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His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby: He hated her for cockolding him with his brother. Now he wanted vengeance.

Page 13

by Sabel Simmons

  “Do you really think they would tell you the truth?”

  “If I have to threaten them with Damien, I will. They are dependent on his good faith in them. He is about to invest in their company to save it from ruin. That is why they are here. To sign the final agreement.”

  “It must be the business meeting he referred to he has to attend this evening. No violence, please Ash. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Ashton took her around the company and introduced her to new staff and renewed acquaintances with the few still there from when she left. She glanced at her watch and blanched.

  “Goodness. I did not realize it was this late. Zoey must be on her way already. I hope I make it before she gets home. Let me know when you intend talking to the Locke’s Ash.”

  He walked her to her car and stared pensively after her.

  Zoey was already home by the time she arrived – and so was Damien. The anger on his face testimony of his suspicions where she spent the afternoon.

  “Ashton sends his regards. He seemed to have settled in well in his new job.”

  Damien relaxed visibly and took a seat at the breakfast nook, watching Amber preparing dinner.

  “I … ehm … was wondering. I’d like to go to work. I can’t sit around the whole day doing nothing. Ash needs someone to head up the Finance division.”

  “No.” One word in a clear precise voice.

  “Why not?”

  “You are supposed to spend more time with Zoey. How are you going to do it if you work an eight hour day five days a week?”

  She sighed and continued to chop the vegetables. She speared a glance at him.

  “What am I expected to do then, Damien? I can’t sit around doing nothing! Why make me finish my degree if I am not going to utilize it?”

  “Because it was important to you. Find something you can do from home, Amber. There are millions of housewives and mothers doing exactly that.”

  “What time is your meeting?”

  “Seven. But I’ll have dinner with you first.”

  Zoey walked in carrying a piece of paper she handed to Damien.

  “There is a parents meeting on Thursday afternoon from three till seven. You need to sign this indicating which time will suit you.”

  Damien read the notice and took the pen she held out to him. He glanced sideways at her, his face serious.

  “Any surprises we should be prepared for, Missy?”

  “Argh, Daddy. You are sooo funny!”

  “Four suit you, honey?”

  Amber nodded, not really paying much attention. Damien continued to rib Zoey until she eventually turned to Amber, complaining loudly.

  “Mom, tell Dad to stop! I am a very good student!”

  “Hmm, that you are, poppet.”

  “When will dinner be ready, Mom? I am starving!”

  “Lately you are always starving!”

  “I am a growing young lady, I’ll have you know! I need my nutrients.”

  “Fifteen minutes. I’m just making chicken stir fry.”

  “Hmm, yum! With the Taiwanese sauce?”

  Damien left immediately after dinner.

  “I should not be too long. Probably two hours at the most. I am busy with an investment deal with the Locke twins. You remember them? You were at school together.”

  Amber nodded, and lifted her face dutifully for his kiss. He pulled her flush against him and kissed her properly and deeply, until she moaned and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “That’s better. I don’t do cheek pecks, Amber. Remember that.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  For the following month, things got much better and they even laughed and joked together. In bed, Damien still held himself back. He made love to her passionately, tenderly and wildly, but he kept his emotions in check. Amber felt it and therefore poured all hers into every touch or kiss she gave him, with the hope he would learn to trust her.

  She came out of the bathroom and took her birth control pill from the drawer. She noticed his mouth flattening into a thin line and his body tightened as she swallowed it down.

  “When are you going to stop taking those?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do I mean? Exactly how it sounded, Amber. I told you what I wanted and needed from you. I am waiting for you to give it to me.”

  “You …you still want another baby?”

  His eyebrows shot up and his jaw turned rigid.

  “What made you think I didn’t mean what I said before? More to the point. Why would you think I changed my mind?”

  Her face must have given her away and he smirked.

  “That is just sex, Amber. Either I get it from you or I go elsewhere. I don’t care either way. If you thought I would forcefully take your pills away and force a baby on you … you are sadly mistaken. You clearly do not believe you owe me anything.”

  “I did not cuckold you with Paul!”

  “This goes beyond Paul. You kept my child from me, Amber! For that, you owe me!”

  They stared at each other, the one angrier than the other. Damien cursed and flung the sheet back. He walked naked to the bathroom and proceeded to ignore her the rest of the day. It was Saturday and they usually spent it on fun things with Zoey. Zoey realized early on her parents had a fight and resignedly spent the day playing X-box, swimming and watching television. Damien got up early evening and returned in a change of clothes.

  “I’m going out.”

  He turned and started towards the garage. Her soft voice stopped him.


  She waited until his eyes turned to hers.

  “Please don’t go to another for sex. I don’t think I would be able to stand it … not now. Please.”

  He stared at her for what felt like hours, but could not have been more than half a minute. He nodded curtly and walked away.

  “Mom … where is Dad going?”

  “Ehm … he and Uncle Rory is going to a poker night at some friends.”

  “Oh … okay.” She did not sound convinced.

  “Why don’t you and I go for a movie and pizza somewhere?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Amber’s heart cried. Zoey was not stupid and felt the tension between Damien and her. She sighed. She would love to have Damien’s baby. To have him there throughout it all. But would it be fair to any of them if they brought another child into a family where the parents were at odds all the time. There was of course the chance that Damien’s heart would soften once they had another child. The question was, was she willing to take such a mammoth leap of faith?

  They arrived back home minutes before Damien did. Zoey just looked at him and ran to her room.

  “What was that about?”

  “I guess she is not used to you not taking her with when you go out … or saying goodbye before you do.”

  He ran his hands through his hair and walked upstairs to talk to her. He rapped on her door and she grumbled incoherently from the inside.

  “I could not hear what you said, so I took it to mean come in.”

  She did not even look up when he walked inside, just continued to page through a magazine.

  “Come on, Precious. Why are you angry at me?”

  “You left.”

  “Only for a while and I am back now. Where did you and Mom go?”

  “The movies.”

  “I take it you did not enjoy the movie?”

  “Was okay. Would have been better if you were there.”

  “Okay, Precious. I am sorry I left without saying goodbye. My mind was elsewhere. I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “I thought you liked having us here.”

  “I do.”

  “Then why do you go out by yourself? We’ve only been here a few months and you’re going out every now and then without us.”

  Her voice sounded teary and he cursed.

  “Poppet, you do know that most of those were for work. I have tried not to make too man
y commitments after hours, but sometimes it is not possible. The other times … us guys have some men stuff we do alone sometimes, you know. But those, I promise will not happen too often either.”

  “Like playing poker with uncle Rory?”

  He realized that was what Amber must have told her and he smiled.

  “Just so. Now, I am still smarting from losing that X-box game last week. It is still early. I feel lucky tonight. I am sure I am going to win tonight!”

  “Never! Your fingers are too thick for those small buttons!”

  He jumped up from the bed and looked at his fingers, frowning at her.

  “Are you saying I am fat?”

  “No. Dad nooooo!’

  Amber heard the excited shriek followed by gaily giggles and watched Damien run down the stairs with Zoey on his shoulders like a bag of potatoes.

  “So squirt, the game is on! Set everything up so long. I am going to fetch us something to drink.”

  Amber sighed and watched Zoey excitedly setting up the game. Another easy conquest. Damien Jordan knew just how to twirl a woman around his fingers … no matter their age. She picked up her sketchpad and pencil and sat drawing the two loves of her life playing X-box.

  “My birth control pills are finished. I am not going to fill the script.”

  Amber sat in front of the dressing table brushing her hair and their eyes met in the mirror.

  “What made you change your mind?”

  “I did not change my mind. I just never reached a decision.”

  “I see. So you are not going to resent me once the baby is born?”

  She flicked an annoyed glare at him.

  “I thought that was the whole point. To give you what you wanted and needed as your vengeance. My feelings were never part of the discussion.”

  “I am making it part now.”

  Amber sighed and glared at him.

  “I don’t understand you, Damien! Now that I am willing to give you what you want … now you don’t want it anymore? What changed over the past two weeks?”

  He just sat looking at her. Drinking in her beauty. He knew he would never be able to let her go again. Yet he could still not rid himself from the hurt and anger burning in his soul. Would a baby from her give him peace, or was it just a way to keep a strong hold over her?

  “I did not change my mind, but I don’t want the mother of my child resenting him once he is born.”

  “I would never resent an innocent baby! I made the decision with an open mind and will offer him or her the same love and affection as I have Zoey.”

  “What do you feel for me, Amber?”

  Her mouth gaped open and she swung around on the chair to face him. Her eyes flashed fire at him.

  “Why? Do you need more ammunition to hurt me with?”

  She sighed and flung her hair back over her shoulder. When their eyes met again hers glittered as deep as the clearest purple diamond.

  “Other than you, my love, I have not held my emotions back when we make love. Maybe if you paid attention to that, you need not ask me such a question.”

  She rose and walked towards the door.

  “I do suggest however we talk to Zoey about this first. She might not be as keen to share your love and affection with another baby just yet.”

  Damien slammed a frustrated fist on the bed next to him. Still she did not answer his question on her feelings, apart from a cryptic statement. He needed to hear her say the words. He saw the emotions and feelings on her face and in her eyes. But they were making love, in the height of passion … who knows what those feelings really meant!

  By the time he walked out on the front porch that faced the ocean, Amber had breakfast laid out for them. Zoey said grace as usual and they ate in silence for a while.

  “What are we doing today, Dad? We have not been to visit the Gramps and Grams for a while. I was wondering if we could go and say hi.”

  “Of course. Except if Mom has anything else planned?”

  Amber chuckled. “As if I ever get an opportunity to make suggestions for what we do on weekends.”

  “Sorry, Mom! I promise, next week we do what you want us to do.”

  “Well, I did have something in mind, but that would depend on your answer.”

  “My answer?”

  “Your mother and I want another baby. A little brother or sister for you. Of course, it is important that you are happy and excited about such a prospect as well. So, my Precious, what do you think?”

  She was quiet for a while, looking at Amber first and then for a long time at Damien. Eventually she sat back in her chair and smiled at them.

  “Is it possible to choose what I want? You know a sister or a brother?”

  They laughed and she giggled with them.

  “Unfortunately not. There are things people say you should do when you want either or, but I am not so sure any of those are effective.”

  “Well, I’d like a little brother first and then a year or two later a little sister. I grew up alone, but I think it would be good if they can grow up together. Why are you crying, Mom?”

  She just shook her head and smiled through her tears. Damien took her hand in his and smiled at Zoey.

  “I take it’s a yes then?”

  “Oh definitely! I would love a baby brother!”

  “What has that to do with what you want to do next weekend, Beautiful?”

  “Well, it probably is too soon, but we will have to do one room over into a baby room.”

  “Oh yes! We can fix the room together! This is going to be such fun!”

  Then she sobered and looked from Amber to Damien.

  “You will not love me less when there is a new baby will you?”

  Damien laughed and drew her onto his lap, squeezing her tight.

  “Of course not, my darling. No one can ever take your special spot in my heart!”

  It was as if a switch was flipped after that. Damien became considerate. He talked and listened to her. He took her on special date nights, which Zoey was too happy about as she then got to spend time with either set of Grandparents.

  Their lovemaking was even better. He was tender, passionate, but also wild and lustful. Now, Amber felt loved and cherished, yet careful not to believe he has forgotten what has driven his hurt and hate all these years.

  He made her start redecorating the house. He wanted her to do so from day one, but she did not feel comfortable with it, and the house was lovely as it was. Now he demanded she start and she was glad. It kept her busy and her days filled with happiness.

  Damien ignored his cellphone when it rang. He usually did when he was in meetings. He ignored the third and fourth ring too. His Executive Assistant burst into the boardroom a few moments later. Her eyes as wide as saucers.

  “Damien, it is Amber on the line. She is hysterical. Something happened to Zoey.”

  A coldness swept through his body and he picked up the phone on the side table.


  “She’s gone! Oh God Damien! I can’t find her anywhere!”

  “Calm down, honey. Tell me what happened.”

  “She … the school boat did not … stop here … I stood on the jet … ty waiting … they just cruised past! I … I phoned the school … they said she … left with the … rest of the … but she didn’t … she was not on … the boat! I went … went to the … school … Amy said … she said she saw … two strange men and a … woman talking to … her! I can’t find … her! I have been … driving around … for hours! The pol … ice said … they won’t help!”

  “Where are you now?”

  “I … don’t … know! We have to … find her!”

  “Honey, look around. Tell me what you see. AMBER! Listen to me! Tell me what you see!”

  It took another five minutes before Damien could find out where she was and set out there immediately. Within ten minutes he parked behind her SUV and she ran into his arms. She was still crying and sobs racked her body.

bsp; “Shh … I am here now. Come, let us go home. I have a friend in the FBI. I already called him and he will meet us there. He should already be at the school to talk to the people there.”

  He picked her up and sat her down on the passenger seat. One of his associates came with so he could drive Amber’s car home.

  She sat trembling the whole way home. Ashton and Rory were already there. Amber crumbled on the couch and Damien cursed. He took her in his arms and held her close. His mind in turmoil, his heart cold and fear at the forefront of it all.

  His cellphone rang and he answered it immediately.


  “Mr. Billionaire Jordan! How are you this fine afternoon?”

  “Who the hell are you and what do you want?”

  “Well, that is quite rude … especially as I have your little girl under my … protection at the moment.”

  “You hurt one hair on her head and you’re dead!”

  “You don’t pay us what we want … and she is dead! We want one billion dollars in bearer bonds. You have forty eight hours. We will contact you then. Oh … before I go … Say hi to Daddy, love.”

  “Da …ddy?”

  “Zoey, are you okay? Have they hurt you?”

  “No … but I want to come home!”

  “Enough! Just to make sure you and your beautiful wife don’t miss her too much, I will send you a photo every hour! Forty eight hours, Jordan!”

  Damien dropped the phone and Amber sat rocking next to him. She heard enough to realize Zoey had been kidnapped.

  “What do they want, Damien?” Rory asked.

  “One Billion dollars in bearer bonds.”

  “That is ludicrous!”

  “They clearly did their homework. They know such an amount won’t even make a dent in your bank account.”

  “That is what worries me. How do we know this will be the end of it? Nevertheless, Ashton, please contact Rudi Pearl and tell him to get the bearer bonds ready. I don’t care who he has to pay or what he has to do to get it ready in forty eight hours. Just make sure he does!”

  Ashton went to the porch to make the phone call whilst Rory went to answer the gate intercom. It was Sheldon White, their FBI buddy.

  Amber sat on Damien’s lap with her arms tight around his neck and his around her back. She didn’t cry anymore, but sobs still rocked her body every now and then.


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