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Double Score

Page 4

by K. L. Grayson

  “Are you bribing me with sex?”

  “Always. I will always try to bribe you with sex.”

  “Good to know,” she says, tilting her head back so I can wash the conditioner from her hair.

  “Now, say it.”

  “Fine.” She rolls her eyes, and it’s ridiculously cute. And then her smile fades, her eyes turn serious, and she steps into me. Her naked breasts press against my chest as she lifts up on her toes. “You, Ryan Gallagher, buried your fat cock in my ass, and it felt amazing. And I want to do it again…over and over and over.”

  I wrap my arm around her waist and haul her against me, and then I take her mouth in a passionate kiss. God, she feels perfect in my arms, as if she were made to fit against me. The water rains down around us, filling the bathroom with a plume of steam, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to let her go. Just as the thought runs through my mind, the glass door slides open, and Grant joins us.

  “Grant,” Emma whispers, pulling her mouth from mine.

  “Don’t stop because of me. I enjoy watching you two.”

  “You do?” she asks.

  She’s so innocent and oblivious to what we want from her. We’re going to have to spell it out. I press my lips to the side of her head and breathe in her fresh, strawberry scent as she looks up at Grant.

  “Fuck yeah.” Grant presses his chest against her back, and I nod to our dirty girl.

  “Emma was just telling me how much she loved my cock in her ass.”

  Grant lifts a brow and smirks. “Oh, yeah? You want to do that again?” She nods. “Next time, you can ride Ryan, and I’ll take this sweet ass. How does that sound?”

  Her breath hitches. “I’d like that.”

  My cock is locked, loaded, and ready to pound nails just from talking about it. “Are you sore?” I slide a hand between her thighs, but instead of pushing my fingers inside of her, I gently stroke along her slit.

  “A little,” she says. “But I like it. It’s a good sore. It reminds me of who was there.”

  Grant massages her back, starting at her neck and working his way down. “What did you think about the three of us being together?”

  “I liked it. A lot.”

  “So did we,” I say, pushing the tip of my finger inside of her. She doesn’t wince, and I go a little farther. “What happened in the bedroom between us—what we shared—it was a first for Grant and me.” We’ve never had an emotional connection like we have with Emma.

  “Really?” She sounds surprised, and I smile because maybe she finally understands how much we want to be with her. I nod, and she looks back at Grant. “Can I ask you guys a question?”

  Gathering her hair to the side, Grant kisses her shoulder. “Always,” he says, looking down the front of her body, watching where my hand is rubbing between her legs.

  “Can you feel each other when you’re both inside of me?”

  I nod, and Grant confirms with a, “Yes.”

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  “Fuck no,” I say. “We like it, sweetheart.”

  I probably like it a little too much. I’ve never considered myself bisexual, but my love of threesomes with Grant caused me to experiment with a guy back in college. It wasn’t for me. It felt forced and awkward, and I’ve had no desire to try again. But I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been curious about Grant off and on over the years, and even more so after what we just did with Emma.

  Grant and I share a connection that most friends don’t, and we already know we’ll be a permanent part of each other’s lives. It isn’t an easy feeling or concept to explain, I have trouble rationalizing it in my own head. My heart doesn’t race when he walks into a room the way it does with Emma, but from time to time, I get a hard-on just looking at him, and I crave his touch. Sometimes, I have the urge to express my love with more than words.

  The only thing holding me back is Grant. I’m confident he doesn’t feel the same urges I do, and the last thing I want is to make him uncomfortable. Our friendship means everything to me, and I love him enough to keep the urges at bay, although I fear the curiosity may only grow stronger as our relationship with Emma blossoms.

  Grant’s hand finds mine between her legs, and I blink through the foggy haze in my brain. Together, we touch her. Stroking and teasing.

  “Holy shit, that’s hot,” she sighs, watching us. “So, we’ve already confirmed that you love touching me, but are you ever…you know…together without a woman?”

  Grant shakes his head. “No, there’s always a woman between us.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “What do you mean?” he asks.

  “When did you two start sharing women?”

  “Do you remember Shelly McBride?” I ask.

  Grant groans, and I laugh, remembering how wild she was in bed. She scared the hell out of us.

  “You mean Shelly McBride the teacher’s aide in Mr. Darwin’s class? She was like ten years older than us.”

  I chuckle. “We know. She had a thing for Grant, but he was scared of her and begged me to tag along when he met up with her one night.”

  “I wasn’t scared of her,” Grant admonishes. “She was aggressive, and I was an innocent virgin.”

  Emma laughs and shakes her head. “You were never innocent, Grant Ford.”

  “Not after Shelly got ahold of me,” Grant says, running his free hand up Emma’s body. He cups her breast and squeezes, causing her eyes to flutter closed. I can tell she wants to give in to the pleasure we’re bringing her, but our girl has questions, and Emma is nothing if not determined.

  “What happened after Shelly? You just decided to keep sharing women?” Her voice is husky, and she has to work to keep her eyes open.

  “We’ve been with women alone, but nothing ever felt like it did that first time with Shelly. Something was always missing. But every time we were with someone together it was different. We felt that spark again. It’s hard to explain. We haven’t dissected it, we just know it works,” I answer.

  Emma nods as if she understands exactly what I’m trying to say. “I get it. You guys are a team. You work well together, you complement each other, and it fits. Why change something that works so well?”

  “Exactly,” Grant says. “Outsiders might not understand our relationship, but we’ve accepted that we’re a package deal. Our friendship may not be what most people consider normal, but it works for us, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Do you ever get jealous?”

  Grant shakes his head. “No,” he says softly, his eyes finding mine. “It’s about trust and respect, and I trust Ryan with my life. I want to see him happy and enjoying himself because I love him, the same way I love you,” he adds softly.

  Emma’s lips part. “You love me?” she breathes, stealing the words from my mouth.

  Grant chuckles while I struggle to breathe. This is what we’ve been waiting for, and I can taste it. I can taste how good a relationship between the three of us will be. Grant and I were made for Emma. We want to love her and take care of her. We’ll never work with anyone else because no one else makes us feel the way Emma does.

  That’s what this whole weekend is about. Showing her how good it can be, and then convincing her that we can give her a wonderful life.

  And if she decides that it isn’t what she wants, then it’s on to plan B: kidnap her, tie her to a bed, and drive her mad with our relentless cocks until she’s addicted to us and has no choice but to say yes.

  “This shouldn’t be a surprise, Emma,” Grant says, settling his hands on her hips. “Of course, I love you. I’ve loved you for years, you’re one of my best friends.”

  “Same here, pretty girl. We’ve loved you since your parents bought the house between ours. And that love has only grown over the years, along with our friendship.”

  Emma’s smile falters for a brief second, but she quickly recovers.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, reaching for the loofah.

sp; I squirt a blob of body wash on it, and Emma takes it from my hands and starts washing me. “Nothing. What could possibly be wrong? I’ve got two sexy guys who gave me the best orgasm known to man—or woman—earlier, and now they’re going to get dressed up and take me out to dinner.”

  “Orgasms,” Grant corrects. “Multiple. As in more than one. You missed a spot,” he says, pointing to my straining cock.

  Emma laughs and looks up at him.

  “What? Just making sure you don’t miss the most important part.”



  “If you don’t stop touching me, we’re never going to make it to dinner on time.”

  I squeeze her tit. “I love touching you.”

  Emma laughs. “I know you do. And I like touching you, but you and Ryan are insatiable, and I need sustenance.”

  “I’ve got something you can eat.” I reach for the towel wrapped around my hips, and Emma playfully shoves me toward the door.

  “Would you get out of here?”

  “Fine. But this isn’t over.”

  “I hope not.” She laughs and shuts the door in my face before she locks it. I stand there for a second and then go search for Ryan.

  He’s in the kitchen, already dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt, scrolling through something on his phone.

  “She’s perfect,” I blurt.

  Ryan smiles but doesn’t look up from his cell. “I know.”

  “She’s it.”

  His smile grows. “I know.”

  “I love her.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Would you put your fucking phone away and listen to me,” I say, yanking his mobile out of his hand.

  Ryan laughs. “I am listening to you. I feel the same way. She’s perfect for us, and I love her, too. Look at my phone.”

  I look at the screen. The internet is pulled up to a jewelry store. There’s a giant diamond ring on the screen.

  I look up at Ryan. “Engagement rings?”

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t already thought about it.”

  “Fuck yes, I’ve thought about it. But she’s not ready for that.”

  “I know she’s not, but she’ll get there.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Shit, I don’t even want to think about that.

  “She will. And if not, we’ve always got plan B.”

  “I don’t want to have to resort to fucking plan B. I just want her. It’s never been like this with a woman.”

  Ryan grips my shoulder. “Chill, brother. I feel the same way. She’s ours.”

  “I know she’s ours, but does she know that? What if she thinks this is just a fling for us?”

  “I think we made it pretty fucking obvious in the shower that this is more than a fling. But we should probably just lay everything on the table and let her know how we feel.”

  “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “Fuck yeah, it’s too soon, but what’s our alternative? Let her go home tomorrow without knowing how we feel and what we want from her? And worse yet, us not knowing where she stands.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to work for me.”




  Thank God I packed a dress and heels. Who would’ve known that a lodge in the mountains would have such a fancy restaurant? I must’ve gained a few pounds since the last time I wore this dress, though, because it’s a bit snugger than I remember. I tug at the hem, hoping it’s covering all the goods in the back.

  “Stop fidgeting. You look gorgeous,” Grant says, tucking my right hand into the crook of his arm.

  “Absolutely beautiful.” Ryan kisses my temple and grabs my left hand with his.

  The couple in front of us is seated, and we step forward, waiting for the hostess to come back.

  “Everyone is staring at me,” I whisper, noticing all the eyes that keep making their way toward the three of us.

  Ryan’s grip on my hand tightens. “Because you look amazing, and they’re jealous as fuck.”

  “I don’t think that’s the reason.” A lesser woman would probably move away, but I’m strong and proud to be the arms of these two men, even if it is temporary.

  Grant opens his mouth to reply at the same time the hostess walks up.

  She’s young, beautiful, and her smile is a little too bright for my liking. “Good evening, Mr. Gallagher. Mr. Ford,” she says, nodding at both men. “Your table is ready. Please, follow me.”

  With a hand on my lower back, Grant guides me through the restaurant to a round corner booth in the back. There’s a small bouquet of roses and a tiny lamp sitting in the center of the table, and a white linen tablecloth that’s long enough to kiss the floor. The lights are turned low, giving the restaurant a romantic feel, and a fireplace to the right of us ensures that I won’t get too cold. Although I don’t think that’ll be an issue seated between these two men.

  Ryan motions for me to climb in first, and then he and Grant slide in on either side of me.

  “Can I get you a bottle of wine?”

  Grant smiles up at the hostess, and I swear I see her body shiver. “No wine tonight. Thank you, Carrie.”

  “Yes, sir. Alex will be serving you tonight. She’ll be right over.”

  “I’m guessing you guys come here often,” I say, my stomach souring at the thought of Grant and Ryan coming here with other women.

  Ryan lowers his menu. He looks at Grant before looking at me. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you called her Carrie, and she knew you by name.”

  Grant clears his throat. “We’ve been here a few times. That’s actually something we’d like to talk to you about tonight. But first, let’s order.”

  I study my menu like it’s the freaking Bible, reading it three times yet not remembering a damn thing because my mind is racing.

  What do they want to talk to me about? Shit. This is probably the part of the weekend where they tell me they had fun and that maybe we can do it again sometime. I wonder if they do this with all the women they bring here because it’s clear they’ve been here before. Nothing says “thank you for the best night of my life” like a nice Italian dinner.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Get ahold of yourself, Emma.

  “Will you be having your usual tonight?”

  My eyes pop open, and I look up into the sparkling blue eyes of a gorgeous blonde. Her legs are a mile long, and she’s wearing a black pencil skirt and a black, button-down shirt with red stilettos. All I can think about is how she’s exactly Ryan’s and Grant’s type.

  “I’ll have the spaghetti,” I blurt, closing my menu. “And a side salad with ranch.”

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Diet Coke.”

  She smiles and turns to Grant.

  “I’ll have the same. Thank you, Lexi.” Grant smiles at the young woman then grabs my menu, stacks it on top of his, and hands it to her. And did he just call her by a nickname? Because I swear Carrie said our waitress’s name was Alex.

  “What about you, Mr. Gallagher?”

  “I’ll have the lasagna tonight. And ice water. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She winks at Ryan and then practically skips away. I need air. I need to get control of my thoughts and feelings before the guys have the talk with me.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room.” I look at Ryan but he doesn’t move, so I turn toward Grant. “Can you let me out, please?”

  Grant tilts his head to the side. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Why?”

  Ryan’s hand finds mine under the table, and I look at him. “You’ve just seemed off since the shower.”

  “I’m tired, that’s all.”

  “Are you sure that’s it?”

  I nod. “And I have to pee.”

  “Of course.” Ryan slides out of the booth and offers me a hand.

  A couple of women pass by me, smiling and giggling when they see Grant an
d Ryan, and I can’t blame them because the guys are fucking hot, but I still roll my eyes as I walk into the restroom.

  Flicking on the water faucet, I wet my hands with cold water and dab them on my face. A minute later, the door to the bathroom opens, and our waitress, Alex—or Lexi as Grant likes to call her—walks in.

  She gives me the same sweet smile she offered the guys and grabs a paper towel from the dispenser. “I was trying to eat in between running around and spilled some spaghetti down my shirt,” she says, dabbing lightly at the stain. “You’re here with Grant and Ryan, right? I’m Alex.”

  “Emma. And if you can’t get that out later, try vinegar, it works like a charm.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.” She tosses the paper towel into the trash and turns to me. “Is it noticeable?”

  “Not bad.” I shake my head. “Your shirt is dark, so that helps.”

  “Good.” She leans a hip against the counter. “So, you’re a friend of Grant’s and Ryan’s?”

  I find it interesting that she calls them by their first names when talking to me, but she addressed then formally with their last names when she waited on us.

  “Something like that.”

  “Have you known them long?” she asks.

  “Since I was five.”

  “Five?” Her eyes widen, and she smiles. “That’s a long time.”

  “How about you?”

  “Just for the last few months or so. They’re here a couple of nights a week.”

  I nearly choke on my own spit. “A couple of nights a week?”

  “Oh, yeah. They’ve been spending most of their time in the presidential suite with Louisa and Elena.”

  My stomach rolls. That’s exactly what I was afraid of. I’m nothing but another warm body in their bed. “Is that so?”

  Alex nods. “Oh, yeah. I hear it’s nice in there. The perfect lovers’ getaway. Have you seen it?”

  “I have. It’s gorgeous.” There’s no way I can sleep in there tonight. I need to get my stuff and get out. Quickly.


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