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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 49

by Selina Coffey

  “It’s not every day that you’re in the company of an altruistic billionaire, especially one as warm and unassuming as Jonathan Warren.”

  What? A billionaire? Jonathan. She must be mistaken.

  “I asked Jonathan to speak today in honour of all he’s done not only for charities, but for his support of non-profit organisations. This conference, allowing us to use his hotel and charging us nothing...” There was applause and hollers from the crowd and I had to focus on her next words.

  “As you all know, Jonathan and his family have been steady supporters of our community for generations. And Jonathan’s work in the community, when he’s not kicking butt in a ring that is…” The crowd laughed and I sat there perplexed, “Is what keeps many of our organizations afloat. So please help me in giving a warm round of applause to our keynote speaker for the evening and the former CEO of the world’s highest grossing hotel chain, Jonathan Warren.”

  I applauded still unbelieving when Jonathan took the stage, looking incredibly handsome in an expertly tailored dark suit. I was too busy thinking of how a billionaire had asked me out. Me. The single mom with the average girl-next-door looks. I was torn between feeling self-conscious and maybe a little bit of indignation that he hadn’t told me.

  After he was done speaking, he left the stage and the director continued speaking about the goals of the conference. I didn’t have much to say as I was occupied by thoughts of this new found information. It didn’t bother me that Jonathan was a billionaire, at all. I just wished he had told me so I hadn’t felt so caught off guard earlier. Lincoln’s father had come from money and provided well for Lincoln. Even though my son didn’t see his father all that often, he made sure we had everything we needed. Those thoughts were on my mind as I changed into a dress I had packed that would have to suffice for a date outfit.

  I heard a knock at my door and as I opened the door Jonathan stood there, holding a picnic basket in his hand. “Are you ready?” he asked directing his eyes towards my dress that was the colour of pink rose petals. The dress hit just above my knees and made me feel youthful given that every time I turned, the full skirt of it seemed to twirl. I had shaped my curls into a cute bob that framed my high cheek bones. I knew that I looked lovely.

  I was the first to speak as I quickly picked up my purse and closed the door behind me. “You looked great up there this afternoon.” I said breaking the silence between us.

  He grunted in reply still taking in my dress and reaching up to stroke a stray hair away from my cheek. “I should be the one offering you compliments. That dress looks beautiful on you. Or rather, you make that dress look beautiful.”

  I blushed and shyly as he hit the elevator call button and we stood there staring at each other, sizing each other up. He had changed as well. Gone was the dark suit and in its place were loose fitting brown pants and a long sleeve white t-shirt that fit him remarkably well. His wide, muscular chest was so easily emphasized by his choice of clothing, distracting me from my earlier thoughts.

  He extended his hand and I took it as we waited. We stepped into the elevator and I briefly wondered what the other conference attendees would think about seeing us together. But then I dismissed my insecure thoughts. If I wanted to see Jonathan, that was my own business. He led me out of the hotel through a back entrance where a car waited that I hadn’t seen before. It was a large SUV limo and I hesitated before getting in.

  “So this is our transportation for the night?”

  “I didn’t want my mind occupied by anything but you, so driving was out of the picture.”

  I blushed and he took that as an opportunity to open the door for me. I slid in to the plush interior and settled against the extremely luxurious seats.

  As the driver pulled off I said, “Would it be absolutely obnoxious if we rolled down the sunroof and stood up to look out?”

  “Yes, but don’t let that stop you.” He then hit a little button and I smiled at him before standing up and positioning my arms on either side of the sunroof, feeling like a movie star. I looked out over the city and couldn’t help but giggle. I then felt Jonathan moving to stand next to me.

  “This is pretty awesome, isn’t it?” he said yelling over the wind.

  “Have you never done this before?”

  He shook his head, “Nope, I rarely use a limo. I just thought you might enjoy it.”

  I looked at him and gave him a big smile, “I’m loving this,” I cried. Then we hit a pothole and I raised my eyebrows in alarm and slowly sat back down.

  “So... you own the hotel?” I said as he settled back down next to me.

  He nodded, “Several of them in this area,” he said nonchalantly.

  “So your family owns hotels?”

  Jonathan nodded, “As the director mentioned, I used to be CEO until I decided to go on an early retirement.”

  “How did you get into practicing karate? Specifically, how’d you go from being a big time hotelier to a dojo owner?”

  “I’ve been doing martial arts since I was a child. I studied abroad in Japan and lived there after I quit the family business. And I decided to do what I really wanted and opened the dojo and several others in the area when I retired from the corporate world.”

  “And how are you affiliated with the non-profit world?” I said genuinely curious. “Are you just a big donor?”

  “Yes and I do my own form of community service, going to different schools teaching karate to kids who can’t afford lessons, that sort of thing.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty impressive.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly again. “I do what I can.”

  Suddenly the car pulled over and the driver opened the door. I quickly drew in a breath at the landscape around me.

  “Wow. Just wow.” I said.

  In front of us was a gorgeous lake with a dark green luscious forest bordered each side of it. A dock led to the centre of the lake and Jonathan grabbed my hand and led me to the end of the dock. We sat with our legs hanging over the edge of it, like a couple of teenagers on summer vacation.

  We sat talking, exchanging stories about our youth. He told me how he was “inspired” by Karate Kid and I reacted by teasing him mercilessly and making lots of really bad “wax on, wax off” jokes that related to the movie. He then asked about Lincoln and his father.

  I became quiet as I stalled by taking a few grapes from the picnic basket. “There’s not much to tell. We met in high school. We were high school sweethearts and then I married him shortly after my mom died. Stupid move on my part, but I was hurting and I got pregnant with Lincoln and we thought we were doing the right thing by getting married. It didn’t work out. He moved to Europe. His dad is into international commercial real estate and I think my ex overseas the England branch.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom. I’m not too sorry things didn’t work out with your ex. We can talk about something else if you want.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m very much over Lincoln’s dad.”

  “So how often does Lincoln get to see his father?”

  “Normally about twice a year. He normally shows up for Lincoln’s birthday and Lincoln spends his summers there. He was a crappy husband, but he’s great to Lincoln.”

  “Well, that’s good at least. Lincoln’s a great kid.”

  “Thanks,” I said. The sun was setting and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. The view was gorgeous from where we sat.

  “It’s beautiful here. You come out here often? I bet you bring tons of dates out here, don’t you?” I said playfully. Now that I aired some of my dirty laundry I was feeling more comfortable.

  “I like to keep my concubines out here. You know, introduce them to my lady friends. It keeps them on their toes, stops them from rebelling.”

  I laughed so hard that I snorted, “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I know it.”

  “Ready to head back?” He asked and I nodded.

  He helped me up and instead of releasing my hand he
used his grip on it to tug me forward.

  “Would it be too forward of me if I said that I wanted to taste you?” he asked huskily as he placed a hand under my chin and brought my face up to his.

  I was unable to speak at the boldness of his question and I guess he took my silence as consent as he pressed his lips down onto my own.

  He placed his other hand on the small of my back and tugged me forward, deepening the kiss as our hips made contact. I sighed against his lips and opened my mouth a little, allowing his tongue greater access.

  He let his hand trail up and into my dress and I gasped with pleasure as he began to trace circles around my nipples through the fabric of my bra. When he finally pulled my bra away and his warm hand touched my flesh, I breathed out his name.

  “Do you like that, Mia?” He asked speaking to me with his lips still brushing against mine.

  I didn’t answer and he wasted no time putting his other hand into my dress and releasing my bra. He pushed the bra to the side, freeing my breasts and cupped them delicately, using his thumbs to play with their now taut pink tips.

  “How’s that? Tell me you like it,” Jonathan said, against my lips and then he continued to stroke my nipples while his mouth placed damp kisses across my searing flesh.

  He nibbled on my neck and ear, while fondling my breasts now roughly in his hands and I breathed, “Oh God, Jonathan…”

  “You feel so good, Mia. So good…” He whispered roughly and I could feel my sex pulsing with every tug of his fingers against my nipples and every stroke of his palms against my breasts.

  As he returned his mouth to mine, he kissed me hard on the lips and murmured with his face pressed against mine, “Let’s head out, ok?”

  And he reluctantly let go of my breasts and I mumbled a protest that died on my lips when he kissed me hard again, “Let me help you straighten your clothes.”

  After he was done, he placed an arm around my waist and led me back to the limo. His warmth next to my side was unsettling and I tried to keep my mind off the crazy sexual thoughts that had instantly popped into my mind as we settled back into the limo and headed to town.

  Chapter 4

  I was quiet in the car ride home. He held my hand the entire way, stroking the back of it softly with his own. He seemed lost in thought, with his eyes turned towards the window staring at the scenery and buildings that we passed on the way back to the hotel.

  I was still in a sexual haze when we pulled up to our destination, got out the car and walked to the lobby’s elevators. I had spent the entire car ride trying not to think of what was happening between my legs. I wanted Jonathan badly. I was still wet from our earlier interlude and a part of me wanted to throw caution to the wind, as they say, and be wanton for once in my life. Lincoln was with Luz. I didn’t have any responsibilities or obligations.

  I was free to just be whomever I wanted to be that night. With that thought in my head, I waited until the elevator doors closed and I looked up at Jonathan who looked down at me with unconcealed desire. Emboldened by his look, I stepped forward and pressed my breasts against his chest and used one hand to aggressively rub at his arousal. Even through the fabric of his pants, I could feel his member lengthening, growing bigger as I stroked it and rubbed the tip of it.

  He was getting excited and went to reach for my breasts when the elevator stopped at a floor and we leapt guiltily apart. We said nothing to each other as someone stepped into the elevator in front of us. I tried not to gasp as Jonathan’s hand snuck out and found its way under my skirt, rubbing my backside, shifting my panties over so that one of my cheeks was exposed to his searching hand.

  I had to bite my tongue to not moan in pleasure. When the person in front of us finally stepped out of the elevator, Jonathan quickly positioned himself in front of me and deftly pushed my panties to the side and slid a finger inside of me. His finger met my ready wetness and he then pulled his finger slowly out of me and while maintaining eye contact, deliberately licked my juices off like he was sampling a delicacy.

  The elevator dinged and we looked up startled, realizing that we were now on my floor. Wordlessly, I walked out the elevator, pushing my dress down and Jonathan followed behind me.

  As I pushed the key card in the door, the ubiquitous beep signalled that it was open. Jonathan stood so closely to me that his arousal pressed against my behind and I had to stop myself from rubbing up against it.

  I closed the door of my hotel suite and I felt his hands on my waist before I could turn around. He quickly pushed the straps of my dress down my shoulders kissing them, peeling the dress down my waist and hips. The dress hit the floor with a soft swoosh and then my bra and panties followed. I stood before him naked while he was fully clothed and I didn’t care. I was beyond being self-conscious. I wanted him.

  He wasted no time disrobing and I stared at the size of his member, now fully erect and intimidating. He took my hand and brought it down to his shaft, forcing my hand to close around it as he guided my hand up and down. He closed his eyes and moaned my name. His member seemed to quiver in anticipation of what we were about to do.

  He picked me up and laid me on the coffee table and proceeded to touch me all over, not neglecting any part of my body. He trailed kisses up my wrists and down my forearms, before bringing my arms up and around his neck. He then picked me up again and placed me on the floor so that I was kneeling in front of him. Confused, I immediately reached again for his member, but he pushed my hand away and turned me while I was still kneeling to face the coffee table.

  “Get down on all fours, sweetheart. You might want to hold on to the coffee table.”

  I did as he told me and I felt his hand stroke my bare bottom that was now positioned in the air. I felt him take my hips in both hands pulling me back a bit more and then he sank a finger deep inside my sex. I sucked in a breath and felt my sex tighten around his finger. I reached out to grab the legs of the coffee table, eagerly anticipating what would happen next and he began to kiss my spine, while stroking my behind and I wiggled my hips in arousal against his own sex.

  Finally he slid his throbbing member between my waiting wet folds and buried himself deep inside of me. I moaned as he withdrew and then pushed back in, teasing me with each stroke. He was right: I grabbed hold of the legs of the coffee table to keep from flying forward as his gentle controlled strokes turned into something wild and uncalculated. He lost control, gripping my hips and thrusting into me so that each thrust knocked me forward and placed him deeper and deeper into me. I came fast gasping for breath and shaking in pleasure all over, my orgasm causing me to moisten even more around his shaft. He must have felt the change because he was soon caught up in his own orgasm, groaning as he came inside of me and collapsing against my body so that his chin was in the crook of my neck.

  When his breathing was steady, he slowly withdrew from me and stood up. I turned over to look at him, bracing myself on the palm of my hands, as I placed my butt on the floor and he held out a hand for me and easily pulled me up.

  Without a second thought, he picked me up yet again and I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “You have beautiful knees. I don’t want them to get rug burn. Mind if round two takes place in bed?”

  “That depends…”

  “On what?” he said curiously as he put me on the bed and allowed his body to again meld against mine.

  “Will round two be followed by round three and four?” I said playfully wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Given how sexy I find you, I’m sure we might get to at least round six or seven before morning,” he said pressing a wet kiss on my lips.

  “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep,” I said teasingly.

  He responded by pressing his shaft, already becoming erect again, against my folds and parted them with his hand, gently pressing his member into me, stretching me, making me moan as he sheathed himself deeply inside of me.

  He said, “A promise is a
promise,” and he stopped suddenly and looked me in the eye, “And I intend to keep mine” he pushed a little bit more into me, “One hard inch at a time,” and I circled my legs around his waist as he kept his promise, pleasuring me virtually nonstop until the early hours of morning.

  Chapter 5

  In the daylight, with no one next to me, I woke up in the morning with a soreness between my legs that could only be expected after the night Jonathan and I had had. Belatedly I realized that Jonathan wasn’t next to me and I raised my head up and looked around.

  “I’m right here, beautiful,” he said obviously on the phone, as he covered the phone when he acknowledged me, and then quickly continued talking to the person on the other end.

  “Yeah, the conference went well. Really, well…” He shot a glance at me over his shoulder and winked at me.

  I blushed, knowing what he was referring to and mouthed that I was going to take a shower. He smiled and nodded.

  As I slipped into the shower, I felt conflicted. I wasn’t sure how I felt about what had happened with Jonathan. Truth be told, Jonathan was only the second man I had ever slept with in my life and I didn’t really know how to handle whatever this was. Was it a one-night stand? Did he want something long term? More importantly, did I want something long-term? Something more than just sex? I had so many thoughts and ideas rushing through my head that I let out a startled scream when Jonathan poked his head into my shower and gave a low whistle.

  I blushed, “Stop peeking!”

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked and I shrugged and said, “Sure.”

  He climbed in next to me and said, “Are you going to drop Lincoln off tonight?”

  “If I get home soon enough.”

  “Ok, great, because I have some business to attend to for my parents here at the hotel, so I won’t be able to see you off. If I’ll see you later tonight, maybe we can all do something together? Me, you and Lincoln? Maybe we can all go out and get ice cream or pizza?” Jonathan asked, surprising me.


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