Operation Gladio
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Sea Supply, Inc., 13, 57, 146
“SEBA” (Baggio's Masonic name), 159
Secord, Richard, 150, 259
Secret Counterintelligence (in OSS) (SCI), 20, 27, 28
Securities and Exchange Commission (US), 134
Semproni, Domenico, 65
Senzani, Giovanni, 106
Serono (pharmaceutical company), 91
Serravalle, Gerardo, 99–100
Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage [External Documentation and Counter-Espionage Service ] (France) (SDECE), 66, 207
Servizio Informazioni Difesa [Information Defense Service] (Italy) (SID), 76, 217
Servizio Informazioni Forze Armate [Armed Forces Information Service] (Italy) (SIFAR), 74–75
Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica [Italian domestic intelligence service] (SISDE), 109, 238, 239
Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare [Military Information and Security Service] (Italy) (SISMI), 14, 104, 106, 108–109, 196, 207, 208, 209, 217–19, 223, 235, 253, 260
SETCO (airline), 259
Shackley, Theodore “Blond Ghost,” 14, 15, 88, 149, 150, 176, 206–209, 212, 219
Shaddick, Peter, 137
Shakarchi Trading Company, 220
Shakespeare, Frank, 51
Shalabi, Mustafa, 258
Shan United Army (private army in Thailand), 151
Shaw, Clay, 74
Shell Oil, 90
Shriver, Sargent, 244
Sichterheitsdienst (SS foreign intelligence service), 23
Sicily, 43
Allied invasion of, 36–37
Sindona and US planned coup, 16, 142–44, 145, 191
See also Mafia, Sicilian Mafia
SID. See Servizio Informazioni Difesa
SIFAR. See Servizio Informazioni Forze Armate
Signoracci, Ernesto and Arnaldo, 162
Silva, Golbery do Couto e, 114
Silva Henríquez, Raúl, 117
Simioni, Corrado, 105
Simon, William, 207, 244, 255
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 255
Sinatra, Frank, 47
Sindona, Michele, 10, 60, 79–94, 98, 130–44, 155
end of financial power of, 189–95, 245–47
asking Reagan for pardon, 245, 249
attempted suicide, 193, 224
death of, 16, 252–53, 256
faking kidnapping, 189–92, 196–97, 216, 249, 251
loss of Mafia backing, 249
speaking out, 250–51
trials of, 251–52
and Gelli, 73, 98, 138, 141, 142, 157, 191, 193, 250
and murder of Giorgio Ambrosoli, 224
as nexus between Mafia, CIA, and Vatican, 13, 15. See also Central Intelligence Agency (US) (CIA); Mafia; Vatican; Vatican Bank
and P2, 76, 109
and US planned coup of Sicily, 142–44, 145
and the Vatican/Vatican Bank, 80, 81–82, 83, 86–87, 89–92, 119, 137–38, 157, 187. See also Marcinkus, Paul “the Gorilla”
See also Banca Privata Finanziaria [Bank of Private Finance] (BPF)
Siragusa, Charles, 48
Siri, Giuseppe, 61, 154, 165
SISDE. See Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica
SISMI. See Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare
Smith, Ian, 149
Smith, James E., 137
SMOM. See Sovereign Military Order (Malta)
“So-Called Parallel SID, The—Operation Gladio,” 260–61
Socialist Minister of Interior (France), 66
Società Generale Immobiliare (construction company), 91
Società Italiana per il Gas (natural gas company), 60
Society for Contemporary Life, 277
Society of Jesus (Argentina), 122, 125
Sodano, Angelo, 118
Sogno, Edgardo, 142
Solidarity movement in Poland, 16, 182–83, 185, 188, 198–200, 209, 227, 245, 253, 287
“Solo Republic,” 28
Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 181, 182
Sorino, Angelo, 134, 135
Soucek, Theodor, 66–67
South America. See Latin America
Southeast Asia, drugs in, 14, 53, 57, 58, 88, 129, 145, 147–48, 152–53, 206
loss of Southeast Asia as source for, 153, 160, 167, 173
See also names of specific countries
Sovereign Military Order (Malta) (SMOM) (aka Knights of Malta), 13, 42, 51–52, 60, 66, 69, 151, 205, 207, 210, 255
Soviet Union, 33, 67, 167, 170, 221, 264
after collapse, 266, 268, 270, 271
and attempted murder of John Paul II, 209, 213, 214, 215
invasion/war in Afghanistan, 16, 168–70, 199, 221
beginning withdrawal, 259
Soviet's losing resolve in, 257
in Italy, 43, 61, 69, 100
rapprochement attempts by Pope John Paul II, 69, 198–99, 208
Stalin's creation of Comecon, 50
US concerns about Communism and Soviet Union, 23–24, 25, 26, 28, 51, 68, 198, 270
Spada, Massimo, 59–60, 73, 83, 195
Spagnuolo, Carmelo, 76, 141
Spain, 71, 244, 285
CIA/Gladio in, 112, 200
Spain, James, 69
Spatola, Rosario, 143, 189, 190, 191, 194, 246, 248
Spatola, Vincenzo, 190, 191, 194, 246
Spatola crime family, 14, 81, 84, 88, 141, 157, 177, 235, 245–46, 248, 249
Special Forces (US), 172
Special Military Plan for Psychological Warfare in Sicily (US Joint Chiefs of Staff report), 36–38
Spellman, Francis, 13, 47, 48, 52, 58
Spy for All Seasons, A (Clarridge), 174
SS. See Schutzstaffel
SSU. See Strategic Services Unit (US)
“Stability Operations—Intelligence—Special Fields” (US military dossier), 102
Stalin, Joseph, 26, 33, 50
Standard Oil, 92
Stanford Technology Trading Group, Inc., 207
Stankard, Francis X., 244
Starfield SA, 179, 225
Starr, C. V., 19, 57, 147
“stay-behind armies,” 23–29, 51
Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), 51, 175, 210, 211
in European countries, 61–62, 66–68, 111, 112, 113, 261
in Italy evolving into Masonic organizations, 62. See also P2 (Propaganda Due)
in Turkey, 68, 112. See also Grey Wolves
Stephens, Jackson, 221–22
Stephenson, David, 246
Stephenson, William “Little Bill,” 31
Sterling, Claire, 14, 208, 209, 213–14
Stibam International (company), 16, 175–76, 184, 194, 197, 204, 208, 210, 214, 216–20, 223, 230, 235, 253
Strategic Services Unit (US) (SSU), 40
“strategy of tension,” 15
Stroessner, Alfredo, 181
Sturmführer, 26
Suenens, Leo, 281
Sullivan and Cromwell (law firm), 24–25, 32
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 59
Sunday Times (newspaper), 58
Supreme Court (Italy), 76, 141, 265
Susurluk (Turkey) incident, 17, 266–68, 271
“Sveaborg” (covert army in Sweden), 68
Sweden, CIA/Gladio in, 68
Tablighi Jamaat, 257
Tajikistan, 257, 269
Taraki, Nur Mohammad, 167, 168–69
Taskim Square massacre, 113
Tassan Din, Bruno, 109, 181
Tatum, Gene “Chip,” 216
Taviani, Paolo Emilio, 61, 97
Technischer Dienst des Bundes Deutscher Jugend [Technical Service Branch of the League of German Youth] (TD-BDJ), 67–68
Teclefin (subsidiary of United Trading Corporation), 182
Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti, 288
Terpil, Frank, 208, 211
Terror Network, The (Sterling), 209
Third Reich
sp; setting up “Solo Republic” in northern Italy, 28
US considering peace negotiations with, 23–24, 25–26
US providing support to stay-behind armies after war, 27, 28–29
See also ratlines for escaping Nazis
Time (magazine), 24, 70, 249
Time, Inc., 59
“Timeline of CIA Atrocities, A” (Kangas), 23
Time of the Assassins, The (Sterling), 214
TIR. See Transport Internationaux Routiers
Tisch, Laurence, 130, 132–34, 135, 141
Tisserant, Eugène, 157
Togliatti, Palmiro, 43, 141
Topal, Ömer Lütfü, 272
Torrisi, Giovanni, 76, 104, 109
Tortolo, Adolfo, 121, 122
Tosches, Nick, 250, 251, 252
Totolo, Antonio, 175
Tovini, Giuseppe, 180
Trabalzini, Dino, 65
Traditionalist, The (newspaper), 139
Trafficante, Santo, Jr., 15, 40, 41, 48, 79, 80, 81, 88–89, 146
Transmaritania, 119
Transport Internationaux Routiers [International Road Transport] (TIR), 175
Treaty on Extradition between the US and Italy, 141
Trilateral Commission, 14, 16, 132, 136, 137, 198, 202, 245
Trocchi, Vittorio, 65
Truman administration, 33, 40, 41, 46
Tucci, Roberto, 65, 282
Tucker, Samuel A., 147
Turani, Anwar Yusuf, 269
Türkeş, Alparslan, 13, 68, 270–71
Turkey, 273, 277
CIA/Gladio in, 15, 68, 112, 172–73, 200–205, 268, 273, 277, 278
killing of Kurds in, 271–72
“Susurluk incident,” 266–68, 271
Taskim Square massacre, 113
Turkish drug route, 55–56, 172–75
Turkification of Islam, 277–78
Turkish Anti-Christian Liberation Front, 238
Turkish Cultural Center, 275
Turkish Olympiad, 278
Turkmenistan, 202, 257
Turner, Stansfield, 142, 191, 262
Tuti, Mario, 102
UBS. See Union Bank of Switzerland
Udall Research Corporation, 207
Uğurlu, Abuzer, 173, 174, 204, 205, 214
Ulema Union of Afghanistan, 170
Ulricor (subsidiary of United Trading Corporation), 181–82
Underwriters Bank, Ltd., 147
Union Bank of Switzerland, 179
United Press International, 59
United Trading Corporation, 179, 181, 225, 235, 237
University of Messina, 60
University of Pennsylvania, Sindona speaking at, 139
University of Scranton, 9
UN Office on Drugs and Organized Crime, 280
Uruguay, 111, 114, 181
Us, Gonga, 266
“US Friendship Bridge,” 274
Ustashi (Croatian fascist group), 71, 73
Uyghurs in northwestern China, 268, 269, 271
Uzbek Communist Party, 274
Uzbekistan, 170, 202, 257, 269, 273–74, 278
Vaccari, Sergio, 233
Valpreda, Pietro, 96
Vance, Cyrus, 123
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 40
Vang Pao, 88, 145
Varisco, Antonio, 142, 234
Vasoula (cargo ship), 214
Vatican, 154–66, 281–90
assets of, 90–91
and the CIA
CIA bugging the Vatican, 15
CIA rigging papal elections, 70, 126, 154–56, 165, 198
and the Communist problem in Italy, 46–47, 49, 50–51, 151
and Gladio, 47, 52, 66, 70, 82, 113
John Paul II causing problems for, 196–205
in Latin America, 118, 119, 122, 126
laundering money, 42, 89–90
and the Mafia, 42, 49, 236, 253, 283, 287, 289
shooting in St. Peter's Square, 206–215
as a source for passports for escaping Nazis, 71
as a sovereign state, 50, 253, 287
use of Price Waterhouse after negligence charges, 171
US states filing RICO suit against, 284
See also Opus Dei
Vatican at War, The (Willan), 179, 243
Vatican Bank, 17, 45–52, 119
after pedophilia scandal seeing deficits, 287
and Banco Ambrosiano, 243, 253
and the Bank of Italy, 187, 196–97, 227, 228, 236–37
and bogus securities, 157
Calvi's involvement with, 228, 229–30, 253
CIA and Mafia using Vatican Bank to launder money, 45–52, 59–60
collecting processing fee for handling drug money, 146
cooperating with Sicilian Mafia on banking scam, 283–84
creation of, 15, 45
and elimination of liberation theology (Banzer Plan), 118–19
Gelli smuggling Ustashi treasury to, 73
John Paul I concerns about, 156–61
known as Istituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR), 15, 45
lending money to a nightclub, 241
and money laundering, 179–88, 234, 250–51, 289, 290. See also Banco Ambrosiano
owning other banks, 84, 87, 137–38, 139, 151, 158, 177, 181–82
use of shell and holding companies, 176, 179–88, 196–97, 197, 222, 225, 235, 236–37, 241, 289
Pope Francis I choosing to keep open, 289–90
Pope John Paul II rejecting requests to investigate, 186–87
receiving black ops monies, 149
reorganization of under Opus Dei, 254–55
secrecy of, 45–46
and Sindona, 80, 81–82, 83, 86–87, 89–92, 119, 137–38, 157, 187
See also Marcinkus, Paul “the Gorilla”
Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder and the Mafia, The (Williams), 10
Vatican II, 285
Venezuela, 76, 117, 127, 143
Ventura, Giovanni, 96
Verbitsky, Horacio, 124
Vergari, Pietro, 282
Vessel Operation, 70
Vicari, Angelo, 98
Videla, Jorge Rafael, 110, 120, 121, 122, 126, 181
Viera Contreras, Leonardo, 117
Viet Cong, 54, 151, 152, 206
Viet Minh, 58
Vietnam, drugs in, 145–46
Vietnam War, 206
Vignes, Alberto, 110, 115
Village Voice (newspaper), 250
Villot, Jean-Marie, 65, 157, 159–66
Vincenza, Sister, 160–61, 162, 163
Vinciguerra, Vincenzo, 100
Vino, Domenico, 101
Viola, Guido, 251
Virtù, Sergio, 240
Vitale, Giacomo, 247
Vizzini, Calogero “Don Calo,” 13, 37–38, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 60, 248
Voghera. See Casa Circondariale Femminile
Volpe, John, 190
von Wernich, Christian, 125
Wakkas, Salah Al Din, 175
Wałęsa, Lech, 182, 198–99, 200
Walters, Vernon, 51, 75, 76, 114, 182, 255
Ward, Chester, 131
Washington Post (newspaper), 41, 148, 264
“Washington's Pope.” See Francis I (pope)
Wasiutynski, Elizabeth, 198
WCC. See World Commerce Corporation
Webb, Gary, 119
Weiner, Tim, 30
“werewolves” (first Gladio unit), 13, 25, 26, 27
Westinghouse, 92
Westmoreland, William, 102
White, George, 59
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press (Cockburn and St. Clair), 30
Whitlam, Gough, 149
Willan, Philip, 179, 243
Wilson, Bob, 148
Wilson, Edwin, 149, 207
Wilson, William, 207
Wilson, Woodrow, 24, 114
Winchell, Walter, 38
Wisner, Frank, 41, 44, 74
Wojtyła, Karol. See John Paul II (pope)
Wolff, Karl, 25–26, 28, 29
Workers’ Commission Trade Union (Spain), 112
World Commerce Corporation (WCC), 13, 31, 49, 56–57, 82
World Council of Churches, 120
Worthern Bank, 221
Wyszyński, Stefan, 165
X MAS. See Decima Flottiglia MAS (Italy)
Yallop, David, 160, 171, 187, 189
Yalta agreement, 26
Yasin Mosque (Brooklyn, NY), 257
Yates, Earl Preston, 150
“Years of Lead” (1969 to 1980), 15, 109, 110, 142, 260, 265
Yılmaz, Mesut, 268
Yorio, Orlando, 122, 123–24, 126
Zagladin, Vadim, 199
Zaman (newspaper), 272
Zaza, Michele, 174
Zilletti, Ugo, 76, 186
Zinn, Georg August, 68
Zitropo (company), 134, 158
Zyklon B (gas), 25