Less Than Human
Page 36
3. R. Rorty, “Human Rights, Rationality and Sentimentality,” in Truth and Progress (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998).
4. D. Rieff, “Letter from Bosnia,” New Yorker, November 23, 1992, 82–95.
5. Rorty, “Human Rights, Rationality and Sentimentality,” 167.
6. Ibid., 168.
7. Ibid., 178.
8. Ibid., 176, 185.
9. Cited in A. Alvarez, Governments, Citizens, and Genocide: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approach (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2001), 151.
10. Rorty, “Human Rights, Rationality and Sentimentality,” 180.
11. Ibid., 169–170.
1. P. Roscoe, “Intelligence, Coalitional Killing, and the Antecedents of War,” American Anthropologist 109, no. 3 (2007): 485–495.
2. C. Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (New York: HarperCollins, 1998).
3. Roscoe, “Intelligence, Coalitional Killing, and the Antecedents of War,” 487.
4. Ibid., 488.
5. Ibid., 490.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abu Ghraib prison
inmate behavior in
inmates, mistreatment of
Addams, Jane
Aesop’s Fables
Afghanistan war
as a hunting expedition
and war porn
and PTSD
Europe’s exploitation of
African Americans (in the Caribbean)
and religious instruction
African Americans (in North America)
dehumanization of
derogatory stereotypes
as Ham’s descendants
monogenecists and
moral disengagement and
non-Adamic lineage
passing as white
polygenecists and
and racism
and religious instruction
as soulless
and World War II blood transfusions
See also slavery
African Rights
Africans (sub-Saharan)
as subhumans
and the great chain of being
Agassiz, Louis
Ahmed (Palestinian boy)
al-Andalusi, Sa’adi
al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad
al-Zahar, Yousif
Albert the Great, Saint (Albertus Magnus)
Alfarra, Osama
Alizadeh, Ali
Allen, Joseph Pratt
ambivalence and transgression
“killing,” avoiding use of the word
mortal injury
Amenemhet I
America. See United States
American Anthropologist
American Book and Bible House
American Psychoanalytic Association
animal mind
ant colonies
and war
“Anthem for Doomed Youth” (Owen)
blood libel (ritual slaughter of Christian children)
blood purity
Jewish male menstruation, the myth of
Nazis and
See also Holocaust
Apep (Egyptian monster)
Arab and Islamic Union
Arab states
and Israelis
slavery in
See also Islam
Arendt, Hannah
Argentine Jewish Mutual Aid Association
bombing of
and natural slavery
Armenian genocide
Turkey and
Arnald of Villanova
Atonement: A Novel (McEwan)
Atran, Scott
Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis)
Auschwitz. See Holocaust
indigenous people, hunting for sport
Azuma, Shiro
Bales, Kevin
Balkan war criminals, trial of
Bandura, Albert
Bandura’s experiment
Banneker, Benjamin
Greeks treating others as
Beilis, Menachem Mendel
being, great chain of
Congo Free State, exploitation of
and the Rwandan genocide
Ben-Ari, Eyal
Benga, Ota
Berkeley, George
Bible and slavery
Bin Laden, Osama
as a “madman”
folk-sociology and folk-biology
human having a fixed meaning in
and pseudospeciation
race, folk-biological concepts of
bird’s wings, evolution of
Birth of a Nation, The (film)
Black Hawk War
Black No More (Schuyler)
Blackmore, Sir Richard
Blamey, Sir Thomas
racial essences distributed through
blood libel (ritual slaughter of Christian children)
blood purity (limpieza de sangre)
bodily fluids
racial essences distributed through
Bok, Yakov (fictional character)
Boortz, Neal
Bormann, Martin
Muslims, slaughter of
Serbs, Muslims accused of genocide against
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
Bradford, William
breast milk
racial essences distributed through
British Guardian
Britton, Davis
Bronx Zoo
Ota Benga living at
Brooke, Christopher
brown tide
Browning, Christopher
Broyles, William, Jr.
Bruno, Giordano
Burlingham, Dorothy Tiffany
Caine Mutiny, The (Wouk)
Caliban (fictional character)
ethnic Vietnamese, genocide of
Capra, Frank
Cardano, Gerolamo
Caribbean (native peoples)
atrocities, protests against
carnage committed by the Spanish
colonization and
death from disease
dogs trained to massacre
enslavement of
as homunculi
non-Adamic lineage
population, drastic fall in
Carr-Saunders, Alexander
Cassirer, Ernst
Cavafy, Constantine
Ceresole, Norberto
anti-Semitism of
Cesalpino, Andrea
Chagnon, Napoleon
Chandler, David
Charles II
Charles V of Spain
Chavez, Hugo
cheese maggots
Cherokee Indians
and slavery
raiding by
red colobus monkey, as hunters of
and same-species aggression
tools, use of by
China. See People’s Republic of China
implying others are nonhuman
Chinese immigrants
r /> dehumanization of
Chirot, Daniel
blood libel (ritual slaughter of Christian children)
Catholics and Protestants, clashes between
and Darwinism
Jewish male menstruation, the myth of
Jews, the conversion of
Muslims, the conversion of
and natural slavery, theory of
and slavery
slaves as soulless
Chosen One’s Unmasking of Divine Mysteries, The (Al-Jaubari)
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)
Clark, Andy
Clinical Psychology Review
cognitive archaeology
Cohen, Leonard
homicide rate in
in the Caribbean
and Native Americans
Columbus, Christopher
Columbus Dispatch
Congo Free State, atrocities in
Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boethius)
Cotton Kingdom: A Traveller’s Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave States, The (Olmsted)
counterfeit human beings
cross-ontological category shift
and chimpanzees
as deliberately causing harm
humans and
threat display
cultural pseudospeciation
Cultural Revolution
Curse of Agade, The (Babylonian text)
cynocephali (monsters)
genocide in
and the slave trade
Darwin, Charles
“Darwin’s Mistake” (Penn/Holyoak/Povinelli)
de Minaya, Bernardino
de Tocqueville, Alexis
de Vitry, Jacques
Dean, Eric T.
death camps
Declaration of Independence
racist language in
Defoe, Daniel
of African Americans
and counterfeit human beings
definition of
dehumanizing the dehumanizers
and the Enlightenment
first psychological theory of
first use of the word in a scientific context
and genocide
journalists and
killing, ambivalence about
Lincoln and
and the Middle Ages
and Native Americans
as primary function of propaganda
pseudospeciation and
psychological traits necessary for
questions for a theory of
Untermenschen (subhumans)
war and
See also objectification; propaganda
dehumanized people
as predators
as prey
as unclean animals
Dehumanizing Women; Treating Persons as Sex Objects (LeMoncheck)
Democracy in America (de Tocqueville)
Democratic Republic of Congo
rape as “traditional” feature of Congolese culture
demonic possession
Dennett, Daniel
Der Biologe periodical
Descent of Man, The (Darwin)
Diamond, Jared
Diderot, Denis
Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy (Bales)
dogs, as unclean animals
Douglas, Stephen
Douglass, Frederick
Dowd, Maureen
Dower, John
Dracula (fictional character)
Dracula (Stoker)
Drakulié, Slovenka
Dutch colonists
Nama and Herero people, genocide of
Dworkin, Andrea
implying others as nonhuman
monster god in
racism in
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Ehrenreich, Barbara
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenäus
Eichmann, Adolf
anti-Semitism of
atrocities, justification of
Einsatzgruppen (paramilitary death squads)
Einstein, Albert
and individual human rights
and slavery
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, An (Hume)
Ephraim and Gilead, war between
Erikson, Erik Homberger
Eriugena, Johannes Scotus
Essay on Human Understanding, An (Locke)
Essay on Man (Pope)
and appearance
real essence
Estonians and Russian-Estonians
Eternal Jew, The (propaganda film)
ethnic cleansing and sexual sadism
Exorcist, The (film)
Faces of the Enemy (Keen)
Fanon, Franz
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
Ferguson, R. Brian
Final Solution. See Holocaust
Fixer, The (Malamud)
folk-sociology and folk-biology
Force Publique (African mercenaries)
Forever Flowing (Grossman)
Frank, Hans
Frank, Jerome D.
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Friendly Advice to the Gentlemen-Planters of the East and West Indies (Tryon)
Fussell, Paul
Galápagos (Vonnegut)
Gates, Bill
gay people
Gaza strip
generic species
Genesis, book of
China’s Cultural Revolution
learning from
Nama and Herero people
Native Americans
propaganda and
Genocide Watch
George Templeton Strong’s Diary of the Civil War 1860–1865
German colonists
Nama and Herero people, genocide of
Soviet atrocities during invasion of
Geronimo (Goyathlay)
Gil-White, Francisco
Gilmore, David
Godwyn, Morgan
Goebbels, Joseph
Golden, Janet Lynne
Goldensohn, Leon
Goldhagen, Daniel
Gonen, Jay
Goodall, Jane
and chimpanzee aggression
Gordon, Sir Arthur
Gordon, James H.
Gordon, Linda
Gray, J. Glenn
Grayling, A. C.
great chain of being
Great Swamp, battle of
barbarians, treating others as
monsters, belief in
racism of
slaves considered livestock
Gregory the Great, Saint
Groening, Oskar
Gross, Walter
Grossman, Vasily
Guilaine, Jean
Guthrie, Stewart
Habeck, Mary R.
Habyarimana, Juvénal
Haddon, Alfred Court
Hahn, R. A.
Noah’s curse on descendants of
Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
handicapped persons
Haslam, Nick
Heath, John
Hebron, James
Hedges, Chris
Heidegger, Martin
Herodotus, on Scythian warriors
Hess, Rudolf
p; Himmler, Heinrich
Poznan speech
Hippler, Fritz
Hiroshima, nuclear bombing of
Hirschfeld, Lawrence A.
and the human kind module
Hispanics as a de facto race
Hispaniola. See Caribbean
Histories, The (Polybius)
History of Jerusalem (de Vitry)
History of the Indies (Las Casas)
Hitler, Adolf
and heredity
and Mein Kampf
as a “monster”
paranoia of
policy of extermination
on racial mixing
on the sufferings of the Aryan race caused by the Jews
Hitzig School (Vienna)
Hölldobler, Bert