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Erotica: No Limits

Page 29


  Kate shivered with anticipation and started working on the papers, she had found on her desk. About an hour later, Kurt Willis, the assistant that had helped her before, came to call her for the first meeting with the boss. The young woman walked into the conference room together with Kurt and found herself looking right into the gray eyes of Ross Jonson.

  “Mr. Jonson,” Kurt spoke from beside her. “This is your new financial advisor, Kate Booth.”

  “Kate Booth,” Ross repeated, looking appreciatory at the beauty in front of him. “Have we met before?”

  “You can say that Mr. Jonson,” Kate answered in her practiced business voice. “I was working for Mr. Ben Samson.” And then she saw the recognition in his eyes and smiled sarcastically. “I’m glad to be working for you now, sir.”

  “Right,” Ross said, visibly confused and stepped back, almost falling into his chair. “We should start the meeting.” He announced in a little trembling voice and everyone hurried to sit down and get ready for work.

  Kate made sure to sit on a chair that was in direct line with Ross Jonson and calmly opened her file. The man started the meeting by welcoming her in his company and then proceeded by listening to the reports of the rest of the team. Kate could feel his eyes on her almost all the time, but she made sure to never look directly at him until she looked up and held his eyes for a long and tortuous moment.

  Ross became more distracted after that and ended the meeting in a hurry, surprising everyone and making Kate smile at her small triumph. She had put a lot of effort into changing herself and getting the job with his company, but now she had the proof that it was worth it – Ross Jonson was already getting worried and absent-minded.

  Chapter Four

  Ross felt something like regret fill his heart at the sign of the beautiful woman leaving the conference room. He had done something horrible to her and here she was sitting at his table, working with him. He had been sorry to hear that Kate had left her job with Ben after learning about the bet, and Ross had been sure that she hated him for what he had done to her, but here she was looking more beautiful than ever and smiling at him.

  Jonson walked out of the conference room and headed right for Kate’s new office. The woman was already sitting behind the desk when he opened the door and looked up surprised. “Mr. Jonson,” she asked in a rather cold voice. “What can I do for you?”

  Ross closed the door behind him and walked closer to the desk before speaking. “What are you doing here?” He asked suddenly angry with her.

  “I work here,” the woman answered easily.

  “Is this some kind of sick game?”

  “No,” she continued in the same calm voice. “I don’t have the habit of playing games at work.”

  “I know that what I did to you wasn’t right, but…” Ross started as a way of explanation, but Kate interrupted him.

  “What did you do to me? I don’t remember.”

  “Listen,” Ross ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Maybe it will be better if we don’t work so closely together?”

  “Are you firing me, Mr. Jonson?”

  “No, but I could transfer you to another department,” Ross said, sounding tired.

  “I’m sorry, but isn’t this some kind of harassment or discrimination? I’m sure that my lawyers will find some law that can prevent you from getting me out of here.” Kate answered him with another smile.

  “So, you want to work here?” the man asked, not wanting to believe what she was saying.

  “Yes, that is why I applied for the job,” Kate answered him directly.

  “Okay, and it will not be a problem for you working so close with me?” Ross had to ask again.

  “No… why? Do you have a problem with it?” Kate asked, looking him in the eyes.

  “No, no…” Ross raised his hands. “I just thought that it might be awkward for you.”

  “No, I’m fine…”

  “I’m fine too then,” Ross said and walked towards the door. “I hope that we’ll work well together.”

  The man exited the office more confused than ever. Kate had played cool, but he could feel that she wasn’t okay with what happened a few months ago. In her place, he would have felt the same. But, why was she here now? What kind of twisted reasons made her come to work for the very man, who humiliated her and made it impossible for her to go back to her old job?

  Chapter Five

  The next day, Kate dressed in a white Chanel suit and high hills. She was sure that few men would be able to resist a woman dressed like that and that gave her the confidence she needed for the execution of her plan.

  However, it was well in the afternoon before she could meet with Ross. The man had some business outside most of the day, and when he came to the headquarters, he was closed inside his office most of the time. Kate used the day to prepare her report and to run it with the other financial advisors. Once she was sure that her work would be appreciated, she went to knock on Ross Jonson’s door.

  “Come on in,” his voice come from inside, and Kate opened the door and entered. She could tell the precise moment when he noticed who she was. The man took in a deep breath and then for a moment stopped breathing. “Kate!?” He said her name both as a question and an exclamation.

  “I have the report for the next week ready, Mr. Jonson,” Kate spoke all business like. “Mr. Scott told me that you usually go through it first.”

  “Yes,” Ross said in a too excited voice. “Thank you for bringing it to me.”

  “That is my job,” the woman answered calmly and walked into the room. Kate could see how the man followed each of her movements, never taking his eyes off her. “I wanted to ask you about the last week’s figures.” She walked around the desk and reached over his shoulder to place the file in front of him. “There must be a mistake somewhere because the numbers don’t add up.” Now she was hovering over him, her hair caressing the side of his face and her hand rubbing against his arm.

  Ross cleared his throat and tried to concentrate on what she was talking about. “Right,” he finally said and made a note on his notepad. “I’ll look into it.”

  Kate stayed beside him for another long moment and then walked away, back in front of the desk. “I’ll appreciate it if you’re honest with me and give me a fair review of my work.”

  “Sure thing,” the man had to clear once again, his throat, as the woman was now leaning in front of the desk, giving him a clear view of the top of her beautiful breasts. “I’ll have it ready by tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Jonson,” she smiled at him and stood up. “Have a nice evening.”

  Getting out of the office without losing her cool wasn’t easy for Kate, but she did it anyway. Her plan was working, and there was no way she was going to ruin it, just because somewhere deep inside she was still the geeky, shy girl that got seduced and hurt.

  That day, Kate remained at the office well after everyone was gone to finish a report, one of her colleagues had trouble completing. She was tired, but also happy to do something good for another person. Ben and Ross had thought her the hard way how important friends were, and Kate wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice – she had every intention to make as many friends as she can in here.

  After finishing the assignment, Kate extended her hands above her head and turned around to find Ross Jonson looking right at her. He looked as tired as she felt and had already removed his suit Rosset and tie. Their eyes met as the room and Kate felt some of the old excitement fill her heart. Ross was just as handsome as she remembered him, but there was some new seriousness about him, some urgency that she didn’t remember from before.

  “Mr. Jonson,” she greeted him, taking her time to lower her hands.

  “Kate,” the man returned her greeting. “I wasn’t expecting someone to be still in here.”

  “I had to finish some work,” she explained and sat back down to shut down her computer. “I’m going now.”

  “Don’t overdo i
t,” Ross recommended and walked towards the elevator, trying to look disinterested. Kate saw her chance and ran after him.

  “Hold it for me, please,” she called to her boss. Ross put his hand on the door, preventing it from closing and patiently waited for the woman to enter the elevator. “Thank you,” she muttered after entering it and stopping right beside him.

  Kate was standing very close to Ross, but not touching him or looking at him. She made it a point to stare right ahead of her while keeping an eye on him. Ross was also looking at the elevator door, but then he would turn towards her and give Kate a hard stare, before turning back around. It was the longest elevator ride in her life, and right before reaching the partner, Kate stepped in front of Ross and kissed him softly on the lips. The man closed his eyes the moment her lips touched his, letting Kate take his lower lip between hers.

  It was a strange kiss, with Kate keeping her body away from him and Ross letting himself to be kissed. When the elevator reached the ground floor, Kate stepped back and returned to her previous place, ready to exit as soon as the elevator doors opened. Ross didn’t follow her, but she could feel his gaze burning her back.

  And then something strange happened, the man ran after her and took her arm, just before she could take the turn and enter the lobby of the building. “Wait,” he muttered and tugged her back into an empty office.

  The young woman tried to let go of him, but Ross just smiled down at her and reached up with his other hand to put a strand of hair behind her ear. The small gesture sent sparks all over Kate’s body, and Ross smiled at feeling her tremble.

  “Don’t Kate, please, don’t,” Ross said in a soft voice and leaned down to kiss her, first on the top of the head, then on her nose, and finally his lips met hers. The man started the kiss slowly, almost tentatively, giving her the chance to adjust and respond, and… after what seemed like ages, Kate sighed and lifted her hand to caress his shoulder.

  Ross didn’t move; he continued to wait for her next move, knowing full well that the girl in his hand had no experience and was easy to scare. Kate didn’t disappoint him and after a while leaned on him, giving him complete power over her body and soul. The man took full advantage of the offer and carefully moved them against the nearest wall.

  Slowly, his hands started exploring the young body in his arms, caressing the shoulders and arms, then squeezing the bottom and finally resting on her breasts. Kate let him, already completely lost to the real world, having submitted her will to his. The man finally lets go of her lips and started mouthing her face and then her neck. Kate moaned at the sensation, and both of them stilled for a moment.

  “You are so sweet,” Ross spoke against her skin and Kate could feel his hands traveling lower and tugging at her skirt. His mouth returned back to her lips, and once again she forgot about what she was about to say. During a small moment of clearness, Kate noticed that her skirt was lifted up, but when his hand reached in and touched her burning flesh, she forgot all about propriety.

  “God, she is amazing,” the man thought, before reaching between them and opening his pants. The position wasn’t great, but it had to do because he suspected that Kate would run if he gave her a chance. Slowly, he raised her legs and Kate put them around his waist. The initial penetration was painful, and the woman in his arms let out a quiet cry.

  “Shh,” Ross whispered into her ear and used his tongue to lick at it, before taking it into his mouth. Kate sighed at the new sensation and carefully tried to move. A jolt of pleasure went through her body, and Ross started raising her up and lowering her down. The eternal rhythm took them quickly to completion, and Kate almost fainted in his arms. The space around them was filled with soft moans and even softer cries of pleasures, but neither of them noticed. There was something magical and unique happening between them, although Kate was unaware of the fact and Ross denied it.

  “Are you okay?” The man asked, before starting to lower her down. Kate didn’t answer but tried to gather her strength and step down. Ross continued to talk and helped her to adjust her clothes, but Kate couldn’t even look at him.

  “Was this another bet?” She suddenly asked all bitterness and anger. “Anyway, thank you for a good time. You were good enough.”

  “No, I…” the man stuttered, but the woman had already disappeared behind the door. “Shit.”

  Chapter One

  Melissa’s alarm went off the same time did it every Monday morning. 6 am, bright and early. She stretched lazily out on her bed, muscles aching as they always did when she first woke up. After a brief moment lying in her bed, staring at her ceiling in and attempt to savor the warmth the bed offered, she got up and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she examined her naked body with waiting for her slightly dysfunctional shower to heat up. She had recently cut her striking red hair short, the result of her getting sick of her once long flowing hair getting in the way while working. Construction was a difficult business and one that many in town never expected a woman like her to be good at. For one thing, she was shorter than most workers, with most clearly being at least a head taller than her. She also had very little visible muscle mass, able to maintain her thin and curvy figure despite near daily visits to the gym. She had taken to binding her large, supple breasts before putting on her work clothes, something she was order to stop doing by the foreman after she almost suffocated. Outside of the ragged and worn clothes she wore every day, few would have guessed she worked as a model or something significantly less industrial than construction.

  The water finally warm, she stepped into the shower. After washing her hair she ran her hands slowly up her long legs, stopping at her crotch with a wince. A rush of pleasure washed over her, a reminder to how empty her small apartment felt and her long ignored needs as a woman. Lately it had gotten out of control, with even the slightest brush being enough to send shivers down her spine. Bed breasts and ass were no exception either. Due to their curve and sheer size, they were often being accidentally pushed against something. Objects, other people, the result was always the same. The same familiar shiver. The same constant reminder from her body that needs weren’t being met and it was only a matter of time before she would have to do something about it. She snapped out of her trance to realize she want late for work. Almost slipping out of the shower in a panic, she quickly dried herself off and went to work.

  Perhaps the one saving grace to her often isolating and monotonous life was work. She relished construction and even when she was little she had constantly been working on projects around town. At the age of 18 and much to the chagrin of her parents, she decided to stay in town and officially begin work for the company. Most of the more senior men had come and gone, but the people she worked with she had known since she was little. Most of her life was defined by the interactions she had with these men, caring deeply about all of them. Being a small construction company in a small town, everyone looked after each other. When David, one of the younger and greener of the crew, broke both his arms falling off the third story of an office complex they were working on the entire crew rotated in shifts until her got better. It was the communal energy, both in the camaraderie that each of them shared and in the work they all cooperatively produced, that kept Melissa coming back to work every day, excited to work on whatever project they were assigned.

  Melissa’s job came with two caveats that proved difficult to resolve. The first was the obvious. Being the only woman on the team and by far the youngest at 23 years old, everyone else walked a fine line between respecting her boundaries while attempting to treat her as “one of the boys.” While she could hold a drink with the best of them and hadn’t lost a bar fight yet, there was always an air to tension between all of them that she couldn’t quite shake. Everyone knew she was beautiful and she could feel them silently pining over her. While none would dare ever make a pass at her (as it would cost them both their job and potentially their manhood) she knew that her looks would mean she would always be kept at a
distance. While a harsh reality, all parties involved coped with it well. She did her best to wear clothes that were functional and unflattering, often taking the messiest of jobs to further subtract from her stunning appearance.

  Her second problem was altogether more difficult to resolve. She was constantly surrounded by men at the height of physical condition. She admired the, even allowing herself to have the occasional thought about some of them. These were quickly snuffed out however, as she always put her work before any personal needs. And then there was Jack. While she might have had the occasional passive thought about the other workers, Jack was the one person she had always outright fantasized about. She had grown up with Jack as they were only 5 years apart in age. She looked up to Jack. He stood out above the rest for his determined work ethic and gentle nature. He was always the first to arrive, regardless of the hour, and was always the last to leave. His hard work had paid off. Jack was easily the most well-built of any of the men there and the white shirt and jeans he wore every day barely contained his massive build. Jack was nothing if practical, and his insistence on wearing the same tight clothing every day had nearly caused a few accidents as Melissa had constantly become distracted by it. If it was Jack’s physical appearance that drove her insane with carnal desire, it was his good hearted and kind nature that made her ache physically to be near him. No matter how busy, exhausted, or physically broken Jack was he always made time for others. If something needed fixing or a problem needed to be done, Jack was the man to call. Melissa had looked up to Jack, figuratively and literally, all her life. Jack easily dwarfed her and she felt almost tiny when standing next to him. The pride that swelled up in her when he smiled at her made her work all the harder for his approval when she was young. Her intentions now were perhaps less pure.

  While Melissa was an incredibly hard worker, she was still human, and she would be lying if she said that she had never tried to drop hints to Jack. While each hint could be written off as the result of working in such close proximity to others, she became disheartened by the lack of reciprocation on his part. She had more than once “accidentally” brushed up against him, lingering for just long enough to feel his rock hard body against hers. She was the only one whom she treated different, often adopting a more playful and flirty attitude with him that made her come off as more shy and feminine. She once had worn her only pair of skin tight pants to work, an artifact from her high school years, and pushed herself “accidentally” against Jack’s crotch. This served both to increase the stakes of her flirting and do a little investigation into what Jack was hiding down there. The results were a mix of shock and excitement at the sheer size of what he had down there.


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