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Won't Miss You: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (We Shouldn't Book 4)

Page 14

by Lilian Monroe

  “Despite my best efforts.”

  “Even though I bought your entire retirement plan?” Her eyebrow arches.

  “I’m not entirely over that.” I grin. “Business-wise, I’m not convinced. Personally? You’re okay.”

  Rae laughs, the sound warming every icy corner of my heart.

  The truth is, I don’t even care about the garage. I pilot part-time, I tinker with my own cars, and the garage is just a steady paycheck. Did I want to own my own business and run the garage when Harold gave it up?


  Is it so devastating that I won’t?

  Not really. Especially not when Rae is sitting on the edge of the desk, her hair falling around her face in soft waves, her eyes saying a thousand things that her lips won’t speak.

  My hand finds her cheek again as my other fingers are busy down lower, and Rae’s eyes close. She lets out a sigh, tilting her head toward me. Her hips grind against my hand, and I can feel the pleasure rippling through her body. I groan, shaking my head.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  “Tell me,” she answers, the corner of her lips tugging up.

  “It’s not fair how gorgeous you are. Not fair to other women, and definitely not fair to me.”

  Rae’s eyes open again, her hand moving to my chest. It slides up toward my neck, and I know she wants the same thing I do. Fire burns in the depths of her eyes. The questions she’s begging me to answer. The yearning of her body. Aching of her core.

  I know, because I feel it too.

  I’ve tried to hate her. Tried to push her away. Tried to tell myself I was loyal to Sawyer and Sawyer only, but Rae has wriggled her way into my heart and made a home there.

  Not just my heart.

  My body. My soul.

  Every cell inside me reacts to her. Pulls me toward her. Yanks me by the gut and drags me to her feet.

  “Rae,” I rasp.

  Her fingers brush my jaw, teasing the edge of my stubble. Her breath trembles as she leans toward me. There’s no awkward small space at the back of a car here. There’s no risk of someone else driving up beside us. No risk of getting caught.

  Just me and Rae. Alone. Needing each other.

  “What do you want?” I ask, curling my fingers around the nape of her neck. My other hand drags through her slit, and I relish the shiver that courses through her body.

  I love the way her hands splay on my bare chest. How they inch farther down, even though I don’t want her to touch me. Not yet.

  I know what I want. I want Rae. I want her everywhere, anywhere, any way. I want to worship her body, kissing every inch of bare skin I find. I want to tease out her pleasure and make her come again, and then feel the pleasure of sheathing myself inside her.

  I want her lips wrapped around my shaft. Her arms wrapped around my neck. My name falling from her lips.

  I want it all.

  Rae shifts her body closer, her eyes begging.

  “I want you,” she whispers. “I’ve wanted you since the moment you snarled at me in the garage. You, Benji.” She sighs, closing her eyes as I stroke the space between her thighs. “I’m not sure I can stay away from you.”

  “So don’t.”

  When Rae opens her eyes again, I push my fingers deeper inside her. My thumb twirls around her clit, and the hesitation between us disappears. Whether we’re making a mistake or not, neither of us cares. Rae came here this morning because she wanted to find me—and I wanted to be found.

  There’s something between us that can’t be ignored. We’re drawn to each other, unable to resist. Not wanting to resist.

  She’s everything, and I’m not going to let anything come between us.

  In her eyes, I see the same. They shine as she sucks in a breath, looking radiant and soft and so fucking good.

  With a growl, I wrap my arms around Rae and pull her close. She combs her fingers through my hair as I run my hands up her sides, cupping her breasts and burying my face between them.

  I groan, inhaling her scent. The scent that’s lingered in my dreams since the moment I met her.

  I can’t wait any longer. I can’t resist her charm. Her aura. Her sex. I can’t deny what I’ve been wanting for days. Weeks. Maybe even years, before I even knew what I was missing.

  Rae is everything. She has the strength to stand up to me. The softness to make me melt. The body to make me burn. Everything about her reaches into my soul and makes me stop, look twice, and need.

  There’s no more waiting. As she stands here, giving herself to me, I can’t hold back any longer.

  Tugging her shirt down, I expose her breast and take it in my mouth. Rae moans, wrapping her arms around my head and grinding her body against me. I kiss her breast, scraping my teeth along her nipple. When I tug her shirt down further to expose her other breast, I hear a rip. Her shirt loosens, and I know I’ve torn it.

  I don’t care. I’ll leave her clothes in tatters. I’ll tear them off her body with my bare hands if it means I get to taste her. Love her. Destroy her.

  Rae moans, reaching down between us to feel the bulge between my legs again. This time, I don’t stop her. That bulge exists whenever she’s around. It’s never been satisfied, no matter how many times I’ve tried to jerk myself off while I think of her.

  She’s here, now.

  Mine, mine, mine.

  I take her other nipple between my lips as my hands work to pull her pants down those long legs. There are too many clothes between us. Too many layers. Too many barriers.

  I want her skin on mine. Her wetness dripping over my legs. Her arms wrapped around me and her lips devouring me.

  Everything. I want it all.

  I groan as she pulls her shirt off over her head, throwing it to land on top of my discarded top. She leans against the desk, unfastens her bra, and all I can do is stare. She’s leaning against the old wooden desk with nothing but a pair of sheer panties on.

  “Rae,” I growl.

  She bites her lip, and I think I might explode.

  At the back of my mind, I register that this is Sawyer’s sister. Even if they reconcile, it doesn’t mean she’s mine to take. She should be forbidden. Off-limits. I haven’t talked to him about this.

  But she’s here, offering herself to me.

  Maybe I’m weak. Maybe I’m not the honorable man I thought I was, and I’m powerless to resist a near-naked woman standing in front of me.

  Or maybe, Rae is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. She’s worth the conflict that having her might create. She’s worth any type of trouble.

  Reaching toward me, Rae sweeps her hands over my chest, following the lines of my abs all the way down to my unfastened jeans.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, my voice full of gravel.

  Rae laughs, tugging my jeans down past my hips. “Are you really asking me that now, Benji? I’m almost naked. I’m undressing you. I had my hand down your pants. I came all over your fingers a few days ago. All I’ve been dreaming of since I met you is how much I want to have your cock buried inside me. I’m sure.”

  “What about Saw—”

  “Don’t,” she whispers, putting her fingers to my lips. “Don’t make me think about what I should be doing. Don’t tell me to be responsible. Right now,” she says, pushing my pants until they drop to my feet, “I don’t want to be the person who does the right thing. I want to be the person who gets fucked by the first man in years who’s been able to turn me on.”

  A growl rumbles through my chest, and I’m done resisting. I wrap my arms around her, spinning her around to lean over the desk. Then, I kick her legs wide. I tug her underwear down her legs, taking my time. Inch by inch, I drag the scrap of damp fabric until she pulls her feet through, biting her bottom lip as she stares back at me.

  “This is a side of you I haven’t seen before,” I growl.

  “What? The naked side?” She laughs, blushing.

  I shake my head. “The bad side.” I run my hands u
p her smooth legs, trying to contain myself. My whole body is pulsing in anticipation.

  A few weeks ago, Rae drove into the garage and turned my world upside down. I never would have guessed that today she’d be leaning over the desk, giving herself to me—or that I’d want her as badly as I do. My desire for her thrums deep inside me, in a corner of my soul that hasn’t been explored in a long time. But Rae cracks me open and makes the lust pour out of me.

  I need her. All of her.

  She brings her finger up to her mouth, biting the tip as she tries to stand up and face me. I growl, shaking my head. I want those legs spread wide-open, exactly the way they are now.

  I put my hands on either side of her ass, spreading it wide, and then I bury my face in her slit. The moment I taste her honey on my tongue, I know there’s no turning back—but why would I want to?

  Rae tastes like heaven. She gasps and writhes and shoves her ass back toward me, and I’m exactly where I want to be.



  I swear, this isn’t why I came here.

  Ah, hell. Who am I kidding?

  This is exactly why I came here. I went to Benji’s house looking for him, then I came straight to the garage. For him. Always for him.

  Did I think it would end up with me bent over the desk, and Benji’s face shoved between my thighs?

  Well, maybe not, but a girl can dream, right?

  Benji drags his tongue through my slit as I let out a gasp. He devours me, igniting my body from head to toe. I scrape my nails across the desk, pushing back toward him.

  He groans, loving the taste of me. His fingers sink into my flesh as I flatten myself against the desk. He grunts, the noise soaked in pure lust. Electricity sparks. Desire dances deep inside me, making my back arch and goose bumps ripple over my skin. Everything is sensitive.

  The desk feels rough on my cheek. A stack of papers flutters to the floor. Benji’s stubble scrapes over my sensitive areas, sending little thrills of pleasure rushing through my veins.

  His lips are soft. Warm. Embracing.

  Just like I did in the back seat of my car, I let go.

  This time, there’s no hesitation. No doubts. No holding back.

  I curl my fingers around the edge of the desk, arching my back as an orgasm rattles through me. It erupts from my core, sending pleasure rushing to every corner of my body. My cheeks burn. My lips drop open. My muscles seize.

  And Benji groans, lapping up my pleasure. He tastes my lust and asks me for more. His hands grip my thighs as he kisses the edge of my leg, sinking his teeth into my thigh as the last thrill of my orgasm shivers through me. My chest heaves, breaths shuddering.

  As I try to catch my breath, Benji shifts behind me. I hear the rustling of his clothes, and then the tearing of a crinkly wrapper. Picking myself up off the desk, I glance over my shoulder.

  Benji meets my eye, arching a brow.

  I nod.

  No words. They aren’t needed. I watch, breath held, as Benji rolls a condom over his cock, then close my eyes. When he drags it through my slit, I melt into a puddle of nothing.

  I love the way he touches me. Claims me. Lays waste to me. With nothing more than a touch, he makes me shudder with desire while my body begs for more.

  When he enters me, I feel whole.

  His hands land on the desk on either side of me, and I feel his legs pressed against mine. I arch back against him, wanting all of him. I want to feel every inch. Every bit of his skin. Everything he’s willing to give me.

  I’ve spent so long trying to convince myself that I shouldn’t want this. That I shouldn’t pursue him. That he was out of reach and off-limits.

  Now, that wall is decimated.

  I. Want. Him.

  Every way. Any way. All the time.

  He plunges himself deep inside me and I gasp in pleasure. Benji’s hand moves to my back and slides up to the nape of my neck. He tangles his fingers into my hair, tugging gently as I grip the desk. I push back against him, resisting and giving in all at once. He tugs my hair again, a little harder this time.

  Any pain that might needle my skull turns to pleasure, rippling through my body in an instant.

  A grunt escapes his lips, and I can feel the pleasure pulsing through the room. Paper crunches under my chest. Benji’s breaths are ragged and labored. I moan, closing my eyes as I let myself go.

  In this moment, I belong to him, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  All the years I’ve held back, when I’ve sacrificed and put others first—they all vanish. Right now, Benji gives me everything I never knew I wanted. Everything I’ve missed.

  He’s rough. Possessive. Commanding.

  Grabbing me by the waist, he pulls me back and thrusts deeper. I see stars. I pant, my hair a mess and my body covered in a thin sheen of sweat—and I want more.

  Benji gives it to me. Again, and again, and again.

  He doesn’t stop until I’m moaning his name and arching my back. Not until I’m a rag doll in his hands. Not until my knees quake and my legs feel like jelly.

  Not until I feel him grow thicker inside me and his hands tighten around my waist.

  Only when we’re both shattered does he stumble back, knocked around by the force of his orgasm—that’s when he stops. I collapse back onto the desk, trembling.

  When I finally scrape myself off and turn around, I can hardly breathe. I grip the edge of the desk with both hands, afraid I’ll keel over if I let go.

  Benji’s broken over a chair. My eyes drift over his naked body and my goodness, he’s gorgeous. Post-orgasmic, glowing, still hard. He grunts, meeting my gaze through hooded eyes.

  I bite my lip, grinning, then toss him his clothes. He catches them against his chest with a chuckle.


  I nod, blushing, and get dressed. When I pull my shirt on, I notice a four-inch long rip along the side seam. I arch an eyebrow, glancing at Benji. He just laughs.

  “Sorry,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. Benji moves toward me and wraps his arms around my waist. His hands drop to my ass and he pulls me close, nuzzling his lips against my cheek. “I’ve been dreaming of that for weeks,” he growls, “and it was still better than I expected.”

  He kisses me softly, tenderly, and I melt in his arms.

  Benji holds me, swaying softly from side to side. I lean my head against his chest, letting out a sigh as tiny, almost imperceptible thrills continue to shiver through my body. His hands stroke the side of my head, and he pulls back to lay another kiss on my lips.

  When we pull apart, he lets out a happy sigh. Then, he cocks his head. “How do you feel about some food?”

  I grin. “I’d love food.”

  “Good, because I’m starving. I need to refuel after that.” His eyebrow cocks up. “And you can order a thousand burgers if you want. I won’t food shame you.”

  I laugh, slipping my hand into his. We leave the garage, taking his truck into town and parking it outside the Woodvale Skydive center. He nods to the café where I sat with Willow and Nadia.

  “Best breakfast in town.”

  A thrill courses through my chest at the thought of being out in public with Benji. It’s one thing to go find him at the garage, or to be alone with him at his house. But to be here, in full view?

  I love it.

  I’m proud to be beside him. I like the way he puts his hand on my lower back and leads me inside, as if he’s announcing to everyone in town that we’re together.

  We find a table near the front, and I keep stealing glances at him. He grins, and whispers of heat wrap around me. How is it possible for one man to be so handsome? For him to slay me with one look and make me want to circle my arms around him and take him somewhere private?

  It’s like he has a direct line to the pleasure center in my brain. He’s plugged into me, and I can’t do anything about it.

  Not that I’d want to.

  We order coffees and food as my stomach grumbles, a
nd I remember that there are other needs I have to attend to. Benji’s foot nudges against mine under the table, and his lips tug as he stares at me.

  Everything is easy with him. Comfortable. All at once, we’ve broken down the walls that stood between us, and it feels like we’re finally how we should be.


  But I’m pulled from my daze by a familiar voice.

  “Well, well, well,” my brother calls out from across the café. “That didn’t take long.”

  Benji stiffens, his eyes widening. I glance at Sawyer, who arches an eyebrow. Doubt swirls inside me as my cheeks start to burn. I know I’m turning beet-red, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Sawyer saunters over to us, arching an eyebrow. He glances at Benji. “What are you doing with my sister?”

  Benji straightens up in his chair and clears his throat. “Sawyer, I…”

  “I’m kidding,” Sawyer interrupts, laughing. He claps a confused Benji on the shoulder, who jerks forward from the impact.

  Benji meets my eye, bewildered.

  Sawyer laughs again, shaking his head. “Did Rae not tell you? I gave her my blessing. I could see the looks you two were giving each other all week. Haven’t seen you that mopey in the whole time I’ve known you.”

  Benji glances at my brother. “You knew?”

  “When you emailed me to come back and talk to Rae, I had my suspicions. It wasn’t like you to change your mind. I knew there had to be a good reason.” His face grows serious. “But if you hurt my sister, I’ll kill you.”

  Benji’s face goes white. He shakes his head. “I won’t.”

  Sawyer nods. “Good.” He turns to me. “If you hurt my best friend, I’ll kill you, too.”

  “Shut up, Sawyer.” I grin.

  My brother laughs. He pulls a chair over to our table and plonks himself down. He’s not worried about being the third wheel, apparently, because he orders himself a coffee and breakfast as soon as the waitress comes over. When he glances over at me and sees me watching him, he grins.

  “What? I’m hungry.”

  I smile as my heart grows. This is my brother, through and through. He cares about things like loyalty and betrayal, but doesn’t have the same hang-ups when it comes to love and relationships. He has his own set of morals and values, and I’m glad I’m on the right side of them again.


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