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The Definitive FDR

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by James Macgregor Burns

  Acton, Lord, quoted, 313

  Adams, Alva, 362, 364

  Adams, Henry, quoted, 19

  Adams, John, 239

  AFL. See American Federation of Labor Agricultural Adjustment Act. See AAA

  Albania, 390

  Aleutians, 462

  Allen, Frederick Lewis, quoted, 23

  Allies, World War I. See World War I

  Allies, World War II: war aims, 465; FDR as chief propagandist, 465; see also World War II

  Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 216

  American Magazine, 23

  American Bar Association, 230, 301

  American Car and Foundry Co., 148

  American College (Rome), 215

  American Construction Council, 85, 155

  American Farm Bureau Federation, 184, 194, 303, 321, 351

  American Federation of Labor, 52, 98, 121, 124, 154, 216, 276, 307; and Perkins appointment, 150; and Wagner Act, 219; and wage-and-hours bill, 311, 321, 342-43; C.I.O. split, 217-18, 302, 350, 417

  “America First,” 176ff.; see also Isolationists

  American Institute of Public Opinion, 445; see also Gallup Poll

  American Labor Party (N.Y.), 287, 364, 377-78

  American Legion, 80, 86, 166, 167

  American Liberty League. See Liberty League

  American Tobacco Co., 28

  American Youth Congress, 417, 422-23

  Amherst College, 230

  Anderson, Marian, 393

  Andrew, Abram Piatt, 20

  Anti-Comintern Pact, 261

  Antilynching bills, 198, 321

  Ardennes, 419

  “Arsenal of Democracy,” 457

  Arthur, Chester A., 108

  Ashurst, Henry, 294, 297

  Astor, Vincent, 147, 211

  Atlanta Constitution, 129

  Atlantic, Battle of the, 464; see also World War II

  Atlantic Charter, 459

  Atlantic Conference, 459

  Atomic bomb, 397, 469

  Australia, 250, 462

  Austria, 146, 353-54, 382ff.

  Avery, Sewell L., 206

  Axis. See World War II

  Bailey, Josiah, 257

  Baker, Newton D., 134, 137; quoted on F.D.R.’s development (1913), 53

  Baker, Ray Stannard, 214

  Baldwin, Stanley, 250, 256, 264

  Balfour, Lord, 65

  Balkans, 458

  Baltimore Sun, 381

  Bank holiday, 166; see also Financial crisis

  Bank of the United States (1932), 115

  Banking reforms, 166-67, 224

  Bankhead, William B., 294, 307, 429, 432

  Barkley, Alben W., 130, 309, 361-62, 379, 412, 427

  Barnes, William, 37, 39, 498-99

  Barton, Bruce, 448-49; quoted on masses’ love for F.D.R., 362

  Baruch, Bernard M., 125, 154, 178, 191, 383; quoted, 178

  Beard, Charles and Mary, 83; quoted on F.D.R.’s 1936 speeches, 280

  Beer legislation, 168, 172; see also Prohibition, repeal

  Belgium, 61, 418-19

  Beneš, Eduard, 387

  Benson, Elmer, 365

  Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 154, 172, 383, 394

  Bermuda bases, 440

  Biddle, Anthony, 352, 394

  Biddle, Moncure, 11

  Big Three, 469-70; see also Churchill; Stalin

  Bigotry, F.D.R. on, 102

  Bilbo, Theodore, 214

  Bingham, Robert W., 130, 176, 189

  Bipartisanship, 61, 112, 114, 118, 120, 145-46, 183ff., 201, 278-79, 509

  Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1936, 233

  Black, Hugo L., 180-81, 302-3, 311, 369; Supreme Court appointment, 312-13, 315

  Black, Van Lear, 99

  Bloch, Maurice, 101, 102

  Blue Eagle, 453; see also NRA

  Boer Relief Fund, 20

  Bonbright, James C., 117, 154

  Bone, Homer T., 253

  Borah, William B., 230, 317, 356; as isolationist, 251, 254, 260, 317, 392; in 1936 campaign, 270, 279; Supreme Court fight, 298, 302, 306

  “Bossism,” 24, 31-32, 36-38, 41

  Boston-Cambridge social circuit, F.D.R. and, 16-18

  Boston Herald, 355

  Boston Evening Transcript, 355

  Boulder Dam, 227

  Bowers, Claude, 261, 317, 356

  Boy Scouts, 86

  “Brain trust,” 153-56, 172

  Brandeis, Louis D., 53, 155, 222, 230, 232, 294, 297, 302, 368

  Brant, Irving, 301, 302

  Bray, William, 119

  Bremen, S.S., 395

  Bricker, John, 366

  Britain. See Great Britain

  Broker rule, 183ff., 196-202

  Brooks, Phillips, 10

  Broun, Heywood, 243; quoted, 151

  Brown, La Rue, 488ff.

  Brown, Lathrop, 16

  Brownlow, Louis, 344

  Brussels Conference, 353

  Bryan, Charles W., 94

  Bryan, William J., 25, 98, 110, 156, 230, 337; 1896 campaign, 22-23; 1900 campaign, 23; 1912 campaign, 48; as Wilson’s Secretary of State, 52, 61; 1924 campaign, 92

  Bryan, Mrs. William J., F.D.R. letter to, 110

  Budget balancing. See Deficit spending; Economy

  Budget fight (N. Y., 1929), 110-12, 501

  Bulkley, Robert J., 361, 366

  Bull Moosers. See Progressive party (1912, 1914, 1916)

  Bullitt, William C., 305, 394, 416, 420, 439

  Bureaucracy: legislative control, 370; presidential control, 370-74

  Bureaucrat, F.D.R. as, 50-67

  Buna, 464

  Burgess, John W., 496

  Burke, Edward R., 298, 317, 439, 509

  Burke, Edmund, 237, 239

  Burleson, Albert S., 55

  Burlingham, Charles C., 440

  Burma, 462

  Burns Bros. Coal Co., 83

  Business Advisory Council, 269, 326

  Business attitude (1920’s), 85-86

  Business regulation, 162ff., 325; see also Securities control; Trusts; NRA; Utilities regulation

  Butler, Pierce, 230, 295

  Butler case (U.S. v. Butler), 231, 233

  Byrd, Harry F., 149, 370

  Byrnes, James F., 166, 349, 427, 428, 429, 465

  Byrns, Joseph W., 174

  Cabinet, 148-50, 174, 420, 436, 492; see also “Kitchen cabinet”; “Little cabinet”; and under individual names

  Cahalan, Dan, 39

  Cairo Conference, 464

  Camp, Lawrence, 362-63, 364

  Camp, Walter, 67

  Campaign methods, F.D.R., 32-34, 58-59, 74-75, 103, 118-21, 126, 140ff.; see also Elections

  Campaign staff, F.D.R., 130, 140, 142

  Campobello, 5, 18-19, 26, 48, 51, 67, 86-87, 498

  Canada, 114, 115, 250, 277, 386, 435, 438, 471; see also St. Lawrence power project

  Cannon, Joseph G., 31

  Capone, Al, 83

  Caraway, Hattie, 213

  Cardozo, Benjamin N., 230, 231, 232, 368

  Caribbean: F.D.R. visit (1904), 26; World War II, 436; see also under place names

  Carlisle, Floyd L., 113

  Carpenter, Terry M., 279

  Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 233

  Carter, Ledyard, and Milburn, 28

  Casablanca Conference, 464

  Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 86

  Catholic: issue in elections, 37, 93, 102, 104, 129; voters, 108, 356; balance in Cabinet, 150, 436

  Catt, Carrie Chapman, 270

  CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps

  Cermak, Anton J., 147

  Chahar, 261

  Chamber of Commerce. See United States Chamber of Commerce

  Chamberlain, Neville, 250, 353-54, 385-88, 390, 393-95, 399, 418

  Chandler, Albert B., 361

  Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant, 29-30

  Channing, Edward, 20

  Chavez, Dennis, 202

  Checks and balances, 19, 20
, 110-12, 114-17, 164, 174, 314; see also Judicial review

  Chiang Kai-shek, 388, 464, 483n

  Chicago Tribune, 241, 381, 439

  China, 15, 248, 460, 483n; Japanese aggression, 176, 261, 318, 319; World War II, 353, 388; Yalta, 470

  Churchill, Winston (U.S. novelist), 64

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 51, 65, 354, 388, 415, 418, 437; asks U.S. aid, 420-21, 437; destroyer deal, 440-42; conferences with F.D.R., 459, 464-65, 469-70; quoted on Gallup polls, 458-59; on F.D.R.’s death, 471

  Ciano, Galeazzo, 385-86

  CIO (Committee for Industrial Organization), 217, 276, 307, 311, 449, 454; 1936 election, 286-87; 1938 election, 350-51; split with AFL, 217-18, 302, 350, 417

  Civil Service Commission, 344

  Civil Works Administration, 196

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 169, 181, 242-43

  Clapper, Raymond, 298

  Clark, Bennett Champ, 48, 253, 272, 298

  Class friendships and associations, F.D.R., 78

  Class issues, 133

  Class nature of 1936 election, 287-88

  Clemenceau, Georges, 65, 68, 69

  Cleveland, Grover, 9, 25, 36, 108 122, 154, 278; quoted, 245

  Cliveden set, 399

  Clute-Cooper story, 55

  Cohen, Benjamin, 266

  Colby, Bainbridge, 206

  Collective bargaining, 181, 215-19, 220, 224, 462; see also Wagner Labor Relations Act

  Collective security, F.D.R. on, 258-60, 262, 318

  Collier’s, 23, 297

  Columbia Law School, 23, 25, 230

  Columbia University, 153

  Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 439

  Committee for Industrial Organization. See CIO

  Common Counsel Club, 53

  Commonwealth Club address, 142, 180

  Commonwealth party (Calif., 1932), 201

  Commonwealth and Southern Corp., 432

  Communism, F.D.R. on, 365, 459

  Communists, 70, 83, 351, 355, 369; attitude toward F.D.R., 243, 244, 279-80, 417-18, 449, 452

  Compulsory military training, 61, 70; see also Selective service

  Conference on the Mobilization for Human Needs, 278

  Congress: Wilson’s relations with, 54, 57, 69-72; F.D.R.’s relations with, 51, 52, 166-77 passim, 185-91, 219-26, 234, 269, 327-28, 339-50, 367ff., 401, 417-18, 463ff.; sectionalism, 96-97, 221, 341 (see also Southern bloc); Supreme Court fight, 294-315; see also Senate

  Congressional v. executive power, 20, 247, 309; see also Checks and balances

  Congressional investigations, 86, 253, 301-2, 369, 418

  Congressional seniority and rights, 340-41

  Connally, Tom, 154, 298, 301, 302, 361-62, 461

  Connery, William, 193, 219

  Conservation, 31, 46, 75, 98, 121, 129, 155; see also TVA; St. Lawrence power project; AAA; Civilian Conservation Corps

  Conservative tradition, 235-41

  Constitutional development, political aspects, 498

  Consumers’ Advisory Board (NRA), 193

  Consumers’ League, 27

  Conventions, nominating. See Democratic party; Republican party

  Cooke, Morris L., 117

  Coolidge, Calvin 69, 94, 176, 230; quoted, 141

  Cooper, Frank, 55

  Copeland, Royal S., 92, 101, 104, 183, 301, 341

  Corcoran, Thomas, 266, 325, 346, 359, 364; Supreme Court fight, 294, 300, 303, 306, 309; 1940 campaign, 422, 436

  Cornell University, 195

  Corwin, Edward S., 301, 331

  Cosmopolitan, 23

  Coughlin, Father Charles E., 141, 345; early support of F.D.R., 184, 212-15, 222, 224; isolationism, 251, 399; 1936 opposition to F.D.R., 271, 279, 281

  Council of National Defense, proposed by F.D.R. (1914), 61

  Cox, James M., 154, 176, 383; 1920 campaign, 72-76, 80, 92, 247

  Creel, George, 200, 298

  Croly, Herbert, 155

  Cuba, 253

  Cummings, Homer S., 148, 166, 216, 293, 294, 296, 301

  Curley, James M., 131, 132

  Currie, Lauchlin, 325, 416

  Cutting, Bronson, 149, 202, 496

  Czechoslovakia, 354, 383-85, 387, 390, 443

  Daladier, Édouard, 385-86, 393-94

  Daniels, Josephus, 96, 98, 172, 445; as Wilson’s Secretary of Navy, 49-53, 60-65 passim, 75, 78; as Ambassador to Mexico, 176

  Danton, Georges Jacques, 209

  Darrow, Clarence, 193

  Davies, Joseph E., 53

  Davis, Elmer, quoted on F.D.R. 1932 straddles, 143

  Davis, John W., 94-96, 206, 242

  Davis, Norman, 249, 250

  Debs, Eugene, 49

  Defense Advisory Commission, 435

  Deficit spending, 142, 143, 167, 245-46, 323-30, 416; see also Economy

  Deflation, 171, 177; see also Inflation

  Delano family, 4-9; see also below

  Delano, Frederic A. (uncle of F.D.R.), 431, 502

  Delano, Sara (mother of F.D.R.). See Roosevelt, Sara Delano

  Delano, Warren (grandfather of F.D.R.), 7, 9, 483n

  De La Noye, Philippe (ancestor of Delanos and F.D.R.), 7

  Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 8

  Democratic National Committee, 71, 95, 148, 270, 374, 491; see also below

  Democratic party: Warren Delano on, 7; F.D.R. joins, 25-26; N. Y. party (1910), 29-36 (see also Tammany Hall); Sheehan fight for N. Y. state control, 35-41; unit rule, 47, 72, 136; as reform party under Wilson, 53 (see also Wilson, Woodrow); 1913 N. Y. split, 56-58; F.D.R. attempts to reform state party, 60, 95-97, 109, 118-20; Eleanor Roosevelt and women’s organizations, 91, 99; Southern bloc, 96, 135, 137-38, 154, 175, 272, 321, 341-43; F.D.R. as state head, 106, 128-30, 141; two-thirds rule, 125, 131, 134-37, 270, 272, 503; F.D.R. as national party chief, 187-88ff.; 1936 disunity, 278-79; F.D.R. failures with rank and file, 347-50; see also Congress; Elections ; and below

  Democratic party, nominating conventions: (1912) 48; (1920) 72-74, 91; (1924) 93-95; (1928) 99; (1932) 135-40; (1936) 271-75; (1940) 426-30; see also Elections; and below

  Democratic party, pre-convention campaigns: (1912) 47-48; (1920) 72-74; (1924) 92-93; (1928) 97, 99; (1932) 123, 125-38; (1936) 271-75; see also Elections; and above

  Denmark, 418

  Depew, Chauncey M., 37

  Depression: F.D.R. measures (N. Y.), 115-17, 121-24; F.D.R. on causes, 143, 145, 163; see also Hoover; Financial crisis; Relief; Recovery program; New Deal

  Dern, George H., 149, 195, 232

  Destroyer deal, 437-52

  Dewey, John, 155

  Dewey, Thomas E., 108; 1938 N. Y. election, 365; 1940 campaign, 422, 424, 434; 1944 campaign, 467-68

  “Dictator bill,” 344-56

  Dies, Martin, 308, 342, 369

  Dieterich, William H., 309

  Dill, Clarence S., 130

  Disarmament, 179, 249-50

  Dix, John A., 34, 37, 49

  Dollard, John, 483n; quoted, 483

  Doughton, Robert L., 348

  Douglas, Lewis W., 172, 197, 206, 240-41, 246, 265

  Douglas, William O., 266, 325, 368, 422

  Dowling, Victor J., 40

  Downey, Sheridan, 329, 362, 365

  Draper, George, 88

  Drought relief, 277

  Dubinsky, David, 216, 217

  Duffy, F. Ryan, 365

  Dulles, John Foster, 108

  Dunkerque, 419

  Du Pont family, 206, 242

  Du Pont, Pierre, 184

  Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., 217

  Dutch. See Dutch East Indies (below); Netherlands, the

  Dutch East Indies, 462

  Earle, George, 199, 202, 235, 366

  Early, Stephen, 74-75, 86, 150, 201, 269, 346, 369, 376, 382, 398, 422; 1936 elections, 275, 278; Supreme Court fight, 297, 316

  Eccles, Marriner, 325, 328-29

  “Economic royalists,” 273-75, 282-83, 328

  Economy: F.D.R. on,
125, 142, 143, 167, 172, 323-25; bill (1933), 167-68; see also Deficit spending

  Eden, Sir Anthony, 354

  Edison, Charles, 421, 424

  Education, Office of, 345

  Egypt, 462

  Einstein, Albert, 397

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 464

  Elections (local, state, national): (1896) 22-23; (1910) 31-34, 44-45; (1912) 47-49; (1914) 55-60; (1916) 62, 64; (1918) 64-65, 69, 92; (1920) 71-76, 91, 92; (1921) 91; (1922) 92; (1924) 92-95; (1926) 97; (1928) 99-104, 123; (1930) 119-22; (1932) 123, 125-45; (1934) 198-203; (1936) 270-78; (1938) 360-66; (1940) 424, 426-31; (1942) 465; (1944) 465-66

  Elections (Senate), direct, 36, 38, 42

  Eliot, Charles W., 19

  Elks (B.P.O.E.), 126, 453

  Ely, Joseph B., 131

  Embargo. See Neutrality

  Emergency Council, 203

  Emmet, Marvin, and Roosevelt, 90

  Empire State Democracy, 48-49, 56

  Emporia Gazette, 124

  “End Poverty in California” (EPIC), 200, 278; see also Sinclair, Upton

  Environment, in development of political leadership, 482-85; see also Chapter I

  Ethiopia, 227, 255-59, 262, 354, 385

  European theater, World War II. See World War II

  Executive Council, 174, 492

  Executive power. See Checks and balances

  Ezekiel, Mordecai, 325

  Fair Labor Standards Act (1937), 311

  Fairhaven, Mass., F.D.R. childhood vacations at, 5

  Fala (F.D.R.’s dog), 329, 468, 471

  Farley, James A., 118-19, 122, 213, 241, 310, 311, 344, 346; 1928 N. Y. campaign, 101; N. Y. party chief, 106; launches presidential nomination campaign (1930), 123, 126-30 passim; personality and methods, 126-27; 1932 convention, 131, 134-37; 1932 campaign, 140ff.; Postmaster General, 149; patronage, 187-88; 1936 campaign, 272, 276-87 passim; national party chief, 200, 202, 210; Supreme Court fight, 297, 303, 306, 309; 1937 recession, 320; 1938, 344, 346; purges, 362, 363; on Labor party, 378; presidential ambitions, 413-14, 425; 1940 nomination fight, 425-28, 431; resigns party leadership, 432, 436

  Farley, Thomas, 127-28

  Farm bill of 1937, 321

  Farm blocs, Supreme Court fight, 303

  Farm Bureau. See American Farm Bureau Federation

  Farm policies, F.D.R., 41, 45-46, 47, 75, 102, 105, 116, 117, 121, 142, 172, 189, 267, 277, 351; see also AAA; New Deal

  Farm Tenancy bill, 310

  Farmer-Labor party (Minn.), 201-2, 278-79

  Farmer-labor representative, F.D.R. as, 41

  Farmers Union, 194, 303, 510

  Fascists (see Hitler; Mussolini; Franco); F.D.R.’s views, 365, 385

  Fay, James H., 364

  Fear, F.D.R. on, 162-63, 208

  Federal Emergency Relief Act, 169

  Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 169; see also Hopkins, Harry; Relief

  Federal International Investment Trust, 84


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