Book Read Free

Double Score

Page 5

by K. L. Grayson

  “I’d love to keep chatting, but I need to get back to work. If my bosses see me, I could get fired,” she says, winking. “It was great meeting you, Emma. I’ll get your food out to your table right away.”

  “Nice meeting you, too.”

  I watch Alex walk out, and I can’t even hate her the way I initially wanted to because she’s so sweet.

  But I can hate myself for believing I could be more than a fling for Grant and Ryan. Suddenly, I’m not hungry. My heart races, my palms are sweaty, and there’s a familiar pressure building behind my eyes. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to burst into tears and make a complete ass of myself.



  The guys are sitting in the booth chatting as I fly by them. From the corner of my eye, I see Grant do a double-take. Head down, I keep walking, hoping they’ll get the hint and let me go.

  No such luck.

  A strong hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me to a stop.

  “Where are you going?” Grant asks.

  “Back to the room to get my stuff. I want to go home,” I choke out, my voice sounding weak and shaky.

  His eyes widen. “Why? Did something happen in the bathroom?”


  “Then what? You were fine a minute ago. Did we do or say something to upset you?”

  “No. It’s me. I thought I could do this but I can’t, and I really just want to get out of here.”

  “You’re not going anywhere until we talk.” Ryan guides me back to the table. I want to put up a fight, but that would only draw attention, and I’m not one to make a scene—and Ryan and Grant know that.

  “I don’t want to talk.” Because if I talk, then I’m going to beg them to love me the way I love them, and that’ll just make things even more awkward.

  “Tough shit,” Grant growls. “You can’t go to the bathroom and then come out and blow past us without saying a word.”

  Lips pinched together, I find the courage to look him in the eye. “You want to know why I’m upset?”

  “Yes, I do.” His eyes are hard, and Ryan’s are pretty much the same.

  “Because you lied to me. More than once.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Tilting my head, I glare at Ryan and then Grant. “You told me you’ve only been here a few times. Well, I ran into Alex in the bathroom, and according to her, you come here a couple of times a week.”

  “Emma…” Grant reaches for my arm, but I pull it away. I don’t want him touching me right now.

  “She also says you spend all of your time with Elena and Louisa,” I say, cutting him off.

  The hard look on Ryan’s face softens, and for some reason, that just sets me off. “Emma—”

  “In the presidential suite,” I add, cutting him off. “How cozy. And here I thought that what we shared here was special.”

  “This is special. You are special.” Ryan grins and looks at Grant. “She’s jealous.”

  “This isn’t funny, and I am not jealous.”

  Grant lays a placating hand on my arm and tries to fight a grin of his own, but I pull away and try to stand up. I’m not sure where I’ll go with them caging me in, but I’m not opposed to crawling under the table if that’s what it takes.

  “Emma, sit.” Grant’s voice is low and hard, and I glare at him but plop back down.

  “I was foolish to believe that what we shared was special. You made it clear in the shower that I’m just your best friend. I’ll never be more than that. I’ll never be good enough for the two of you because you’re already a package deal—a team. I thought I could handle that. That’s how badly I wanted to be with you two. But I can’t. I can’t do it. That’s not the type of girl I am.”

  Grant shakes his head. “Emma—”

  “Let me out.” I try to shove him out of the booth, not caring anymore if I’m making a scene, but he doesn’t budge.

  “Not until you let us explain.”

  “Fine.” I cross my arms over my chest and sit back. “You want to explain? Go ahead. Explain.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re stubborn,” Grant growls. He runs a hand through his golden blond hair, messing it up. “Let’s start with you not being good enough. That’s bullshit, and you know it. You’re the best damn thing that’s ever happened to us.”

  “Really? Then why did you wait so long to make your move? To share me?”

  “Because we aren’t good enough for you. But we’re working on it. That’s what all of this is about,” Ryan says, waving in a motion to indicate the restaurant.

  “All of what? I don’t understand.”

  Ryan shakes his head and looks at Grant, who scoots closer to me in the booth. When he sees that I’m not going to bite his head off, he tries again to put a hand on my arm. This time, I let him.

  “We’re going to explain everything,” Grant says. “But first, you need to know that you are so much more than just our best friend. And, yes, Ryan and I are a package deal, but you are part of that package—at least we’re hoping you’ll be.”

  My eyes widen, and the vice around my heart loosens just a tiny bit. “I thought that’s what you wanted when we were sitting in bed, and you said that I was yours and you weren’t letting me go, and again in the shower when you said that what we shared was a first for the two of you.”

  “And we meant it.” Ryan grabs my hand, linking his fingers with mine on top of the table.

  “But then you said…” I look at Grant and try to remember his exact words.

  “I said what?”

  “’Of course, I love you. I’ve loved you for years, you’re one of my best friends.’”

  “You dumbass.” Ryan reaches behind me to smack Grant upside the head. But Grant doesn’t flinch. His eyes bounce between mine. “This is all your fault.”

  “Emma, sweetheart, I’m confused. I do love you. I don’t understand why you’re upset over what I said.”

  “It’s the way you said it.” I drop my head and bury my face in my hands. “You made it sound like you love me because I’m your best friend, but you two are so much more than that to me.”

  Grant pulls my hands from my face. “Look at us, Emma.”

  They both have an arm propped on the table, and they’re leaning toward me, making it easy to see both of them. And both men are looking at me with hope and love. So much of each emotion, it’s pouring out of them. If Daisy was right and they’ve looked at me like this before, I don’t know how I missed it.

  “I’ve loved you both for so long, and I always hoped something like this would happen between us. But the thing is…I want you for more than a weekend. I’m looking for more than a fling. And I won’t share either of you.”

  “We want that, too,” Grant blurts.

  “And we would never ask you to share us with another woman,” Ryan says, resting his hand on my thigh under the table.

  “What about Louisa and Elena? Alex made it sound like you two were shacking up with them in the presidential suite.”

  Grant brushes a strand of hair from my face. “I’m guessing it sounded like that because you don’t know what we’ve been doing here the last several months.”

  “Then explain it to me.”

  Ryan looks at Grant. Grant nods, and then Ryan takes a deep breath. When he lets it out, he says, “We’ve been building a future. Here.”

  “What Ryan is trying—and failing miserably—to say is that we bought this place.”

  “You bought the lodge?”

  Both men nod, and Ryan continues. “It started about four years ago when we invested in a friends’ company. He needed money to get his business off the ground. He paid back the loan with interest, and we invested that money in the stock market. Those investments paid off ten-fold. Earlier in the year, we saw this lodge go up on the market. I remember my parents bringing me here when I was little, and I used to love it. Grant and I talked it over and—”

  “We bought it,” Grant
finishes. “We did our research first, of course, and then decided to go for it. It was important to Ryan, so it was important to me.” Grant’s hand finds Ryan’s under the table, and I look down at their linked fingers resting on my thigh.

  When I look up, Ryan’s eyes are shining, and Grant is smiling, and I’ve never been so happy.

  “What are you planning to do with it?” I ask.

  Ryan looks around as though he’s visualizing all the changes he wants to make. “We’ll get it looking beautiful and running like a dream, and then…who knows. Maybe we’ll sell it for a profit or, if it’s doing well, maybe we’ll keep it.”

  “When are you starting renovations?”

  “We’ve already started. The presidential suite was our first project. Grant and I put the finishing touches on it about a week ago. That’s also where Louisa and Elena come in.”

  “Louisa is the general manager of the lodge, and Elena is the interior decorator we hired,” Grant says.

  “Oh.” Well, don’t I feel stupid. “I told Alex we’d been friends since we were little. I bet she thought I knew you bought the lodge, and about the renovations.”

  “Probably,” Grant says. “Alex is great. So is the rest of the staff. They’re dedicated to getting the lodge exactly where it needs to be.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about it sooner? I could’ve been out here helping you with it.”

  Ryan reaches for his water and takes a drink. “Because you’ve been busy with school, and we didn’t want to interfere with that.”

  “Well, school is over now.”

  Grant grins. “We know.”

  “So, where does this leave us?”

  “Who’s hungry?” Alex sings, walking toward our table. She balances our plates on her arms and passes them out.

  “Let’s eat,” Grant says, sliding my salad in front of me. “We’ll talk when we get back to the room.”


  “Does everything look all right?”

  “It looks perfect, Alex, thank you,” I answer.

  “Careful with that red sauce.” She winks.

  I laugh. “From your lips to my unsteady hand.”

  “Enjoy your dinner, and let me know if you need anything.”

  “We will,” Grant says as Ryan and I dig into our delicious meals.



  Licking her lower lip, Emma drags her eyes from my naked chest to Ryan’s. We got back from the restaurant about five minutes ago, and now we have plans to figure this shit out between the three of us—and then fuck Emma until there isn’t a doubt in her mind whom she belongs to.

  “Shouldn’t we…you know…talk before we get naked?” she asks, struggling to keep her eyes above our waists.

  “What is there to talk about?” I say, unbuttoning my dress pants. “I think we made it clear. We love you. You’re ours. We’re not letting you go. End of story.”

  Her eyes snap to mine, and I smile. I knew that wouldn’t be enough for her. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”

  Ryan reaches for her hand and pulls her toward him. “Emma, we have thought about this moment for years.”

  “He’s right.” I grab the bottom of her dress and lift the silky material over her head. “You used to drive us crazy running around the back yard in your sports bra and shorts, kicking that damn soccer ball. I can’t tell you how many times we wanted to haul you off to the garage and bury ourselves in you.”

  “I had no idea you felt that way.”

  “Didn’t you have feelings for us? I swear I saw a lingering look from you from time to time.” Ryan asks, hooking his fingers in the sides of her panties. He slowly drags them down her legs, and she steps out of them.

  Emma nods. “I did, but you two were my best friends, and I didn’t want to screw that up, so I pushed my feelings aside.”

  I flick the clasp, and Emma’s bra falls to the ground. “No more pushing those feelings away, got it?”

  She nods again. “I just wish you would’ve told me how you felt sooner. Look at all the time we wasted when we could’ve had this.”

  Why does Ryan always end up in front of her? I want a front row seat to her titty show, too. I step around Emma. Her tits are perfect. Round and juicy with tight nipples begging for our mouths. Her bare mound is glistening, and I can’t wait to bury my face there.

  I rub a hand down my face. “Shit. This is all you, Ryan. I can’t concentrate.”

  Ryan laughs and claps my shoulder. His touch is strong and comforting. I like knowing that he always has my back.

  “We knew that our feelings for you were much different than we’d ever experienced, and we knew how important your classes and soccer were to you. We didn’t want to interfere with that.”

  Ryan squeezes my shoulder gently, and that’s when I realize I’ve been staring at him, and he’s still touching me. I clear my throat. “He’s right. We’ve never done this before,” I say, waving a hand between the three of us.

  “Yes, you have. You two have shared multiple women. I’m not stupid.”

  Ryan nods. “You’re right. We’ve shared women, but we’ve never been in a relationship with one.”

  Her eyes widen. “Is that what you want, a relationship?”

  We both nod.

  “With me?”

  “Please tell us that’s what you want, too,” I say.

  Emma’s eyes well up with tears, and I can’t take it anymore. I have to touch her. I hook an arm around her neck and pull her tightly against my body. She buries her face in my chest and reaches for Ryan. He joins us.

  “That’s what I want, too,” she says, causing my heart to soar. “But how does that even work?”

  “We don’t know.” Ryan strokes his hand up and down her bare back. “We just know you’re it for us. And that’s all that matters.”

  She looks up, glancing between the two of us. “I’m in love with you, too.”

  Ryan kisses her hard and fast. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  She turns to me and gives me the same kiss. “I love you, too, Grant.”

  “I love you, Emma.”


  “Now, get on the bed. All this talk about love and relationships is making me hot.”

  Emma’s eyes widen. She looks at me for a second and then crawls onto the bed without question.

  “Spread your legs and make room for Grant. He needs to taste that sweet pussy.”

  Grant yanks his pants down and lowers himself on top of her, his hips cradled between her legs. “You’re ours.”

  “I’m yours.”

  I watch Grant kiss Emma. It doesn’t start off soft and sweet, it’s instantly heated, and when I see his tongue brush against hers, my cock throbs. I kick off my pants and crawl onto the bed next to them. I slide my hand up her thigh, wedging it between their bodies. The back of my hand rubs against Grant’s dick, and he grinds against me, pushing my fingers against her pussy.

  The sounds Emma makes when I trace the edges of her sex are intoxicating, and I push my fingers inside of her. Grant breaks the kiss and slides down her body. His broad shoulders barely fit between her legs. I pull out my fingers, coating her clit with the wetness from her body and reach for her breast, but Grant grabs my hand.

  “Get down here. This pussy is ours now, and we’re going to enjoy it together.”

  Grant and I have done a lot of dirty things with women, but we’ve never eaten one out at the same time.

  I push Emma’s leg back, her knee brushing her chest. Grant does the same to her right leg until she’s opened up nice and wide.

  “You okay?” I ask, looking up her naked body.

  Emma is biting her lip. Her eyes are hooded, and she grips our hair with her hands. “Please. I need your mouths on me.”

  “So pretty,” Grant whispers before diving in.

  Emma’s hips buck off the bed, and I do my best to hold her down. I watch Grant shove his tongue inside her and bury his face against her body. M
y dick is throbbing, and I fist my cock, trying to ease the ache.

  Her distinct scent fills the air, and my mouth waters. Grant pulls his tongue out and flicks her clit before sucking it hard. Emma tries to close her legs, but I don’t let her.

  “Keep them open for me. It’s fucking hot watching Grant eat your pussy. I can’t wait to get my mouth down there.”

  “Fuck, you’re just going to have to get down here,” Grant says. “I can’t stop. She tastes too damn good.”

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. Grant kisses along her inner thigh, allowing me room to get a taste of our girl. She moans and bucks as we pass her back and forth, each of us sucking and licking at her pussy, drinking her juices. But when Emma’s body draws tight, I refuse to pull away, and Grant dives in next to me. Our tongues brush together as we drive her over the edge, and when she screams our name and collapses on the bed, I look at Grant and smile.

  “We’re doing that again soon.”

  “Damn right, we are.”

  We move up her body, each of us lying next to her. Grant sucks her tit into his mouth, and I kiss her hard, letting her taste herself on my tongue.

  “That was amazing,” she breathes.

  “Your pleasure will always come first. Anything you want, sweetheart, it’s yours,” I say, gripping her other breast in my hand. I knead gently, and her lips part.

  “There is something I’d like to try,” she says.



  “Tell us,” Ryan says.

  I look at Grant. His eyes are closed, his head nestled against my chest as he sucks my nipple. I dip my fingers into his hair. He could suck on me for days and I wouldn’t get tired of it. It’s like he needs that part of me, and I’m more than willing to give it to him. Which means I’m also more than willing to give Ryan something that I think he needs, too. I just pray I haven’t read too much into a few things I’ve noticed.

  I remove Ryan’s hand from my breast. At first, he pouts, but when I press his palm against Grant’s cock, heat flashes in his eyes, and I know I’m not wrong. Ryan wraps those long, thick fingers around Grant. A beat passes, and then another, and then Grant flies up in bed.


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