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Erotica: No Limits

Page 48


  “Well then,” I said, biting down on my words as I did. “Should I maybe just come back when people aren’t…” I gestured at Anke struggling to figure out what to even call this.

  “We gave it to her as a gift, she really like it and loves to pull it out at inappropriate times, a buddy of mine asked for her to ride the thing and then send the panties she wore on it when she’s done. I don’t know what he’s going to do with them but Anke says he plays guitar really well so she’s paying him in panties if he plays guitar when he comes over.”

  “Just… what?” I felt tired.

  “Look,” said Sean. “I am sorry about how we broke this to you. But, the reality is, this is our lives. It’s a lot of partying and a lot of fucking. And we need a house that can reflect that. We need for you to either learn to work with that or else he can find someone else. And I totally understand either way. It’s just that with the amount that we’re paying, I don’t want to have to have to ask twice for my sex dungeon or whatever it is that me and my brother dream up. Ok?”

  I nodded.

  “You can think it over tonight. If you like, tomorrow I can show you an example of the lifestyle, show you the world.”

  I felt my eyes widen with shock and horror at the thought of more crazy. I nodded briskly and walked toward the door, fast enough to get out but not so fast that it was impolite. Once I got to my car I sped home and spent the rest of the evening wondering how to tell my boss that I had given up a multi-million dollar project.

  That night, I slept fitfully. I finally woke up, however, my heart beating and my vagina wet. I had had a wet dream. My eyes were blurred with sleep and the room was pitch black. I could not really remember what the dream was until… it hit me. I was kissing Sean and then Garrett, over and over, while they caressed my body. And Anke licked my clitoris. And that was when I woke up, in the middle of an orgasm.

  Chapter Three

  The whole day felt like a debate, on-going in my head. It was only when my boss called me and asked me how things were going with the guys that I realized the magnitude of the project. No one had wanted to give me this one. As much as I was lauded as a prodigy and my taste profile and connections in the art world was seen as ideal for app developers and software engineers in the bay who had suddenly come into a lot of money and wanted to decorate their new acquisitions, these clients were paying too much to be handed off to a young partner like me. But they had thought that since the guys were young and liked young women, I might be able to keep their attention and get the firm good word of mouth with celebrities and those rumored royals.

  The firm really needed this. So I bit my tongue and drove out to their property. As I drove a small voice in the back of my mind kept whispering: “That’s not the only reason you’re going back.”

  I tried to ignore it. But even as I pulled into the driveway to the Davison house, I felt my stomach tighten slightly and I knew I was getting aroused.

  What was wrong with me?! Did I want to be an exploited maid? But the look of enjoyment as Anke clapped when she made the boys cum jumped into my mind. Was she exploited? I don’t know that I would care who saw my body in what state if I looked like her.

  I gritted my teeth. What about those guys. What they were doing was gross. The same small voice whispered that they had met each other when they were in their late teens. They were more friends than brothers. And they weren’t having sex with each other. They just shared sexual partners. A little bit closer in sequence than the average person might.

  I felt myself rationalizing. And I did not know why.

  I cleared my throat and reached my hand up to push the doorbell but the door opened.

  Anke stood smiling at me.

  “I saw you stare at the door for some minute so I let you in.”

  “Oh,” I said. I entered shakily. I would have to take pictures of the blank walls I wanted filled with custom work. I would have to contextualize the photos as well so it would be a lot of perspective shots and collages in store for the rest of the day before sending them to the craftspeople and artists to get the items I wanted.

  I hoped the guys weren’t home but instead I saw them come downstairs with a giggling topless girl wearing only a bikini bottom. She ran out to the swimming pool and cannonballed inside before floating on her back, her breasts floating around.

  “Oh! We go topless today?” asked Anke.

  “Sure,” said Garrett. Anke began taking off her dress, to reveal strappy black lingerie too complex for me to try to put on. She took off the bra section so that only an outline of straps curved around her breasts and down her body like a bodice.

  “I’m going to cool off, then I make lunch – that’s ok?” she asked, picking up her dress and folding it up.

  “Sounds good, thanks Anke.”

  Anke skipped off happily toward the pool and jumped in the water with the girl. They were soon playing with each other’s breasts and spitting water at each other. They didn’t even look like mindless bimbos either. They just looked like they were having fun.

  I realized that I was stuck looking puzzled at them when Sean asked if I was all right.

  “I’m not sure,” I responded.

  He nodded sympathetically but didn’t move.

  “You guys just do whatever you feel like, when you feel like it, huh?”

  “Yeah, pretty much,” said Garrett, drinking some orange juice. “Why not.”

  “Most people have responsibilities.”

  “And we’re lucky enough not to. Look, you don’t have to get it. There’s a club we go to where there’s plenty of people like us. That’s not your world. The most you would ever need to do is get the décor ideas. I said I could show you but I don’t think it’s your scene so we can ask the owners, they’re our friends, for some pictures of the place when it’s empty so we can give you an idea of what one of the ‘playrooms’ will look like.”

  “Hey!” I said, suddenly feeling insulted. “I’m not so uptight you know. I just… you don’t understand what it looks like from the outside. But I don’t appreciate being condescended to either. I’m not a complete prude. I just draw the line some places.”

  “Oh really?” said Sean. His eyes pierced mine. I felt my resolve falter for a moment. He stepped toward me. “You see, the thing is… many women have a tell.”

  “That is true,” said Garrett. For once he looked serious as he spoke. He also took a step toward me. Suddenly I was aware of how tall the two of them were.

  “Most women take a certain exit. Something goes off in their brain. They tap out.” They were just feet away from me. I swallowed.

  “Doesn’t matter who they are or what they’re doing for us,” said Garrett.

  “Could be bankers. Assistants. Whatever it is. They bail when they really can’t deal with our moral deficiency as some might describe it. Then there’s other people.”

  “Curious people.”

  “They stay around. They might judge. But they stay around.”

  There were both enclosing me now. One on either side. I had no idea if I could move.

  “You’re still here,” said Garrett.

  I was suddenly reminded of my dream. I felt myself feel warm between my thighs. I licked my lips, looking from Sean to Garrett and then back. I felt my stomach flutter when I realized Sean was looking at me with desire. He stepped toward me and put his arms around me. He looked at me for a moment and then moved in slowly, cautiously toward my lips. He kissed me. Softly. I did not move. I did not kiss him back but I also did not move away. He kissed me again, for longer. He pulled away again and looked at me. Now I was looking at his lips. I could not help it. I bit mine where he had just kissed me. My hands were flat against his chest. Suddenly I clenched my fists around his shirt and he took that as the signal. He proceeded to kiss me deeply, holding me close, and making me forget where I was or what was happening as I went weak in the knees. Soon Sean pulled away and Garrett spun me around. He kissed me in the same way that Sean ha
d. Cautiously at first, pausing, pulling back. It was eerie at first. But then he began to kiss me deeply when I began to respond to him and his breathing grew heavy as he grabbed my ass and pulled me toward what was now and erect penis. I felt myself grow wet and suddenly there was a hand brushing gently against my waist, my legs, my thighs, and then yes, my pussy. It tickled it gently at first, barely touching, before it began rubbing in earnest. Suddenly someone was unbuckling my pants, meanwhile, Garrett was still kissing me. I suddenly became aware of the fact that it was not just Garrett’s arms that I felt behind me but Sean’s proximity too. I came up for air for a moment, processing what was happening and how I felt.

  But I only felt good. I reached behind me to pull Sean to me and he began to kiss my lips, his hand dropping from my pants zipper to go up my body and to my breasts, now squeezing them softly before proceeding to find my nipples and rub them gently. At the same time I felt Garrett taking over pants duty and helping me to step out of them and my panties. Suddenly Garrett’s mouth was on me, licking my clit, making the wetness of my pussy even more pronounced.

  I began to moan as they work my body simultaneously, pleasuring my whole body. I began to moan as Sean’s work on my breasts sent waves coursing down my body and Garrett’s tongue sent waves upward, an ebb and flow of pleasure. I soon orgasmed, rubbing myself against Garrett’s tongue, as his fingers caressed my anus gently, probing, questioningly inside of me.

  Next thing I knew I was pulling Garrett up to his feet and pulling out his cock to suck on him. I licked and sucked and moved my mouth up and down his shaft while Sean took his turn to probe his fingers into my wet, swollen pussy. He then entered me, giving hard, sure thrusts that began to hit my G-spot right away. With each thrust he let out soft moans and pushed me onto Garrett’s waiting erection. I felt my clitoris begging for stimulation but did not have to move to do anything as Sean took care to reach down and service me. I felt my whole body overwhelmed as I was filled from either end by their cocks.

  I wanted it hard and fast, it was all I could gasp in between mouthfuls of Garrett. And suddenly I was lifted and offered to Garrett, an open, waiting entry, glistening and wet as I knew it would be, she slid inside with ease. And now my head was on Sean, taking him in with eager bobs of my head. I wanted the two of them so badly, I wanted them to use me, to pleasure themselves with my body, as seeing their pleasure heightened my own in a way. And when I voiced the words: “Use me… use me up, baby…” they obliged. Garrett proceeded to pound my pussy, shocking my G-spot over and over again with an unrelenting energy, while Sean fucked my slick, wet mouth as well. I felt myself cumming and Garrett had an even easier time slipping in and out of me as cream lubricated my pussy, my cum making his pleasure even better. Soon we were all moaning as we began to slow down and once more, Garrett’s thrusts pushed me further on to Sean, and vice versa. Garrett pulled me over to him as he laid down on the floor and pulled me on top of him, facing his head so that he looked up at me and my pleasure as he licked me once more. While he did, Sean too my mouth once more, and I pleasured him again, using my hands to enhance his pleasure. His groans grew slower and deeper as I continued to work and I felt him beginning to tense before he came in my mouth.

  Next Garrett pushed me off his face and down to his cock. I rode him slow and deep, finally releasing my breasts from my top so that Garrett could hold and tease them while I rode him. We came together, yelling out our feelings as we did, happy, worn out and filled with roiling pleasure.

  It was better than the dream.

  Chapter One

  I entered Professor Henry’s office, nervous. This was my third C from him and he seemed hell-bent on ruining my record as a solid B student. I was not destined for greatness but I certainly did not deserve this unrelenting spring of barely passing grades he had decided to rain down on me.

  I had heard rumors that he dated students but I was not sure. In any case the rumors had always been that he dated serious students who were top of the class, students who were precocious and challenged him in classes. That would not be me. But it did not mean he could not appreciate a nubile body when he saw one. And as much as I was only a slightly above average student, I certainly had an above average body.

  I entered the room quietly. He did not waste time, admonishing me and my grades.

  “April,” he said, shaking his head at a marked up paper I had given him last week. “You have all the basic ingredients for a really good paper except for commitment. Where are your sources? Where is the methodology? You have great ideas, excellent conclusions, interesting premises. Yet you don’t make the effort to provide a proper argument.”

  I nodded. How could I tell him that I had failed to do that paper properly because my sister had needed me to take care of her while she was sick? Hunting down her medications, bribing her to take them, fixing food I knew she would eat – nothing premade, because heavens forbid I get a break – and tending to her every need. She had a permanent life-threatening disease that required hospital-level cleanliness at all times, which made every task the middle step to a whole process of disinfection and scrubbing.

  But I needed my degree. This was the last class standing in the way of me graduating. I had wrapped up the finals from every other course but Professor Henry was almost guaranteed to be my downfall as our papers from the course accounted for 50% of the grade. But I was desperate and I knew that I had not tried everything.

  Wearing jeans so tight, I literally felt it move against my labia each time I took a step, I knew my curvaceous hips would be accentuated. I also had on a deep cut blouse that showed off a very tantalizing amount of not only cleavage but also side boob. I was the epitome of sexy and all I needed was for Professor Henry to go soft on me for a few minutes so that I could get him hard and hold it over him until I got what I wanted, one way or another.

  I leaned in as he pointed to various paragraphs he thought needed some work but I saw him looking up from the paper every now and then, completely distracted by my unavoidable, unignorable cleavage. I would brush my hair off my chest exaggeratedly and lean in and cross my arms. Finally, in my coup de force, I crossed my arms tight enough that my breast popped out of my shirt and a nipple was showing.

  When Professor Henry’s eye caught it, I knew I had him. I then feigned surprise and embarrassment and instead of simply covering it back up, I instead slid my hand under the entire breast so as to cup it, closing in on the nipple and pulling at my before sliding my hand out – as though I had wanted to make extra sure I had scooped up all the breast before covering it up again.

  Professor Henry’s jaw had practically dropped to the ground.

  “Uh…” he began, disconcertedly. I did not let him finish.

  “Thank you, professor,” I said, rising to my feet. “I have a lot to work on. I hope I can make it up somehow – it would be such a shame if I could not pass this course since it’s my last. I definitely feel ready for the exam but I just really want these assignments to be of a good enough quality so that I can be sure I get to graduate with my peers.”

  “Yes…” he said hoarsely. “Absolutely.”

  I left his office and hope the poor guy would learn how to pick up his jaw from the ground.

  Chapter Two

  Professor Henry’s office hours were a tricky part of my schedule. Nurse Patty came to take care of my sister during the day while I went to classes was a family friend. My parents had met her back when we could afford to keep my sister in a hospital. In exchange for staying with my sister during the day, we took care of the Nurse Patty’s son at night while she worked the graveyard shift.

  My parents worked a couple different jobs to make sure we could afford all that was needed for my sister. My contribution was my time with the kids. I practically felt like a mother of two.

  It was probably all of these responsibilities that made me so reckless that day when I entered Professor Henry’s office. I just wanted to do something stupid. Something a 23 year old migh
t do.

  Today I wore a short skirt. No underwear. A see-through top with a black lacy bra underneath it. I was mouth-watering and I could tell from the moment I walked into Professor Henry’s office. He stuttered a little as he pointed to various items in the rewrite of my paper, explaining the good and then bad and what I would need to do to make up for that particular assignment.

  I listened intently, taking notes. I tried to remain sexy but I was so focused on getting the details right that he was talking normally and authoritatively in no time.

  The professor was a handsome man in his late 40s. He did not wear tweed, instead he wore khakis and a plain blue button up shirt. He was broad-shouldered and rather tall. His full head of brown hair looked infinitely strokeable. I imagined what it would be like to run my fingers through it and nearly missed a crucial point.

  I was losing my edge. I was supposed to be seducing him, not the other way around. I decided I would pull the move and get the ball firmly back in my court. I dropped my pen – seemingly by accident – and rose to my feet, turned my back to Professor Henry and bent over to pick it up. Judging by the cool air of the A.C. suddenly cooling down my warm upper thigh, I knew the Professor was seeing that I had gone without underwear.

  He was silent as I sat back down. He stared at me, silent and looking nervous. If I’m honest, I was a little wet from the moment I bent over.

  “Uh…” said Professor Henry, nervously. “So… as I was saying… when it comes to your sources…”

  “Oh yes,” I said, with fake excitement. I got up and turned my back to him once more and I felt how swollen and wet I was already just in anticipation of what I was about to do next. I bent over with my legs apart this time, feeling a big blast of A.C. as my skirt rolled up around my ass and I felt the cool air meet my swollen clit and wet pussy. I felt myself contract uncontrollably, as my body anticipated some kind of pleasure that I had exposed it to receiving.


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