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Erotica: No Limits

Page 49


  I pretended to search through my bag and finally pulled out a book from one of the sources for my paper, before pulling the skirt down around me in a fake sort of dainty way and sitting back down.

  The professor had his fist in front of his mouth. He was staring down at his desk now.

  “April…” he began, hoarsely. “You… this is the second time you’ve… you can’t dress like that…”

  “Oh,” I said, calculatingly. “So you are going to tell me what clothes I can and cannot wear even though the school does not have a dress code.”

  “Not officially but if your skirt is short or your dress is tight and it rolls up or you pop out some other way…”

  “Are you trying to tell me that the clothes I wear are slutty? Or that I’m drawing attention with my body?”

  “That’s not what… it would be misconstrued if people heard…”

  “That a teacher known for hooking up with students decided to slutshame a girl who he thought dressed inappropriately.”

  “Are you blackmailing me, April?”

  “No, sir!” I said with sincerity. “The thing is, sir,” I began, looking as innocently as I could. “I have a crush on you. I heard you only go for smart girls and I just wanted you to see I’m not dumb and give me a chance. Please.”

  “You want a chance, huh?” he said seriously. “Very well then. Open your legs.”

  I was surprised. I opened my legs slowly. He reached into a drawer in his desk. He pulled out a thick pen, more the size of jumbo marker, in a package. He opened the package and then he took out a disinfectant wipe and scoured the pen. I knew the brand he used, it was a good cleaner, gentle on the skin but very effective against germs.

  Finished wiping it down, he held it by the cloth. He handed it to me. I took it, hands trembling.

  “Click the end of it,” he instructed, looking straight my now fully swollen and aroused vagina. I clicked the pen and suddenly it buzzed to life. “Use it,” said Professor Henry simply.

  I hesitated for a moment. I cautiously brought the pen down to my clitoris and felt satisfaction sweep through me almost immediately. The professor watched my every move. I moved the buzzing pen in slow circles around my pleasure button, eyes closed. The room was still but for my breathing and the buzzing of the pen. I felt myself approach orgasm soon and when I came, I forced myself to remain quiet, only allowing small whimpers to escape my lips as I clutched my knees together and squeezed, waiting for the moment to pass.

  I looked up slowly and saw Professor Henry smirk as he took the pen from me. Soon, he was on his knees, his mouth buried where the pen had just been, licking my juices, pleasuring me with slow, expert, passionate moves. I moved my hips against his mouth, feeling pleasure rise in me once more. He licked me until I orgasmed once more.

  When he was finished the rose to his feet and went back to his seat.

  “That’ll be all for today,” he said simply, before looking back down at the papers on his desk.

  I was dumbfounded. I still had my legs splayed, my skirt up to my waist and my wet, swollen, aroused lower-half completely exposed.

  I rose to my feet and pulled the skirt down with some difficulty. I walked out of the office sort of wobbly on my feet and very confused. I had another session planned with Professor Henry to plan what I needed to do in order to make up for the third paper. I was no longer sure if he would want to see me or not.

  I decided to skip it. I was embarrassed, not because of what had happened, but because of the fact that it had not been in my control. The key to getting what I needed no matter what – that grade – was in the fact that I could steer what happened when and decide what I would hold against him to make sure I got the grade. If he took the reins, it would make things messier. I had to give him the impression that he was in control while maintaining control myself.

  I found myself in his classroom getting hot and bothered all over again, thinking back to his mouth, now lecturing everyone, on my body, doing the same perfect motions he had last time to make me cum the way I did. I could feel myself getting wet, my stomach clenching, anticipating getting more of him.

  Class seemed to take forever to finish. As soon as it was over, however, I went to the front of the room by Professor Henry’s desk. He looked up at me, almost as if he were unconcerned.

  “My office, 20 minutes. Be there. I am not pleased that you missed the last session.”

  I bit my lip.

  20 minutes later, I was in his office, standing as he marked papers, not looking at me. He marked for about a minute as I stood there, awkwardly. Finally I decided to take matters into my own hands. I strode around his desk and knelt before him. I unbuttoned his pants and took him into my mouth. I felt his writing movements slow and suddenly I had a captive audience. He was all mine as I licked and teased him into quiet moans.

  Suddenly I was on my feet and I pulled up my skirt to reveal crotchless lingerie that had caused me to ruin my dress a little when I got wet in class. I lowered myself onto Professor Henry’s erection and felt him melt into me like a stick of butter. I lowered and raised myself on him, my hips going in and out and up and down at the same time, trying everything to take in more of that delicious cock.

  I rode him and felt him begin to respond better as he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto him better with each move. I leaned back so that I could have freer range of movement and felt his eyes go down to our centres as they intertwined. His hand reached down toward me, playing with the bud of my flower, teasing me and I had teased him. His eyes closed, his head against the back off the chair, his hand on my clitoris, my body melding around his erection, we both reached a powerful orgasm.

  I regained my composure as quickly as I could and rose to my feet.

  I dressed quickly and left. The week that followed was a busy one. I took care of the kids and sent out job applications, preparing for the fact that I was about to leave school and join the working world. I threw all my energy into the job search and only ever took a break in the shower to think back on my time with Professor Henry.

  The next time I saw him was in class. I was called forward after the lecture and I felt my body go on high alert. I walked forward cautiously.

  “I’ve seen your rewrite,” he said calmly. “It’s good.”

  I took the paper and looked it over. He had given me a ‘B’. Normally I would have been fine but I had done a lot of work on that paper. I deserved an A. I was going to get an ‘A.’

  “Sir…” I began, crossing my arms under the top of my thin white baby doll dress. “Do you think there is any way I could improve this? I would really appreciate anything that could make my grade point average just a little better.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Just… anything that can get me some extra credit.”

  “Aside from writing an exceptional paper, I can’t tell you what that would be. Grades are earned.”

  “I… have certain skills that I believe are better strengths of mine than this subject. They can be applied, I think.”

  He looked at me, slightly amused but mostly very strict seeming.

  “Let’s see what you think you can do to impress me in 20 minutes, in my office.”

  I nodded, feeling myself fill with excitement as I left. I got to his office 15 minutes later and soon he met me at the door. He opened it for me. We went in together.

  He dropped his briefcase on the floor and walked up behind me, one hand reaching up to my breast and another reaching down to pull up my dress and bury his fingers in the wet warmth between my legs.

  He nuzzled my neck kissing me while massaging my breast and playing with my clit. I could not help leaning back into him so that he looked down on my face and saw every moment of pleasure as it was received, crossing my expression. I writhed against his hand and heard his breath go ragged with desire as I did. I was soon bent over his desk, my dress pulled up around my waist and I felt him enter me, hard as steel, entering me slowly, hold
ing me by the waist, gently massaging me from within with the large, stimulating head of his manhood.

  I felt myself wrap around him, eager to meet him as he met me, pushing my body back onto him to get as much as I could. His hands crept up to my breasts, exposing the flesh and grabbing hold of them, holding them secure. His index fingers playing with my nipples making me even wetter than I already was, as if that was even possible. I yelled out, feeling so good that I knew I was ready to cum.

  Suddenly I was flipped over and placed to sit on the desk. He entered me again, this time, his eyes feasting on my breasts, my open mouth, my flushed cheeks, my aching core. His fingers met my clitoris once more to give me additional pleasure while he worked his way in and out of me repeatedly.

  It was a sudden flash of heat that sent me rocketing off, climaxing wildly. I felt Professor Henry tense and soon his head was thrown back with his own climax.

  When we gained our breath once more, I rose to my feet and fixed my clothes. I picked up my purse and began to fix my hair.

  “So…” I began, looking at him. “What do you think?”

  Professor Henry looked disconcerted and held his head in his hand.

  “An ‘A’… I think,” he said quietly.

  I smiled and left.

  Chapter One

  “Melanie,” said Douglas urgently.

  “What’s up?” I asked, sipping my morning coffee and powering up my laptop.

  “He’s here.”

  I felt myself get nervous suddenly. My new boss was here. He was a big shot media magnate and he was taking over our office for the next two weeks so that he could learn the “ins and outs of his latest acquisition” as it had been described, a widely read online magazine. It just felt like a butcher coming to visit the farm to pick out which cows he wanted to send to the slaughterhouse.

  I busied myself making my desk neater, I did not know why.

  “Mr. Riggs!” said Douglas suddenly, standing up straight and doing an odd little bow. A man appeared around the corner of my cubicle. Dorian Riggs was a statuesque man, dark complexion, close shaved tight coils on either side of his head with a slightly rebellious growth of coiled head on top. His thin beard phased seamlessly into his sideburns and up into his haircut. He wore a fitted grey suit with a rather jolty deep blue tie with a few purple and pink accents.

  “Good morning,” Mr. Riggs, I said, feeling a little nervous. I was to be his assistant for the next two weeks and I was very anxious to make a good impression.

  “Good morning, Ms. Buxton?”

  “Yes, sir, Melanie Buxton.”

  “Nice to meet you. You seem rather young, can I be rude and ask you your age?”

  “I’m 22, sir.”

  “Impressive. Wouldn’t expect someone to get promoted up to this kind of position being so young. I expect great things.”

  I smiled, a little ruffled by his friendly demeanor. Who would have thought that a bigshot like Dorian Riggs would be this casual with his employees.

  “Shall I show you into your office, sir?” I asked, skipping ahead of him to go toward the glass door to his office.

  “Thank you,” he said, following me.

  “So the set up is that the new copy comes into this tablet over here on your left. The finalized files are sent to the email hooked up to this tablet on the right. Both tablets attach and detach from the main computer here that receives automatic carbon copy messages from all editing staff. I am just a buzz away on this phone, red button gets me on intercom, I wear a headset so everything is confidential—“

  “Good to know,” he said, amused. “Not sure what I could be saying confidentially in a workplace setting…”

  “Well, when you have Martin from accounting pitch his idea about Bitcoin as the future of currency fifty times, you may want a sympathetic ear and confidentiality can help you out in that regard.”

  He laughed. Then I suddenly realized I had bad-mouthed a fellow employee to a big business guy who might not hesitate to fire him!

  “Oh but, Martin is a great guy, really dedicated accountant, the best, really, I was just making a bad joke, I shouldn’t have singled Martin out…”

  “Ok. No problem. Martin is a saint. Got it.” He smiled. I felt myself become more nervous.

  “I’ll… I’ll let you get accustomed to the setting. I’ll just be out here if you need anything, Mr. RIggs.”

  “Call me Dorian.”


  I walked out to my desk only to jump halfway out of my seat when my intercom buzzed. I speed-walked back to Mr. Riggs’ office where he looked up with surprise and smiled another disarming smile.

  “I thought I was going to get a chance to try out that confidential phoneline but I guess not.”

  “Oh, I can go back, I can go back to my desk.”

  “No, no, the joke won’t work anymore. You ruined it…” he said with fake exasperation. This I was just not prepared for and I proceeded to apologize fervently before leaving the office, feeling like a completely discombobulated half-wit.

  I got to work, arranging the series of presentations sent in for the upcoming team meeting with Mr. Riggs.

  In the team meeting Dorian was mostly quiet, taking notes, asking a few pointed questions but politely interested. After the meeting he handed me a legal pad full of about four pages of notes. He asked me to type up the notes and send the relevant criticisms to the relevant people. Looking over the notes, I could tell he had held his tongue a great deal during the meeting because there were heaps and heaps of improvements to be made.

  I set to work and did not surface until lunch time, affixing proposed times in the schedule in which to discuss the changes, giving deadlines for projects and assigning the correct team to put the projects together.

  Once I started getting up for my lunch break, I saw Dorian exit his office.

  “Melanie,” he said. His voice was a gentle baritone that exuded authority – like a teacher or a father figure. “I saw the emails you sent out with my notes along with all the apps that you link to with templates for the work to be done. I have to say… you are by far the most qualified person in this office to run the magazine if your system is as efficient as I think it is.”

  I was taken aback and had no idea how to respond.

  “So…” continued Dorian. “I might need some of your time to learn your system because I can’t have you showing me up like that again.”

  “Oh, my gosh, Mr. Riggs… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—“

  “No, no, Melanie, I’m just joking. You’ve done excellent work. I just want to learn how things work around here so that I can help steer things in the direction I hope for in acquiring this company. I have some meetings this afternoon but I am wondering if you have some time tomorrow morning?”

  “I do but… you don’t sir. You have a meeting with our social media team to learn about their tactics for growing our audience. That will involve the accounting department as well to give the figures on how well that has been working and what they project in the future.”

  “Oh right. I get to meet the famous, saintly Martin from accounting.”

  I blushed.

  “Well… I don’t know if you can find anything in the schedule to factor in this meeting? The sooner the better if I’m being honest.”

  “I thing your first week is booked solid, unfortunately.”

  “Well then. I think maybe we have to work outside of office hours, if that’s ok? I just need a quick hour looking over the list of the apps and how you use them. Please. I’m practically useless until I know what the best way to communicate with the team.”

  “Ok, no problem. I don’t have any plans this evening.”

  “Ok. Thanks a lot.”

  I nodded and then went to lunch.

  Chapter Two

  “What’s he like?” my friend Tina asked over our salads.

  “He’s really normal, actually. Way more normal than I ever thought he would be.”

p; “Shocking. Weird. What’s the point of being a rich successful guy if you don’t act like an asshole?”

  “Hm. Maybe the rich and successfulness is enough for him.”

  “Like I said. Weird. So you and him alone in the office this evening huh? He’s hot. You gonna try something?”

  “What?! No!”

  “Oh come on. This good girl act is getting tired. You gotta let go sometime.”

  “Not this time. He’s my boss.”

  “Ok… I might try something. He’s a fox. And rich. And smart. My god, have you ever read any of his interviews? He’s fascinating. Has non-profits in Nigeria and India. Brilliant. Friends with all kinds of fabulous people. I foresee lots of really amazing developments at the company now that he owns it.”

  “I know… I’m so excited. Especially being on the groundfloor of a company that’s about to take off like this.”

  “Fun times ahead.”


  I finished eating quickly and headed back upstairs. I worked non-stop until the end of the day, still determined to solidify my position as a necessary part of the office. 5pm rolled around faster than expected and soon the office began clearing out. We had a strict policy of closing down at 5pm because many of the writers and social media team would loiter and hang out and binge-work until late hours otherwise. Creatives are perfectionists when they get in a groove and strict work hours meant at the very least they had to take their work home so that the janitors could clean without being bothered.

  I walked into Dorian’s office and waited for him to finish typing up whatever he was on.

  “Oh, hey Melanie. Thanks for this. Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the corner of the office with two cosy yet modernly designed sofas. I sat in one, he in the other, with a coffee table between us to facilitate the process.

  I laid out the various tools we used and the average workflow from start to finish. Dorian listened quietly and every now and then wrote something down on his yellow legal pad. He was starting to look like a nerdy student each time he did that even though his body and the way he was dressed contradicted this image. However, to get where he was all on his own, he must be some kind of nerd. I smiled at him scribbling, amused.


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