Book Read Free

Chasing Him

Page 25

by Kennedy Fox

  “I know,” I agree. “I’m not used to any of this. But I’m trying.”

  She stands in front of me and pats my cheek like she has since I was little. “I know you are, John. You’re doing a great job too. I’m very proud of you. So is your father.”

  I lean down and hug her. “Thanks, Mama.”

  The moment I walk into the house and the scent of lemon hits my nose, I can tell Mila’s been cleaning and already know that’s not a good sign. I’ve learned she cleans when she’s upset, and I’m smart enough to realize it’s because of me.

  I set Maize down in her Jumperoo while I go search for Mila. I find her in her bedroom folding laundry, and there’s music softly playing from her phone. Walking up behind her, I wrap my arms around her and feel her jump. Instead of yelling at me like she normally does for scaring her, she stays silent—also not a good sign.

  Dipping my head down, I press my mouth to her shoulder and place a kiss there. She relaxes slightly, so I run my nose up the length of her neck and jaw. Her head falls back just enough to give me the access I need to kiss her soft skin. Wrapping my hand in her hair, I grip a chunk in my fist and shift her head to the side, so I can lick my tongue along her neck until I reach her ear and suck on her lobe.

  Her throat vibrates with a moan, and I know she’s enjoying this more than she wants to admit. I don’t blame her for being mad at me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy for her to stay that way.

  Towering over her, I adjust our bodies, so our lips meet, and I slide my tongue inside. She turns to face me and lets me pick her up, so I can carry her to the middle of the bed. With her legs wrapped around my waist, I hover over her and mold our bodies together as we sink into the mattress.

  “Does this mean you aren’t mad at me anymore?” I smirk against the dimple of her collarbone.

  “No,” she snarks. “Means you’re a really good kisser.”

  I chuckle, making my way down her chest and pulling her shirt up. “Mmm…I’ll be sure to use that to my advantage then.” I wrap my lips around her hard nipple and suck.

  “Looks like you already are,” she retorts, followed by a soft moan. Arching her back, she twists her hands in my hair and tugs.

  I make my way to her other nipple and give it the same attention before moving back up and stealing another kiss. She melts against me, and before I get the chance to apologize, Maize starts crying from the living room.

  “Crap, Maize,” Mila yells, her eyes popping open. She slams her hands against my chest and pushes me off, which takes me by surprise, and I quickly lose my balance as she jumps off the bed. I inevitably fall to the floor with a loud thud.

  “Argh,” I groan, landing on my ass.

  “Oh my God.” Mila starts laughing hysterically. “I didn’t mean to push you that hard.”

  “Right,” I tease. She walks around the bed and holds out her hand. “Don’t even wanna know what happens when you’re really pissed.”

  “That usually involves a variety of shotguns.”

  “Wouldn’t put anything past you.” I smirk, grabbing her hand. Instead of letting her pull me up, I yank her down to the ground with me.

  “Maize’s crying,” she reminds me. “Just let me go check on her.” She moves to get back to her feet.

  “Probably knew we were foolin’ around and wasn’t havin’ it.” I brace myself on the nightstand and bed, pulling myself up. “If my ego wasn’t bruised by you pushing me off, my ass sure is.”

  “That’s what you get for trying to kiss your way out of trouble,” she says over her shoulder, winking as she heads out to the living room.

  Shaking my head, I smile. I was fully prepared to come in like a dog with my tail between my legs and beg for her forgiveness after the rude comment I made, but the moment I saw her standing in here, I couldn’t resist kissing her. However, now I’ll be walking around with the biggest case of blue balls at least until I get a moment with her to myself.

  I find Mila in the kitchen with Maize on her hip as she makes a bottle. I can’t even find the right words to express how much I love having Mila here and how at home she looks. She’s taken on a much bigger role than just being Maize’s nanny. She’s molded herself right into our lives, fitting perfectly right where she belongs.

  “What’s all the screaming about?” I ask in a soft voice, taking Maize from her hold. She immediately nuzzles her head into my neck and yawns.

  “I think she’s ready for a nap,” Mila answers, shaking the bottle.

  “Mama fed her at the house when I arrived, so I’m not sure if she’s still hungry,” I explain. “Not sure what time she woke up either.”

  “I’m sure she’s just tired, but we’ll try a bottle too,” Mila says.

  “I’ll rock her,” I say, grabbing the bottle from her hand. I lean in and press a kiss to her lips. “Then we can talk, okay?”

  “Okay, but if you’re going to confess your love for Aaron Rodgers, let’s just make it clear I had him first.”

  I grin, shaking my head at her sassy mouth. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty because your humor is a bit dry,” I say, walking out of the kitchen.

  “Aside from the fact that you just called me pretty, I take offense to that!” she shouts as if she’s actually upset, but I know better. I laugh all the way down the hall until I reach Mila’s room and sit in the rocking chair.

  I look down at Maize as I feed and rock her. There’s a blanket on the arm, and I cover her up as she slowly starts falling asleep. I love the way she clings to me, and even though she was a complete surprise in my life, I can’t imagine it without her now. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, and if that means fighting for my rights, I will until the day I die.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Watching John with Maize has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. The way he plays with her and how she lights up every time he’s around has enough power to explode ovaries all across America.

  It’s been a week since the papers from the Kensingtons were served, and though it’s a constant thing on our minds, John and I are doing our best to work through it for now. He apologized for his rude comment and the fact that he wanted to right his wrong before I even had the chance to really get mad at him shows me the kind of person he truly is.

  “She’s gonna be crawling soon,” I tell John as he rolls around the floor with Maize. She’s mastered rolling from her back to her stomach and vice versa, so it’s only a matter of time before she figures out she can get from A to B being on her hands and knees. “Then the real trouble-escapades start.” I slide my body down from the couch to the floor with the two of them.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” John admits, frowning. “I can hardly believe how big she’s getting.”

  “Me either. Can you believe I’ve been here for over three months already?”

  “It’s definitely flying by,” he states with a sad look on his face.

  “I still remember that towel around your waist when I walked in, holding on by the grace of God because it was nearly painted on your body. I thought for sure it was going to fall at any moment. Especially when you started yelling at me and wailing your arms around like I was a trespassing sorority girl.”

  John’s deep chuckle has me laughing right along with him. It brings me so much comfort and peace, which is what I really need right now. Today is my phone interview with Mr. Demry, and I’m a nervous wreck about it.

  “Are you trying to say you weren’t hoping it would fall? I saw you checking me out,” he taunts.

  “Oh, and you weren’t checking me out? You were so obvious about it too.” I playfully punch his shoulder, and he pretends it’s much harder and collapses to the ground by Maize.

  “Of course, I was checking you out. Long legs and perky tits. I’d be blind not to notice.” He shrugs casually.

  “Wow…that’s some real Shakespeare poetry right there.” I roll my eyes.

  John sits up,
grabbing my hand and pulling me between his legs. He cups my face and brings our mouths together in a sweet and soft kiss. “You’re gonna do great today. Stop worrying. I can see it all over your face.” He rests our foreheads together, and I exhale deeply.

  “I’m not only nervous about the interview,” I admit. “I’m nervous what this will mean. For us. I’m nervous about having to make a decision that’ll affect all of us.”

  John pulls back slightly and grabs a few strands of my hair, tucking them behind my ear before looking into my eyes and smiling. “Make the decision for you,” he tells me, confidently. “Maize and I will be here no matter what, rooting for you every step of the way while you make your dreams come true.”

  “Why are you so sweet to me? You should let people see this side of you more often.” I rub my hand over his cheek.

  “I have a reputation to protect,” he mocks with an over-exaggerated grunt.

  “Oh right. God forbid you actually have a soft side.” I chuckle, pushing him.

  Maize decides to roll her body toward us, attempting some kind of army crawl to get our attention. I pick her up and kiss the top of her head. “You’d miss me right, Maze?”

  She squeals and smiles, then slaps her hand in my face. “Ow, right in the eye.” I squint, pulling back and blinking repeatedly.

  “You okay?” John grabs Maize from my hands and examines my face.

  “Yeah, just made my eye blurry for a moment.”

  “Maize, no hitting,” John tells her, but she honestly has no idea what he’s saying, and even if she did, she’d do it again just to get a reaction.

  “She didn’t mean to,” I defend. “Not my first time getting smacked in the face by a baby.”

  “Damn. Well, maybe you should wear goggles,” John says, laughing.

  “Har, har,” I deadpan. “Just wait till she figures out how to kick you in the junk.”

  “Let’s hope not.” John cringes. “For both of our sakes.” He shrugs, chuckling.

  I roll my eyes and smile. “C’mon, Maize. Let’s get you ready for Auntie River.” I stand and pick her up. River’s off today, so she’s watching Maize while I have my interview.

  “Yeah, I better get going too. Guests get cranky when they don’t have their coffee first thing,” he groans, shuffling to his feet.

  “Yes but those cute old ladies love you,” I tease when he wraps his arms around Maize and me.

  “I could go without the spankings, though.” He wrinkles his nose, and it’s the cutest damn thing.

  “Tell them hands off, or I’ll have to put a sign on your butt that says Property of Mila.”

  “Hmm…I think you should do that anyway.” He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips and then one on Maize’s head. “Text me as soon as your interview is done, okay?”

  “I will.”

  Once John leaves, I get Maize dressed and her bag packed. My interview isn’t for another couple of hours, but River wanted to take Riley to the zoo today, so she and Mrs. Bishop are picking Maize up before they head out.

  “Okay, I think that’s everything.” I double-check her bag just to make sure, and once I’m positive I didn’t forget anything, I text River to let her know we’re all set.

  They all arrive fifteen minutes later and wish me luck today before heading back out. Riley gives me a hug, and it’s another tug at my heart. I love how close I’ve grown to everyone here.

  Just as I’m about to get in the shower, my phone dings with a new text message. I grab it and see it’s from my sister, Sarah.

  Sarah: Hey sis! Good luck today! I know you’re going to nail it but just wanted to send you some good vibes anyway! Graham and I miss you so much! Can’t wait till you’re back home again!

  Her message makes me smile but sad at the same time. I miss my family so much and being away would be a lot harder if I didn’t have Maize and John to keep me distracted.

  Mila: Thank you!! I’m nervous but have been preparing all week for it, so I’m as ready as I’ll ever be! I miss y’all so much too!! Give Graham auntie kisses from me!

  * * *

  Sarah: I will! Text me when you’re done, okay? Graham’s wearing his Packers jersey today just for you ;) He says it’s Auntie M’s shirt.

  * * *

  Mila: Aww! Tell him I appreciate that :) I’ve Packer’ed up John’s house, but he doesn’t seem to appreciate the green & gold like the rest of us do!

  * * *

  Sarah: Better teach him, M ;)

  I’m grinning from ear to ear and laugh at her last message. I love my sister so much and am sad I’ve not been around to chat or see her over the past few months. She doesn’t have a lot of support when it comes to Graham except our parents, and I feel bad I haven’t been there to help as much as I had. Though she seems to be doing okay without me there, I can only hope she’s not pretending everything is fine on my account.

  I decide to send a text to Kat before taking my shower.

  Mila: Tell me I’m doing the right thing.

  Within seconds, she responds.

  Kat: You’re doing the right thing for YOU. Mila, you’ve got this.

  I sigh, absorbing her words. Kat and I have been close since we were in diapers, and we always kept in touch while we were apart, and her encouragement means a lot to me.

  Mila: Thank you. Love you.

  Kat: Love you too. Text me when you’re done, okay?

  I chuckle to myself. I have a whole laundry list of people to text afterward.

  Mila: I will.

  I set my phone aside, grab my towels, and head to the bathroom. Maybe a nice hot shower will help ease my nerves, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try some breathing exercises or a few yoga poses.

  Mr. Demry calls at exactly eleven o’clock on the dot, and my heart goes into overdrive. Inhaling a deep breath, I release it and answer his call with a forced smile. “Fake it till you make it,” or so the saying goes.

  After we greet each other and he asks how I’m doing, he gets right down to business. He lets me know he has the principal of the Morgan Primary School in the room as well since I’m unable to do a sit-down interview. That news has me sweating and in need of another shower before we even get to the hard stuff.

  “Mila, can you tell us the number one thing you learned from your student teaching experience?”

  It takes me a moment to think before responding, and within a few seconds, I feel my heartbeat and breathing steady. I loved student teaching so much and took a lot away from it, so it takes me several minutes to fully answer the question. At first, I worry I said too much but relax when I hear them both chuckling.

  This goes on for almost two hours before the principal goes into depth about the position and curriculum. I feel pretty confident by the end, which helps settle my nerves. Then Mr. Demry brings up the very topic that makes me want to vomit.

  “Do you think you’d be able to return in early July?”

  I clear my throat, stalling. “Well, I told my boss I was available through mid-July, and I’d hate to go back on my word since they have to find someone to replace me.”

  The two men start chatting, but I can’t quite hear them because it’s muffled as if they stepped away from the phone. I’m sure I’ve now said the wrong thing, and I’ve ruined any chance at all for this job.

  “Okay sorry about that, Mila. Mid-July would be okay. We’d just need you to sign your contract before August first.”

  I gulp, my throat feeling like I swallowed several razor blades. “Are you offering me the position?” I ask, shocked.

  I hear more chuckling on their end. “Yes. The position is yours if you want it, Mila. Your references and credentials speak for itself, and we know you’d be a positive asset to the Morgan School District.”

  “Wow…” I’m speechless. I hadn’t expected him to offer me the job on the spot. “I’m honored, seriously.”

  “Well, you were a top candidate from the start.”

  “Can I take a few days to th
ink it over?” I ask, hoping it doesn’t make me sound ungrateful.

  “Of course. We’ll just need confirmation by the end of the week. That sound good?”

  “Yes, thank you so much.”

  After our goodbyes, I collapse back on my bed and sigh. Holy shit.

  I don’t know what to think. My heart is torn in two as my dream job becomes a reality, and so does the possibility of losing the man I’ve fallen for.

  I lie there for ten minutes, just staring at the ceiling. This is everything I’ve worked for over the past four years…so why doesn’t it feel right?

  Reluctantly, I sit up and reach for my phone, so I can text everyone.

  Mila: Interview went great! Offered me the job!

  I decide to copy and paste it to Kat, Sarah, and my mother. I don’t feel like going into detail right now, but that should hold them over for now.

  My phone beeps several times, but I don’t look at it. I toss it on my bed and decide to go in search of some ice cream.

  “Mila,” I hear my name being called, and then my shoulder is being shaken. “Baby, wake up.” I recognize John’s voice and peel my eyes open to his charming face. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  “Hey.” I smile, blinking. “What time is it?”

  “Almost five.”

  “Oh crap. I must’ve fallen asleep after my ice cream binge.” I look over at the coffee table and see the empty quart of mint chocolate chip I devoured.

  “Ice cream coma,” John adds. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I was getting worried when you didn’t call or text me back.”


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