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Erotica: No Limits

Page 28


  I almost ignore him and take off running, but my good manners get the better of me. “Hello,” I say shortly.

  “How you doing, baby?” he asks, leaning against the fence and fixing me with a smoldering look. God, he’s so ruggedly handsome. I love Italian men and it takes all I have not to drop to my knees, take his zipper between my fingers, and pull.

  “Doing well, thanks,” I say, not really knowing what else to say. So, I’m not too good at flirting. But usually guys have this way with me where they can get me out of my clothes pretty easily. Maybe I really am a dumb, slutty blonde. I guess it works for me.

  “What, baby, you’re going to be shy now that I have you with me one-on-one?” he asks. “I’ve seen you watching me and my boys. You’re not the only woman in town with a fetish for firemen. And you wouldn’t be the first woman that we gave a special little present to.”

  “Special present?” I ask.

  “Why don’t you give me your address, baby? Me and my boys get off in a few hours. Barring any tragic fires, we could help you work out some of your frustration. Maybe put that fire out for you a little.” When he says this, he leans into me and brings his hand to my pussy. Very gently he traces the outline of my lips and then pulls away.

  He pulls out his phone and I’m nearly powerless as I type my address in and return it to him. It’s like I’m being mind-controlled. Maybe “pussy-controlled” would be a better description.

  “Right down the road, huh?” he asks with a coy smile. “No wonder you can keep this creepy stalker behavior up so easily girl. We’ll see you soon, baby.”

  He turns and stalks across the road, turning and smiling at me at the last moment. And before turning back to the garage, he makes one last motion: he grabs his crotch, squeezes the considerable outline in my direction, and then turns away, disappearing into the large opening.

  I rush home. It was happening today after all.

  Chapter Three

  When I get home, I get ready as best I can. I pull off my clothes and change into a sexy, pink nighty. Then I get myself cleaned up: I make sure I smell inviting, and not like someone who had just exercised. This was easily done: the cute body spray I had would make me appetizing.

  After I was ready, I anxiously waited and worried at the hem of my nighty skirt. It feels like I wait forever, but the sudden knock at my door makes me leap to my feet. I’m on fire with anticipation and even the rubbing of my nighty fabric on my nipples sends ripples of electricity through almost all of the muscles in my entire body.

  When I open the door, I nearly collapse onto the floor. Here they are, in all their glory: Vinnie, Bruno, and Gerald. Vinnie, with his tuft of chest hair peaking over the top of his t-shirt. Bruno, with his pale skin and impressive frame. Gerald with his lithe dancer’s body and his white teeth. I have been watching them for so long, touching them in my thoughts, and now finally here they were in front of me.

  “H-hi,” I say shyly, backing away so that they can enter my apartment.

  “Hey, doll,” Vinnie says with a smile, leading the charge. He comes into my home effortlessly, immediately making himself at home by slinging his jacket on the nearest couch. “So, is this where we’re doing this, or are we going to take this to the bedroom?”

  I haven’t really thought about it, and the beat in the conversation makes that plain. Gerald decides to fill the space I’ve left.

  “Let’s just let it come naturally,” he says, smiling with those white teeth of his. “No need to overthink it.”

  “True,” Bruno says, his accent thick. This is the first time I’ve heard him speak. “Let’s start out here then.”

  Vinnie makes the first move. He grins the entire time as he unzips his pants. He’s taken his belt off while my attention was on Bruno. I watch as he pushes his pants down his thighs and shakes his feet out of his shoes. The other guys follow suit, peeling their own clothes off and stripping down to their undies.

  Vinnie might have been the first to begin undressing, but Bruno is the first to show his cock, and my eyes must be bulging out of my head when I catch sight of it. It’s long, thick, and uncut, half-hard already and hanging halfway to his knees. It’s moving with his pulse and every time I see it jump I think that a small gush of cum must have been churning its way out of my pussy.

  I’m on auto as I move forward and fall to my knees before him, engulfing his huge horse cock with my little mouth as best I could. His jaw drops open in surprise when I take more than half of him on the first try and then manage to stuff the rest down with a well-practiced technique I call the “anaconda.”

  I’m double-jointed, and I’m able to pop my jaw out of place. When I do this, I’m able to open my mouth much wider and throat a thick cock much deeper. It’s my talent. A lot of guys have said that I should be in porn.

  “Damn, you see the throat on this bitch?” Bruno asks, winding his fingers through my hair and then taking control of my throat. He’s in charge and his hard cock is leaking salty precum into my mouth and throat.

  A hard spank on my ass makes me cry out and I hear laughter emanating from the owner of the hand that punished me. “I bet this white bitch will like my black dick more than she likes your pale ass dick, man.”

  I feel fingers pressing at my ass and pussy. Another pair of hands pull the straps of my teddy down around my shoulders so that my tits spill out. My left tit is grabbed roughly and I cry out around Bruno’s cock again.

  “Give me a little of that mouth, man,” Gerald says, coming around me. A pair of skilled fingers is still teasing my pussy, and I realize that it’s Vinnie. “Not like I can get her ass or pussy before he does.”

  “Told you boys: whoever catches the bitch is the first to breed her. It’s only fair.” I can’t see Vinnie’s cock, but I can feel his fat head exploring my entryway.

  I moan as I pull off of Bruno’s cock and then my moan is cut short by Gerald’s long python working its way past my teeth.

  “Make sure you don’t graze me with your teeth, bitch,” Gerald says, wagging his finger at me.

  I cry out when Vinnie finally enters me in one quick, hard motion. I’m not prepared for his giant cut of Italian sausage, and even though my pussy is wetter than a rainforest, he still had to do more stuffing that I would have thought. Vinnie was packing the most out of the group, easily.

  He let the air out of his lungs through his teeth, and then he began to pump. I could feel that his cock got thicker the closer it got to the base, and my lips were being pried open painfully.

  “Damn, honey. This pussy is unbelievable,” he says, throwing his head back and grinning when I buck on his cock in pain. “It’s milking my cock for me. It’s hungry for a load, right?”

  I try to cry out, “Yes! Yes!” but instead all I manage is a muffled “yuth, yu-“ before Vinnie pushes my head farther down on Gerald’s cock.

  “Suck that black dick, you whore,” Vinnie spits, spanking my ass hard. “Bet your daddy would never believe what a little slut you are for fireman cock, huh? You like these hoses?”

  I nod hungrily, staring up into Gerald’s eyes even though he isn’t the one speaking.

  “I think she likes it,” he says. “I think you should make her pregnant.”

  “Yeah?” Vinnie asks. “Would you like that, sweetie?”

  I nod vigorously again, and Vinnie picks up the pace. Almost immediately I begin to feel his cock swelling even farther inside of me.

  “You ready to get impregnated?” he asks, but before waiting for my answer I can feel him tense up. I can feel every squirt of cum that his big cock is shooting deep inside of me. Gerald cums deep into my throat while he watches Vinnie unload.

  “I want to cum on her asshole, man, watch out,” Bruno begs.

  Vinnie pulls out, my pussy making a popping sound as his lady-killer is removed from my guts.

  Bruno comes up behind me and its only a few short seconds before I feel a sizeable, steamy load being shot right on my hole.

feel used. Like these guys had just come over and used me to get off. Almost as if in agreement they began to pick their clothes up and re-dress.

  “We never even left the room,” Gerald notes with a wink.

  I smile weakly.

  “I’d like to do this again, bitch, what do you say?” Vinnie asks.

  I nod and they laugh as they leave the room.

  “Big surprise,” Vinnie says. He turns back before he leaves the room. “You know where to find us sweetie. You need a breeding again, you know who to come to. Big Al and his friends will turn you out proper.” He closes the door behind him and I just lay there.

  Big Al… And here I’ve been calling him Vinnie. I laugh weakly.

  I’ll get ahold of them again. I’ll march right up to the fire hall if I have to.

  This bitch definitely wants to get bred. And next time, I’ll get bred by a big, black cock.

  Chapter One

  Ross watched the neat, shy girl sitting behind the desk and smiled to himself. He had to admit that the bet was a stupid idea, but it was also exciting to play with such a beautiful woman. And Kate Booth was a beautiful woman, although she was hiding it successfully. The young woman was the secretary of one of his business partners and best friends, Ben Samson, and last night, after a drunken feast, they had made a bet about Ross being able to seduce her.

  “I’ve never seen Kate respond to men,” Ben had laughed. “She must be of those frigid women, who turn men’s blood to ice.”

  “Maybe she hasn’t met the right man,” Ross had offered. “I bet that I’ll have her in my bed by tomorrow night.”

  “You got it,” Ben had jumped at the suggestion. “If you lose, you’ll sign the contract about the new project, I was telling you about.”

  They had shaken hands and continued to drink for another hour before Ross decided to go home. Now, the morning after, he was standing in Ben’s waiting room and looking at the girl in question writing something on her computer.

  “Good morning, Kate,” he smiled seductively at the shy girl and leaned against her desk. “Is Ben in here?”

  “Yes, Mr. Jonson,” Kate didn’t even look at him. “Mr. Samson is waiting for you.”

  “Thank you, Kate,” Ross leaned forward and touched her on the cheek. The man felt her tremble under his touch and turned around with a smile. It was going to be easy after all.

  After another hour and a few right moves and words, Miss Kate Booth was walking out of the building with Ross, under the pretext that she was going to help him with some business problem. Kate had tried to say no, but her boss had insisted, and Ross could see how hard it was for her to obey.

  A few hours later, Ross and Kate were sitting in his office and working on the business project about a new marketing campaign. The business hours were over, and they were the only ones still in the building. Kate had tried to leave, but Ross had insisted that he needed the project ready in the morning, so they stayed.

  “Tell me, Kate,” Ross said suddenly from his place behind the desk. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Why do you ask?” Kate asked defensively.

  “Just wondering,” the man stood up from his chair and walked to the sofa, where she was sitting. “I have never seen you with anyone.”

  Ross noticed her surprise at seeing him carrying two glasses of whiskey, but she took one of them anyway. They drank in silence, and the man sat beside her, looking at what she was writing. After a few more minutes, he refilled her glass without Kate noticing and noted how she started to relax.

  “You know,” he said softly, too close to her ear for her to be comfortable. “I really like you.” His hand had landed on her knee, just where her skirt was covering her tight. Kate trembled, and Ross used the moment to move his hand up her leg. “Why don’t we relax a little? We worked hard today.”

  It was obvious that the woman wanted to say no, but the whiskey and the attraction were too strong to fight. The man leaned further forward and licked her neck, sending electro shocks all over her body. Ross heard her moan and that was enough for him to spring into action. He turned her towards him and claimed her lips in a searing kiss. Her lips were sweet, Ross thought out of nowhere and tried to open them with his tongue. Kate moaned again, and he used the moment to enter her mouth.

  The woman was like clay in his hands, easy to mold into whatever he wanted. Feeling powerful and very much turned on, Ross lifted her easily and made her sit in his lap. The position was putting their pelvises in full contact, something that forced them both to groan with frustration. His hands traveled all over her body, caressing her breasts, lifting her bottom and resting on her thighs.

  “We should stop…” Kate said breathlessly.

  “We just started…” The man laughed against her mouth and continued to kiss her passionately.

  After that, there was no time to talk anyway. Ross opened her blouse and kissed her breasts, making Kate’s nipples hard and sensitive. His hands had already managed somehow to remove her underwear, and when Kate was lost in the wonderful sensation of his lips on her heated flesh, the man penetrated her with a slow motion of his hips.

  “Oh,” she sighed, letting her hand embrace his shoulders.

  “Yes, baby, yes…” the man muttered encouragingly and proceeded to move her body up and down. The feeling was amazing, and Ross thought that the bet had been a good idea after all, especially when the girl fell helpless in his arms and moaned sensually.

  Chapter Two

  Kate felt him caressing her body, and it was wonderful. She had never felt like that before, she had never thought that Ross Jonson would notice her, but here she was, sitting on his lap and moaning into his mouth.

  She could feel the heat gathering low in her belly, while Ross quickened the movements of his hips. When she finally came, the world stopped moving, and the light in the room disappeared. It took her a few moments to come back to earth, to find Ross murmuring sweet nothings into her ear and trying to calm her down.

  “It seems that I shattered your world,” he said when she moved from his lap.

  “I…” Kate felt her face burn red.

  “It was nice, thank you,” the handsome man said from behind her and Kate imagined his tall, muscular body, dark blond hair and expressive gray eyes. Ross Jonson wasn’t someone you meet every day. The fact that he was also a billionaire was only adding to his attributes, although Kate couldn’t care less about his money. His words, however, were everything but nice – Thank you! As if she had just brought him a cup of coffee.

  “I have to go,” was all she could say, before running out of his office, feeling cheap and offended. It wasn’t like her to let a man so close, so quickly, but there was something different about that particular man, something that had awakened the woman inside of her.

  The next morning, Kate dressed carefully in one of her usual work ensembles and took the train to work. New York was unusually dull that morning and Kate could only wonder when her life had become so complicated. She was a simple, nerdy girl, who still believed in true love and was waiting for the right man to walk into her life.

  Kate was aware that she was attractive in a non-imposing and too obvious way, with her long, dark hair and bright blue eyes. Her figure was slender, and she was a bit taller than most women. Her beauty, however, was somehow hidden behind the glasses she was wearing and the impersonal clothes, she chose for work.

  At the office, Kate had only a few friends, so it was surprising to see everyone looking her way when she walked into the building. The unusual attention continued through the day, up to lunch, when Denice, her only friend in there, took her apart and explained the situation. It turned out that everybody knew about what happened between her and Ross Jonson and that it was all a joke to him – her boss and Ross had made a bet with her and Ross had won.

  Kate ran out of the building after learning the truth, never to return again. What was she feeling right then was difficult to explain – she was angry, she was humiliated
, she was hurt… Ross Jonson had used her in a humiliating game, and Kate couldn’t be more hurt, especially after admitting to herself that she was falling for him.

  The next few weeks all she could do was to hide and cry herself to sleep, feeling sorry for herself and hating everyone, who used her in their sick game. But then things turned around. Kate sent her resignation to Ben Samson and decided that it was time for Ross Jonson to pay her back.

  She had somehow managed to convince herself that Everything was fair in love and war. After all, everyone was saying so. Ross Jonson had used her innocence in his sick game, now it was his turn to be played around.

  Chapter Three

  Kate used all her knowledge about the world Ross Jonson lived in to prepare herself for the revenge she had in mind. The young woman used some of her saved money to visit a spa center and improve her physical appearance. Then she visited her hair stylist and changed her hair style. Now, instead of wearing it in a severe bun on the back of her head, the long dark hair was falling over her shoulders and down her back. Her next stop was a fashion boutique, from where she bought a few new outfits.

  She had already applied for a job at Jonson’s company and was only waiting to be invited for the interview. As she suspected, Kate had no problem in getting the job and just two months after she was used by him, Kate Booth walked into Ross Jonson’s office at his new business advisor.

  Kate dressed carefully for her first day at work, choosing a beautiful gray skirt, black silk blouse and matching gray Rosset. Her hair was left lost over her shoulders, and her glasses had disappeared. Kate had put a lot of efforts into her makeup, succeeding to achieve the desired effect – she was looking natural, with only a few touches of blush and lipstick.

  When she walked into the big, glass building, both men and women turned to look after her. It looked like her plan was going to work. One of the other assistants showed Kate to her office and desk; he promised to come and get her when it was time to meet the boss.


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