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A Council of Betrayal

Page 14

by Kim Schubert

“I’m assuming I wasn’t included in that comment,” he muttered.

  “You weren’t,” I whispered back, my lips hardly moving.

  Grams stood next to Hash in front of a black town car with a smirk.

  “You can’t kill me, Olivia,” she began. “I’m a 50/50 shareholder in everything and I’ve named Hash my beneficiary if anything were to happen to me.” She threw the paperwork at me. I caught it, crumpling it up.

  Bitch was smug. “I’m okay with killing you both,” I answered with a shrug.

  “Try it, see what happens,” she threatened, taking a step forward.

  “I made you,” I hissed, narrowing my eyes, “I took you from the gutter and made you a Queen.”

  She scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. “You do not get credit for what I am. I made myself who I am today.”

  I shook my head. “You betrayed us. You are unwelcome at the manor and Kitten.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Try and keep me out, Olivia. My name is on the deed.”

  I was done. They were both dead.

  I lunged, intent on the throat I had left bruises on earlier. Logan’s arm around my waist dug painfully and I screamed in frustration. If anyone was watching and/or recording us, I was not doing myself any favors.

  “You will be permitted to take your belongings from the manor in one hour,” Logan warned, not even struggling with my weight, asshole. “So I suggest you make arrangements.”

  Grams leveled him a long look. “This isn’t over. I will take what is mine.”

  That only renewed my attempt to kill her. She looked at me, disgust etched onto her downturned mouth. If I wasn’t so pissed, I’d have been hurt.

  I fought to keep my turbulent and poignant emotions from spreading to the pack. I wanted them both dead, heads on a fucking silver platter. While I’d prefer to do it myself, I wasn’t above putting a price on her head.

  Logan led me to the car Jerry had pulled up and I got into the back seat, fury flooding my veins.

  “Get to the manor,” Logan relayed to Jerry.

  Grant and Ali watched Grams walk away, sadness lining their features.

  I clenched and unclenched my fists, imagining all the twisted things I’d do to the bitch.


  Tommy was waiting on the steps for me when we drove up.

  He stayed sitting but lifted his head, following the progress of the SUV.

  I stepped out of the vehicle, making my way over to him.

  “I don’t want a puppy, Olie. Promise me you won’t kill Grams.” His eyes were red from crying as he pleaded with me.

  I wrapped my arms around him, only to have him push me away.

  “Promise, Olie!” he yelled at me. “This is all I want,” he added, his voice cracking.

  I cringed. “Let’s go inside and talk about it.”

  He relented, stomping up the stairs.

  I turned to meet Logan’s gaze.

  What do I do?

  He shook his head.

  All the children were gathered in the foyer, sitting on the steps and spilling into the living room. They watched our return closely, some with angry eyes, others with sadness. They were anxiously awaiting something deep and meaningful I couldn’t give them. What I could provide them with was the truth.

  “I’m sorry, guys. Grams betrayed us. She tried to give Hash a list of every Supernatural under the Council’s protection.” Muttering met my announcement, heads shaking in disbelief.

  “Tommy said you are going to kill her?” a small voice squeaked.

  I nodded. “Yes, I have to. To protect my standing and everyone here.” Tommy whined. “But I can’t. She is a 50/50 partner in everything and she has named Hash her beneficiary. If I kill her I’ll be dealing with Hash, and if I kill them both, the humans will have my head.”

  “So she lives?” Tommy asked hopefully.

  “For now,” I confirmed.

  Logan cleared this throat, stepping next to me. “Grams will undoubtedly be hiring an attorney to negotiate how much money she will want to leave us alone.”

  “Money?” a small voice asked. I turned to Mindy. I’d forgotten she was here while we were in Vegas.

  “Mindy, hasn’t Mercer come for you yet?” I asked, surprised.

  She shook her head. “You mean that Grams is going to abandon us all for money?”

  “Yes,” was my answer, not as strong as I’d have liked. “She chose her side and it wasn’t with us.”

  Mindy watched me closely. “You are always welcome here, Mindy.”

  “But she’s human. Grams is human and she betrayed us,” one of my teenagers supplied hotly.

  “We don’t judge based on species, Connie. We judge on loyalty, and Mindy has been loyal. I’ve been betrayed by Supernaturals more often than by humans.”

  “You also don’t interact with humans,” Connie interjected. The kid was making sense.

  “Look, Mindy is one of us. She has suffered as the castoff of a society that doesn’t want to get its hands dirty. Our protection is hers until she decides she doesn’t want it,” I stressed.

  Connie glared at me and I broke. “I know, guys. I miss her too.” The entire room sprang into motion, rushing into me, hugging me, sobbing, grieving for the surrogate mother they had lost. It wasn’t fair. Every single kid in my care had suffered, some worse than others, and here I was taking away their rock.

  I fucking hated being put in this situation. This is exactly why I could have forgiven so much from her, but the public betrayal of every Supernatural we were created to protect crossed lines not even I could ignore.

  My heart broke and I met Logan’s gaze, even though he appeared blurry. A few of the kids had wrapped around him as well, needing comfort. He rubbed small circles on their backs, comforting as best he could. I let comfort and peace seep from me, willing it into each and every precious soul.

  Ali and Grant moved in as well, bending down to hold and reassure everyone they could. I had saved these kids from their own private nightmares. I’d given them safety, and now I was stripping them of it.

  “Who is going to replace her?” Connie asked, leaning against me. I kissed her hair.

  “Ali and Grant will be moving in and taking over,” I answered. We hadn’t clarified if they were moving in, so maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

  I peered over Connie’s head at them. Ali met my gaze and smiled warmly, nodding.


  The kids settled down, going back to their usual routines. Ali and Grant went to pack Grams’s things. Logan and I sat on the steps outside. I had tried to help Ali and Grant, but raving hadn’t been helpful for anyone.

  “Do you have things you need to do?” I asked him.

  “We have things to do,” he corrected me.

  I slanted a look him. “Hey, we may be sleeping together, but I’m still charging you for taking down beast shifters.”

  Logan laughed, “I expect nothing less.”

  I sighed, “We need a plan.”

  “You need a lawyer.”

  “You know of any?”

  “Several, but only one is ruthless enough for this situation. Do you want me to call her?”

  I nodded. “Set it up. I can’t imagine it will take Grams long to give me a dollar amount.”

  Logan fidgeted and I felt his uncertainty about his next question. “It’s okay, Logan, you can ask.”

  “How much can you afford to pay her?”

  “A lot. I’m a hoarder.”


  “Yeah Logan, don’t worry, I won’t run you into bankruptcy,” I teased him. “Like Lorraine and her generous spending habits.”

  I smiled and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

  “We will get through this, Olie.”

  “There is no other way but through,” I murmured.

  I patted his knee, “Come on, Ali and Grant can handle this. Let’s go see Kass and Darren.”

  The door opened behind us and we turn
ed. “I think you need to see these,” Ali said, handing me a manila folder thick with paper.

  I opened the file, my fingers running over the glossy photos. Grams walking across the street downtown. Mindy at her side as they laughed at something at the park. Mercer and Grams on a date night, leaning closer to each other over their wine glasses. The pictures kept going and I turned to Ali.

  “Turn them over,” she rasped.

  I flipped the thick stack over.

  “Where did these come from?” Logan asked, peering over my shoulder.

  “I don’t know. I found them in her top drawer,” Ali stated, coming to sit next to us.

  “I’ll skin her alive and make you watch,” I read aloud in a whisper, flipping the photo over. It was the one of her and Mindy.

  “Why didn’t she bring these to me?” I asked no one in particular.

  Logan leaned closer, lending me his warmth.

  “Does it matter?” Ali asked.

  I shook my head. “Honestly, I could forgive a lot for her. I would have forgiven the other issue with Hash and the secrets she was keeping, but trying to give our information to the humans is a line I cannot bring her back from. So no, Ali, while it does clarify why she did it, these don’t change anything.”

  I handed her back the file, but before I released it, I turned to her. “I will protect you and Grant, only death can keep me from that promise.”

  She squeezed my shoulder, holding the vile stack of photos to her chest. “We know, Olie.”

  Logan rubbed my shoulders. “Do you still want to see Darren and Kass?”

  “Yeah, I could use a little kiddo love.”


  We stopped off at a toy store first since neither of us had gotten the kids anything.

  I laughed as we knocked lightly on the door, careful not to wake up Harris.

  “It’s a good toy,” Logan defended.

  “A nerf gun is a little old for him, but Hannah will love it,” I informed him.

  A dark-eyed Kass answered the door, her face lighting up when she saw us. “You’re back!”

  I moved in to hug her. “We have arrived.”

  “Thank all the gods, can you watch the kids while I shower? I can smell myself and it isn’t pretty.”

  I nodded, giving her a shove. “Go, we got this.”

  “OLIE!” Hannah yelled, rushing into our arms. Kass cringed on her way to the shower as Harris let out a cry.

  She turned partially to get him. “Go, we got this,” I encouraged her.

  She hustled away. Logan picked up Harris from his bassinet, cooing and rocking.

  “What did you bring me?” Hannah continued in an outside voice. Logan gave me a glare.

  “Outside, monster child, outside.”

  An hour later I had chased, hid from, and surprised Hannah in every corner of the yard. The kid was still raring to go.

  I poked my head in to check on Logan. He had Harris sleeping on his chest as he watched a home improvement show.

  I grunted, closing the door quietly.


  Kass showered and managed to snag a nap, and Logan caught up on his DIY show.

  “You look good, Olie,” Kass commented, pulling down plates for dinner.

  “Holy hell, Kass. I have so much to tell you.”

  “Wait until Darren gets here. I only want to tell the story and answer the questions once,” Logan grunted as Harris woke up.

  Kass smiled, taking the squirming baby. “You hungry little man?” she cooed. “Logan, don’t let Olie cook anything.”

  “Hey,” I called out after her, “I can make mac and cheese!”

  “No you can’t,” Hannah offered.


  Darren literally dropped his fork, the food in his mouth on display.

  “You mated Olivia on accident?” he asked, shocked. He had scented the change as soon as he entered.

  “Why haven’t you heard of this?” Kass looked over at Darren.

  Logan and I shared a look as we continued on our story. It turned out being mated to Logan was actually the highlight of our trip to Vegas. The irony of us being mated in Vegas was not lost on me.


  “Wow,” Kass said, walking us out.

  “I can’t believe it,” Darren echoed, holding Harris.

  I sighed, hating that I had to relive Grams’s betrayal yet again. Logan’s hand was solid on my shoulder.

  “Hey Olie,” Kass offered, turning me from the door, “if you need anything, I’m here.”

  I gave her a weak smile. “Thanks,” I sighed, embracing her. “Just take care of yourself and the kids.”

  Logan and Darren exchanged their own goodbyes and we were off.

  “Where do you want to sleep tonight?” Logan asked.

  “With the kids, do you want to stay with me?” I asked, not sure how he’d feel about that.

  He nodded, but the unease in the mate bond wasn’t so agreeable.

  Chapter 10

  “Cheater!” Tommy cried as I tickled him.

  I laughed. “It’s the only way I win!” I answered as Mindy worked my controller.

  I leaned back on the floor, laughing, releasing Tommy to try and gain back the lead Mindy had taken.

  Slowly, I felt the mate bond awaken as Logan woke up. I could almost see him reaching over and checking how warm the bed was before rolling out.

  I focused my attention back on Tommy pulling off a near win.

  “Victory is mine!” Mindy cried out, jumping up and down.

  “I demand a rematch,” Tommy complained, flopping back into his gaming chair.

  “After breakfast,” Logan commented from the doorway. I turned and heat flooded my body. The white undershirt was pulled tight across his chest, skimming his flat stomach. I bit my bottom lip, pursing my lips, giving thought to whether I wanted to eat food or lick the delicious skin above his navel.

  Logan moved away from the doorframe, stalking me as the predator he was. I tilted my head up, a smile playing over my lips.

  “I’m hungry, so the feast currently playing in your mind will have to wait,” he whispered, pressing a kiss against my cheek.

  I pouted. “EWW!” Mindy and Tommy yelled in unison.

  I turned to them, standing up and rolling my eyes. Logan moved to glide down the stairs and I ushered the kids out to the kitchen.

  Somber faces met me around the large kitchen table and breakfast counter.

  I drummed my fingers against the counter. Spoons dipped into cereal and toast was crunched with sorrow.

  I took in all of their faces and was annoyed no one was pissed off like me.

  “They need time to grieve, Olie, they’ve lost a mother figure,” Logan whispered under their hearing.

  I grunted. “Hey, any chance you cook?” I asked hopefully.

  Logan smiled. “Sit and be amazed.”

  I rested my chin on Cindy’s shoulder and she leaned into me while we shared a bar stool. Shifters weren’t the only ones who found comfort in touching.

  An hour later we were out of flour and Logan was finally getting to eat.

  Logan slid next to me. “I had no idea succubi ate so much.”

  “We need our calories, too,” I answered, shoveling another forkful of sugary goodness into my mouth.

  He grunted and nodded, starting in on his own plate.

  I was avoiding asking what we were doing today. I was certain it had something to do with Grams and her massive backstabbing.

  I slowed down eating, the food turning sour in my mouth.

  Logan nudged my elbow.

  I relented to my gut’s demands, setting down my fork. “I need to find an attorney.”

  “Let me set up an appointment with the ruthless bastard I was telling you about,” Logan offered.

  I rubbed the back of my neck, nodding. “I need a shower first.”

  Logan stood, tossing his uneaten food into the trash. “Let’s go.”


  “I hope sh
e lives up to your expectations,” I told Logan, riding shotgun to the attorney’s office. She had gotten us in quickly and I was trying really hard not to question if she also had slept with Logan.

  Sophie Wilson currently had all my eggs in her basket.

  Her office was located downtown, on the thirteenth floor of a massive high rise. Parking was a bitch.

  “If you will follow me,” her secretary chirped, meeting us at the elevator and ushering us into Sophie’s office.

  I flicked a gaze over the opulent space before I landed on Sophie’s own shrewd gaze. She leaned forward in her cobalt suit, which matched her eyes perfectly, her blonde hair pulled up into a smooth bun.

  “Olivia, The Executioner, you are in quite a mess,” she began the conversation.

  “Yeah, I’m aware.”

  “I’m perfectly shocked Grams hasn’t made her passing yet,” she commented. “Releasing a list of Supernaturals to the government.” She hissed the last word, her eyes narrowing as she leaned forward.

  Right, she was on that list.

  “I’d like to have fulfilled your expectations, but the file Hash received was corrupted, and Grams has named Hash her beneficiary if anything were to happen to her.”

  Sophie nodded, her full lips drawn down.

  “We will put out a press release stating that. I have full confidence there is a bounty on her head.”

  I cringed. “I hadn’t even thought of that.”

  Sophie cracked a small smile. “That’s why you have me.”

  I nodded.

  “And what do you expect me to do for you?” she asked, meeting my gaze steadily.

  “I expect you to slam everyone who dares threaten me and mine—legally speaking,” I added.

  Sophie smiled. “We will get along well.” She pulled her laptop over to her. “Now, let’s start from the beginning. What assets do you hold with Grams?”

  I rubbed my forehead. “Everything. Kitten, the manor, various bank accounts, and the shell company that receives payments for jobs the executioners complete.”

  Sophie typed furiously. “What are you willing to give up?”

  “Nothing,” I hissed, sitting back in the overstuffed chair. I thought about it and added, “She just wants money. I’ve let her get accustomed to a certain lifestyle.”

  “Would you be okay making payments to her for the rest of her life?”


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