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His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby: He hated her for cockolding him with his brother. Now he wanted vengeance.

Page 12

by Sabel Simmons

  He stroked, circled and pinched her clit, enjoying her cries of passion. He slid his tongue deep inside her hot sheath and stroked around the sides, feeling her quiver against his tongue. He found her G-spot with his tongue and stroked it mercilessly, her cries now constant, begging, crying.

  He stabbed at the spot with the tip of his tongue, sucking hard at her salty juices. She exploded and screamed, her back arching and lifting her hips from the bed in desperation. She lost command of her body again - as before she was gripped in the strength of her orgasm. Damien rose above her and surged inside her. Hard, deep and fast and her just found breath reduced to chopped breaths as another climax hit her with the hard, deep friction inside her.

  Amber could just hold on and thrashed blindly against Damien, gasping for breath, her core pulsing and throbbing with the pleasure pain of her multiple climaxes.

  Damien thrust with a contained ferocity, his arms straight as he plunged into her. Too soon his release rushed through him, weakening his arms. He grunted and pressed forward one last time, thrusting sharp strong plunges until he too could not move.

  That night they paid homage to each other’s bodies. The week together was bliss. They laughed and suddenly the past eleven years disappeared. They went scuba diving and even got to swim with a school of dolphins.

  They made love every day and every night. Amber was amazed at Damien’s ability to build her passions to heights every single time and drawing multiple climaxes from her without fail. Even when she was sure she was totally dried up, he made her climax again.

  She knew deep in her heart that she still loved him, but she also knew he could not forget about his brother and her. She saw the flash of hate and anger every time she did something new while making love. He managed to curb it instantly, but it still lurked there, waiting to be released.

  He released it on their last night of their short honeymoon. Amber wanted to show him how much he really meant to her. They were lying side by side, softly kissing and stroking each other. She pressed against his chest and pushed him on his back. She pressed warm open mouth kisses down his chest, licking his nipples and his whole body tightened. It was the first warning sign she misread. She tugged at his nipple and pulled it past her lips to suck on it lightly, feeling his shaft rising to full arousal against her thigh.

  She ran her hands over his torso and stroked small circles over the soft skin just above his jutting shaft. When her mouth followed he froze and his hands clamped around her shoulders. She scooted lower slowly, her hair framing her face, gently teasing his heated skin. Damien felt her hot mouth moving lower and when she traced the vein from the bottom of his shaft to the top, he snapped. He literally shoved her away from him and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  Amber sat dazedly and looked at his back, tight with his anger. She walked on her knees closer to him and reached a hesitant hand to his shoulder. The moment she touched him he surged upright and swung back to glower at her. She gasped. His eyes burned with anger and hate. Emotions he did not even try to hide.

  “I tried … this whole damn week I really tried … but now … this! I remember his words too vividly! It’s something you never gave me, yet a week later, with Paul …”

  “He told you I …”


  The word exploded from his mouth and he swung around and stalked to the door. He hesitated and glanced back at her. The devastation in her eyes almost too much to bear.

  “Ashton told me you’ve never been involved with another man. Running, hiding and working yourself to death took care of that. Paul … I do not know if I will ever be able to forget about that!”

  “Maybe one day … one day, you will listen to my side. I did not want to tell you, because he was your brother … but for Zoey’s sake and mine for that matter … when you are ready to listen …”

  “He more than told me, Amber. He had pictures, a video …”

  “No! Oh God no!”

  “Quite so. Now you see why nothing you ever say will change anything.”

  “Except if you can allow yourself to forget.”

  He looked at her for a long time. The expression on his face and in his eyes remaining. He turned and strode through the door.

  Amber fell back on the bed. Despair and anger playing havoc with her senses. She could not even cry, she was just too shattered, too broken. How could Paul have been so cruel? How could he deliberately set out to destroy his own brother’s happiness and hers … and for what? His own ego, jealousy?

  She eventually fell asleep, only to start awake when the yacht was moored at the jetty. She dressed quickly and walked to the landing level. Damien stood talking with the captain and she realized they were at his estate. He noticed her and looked her over. Noticing how fresh she looked in a soft blue sundress with silver thongs on her feet. He walked over and gave her a soft peck on her cheek.

  “I thought we’d surprise Zoey and pick her up from the academy this afternoon. She is only expecting us early evening.”

  Amber searched his eyes and sighed.

  “I guess the honeymoon is over.”

  “Oh, don’t fool yourself, Amber. I still want you, but sex will be on my terms and what suits me. Not your memories of what you had with Paul.”

  “I did not HAVE anything with him! Never! I don’t care that he showed you photos or videos! I swear I never, not once gave myself to him!”

  He did not move, except for a flash of anger in his eyes.

  “And I guess you’re going to find a way to prove it? He also told me about your twin birthmarks, Amber. The one below your left breast and the other on the inside of your thigh, right next to your vulva. He had to have been mighty close to have seen it and be able to describe it to me in detail!”

  Amber could just stare at him. Even if she could find one of Paul’s friends to confess, he would probably not believe them. Hence their marriage was doomed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two months later it was only Zoey that kept them from murdering each other. Damien had become withdrawn and hardly spoke to her. Only when Zoey was near did he make an effort to appear loving.

  He did however ensure that she got enrolled in Varsity to complete her last two subject’s full time. Which meant she went to class daily and was due to write her final exams the following week.

  Concentrating on that gave her a reason to keep busy and not dwell on what spurred his once again full on resentment and hate for her. They slept in the same bed – but that was all. He turned his back on her every night.

  They just finished dinner and Zoey sat in the den watching a television show. Amber sat on the porch studying when Damien strolled outside and stood staring at her. She glanced up and frowned. His face a picture of irritation. She sighed.

  “Why did you demand I finish my degree?”

  “One should complete what one starts. This at least keeps you busy and …”

  “Off the streets? You really have a low opinion of me, don’t you? Are you waiting for me to go and find a lover so you can throw me out and keep Zoey with you?”

  “Now why is that the first thought in your mind? Apart from the fact that you’ve done it before.” His eyebrows rose.

  “Is that why you stopped making love with me? To prove I have no morals and will be so desperate for a man I will go and find one … anyone?”

  His jaw was rigid and his eyes sizzled at her, but he did not respond. Amber jumped up and went to stand directly in front of him her hands on her hips.

  “Well, my love, I am so sorry to disappoint you! I have no desire for another man. If that is why you married me, only to get rid of me … I suggest you try another angle! If my … NEED … becomes too great – I’ll fall back on what kept me going all these years … masturbation!”

  A muscle ticked in his temple and he jerked her against him. He gritted through clenched teeth.

  “Be careful where you tread, Amber. I am trying to get my anger under control, which you so
easily broke apart. Continue to do so and I might just decide it’s not worth it to keep you with us.”

  Amber gasped. His threat was loud and clear. He would keep Zoey with him. He pushed her away irritably and walked past her. Soon thereafter she heard the roar of his Bentley as he sped off.

  She lay awake the whole night waiting for Damien to return, but he never did and her heart cracked. He obviously spent the night with one of his many lovers, who kept calling him even though their wedding was front page news in all the newspapers and magazines. A true fairytale story of love lost and then found.

  Maybe they know him better than I thought I did. Maybe he truly does not care for me anymore and only keeps me around to hurt me and extract revenge!

  She just waved Zoey goodbye at the jetty and went back inside to get her bag and final assignment she needed to hand in that morning. She was listless and unhappy. She picked up her handbag from the bedroom and turned to walk downstairs when Damien walked in from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel and a small towel wrapped around his waist.

  They both froze and just stared at each other. Amber’s lips flattened and she drew a deep breath. She threw her handbag over her shoulder and turned to walk out the door.

  “What? No good morning kiss, Beautiful?”

  “At a glance I would say you already had your fill of those.”

  She continued towards the door and he yanked her back against his naked chest. His hands spread over her belly whilst he nuzzled her neck with his hot lips.

  “Aaah, but honey, no one else has sweet lips such as yours!”

  His large hand folded around her neck and he tipped her head back and up and his lips locked around hers. He ignored her struggles and his tongue surged inside, playing a passionate duel with hers. She struggled from anew when he bundled her dress higher and snapped her G-string in two with a twist of his fingers. She screeched into his mouth but he ignored her. She felt his hard aroused shaft press against her buttocks and her sheath flooded with liquid heat immediately.

  “Come to think of it, Beautiful, none of them has such a tight, eager body as yours! And I want a taste of it … right now!”

  “Noo! Damn you!”

  He contained her struggles easily and pushed her forward on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge and her buttocks curved enticingly upwards. Damien stroked his hands over the tight cheeks and pushed her legs apart. She felt the blunt tip of his shaft press against her opening and she took deep choppy breaths. He pressed inside, just a tad.

  “If you don’t want me to do this, my love … now is the time to say so.”

  When she remained quiet and just bundled the duvet cover in her fists he thrust inside her, plunging deep, until she was so tight around him, his breath wheezed out of him. He kept still, just savoring her gripping him as tight as a custom made glove. He gritted, the need to push even deeper made him grip her hips. He pulled back and plunged in once again, torturously slow and Amber keened.

  “More, Damien, I need more of you!”

  He stopped breathing and sweat broke out on his brow. He stroked her back with his one hand whilst the other still gripped her hip, lifting her when he pulled back again.

  “Please Damien! Give me more! I need all of you!”

  He plunged deep then and her cry was one of pleasure. Even though at first it felt uncomfortable her body stretched to accommodate him and then there was just pleasure as he set a steady rhythm. Damien gritted on his teeth, still keeping some of him back, but exulted in her needing all of him.

  She pressed back against him and thrashed as her climax built, begging for release. She whimpered with each plunge, her body a furnace of heat. When his fingers curled around her clit and stroked it urgently she arched her back, feeling the pressure build high inside her. Damien pinched and stroked and plunged and then she was there. She screamed as her whole body tightened and it felt as if all her bodily functions came to a halt. Damien plunged furiously and he joined her soon after. He leaned forward and covered her body with his hands beside her head, driving into her with controlled force. His release shot through him and his legs nearly gave way it was so intense.

  Staying away from her for months only served to drive his own frustrations and need higher. He stayed against her back and lodged inside her until her breathing settled then he pulled back and withdrew from her. She got up from the bed immediately and stormed to the bathroom. He picked up the towels he flung on the floor and dried himself. She went into the walk-in cupboard to replace the panty he tore.

  Their eyes met when she walked back into the room and he smirked. She was angry as hell and not scared to show it. Her voice was hoarse.

  “I warned you I will not stand for you keeping your lovers, Damien. But neither will I be their goddamned substitute if they did not spread their thighs for you!”

  “It comes so easy to you, doesn’t it? Thinking everyone has the same standards you do!”

  She blanched at the insult and felt tears burn behind her eyes.

  “Seeing as you already found me guilty, I won’t waste my breath trying to convince you otherwise.”

  He glanced at the clock on the bedside table and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

  “Aren’t you going to be late for class, Beautiful?”

  She did not even bother to look at the clock. She grabbed her bag and swung around, nearly running out the door. She kept her sobs back until she was out of the driveway in the Jeep Grand Cherokee he bought her. The shattering climax she just had reduced to something meaningless and cheap … and all through her own to do!

  From that point on Damien made love to her every night. But in a reserved manner. Amber felt it. It was as if he built another wall around his heart and his emotions. As if the hurt and hate he felt for her was not enough to keep her at bay.

  Damien invited Rory and Ashton the next Saturday to come and watch the baseball game at their house. Zoey of course was ecstatic. Her two favorite uncles coming to visit to watch a sport she immediately became hooked on. She watched almost every game with Damien and knew all the rules and regulations already.

  She tore out of the door when they heard the first car pull up. Amber hugged her brother a tad too long for him to immediately realize something was wrong. Rory arrived minutes after Ashton and she hugged him briefly.

  The afternoon rushed by and was filled with laughter and fun. They all decided that the two uncles should stay for dinner and sleep over. They indulged rather too much on beer whilst watching the game. Amber left them to their fun and disappeared to the kitchen, just as Rory laughed and ribbed Damien.

  “And so the mighty has fallen, Ash. You know that when they had their first fight he came to me, got roaring drunk and slept over, rather than find one of his black book ladies!”

  Amber stiffened and turned back to the room. Damien sat watching her silently. She blinked and felt the anger rush through her.

  He deliberately made me believe he spent the night with another woman. Why? So I could feel what it felt like to be betrayed!

  She stumbled into the kitchen and clutched the edge of the marble top, forcing her emotions under control. She felt him the moment he walked into the kitchen and she drew a deep calming breath.

  “Why Damien? Why make me believe you spent the night with another woman?”

  He turned her to face him and stared into her eyes without saying a word. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Maybe there was a part of me that wondered if it would bother you if I slept with someone else after we got married. Maybe I just needed to keep you angry at me so I could keep my distance from you.”

  “Why? I committed to this marriage. I thought you did too.”

  “So did I. I guess it is harder than I anticipated.”


  “Seeing visions of you with Paul every time we make love. Lord knows if it was anyone else, and even had there been a hundred others in between it would not have mattered. But
Paul? And while I thought you were mine … that I can’t seem to get past.”

  He turned away and said with a hoarse voice as he walked out.

  “I am starting to believe that maybe I never will.”

  Amber was relieved when she walked out of the examination room. She should be elated that she now had the qualification she worked so hard for. Yet, even knowing she aced it, she was listless. It was still early and Zoey had sports that afternoon so she would only be home late afternoon. She decided to go and visit her brother at the office. Maybe, now that she was qualified he could give her a job. Sitting around all day was not for her and she knew she would become bored now that she did not have her studies to keep her busy.

  “Hey, Sis. How did the exam go?”

  “Aced it.”

  “What are you doing in this area?”

  “I came to ask for a job.”

  “A job? You? Damien know about it?”

  “I doubt he would care either way.”

  “Hmm, then you are fooling yourself. He would not approve. That much I can guarantee!”

  “I can’t just sit around the whole day, Ash! It will drive me crazy!”

  “I do need someone to head up the Finance division and with your experience you would be perfect. Speak to him first and if he agrees, then we chat.”

  She nodded and walked listlessly around the office she spent so many hours in whilst still in school. She always visited her father after school and knew the business fairly well.

  “I take it things are not well between you?”

  “He … Paul showed him pictures and a video of us together, Ash. No matter what I tell him, he will never believe me! I don’t even know what I am supposed to defend myself against! If only I could remember!”

  “I heard that the Locke twins are back in town. They were in cahoots with Paul back them. I am going to pay them a visit. It is time Damien hears what his useless brother really did to you!”


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