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The Definitive FDR

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by James Macgregor Burns

  Federal Power Commission, 142

  Federal Reserve Act (1913), 53, 57

  Federal Reserve Board, 162, 172, 325

  Federal Security Administration, 412

  Federal Trade Commission, 370

  Federalists, 239

  Feis, Herbert, 177

  Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland, 84-85

  Fillmore, Millard, 108

  Financial crisis (1932-33), 115, 146-47, 161-62, 165-66

  Flynn, Edward J., 500; 1928 gubernatorial campaign, 101, 104; as N. Y. Secretary of State, 106; 1932 campaign, 123, 129, 135; Supreme Court fight, 303; 1938 purges, 364; on American Labor party, 378; 1940 campaign, 412, 436, 445, 448; on F.D.R.’s methods, 472

  Finland, 408, 415

  Fireside chats, 118, 167-68, 176, 195, 203, 205, 300, 346, 362, 460, 464

  Fish, Hamilton (father), 33

  Fish, Hamilton (son), 33, 448-49

  Fitzgerald, David E., 285

  Fiume, 69

  Foch, Ferdinand, 68

  Foreign policy, 176ff., 190, 258-60, 262, 318; F.D.R. as policy maker, 352-57, 383; see also Neutrality; League of Nations; Isolationists; World Court

  Forest Service, 327; see also Ickes, Harold L.

  “Forgotten Man,” 133

  Forster, E. M., 477

  France: World War I, 60-63; internal political difficulties, 248; naval disarmament discussions, 250; appeasement policies and war fears, 227, 256, 259-63, 356, 423, 384-87, 393, 443; Rhineland crisis, 260; Spanish civil war policies, 261, 356, 423; U.S. arms aid, 389; World War II, 395ff., 415-22, 436, 437, 462-64; occupation plans, 470

  Franco, Francisco, 261, 355-56, 390

  Frankfurter, Felix, 53, 117, 141, 204, 222, 368, 424

  Frazier-Lemke Farm Mortgage Act, 231

  Gallup, George, 445

  Gallup Poll, 398, 445, 448, 458

  Gannett, Frank, 298

  Gardner, Augustus P., 78

  Gardner, Mrs. Jack, 16

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 8

  Garner, John N.: 1932 campaign, 131, 133, 136-38, 154, 341; Vice President, 166, 174, 186, 195, 208, 310, 323, 341, 362, 367, 369, 379, 418; 1936 election, 275; Supreme Court fight, 294, 297, 305-9 passim, 316; on embargo repeal, 392-93; third-term opposition, 413-14; presidential ambitions (1940), 425, 427-28, 432; quoted, 202

  Geneva Conference, 249

  General Electric Co., 84

  General Motors Corp., 99, 217

  General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, The (Keynes), 330

  George, Walter, 362-63, 364

  Gerard, James, 58-60, 101

  Gerard, Sumner, 40

  German-American voters, 70, 445, 453, 455

  Germany: F.D.R. as a student in childhood, 10; World War I, 60-66, 254; quits League of Nations, 179, 250; rearms, 249-50; barter agreement with U.S., 252; war threats, 259; Rhineland crisis, 260; Ethiopian crisis, 263; aggressions, 352ff., 393; Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis, 352, 441; intervention in Spain, 355-56; Austrian Anschluss, 382; Czechoslovakia, 382-87, 443; pogroms, 388; Hungary, 390; World War II, 395ff., 411, 415-22, 453-60 passim, 462-64, 469-71; nuclear fission development, 397; declares war on U.S., 462; occupation and reparations plans, 470; see also Hitler; Nazis

  Gerth, Hans, 483n, 487

  Girdler, Tom, 307

  Gladstone, William, quoted, 472

  Glass, Carter, 148, 166, 341, 348, 370, 378, 431; 1932 convention, 135; Supreme Court fight, 301; 1940 convention, 428

  Glynn, Martin H., 56, 59

  Godwin, Earl, 409

  Goering, Hermann, 248, 391, 395

  Gold Clause Act, 226

  Gold controls and revaluation, 166, 189, 195-96, 225, 322

  Gold Reserve Act (1933), 189

  Gompers, Samuel, 155

  Good Neighbor League (1936), 270, 275, 315, 436

  Good Neighbor policy, 164, 252-53; see also Reciprocal trade program; Latin America

  Government reorganization. See Reorganization plan

  Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 217

  Grady, Tom, 36

  Grange, 45, 194, 303

  Grayson, Cary T., 227

  Great Britain: World War I, 60-63 (see also World War I); war debts, 145-46; foreign policy problems, 189, 248, 250, 263; naval disarmament discussions, 250; Ethiopian crisis, 256-58; appeasement policies, 227, 256, 260, 352-54; Spanish civil war policies, 356, 423; Czechoslovakia crisis, 384-87, 443; U.S. arms aid, 389, 437-41, 457-58, 460 (see also Neutrality); Poland crisis, 390, 393-94; royal visit to U.S., 393; World War II, 395ff., 415-22, 437-41, 443, 460, 462-64; F.D.R. plans for postwar visit, 471; see also Churchill

  Greece, 443, 447-48; ancient, 15-16

  Greek-American voters, 108

  Greeley, Horace, 108

  Green, Theodore F., 316

  Green, William, 121, 154, 184, 276; on Perkins appointment, 150; CIO split, 217; on Supreme Court plan, 301; on labor bills, 311, 343; see also American Federation of Labor

  Greer incident, 460

  Grew, Joseph C., 261, 496

  Groton School, 10-25, 29, 66, 77, 80, 163, 181, 451, 473, 475, 496; see also Peabody, Endicott

  Grundy, Joseph, 199

  Guadalcanal, 464

  Guam, 398, 462, 468

  Guaranty Trust Co., 307

  Guffey, Joseph F., 199, 202

  Guffey-Vinson bituminous coal bill, 310

  Guggenheim, Daniel, 63

  Gunther, John, quoted, 87, 238, 265

  Hackworth, Green, 440

  Hague, Frank, 366, 379, 424, 477

  Haile Selassie, 227, 256, 258-59

  Haines, Charles Grove, 301

  Haiti, 76, 253

  Hall family, 27

  Hall, Anna R. (mother of Eleanor Roosevelt), 27

  Hamilton, Alexander, 20, 156, 231

  Hanna, Mark, quoted, 24

  “Happy Warrior,” 93-94; see also Smith, Alfred E.

  Harding, Warren G., 73-76, 151, 230, 321

  Harriman, Averell, 12, 108, 326

  Harrison, George, 270

  Harrison, Pat, 219, 309, 311, 341, 348, 361

  Harvard Crimson, 17, 18, 20, 21

  Harvard University, 8, 16-23, 25, 28-29, 77, 86, 153, 191, 245, 265, 278, 473, 475, 496-97; F.D.R.’s tercentenary address, 265, 278

  Harvey, George, F.D.R. on, 53

  Hatch Act, 418

  Havana Conference, 436

  Hawaii, 15, 420

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 154

  Hearst, William Randolph, 58, 92, 104, 184, 241. 251, 452; and F.D.R. 1932 nomination, 130, 133, 137, 138; and F.D.R. 1936 nomination, 279

  Hemingway, Ernest, 152

  Henderson, Leon, 325

  Henlein, Konrad, 384

  Hennessy, John A., 58-59

  Heredity, as a factor in political leadership, 482-85; see also Chapter I

  Herring, E. Pendleton, quoted, 191

  Herriot, Edouard, 177

  High, Stanley, 213, 266, 270, 315; 1936 campaign, 273, 275; quoted on F.D.R.’s persuasiveness, 348

  Hillman, Sidney, 216, 217, 351

  Hindenburg, Paul von, 146

  Hiroshito, Emperor, 461

  Hiroshima, 397

  Hitler, Adolf, 6, 22, 66, 146, 243; crushes opposition, 176; quits League of Nations, 179; on F.D.R., 184; aggressions, 256, 260, 353-56, 382-94 passim; Stalin pact, 394, 416-17; World War II, 397, 400, 416-18, 421, 437-77 passim; see also Germany; Nazis

  Hoare, Sir Samuel, 256-58

  Hoare-Laval agreement, 259-60

  Hofstadter, Richard, quoted, 235

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 53, 232, 368; quoted, 156-57, 230, 477

  Home mortgage relief, 170, 267

  Home Owners’ Loan Corp., 267

  Hoover, Herbert, 6, 21, 421; 1928 election, 100, 104, 242; power policy, 115; depression policies, 121, 124-25, 169, 184, 195, 320, 327, 333; on foreign causes of depression, 195; economy and reorganization programs, 179, 344; foreign policy, 247, 249; 1932 campaign, 140, 142-45; relations with F.D.R. as President-elect, 145-48, 162
-64; 1940 campaign, 448; on F.D.R. as “chameleon,” 474

  “Hoovervilles,” 123

  Hopkins, Harry, 309, 313, 323, 325, 327, 328, 351; N. Y. relief activities, 125; Federal Relief Administrator, 172, 177, 196, 221, 227; foreign affairs adviser, 257, 263, 383; relations with Congress, 344, 349; 1938 “purge,” 359, 364; Secretary of Commerce, 368, 369; friction with Ickes, 371, 372; build-up for Presidency, 411; third-term advocate, 422; and American Youth Congress, 423; role in 1940 convention, 426, 428, 431; 1940 campaign, 432, 436, 448; in World War II, 461, 463, 465; papers, 491; quoted on F.D.R. and public opinion, 458

  Hornbeck, Stanley K., 177

  House, Edward, 139, 154, 204; F.D.R. letters to, 171, 189, 261; on Huey Long, 213, 214

  House of Representatives. See Congress

  House Un-American Activities Committee, 369

  Housing, F.D.R. on, 245, 299

  Howard, Roy, 204, 226, 507. See also Scripps-Howard newspapers

  Howe, Louis McHenry, 44-49 passim, 58; political assistant to F.D.R., 55, 59, 92ff.; 1920 campaign, 74; on business attitude of 1920’s, 83; polio period, 87, 90, 91; 1918 campaign, 92; 1924 campaign, 93; 1925 role, 96-97; 1928 campaign, 99, 100, 101-2, 106, 107; 1929 role, 114, 118, 124, 128; starts presidential boom, 123, 126, 130; personality, and methods, 126; on Curley, 132; 1932 nominating campaign, 134, 135-36; 1932 election campaign, 139; 1933 role, 150; death, 152, 265; quoted on F.D.R. as hero, 203; on Huey Long, 213

  Howell, Clark, 129

  Hudson River Ice Yacht Club, 29

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 33, 46, 62, 108, 154, 163, 229-33 passim, 291-93 passim; F.D.R. Supreme Court plan, 293, 294-95, 301-5, 314

  Hull, Cordell, 95, 96, 130; Secretary of State, 148, 166, 177-78, 189, 216; disarmament, 249, 250; World Court, 251; trade agreements and tariff policies, 252, 253, 322, 418; Good Neighbor policy, 252-53, 388, 436; neutrality and embargo debates (Ethiopia and Spain), 255-60, 263, 356-57; Supreme Court fight, 303; Far East dangers, 261, 460; on “quarantine” policy, 263, 318; Hitler aggressions and Munich, 353-55, 385, 387-8, 392, 394, 415; Russo-Finnish war, 415; F.D.R. working relationship, 372, 383; World War II, 394, 398-99, 465; third-term issue and own presidential ambitions, 412-14, 424-25, 428

  “Hundred Days,” 168-81; “Second Hundred Days,” 223-26

  Hungary, 384, 390, 433, 445, 469

  Hurja, Emil, 213

  Hyde Park, 3-13 passim, 18, 22, 29-30, 33-34, 67, 76-78, 90, 98, 107, 152, 161, 200, 237, 238, 265, 269, 276, 334, 365, 382, 393, 409, 425, 429, 451-54 passim, 468-78 passim

  Iceland, 460

  Ickes, Harold L., 199, 310, 316, 323, 325, 418; Secretary of Interior, 149, 177, 181, 188, 208, 211, 227; PWA, 192, 196, 222; at Cabinet meetings, 174; as F.D.R. adviser, 173, 222, 263, 383; 1936 campaign, 269, 275, 282, 287; Supreme Court fight, 233, 294, 297, 307, 309, 313; on international affairs, 257, 263, 356, 383, 385, 387-88, 438, 458; Black appointment, 312, 315; and 1937 recession, 320, 326; Forest Service conflict, 327, 348, 372, 374; friction, 327, 372, 374, 472; wages-and-hours issue, 344; National Progressives, 359; 1938 purge, 359; and Martin Dies, 369; third-term issue, 422; and Willkie, 424; 1940 convention, 426-28; 1940 campaign, 436, 445-46; vice-presidential ambition, 432; quoted, 234, 242, 251, 275; quoted on F.D.R. personality and methods, 203, 233, 374, 472

  India, 462

  Indochina, 443

  Inflation, 463, 465-68

  Ingalls, Laura, 399

  Insull, Samuel, 436

  Inter-American Congress, Lima, 388

  International Brigade (Spain), 355

  International Labor Organization, 251

  International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 216

  Interstate Commerce Act, 1933 amendments, 170

  Interstate Commerce Commission, 170

  Irish-American voters, 30, 37, 69, 74, 75, 102, 108, 355, 364, 445, 453

  Isolationists, 249-64, 388-400 passim, 417, 422, 438-39, 441, 455, 458; see also League of Nations; Neutrality; World Court

  Italo-American voters, 69, 74, 108, 445, 453, 455

  Italy, 8, 146, 352-53, 419-21, 441; World War I, 65; Ethiopian invasion, 227, 255-58, 262, 354, 356, 385; Spanish civil war, 261, 355-56; Czechoslovakia crisis, 384, 386; Albanian invasion, 390; Greek invasion, 443, 447-48; World War II, 462, 464, 469; see also Mussolini; World War II

  Jackson, Andrew, 154, 184, 242, 278, 324, 368; as leader, 197, 376; F.D.R. on, 208

  Jackson, Robert H., 266, 325, 326, 412, 422, 427; Supreme Court fight, 301, 306; quoted on Supreme Court fight, 233

  Jackson-Jefferson Day observances, 184, 269, 324, 417

  Japan, 60, 189, 248, 250, 420, 441; aggressions, 146, 176, 261, 319, 323, 352-53, 388, 390, 436, 443; World War II, 460-61, 468-71

  “Japan-firsters,” 462

  Japanese-Americans, World War II concentration camps, 463

  Jefferson, Thomas, 154, 156, 197, 274, 324, 376; second-term difficulties, 347

  Jefferson Day observances. See Jackson-Jefferson Day observances

  Jeffersonian Democrats (1936), 271

  Jehol, 261

  Jewish voters, 101, 104, 108, 150, 285, 453, 455

  Johnson, Hiram, 75, 149, 166, 222, 249, 251, 260, 263, 269, 297, 392

  Johnson, Hugh S., 191-93, 214, 263, 316-17, 371, 372; quoted, 346

  Johnson, Louis, 428-29

  Johnson, Lyndon, 361

  Johnston, Olin D., 363, 365

  Jones, Jesse, 97, 172, 344, 428, 436, 465

  Judicial reforms, 104; see also Supreme Court

  Judicial review, 169, 221-24, 229-34, 498; see also Checks and balances; Supreme Court

  Jungle, The (Sinclair), 200

  Jusserand, Jean Jules, 53

  Jutland, 62

  Kahn, Herman, 483n

  Keller, Kent, letter quoted, 349

  Kellogg Pact, 257, 385

  Kelly, Edward J., 309, 379, 412, 421, 426, 428

  Kelly-Nash machine, 300; see also Kelly, Edward J. (above)

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 130, 240, 394, 397-99

  Kent, Fred, 245

  Kerensky, A. F., 209

  Keynes, John Maynard, 330-33, 335-36; quoted, 178, 332-33

  Keynesian economics, 325, 330, 336; see also Keynes, John Maynard (above); Deficit spending

  Kierkegaard, Soren, 237, 477

  King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 263, 435

  Kingsley, Charles, 15

  Kirby, Rollin, 140

  “Kitchen cabinet,” 266

  KKK. See Ku Klux Klan

  Kluckhohn, Clyde, 479n; quoted, 480, 484

  Knight, John, 114-15

  Knox, Frank, 276, 396, 424, 436, 438, 461

  Knudsen, William S., 206, 435

  Konoye, Prince, 460

  Kremlin struggle, 248; see also Soviet Union; Stalin

  Ku Klux Klan, 93, 102, 434; Black membership, 312-13, 315

  Kurile Islands, 469

  Labor and labor unions; F.D.R, early views, 41-43; early relations, 52, 58-59, 63; F.D.R. program, 75, 105, 116, 117, 121, 124, 143, 171, 180, 208, 215-21, 233, 234, 342-44, 462 (see also New Deal; Recovery program); growth of unionism, 350-51; see also AFL; CIO; Collective bargaining; Wagner Labor Relations Act

  Labor parties. See American Labor party; Farmer-Labor party

  Labor’s Nonpartisan League, 276

  La Follette, Philip F., 201, 278, 358-60, 366

  La Follette, Robert M. (Sr.), 89, 154, 156, 181, 301, 358

  La Follette, Robert M., Jr., 201, 202, 214, 222, 254, 303, 358-59, 392

  “La Follette party.” See Progressive party (Wisc.)

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 364, 377, 436

  Lamont, 122

  Land, Emory S., quoted on F.D.R. working methods (World War I), 63

  Landon, Alf M., 270-87 passim, 298, 391, 396, 424, 454

  Lane, Franklin K., 53

  Laski, Harold, 204

  Latin America, 75-76, 146, 248, 252-53, 288, 390; see also under place names; Good Neighbor policy

  Laval, Pierre, 256, 258

Lawrence, David L., 349

  Lawrence, William, 10

  Lazarus, Rabbi, 270

  League to Enforce Peace, 70

  Leadership, F.D.R. on need for, 262-63

  Leadership, political. See Political leadership

  League of Nations; struggle for U.S. membership, 68-72, 74-75, 80, 134, 247, 384 (see also Isolationists; Neutrality); changes in F.D.R. policy, 70, 89, 126, 179, 250-51, 263, 277; censure of Japan, 146; Hitler withdrawal, 179; sanctions, 255-61 passim; on Spain, 355

  Leahy, William D., 465

  Left and right pressures, 219-22, 511

  Left opposition, 209-15, 224, 417-18

  Legislative power. See Checks and balances; Congress; Judicial review

  Le Hand, Marguerite, 152, 382, 429-30, 468

  Lehman, Herbert H., 101, 104, 108, 303; 1930 N. Y. election, 110; 1932 election, 130; 1936 election, 275, 285; 1938 N. Y. election, 365; 1940 election, 412

  Lemke, William, 281. See also Union party

  Lend-Lease, 457-58; original idea (World War I), 63. See also Destroyer deal

  Lenin, Nikolai, 121, 209, 470

  Lerner, Max, 352

  Lewis, David J., 305, 363

  Lewis, J. Hamilton, 131, 134

  Lewis, John L., 6, 216-18, 307, 378, 414, 477; 1936 support of F.D.R., 276, 286-87; break with F.D.R., 350-57, 361; isolationism, 399; and Willkie, 449-50, 452, 454; F.D.R. quoted on, 252

  Liberty League, 206, 208, 226, 229, 234, 240-43, 246, 298, 304

  Liberty Magazine, 459

  Lincoln (Sandburg), 423

  Lincoln, Abraham, 245, 324, 423, 478; quoted, 246, 464

  Lindbergh, Charles A., 83

  Lindley, Ernest K., 316, 319; quoted on Roosevelt family life, 107

  Lippmann, Walter, quoted, 94, 114, 151

  Literary Digest, 1936 poll, 281

  “Little cabinet,” 465

  Lloyd George, David, 22, 65, 68, 69, 296

  Locarno Treaty, 260

  Lodge, Henry Cabot (Sr.), 61, 69, 78

  London bombings, 438, 440

  London Economic Conference, 177-78, 247

  Lonergan, Augustine, 364

  Long, Breckinridge, 256, 363

  Long, Huey P., 210-14, 221, 224, 239, 477; 1932 support of F.D.R., 130, 135; Wheeler on, 341-42; and Lewis, 350; attacks on F.D.R., 375; death, 271; successors, 271; F.D.R. quoted on, 352; see also Union party

  Long Saulte Rapids, 112

  Looking Forward (F.D.R.), 203

  Louisville Courier-Journal, 176

  Lowell, A. Lawrence, 20

  Loyalists (Spanish civil war), 355-56, 390

  Lubell, Samuel, 454

  Lubin, Isador, 266, 325


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