on my neck.

  I let the mate bond slip again, not realizing I had locked it up. I watched my train of thought play over his face before he laughed. He leaned close and I felt his words in my mind. That was a lot to get used to.

  If that video of us becomes public, I will kill everyone who sees it.

  Aww, my big, protective Kitty.

  He growled even in my head.

  Grams approached me, anger tightening her eyes. “Were you ever going to tell me? Or do I have to find out through third party gossip?”

  I took a step back, feeling the pack around me stepping closer.

  “You would do well to mind your tone,” Jerry warned, eyeing the shifters cautiously.

  “Give me a minute,” I whispered to Logan, taking Grams arm, pushing her backwards.

  “No!” she yelled, throwing me off. “I will not be shoved around. This conversation will keep until later.”

  With that she stormed off, without protection. Ali and Grant gave me long looks and I inclined my chin, giving them permission to go after her. Mercer watched the exchange before turning and following them.

  I blew out a breath, adjusting my white blouse over my pencil skirt. “This should be fun,” I grunted, following behind them.

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “What’s on the agenda for today?” I groaned, looking over at Logan.

  “A seminar on How to Manage Talent.” I’ll give Logan credit, he delivered it with a straight face. The group around me chuckled and coughed.

  “There better fucking be food,” I groaned.


  I rubbed my forehead as I sat next to Logan and Ali at the farewell dinner. We had pushed two tables together to accommodate our now larger numbers.

  “Fucking finally, did you hear that speaker on sexual harassment?” I groaned. Logan had fibbed: Managing Talent was the first of a long-ass day of seminars.

  Ali laughed next to me, imitating the speaker. “Now Olivia, perhaps you can explain to us how you keep everyone’s hands to themselves with a highly sexual species.”

  Grant laughed on the other side of Ali. “His face, Olie, his face was shocked!”

  I cracked a smile.

  “I can’t believe you have been having group orgies and not telling us about them,” Hudson teased.

  “You’re not invited,” I shot back.

  He held his heart, pretendin
g to be wounded.

  The same announcer who began The Conferences smiled his same fake smile at center stage. “Welcome everyone and thank you for being with us.”

  I drummed my fingers on the table, inaction making me cranky as I tuned him out.

  He extended his hand to welcome Hash to the elevated platform and I sat up, paying close attention.

  Hash had a shit-eating grin up on the stage. “I’m happy to announce that Grams with the Supernatural Council has agreed to do what I am hoping everyone will. She has released to me, and to the government, all the names, address, and types of Supernaturals under her protection.”

  I roared, clearing the table, sending food splattering to the ground and dishes crashing. I landed with my forearm against her throat, rage pouring from my body, slipping past my guards.

  “Tell me he is lying!” I screamed at her. “TELL ME!” I begged her.

  She coughed, and I eased back slightly. “I did.”

  I screamed, a noise of pure frustration and outrage, leaning my forearm heavily against her throat, planning on ending her life.

  The djinn chose that moment to bombard the Conferences, hundreds of them swarming through the doors and attacking everyone without bias. Still I kept the pressure against her neck, a tear slipping down her cheek as she silently begged for her life. The wetness was mirrored on my own face. I screamed again, pain cutting a clear path through my chest at her deception.

  Searing pain in my side forced me off of her. Hash ripped her from my grasp, a gun dangling from his hand. I reached down, touching the seeping wound in my side in disbelief.

  “The fucker shot me,” I grunted, pulling myself up. Mercer’s expression was torn: did he stay and try to fight off the Supernatural monsters that weren’t his responsibility? He owed me for saving Mindy, but his loyalties were being tested after I had just tried to kill his girlfriend.

  “Go Mercer, get out of here. Go back to Mindy.”

  I didn’t see if he took my advice, having instead to block a meaty arm from slamming against my temple. The pain in my side only fueled my insane anger. A hatred and fury born of rage flooded my body and I destroyed any of the djinn who were foolish enough to cross my path.

  “Olivia!” Mark cried.

  I turned, trying to find him in the crowd, too much going on for me to focus on the mate or pack bonds closely.

  Instead, I threw myself into the fight, slicing with my dagger, rounding and stabbing. They weren’t killing blows, but it was about survival at that point.

  A shifter bellowed and I felt the energy he pulled as he changed forms. My head spun as I was pulled into his change, seeing the world through Alec’s wolf’s eyes. Shaking my head, I took a blow to the stomach, doubling over and crashing to the ground, slashing out at my attacker’s shins.

  The blow earned me a moment to suck down air.

  A rust colored wolf lunged at my attacker. “Thanks, Alec,” I wheezed

  Fucking hell, we needed to find the actual djinn. Only by killing him or her would we eliminate the clones. With this many, the fucker would be weakened and hopefully easy prey. The problem was I had no idea where he or she was.

  Why were they attacking everyone? This made no sense.

  I sighed, taking my frustration out on the throat of my next opponent. We were winning, slowly.

  An anguished cry went up from a shifter and I felt her pain as the drug exploded inside of her—no, no, no. Was all of this just a distraction?

  “Alec, cover me!” I yelled, going down on a knee. Closing my eyes, I threw down my guards, sifting quickly to find her golden thread turning black. I latched on to it, sucking all the toxins I could. The cord grayed. I fisted my hands, my nails digging into my palms, before pulling again. Her cord turned yellow and I opened my eyes, finding Alec overwhelmed. I lifted my blade, finding it pointless.

  I closed my eyes, found Logan’s thread and tugged. I sure as fuck wasn’t about to beg for help, but after saving her ass, I needed some.

  His lion answered, bowling over djinn and slicing their heads off in one fell swoop. I stood unsteadily, opening my senses to the other shifters. Someone get a sample of that crap so I we can make an antidote.

  Another anguished cry and I sucked myself back into the golden pond, slipping, tumbling, my cheek coming to rest on the cool tile as I finished.

  Shit, this took a lot out of me. A third and fourth cry rent the air, and I lost the ability to hear as I was busy pulling out black crap.

  A warm nose nudged my side. “Didyougetit?” I slurred.

  “Not sure that was English, Olie,” Grant informed me.

  “The sample,” I tried again.

  Logan stoked my hair back. “We did.”

  “Good, call Tommy and let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Apparently, we were already out of there. Like a computer doing too much at once, I had been overloaded by the four almost simultaneous pulls, causing me to slow down. While I was successful at saving all the parties, it was with a huge personal toll.

  “I hate flying,” I groaned, flopping over on the couch.

  “We know,” the cabin chorused.

  Logan’s phone on speaker reverberated with the sound of ringing across from me. I plunked an arm over my face.

  “Yo, boss man,” came the voice at the other end.

  “We have the sample, Tommy, and we are on our way,” Logan informed him briskly.

  “Check and check. We will be ready when you arrive. Olie there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here,” I groaned.

  “I need to, I mean, I need your approval.” He sighed and tried again, “I think Grams is up to something.”

  Ali scoffed, “Yeah, she released our names, address and species to Hash.”

  Tommy grunted, “Was she supposed to?”

  “No, she betrayed us,” I whispered softly, the sting overriding my currently exhausted state. Grams had betrayed me and everything we had worked for.

  “Good, because I corrupted the file. Hash got nothing.”

  “What?” I breathed the word, not daring to hope, sitting so quickly my head spun.

  “I monitor our computers tightly here, and the email sent up several red flags.” I could see him shrugging.

  I closed my eyes, pressing against the stupid fucking tears that wanted to fall. “Hey Tommy, you know how I said you couldn’t have a dog?”

  “Yeah?” he asked, excited.

  “We’re going to adopt one when I get back.”

  “WHAT? Are you serious? Olivia, you cannot tease about this,” he screamed at me.

  “I’m not teasing, Tommy. I need you to get with Becky and cut Grams off from everything. She isn’t to be allowed in the house. Have the locks changed. I’m hoping we beat her back to St. Ann, but if not, remember she’s a traitor. Treat her as such.”

  “Are you going to kill her?” Tommy’s voice was soft. Grams had been a part of his life for the last five years. Hell, she had helped raised all the children I rescued. Could I take her away from them?

  “Yes, Tommy,” I answered honestly. I hated that I was hurting him. “She betrayed us, all of us, to the human government. She put us all in danger. If I don’t kill her, I’m making myself look weak.”

  Silence met my confession.

  “I’m so sorry, Tommy.”


  There was too much on my mind to even give the plane ride more than a few minutes of irritation as we glided over the skies.

  I looked over to Ali and Grant, who had been silent since my conversation with Tommy.

  Tapping my fingers against the leather of the sofa, I met Logan’s gaze. He inclined his head to them and I nodded, the unspoken message received.

  I moved to sit across from Grant and Ali. It wasn’t lost on me that Grant was looking out the window blinking rapidly or that Ali’s eyes were dripping with silent tears. The leather dipped as Logan took a seat next to me. I checked the mate bond, finding I wasn’t blocking it, waves of reassuranc
e washing over me. At least one person understood the situation I was in.

  “I never,” Ali started, drawing a breath, meeting my gaze. “I never dreamed it would come to this. That she would betray her own kind.”

  “We’re not her kind though, are we?” Grant asked me, anger replacing his sorrow.

  “No, Grams is human. I’ve made no attempt to hide that fact,” I answered softly.

  “But, but I thought she was like you, a succubus?” Ali asked, her tears forgotten for a moment.

  I shook my head, clenching my hands together.

  “Why would you put a human in charge of the Council?” Grant demanded.

  I leveled a look at him, debating if I needed to put him in his place or let his anger run its course. “I am the one who put her there, and I am the one who kept her there. I am also the one who has put you both there and will keep you there.”

  His eyes widened slightly as he looked over at Ali, taking her hand. Their silent exchange had me shifting in my seat. I hoped they were up for the challenge; they had been hand selected by Grams.

  Grant turned, meeting my gaze. “Did you mean what you said to Tommy?”

  I sighed. I could understand their need for confirmation, but my decision could not be swayed. “Yes.”

  Grant looked back out the window, his jaw tense.

  I drew a breath. “Neither of you are bound to this position yet. You can refuse it and me.”

  Both of their eyes ricocheted to me, widened in shock, before they looked at each other.

  “No, Olie, we want this. We want to protect our kinds by your side. We trust you to keep us safe,” Ali said, reaching out a hand to my own.

  I smiled and Grant choked out, “I agree,” his throat thick with emotion.


  We touched down in St Ann five hours later. I was checking my cell phone, mentally gearing up for what I had to do.

  Logan stopped abruptly from exiting the plane. “Olivia,” he called, not turning around.

  I stopped gathering my luggage, coming to stand by his side in the cramped space.

  “Everyone stay here.” My voice had steel undertones. I took the steps rapidly, Logan hot on my heels.


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