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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 50

by Selina Coffey

  He turned away from me and started washing his hair and I squeaked out, trying to keep the surprise I felt out of my voice, “That sounds great. I’m sure he would like that.”

  “Good,” Jonathan said smiling at me. “Now why don’t you come over here and let me rub your back.”

  I eagerly complied and when his fingers started to misbehave in the shower, I’m not at all ashamed to admit that I had encouraged them.

  I had arrived back at home in great time and Lincoln was of course extremely happy to see me. I didn’t tell Luz about my rendezvous with Jonathan and pretended that the evening had been good, but pretty uneventful. I did however mention that Jonathan had taken me out on a date. She had responded with lots of clapping and wanted details, so I provided a few leaving out anything involving our sexual escapades.

  “It’s about time you started dating again,” she said. “I’m happy for you.”

  As I stood that evening looking at Jonathan interacting with the kids around him in the dojo, I realized that I was happy too.

  When he caught sight of me, he gave me a big smile, that didn’t go unnoticed by Ronan. I smiled back and maybe even blushed a little, recalling our night together.

  As classes were dismissed, I lost sight of Jonathan, but Ronan approached me.

  “Let me guess, he took you to his spot on the lake? Seduced you in one of the fancy rooms in his hotel and made you feel special? Well, let me be the first to tell you, Mia. You’re not special. You’re nothing to him. Just another whore who fell for the billionaire fantasy.”

  I didn’t know my hand had flown up and smacked her across the face until I saw her whirl back and grab her cheek, her eyes big. Several other parents gasped and I guiltily took a step back and sent Ronan a disgusted look.

  “You cunt!” She said and several of the children and parents gasped.

  “Get away from me,” I growled at her and she gave me a parting glance full of rage, but something else was there too, amusement. And as Jonathan approached looking angry and confused, I figured I suddenly knew why she was amused.

  She had wanted to get me angry. Clearly she had wanted to press my buttons. I bet she had even wanted me to hit her. She was a world class martial arts expert; she could have easily blocked my slap. But no, she wanted me to cross the line for a reason and I bet that reason was so that she could get sympathy from Jonathan.

  Beyond angry that Jonathan had gotten me involved and irrationally blaming him for Ronan’s odd behaviour, I walked away from him and quickly found Lincoln in the crowd. Lincoln gave me a concerned look, “What’s wrong mommy? Why’d you hit Ronan?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’ll explain later. Let’s go home, Lincoln.”

  “What about Sensei Jonathan? I thought we were going for pizza after class,” he said in sad voice and I immediately felt guilty. Resigned I marched to our car and helped Lincoln inside.

  “I’ll explain later, Lincoln, I promise. We’ll get pizza tonight, just the two of us, ok buddy?”

  He nodded sadly and I felt my heart squeeze. I was disappointing my Lincoln and felt instantly horrible for the situation I had put us both in. Both of us could end up hurt and all because of my inability to control my own sexual desires.

  I fought to keep my anger under control in the car and said nothing, gritting my teeth. Lincoln pouted in the back seat of the car and I tried not to feel like the world’s worst mom by slapping another woman in a room full of kids.

  Hoping that Ronan wouldn’t press charges, I arrived home and sat down heavily. I looked down at my phone and realized that I had missed several phone calls from Jonathan.

  Just as I was thanking God that Jonathan didn’t know where I lived, there was a knock on the door. I quickly brought a finger to my lips motioning for Lincoln to be quiet. He nodded and started playfully tip-toeing around the room in an exaggerated manner.

  I went to cautiously look out the peep hole and realized it was Luz.

  I opened the door and she stood there looking confused for a second.

  “Aren’t you two supposed to be off somewhere with your new beau, Jonathan?” she said looking around as if hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

  “Change of plans… and what are you doing here?”

  “Oh, just being nosey since I saw your car in the driveway.” She plopped herself down on the couch.

  “Mommy punched Ronan in the face,” Lincoln said without preamble to Luz and then started shadow boxing an invisible opponent with the moves he learnt in class.


  I groaned and put my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes wearily and then looked back up at Luz who wore an expression of concern.

  “You didn’t hit someone, really? Right? Oh goodness, you did.” Luz said as I’m pretty sure the sheepish look on my face was definitely an indication of the truth.

  “Hey, Lincoln, why don’t you go upstairs to play in your room? I’ll call you down in a minute, ok buddy?”

  He nodded and ran up the stairs, kicking and karate chopping his invisible foe. I leaned back against the chair and sighed deeply before launching in to the story of Ronan’s verbal attack and then my own terrible response to her.

  “Well, I would have slapped her too.”

  “Luz, you’re not helping me. My behaviour was shameful and not to mention a crime.”

  “Whatever, you can hit people when you’re in a karate studio, those are the rules. Legal hitting. And if she does decide to press charges you can just say that, ‘Your honour, I was practicing karate and her face got in the way.’

  I giggled and shook my head, knowing Luz could put a humorous spin on anything if it meant helping me to feel better, “You’re too much.”

  “So what are you going to do now?”

  “I don’t know. He keeps calling me, but part of me is like what if this is another one of my rash decisions? You know? Dating Jonathan? Just like marrying Lincoln’s father was an impulsive move on my part?”

  Luz shook her head at me and leaned forward towards me, “You know, Mia, there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes. They make us who we are.”

  “I know that. I just don’t want to make the same mistake more than once. Then it’s no longer a mistake, it’s a hobby.”

  “You really can’t compare the way you feel about Jonathan with how you felt about Lincoln’s dad. You married Lincoln’s dad just because you were going through a rough patch and you wanted security and you didn’t want to go through life alone. That’s understandable after abruptly losing your mom. But now, with Jonathan that’s different. I mean, obviously you have very strong emotions for him or you wouldn’t have socked someone in the face just because she implied that you were one of many.”

  Luz was right and as she went to check on Lincoln, I heard a knock on my door. It didn’t take much brainpower to figure out who that would be.

  I looked through the peephole, saw Jonathan standing there waiting patiently and opened the door. He didn’t smile when he saw me and didn’t try to come in. I knew it was because he didn’t want Lincoln to hear our conversation.

  I stepped on the porch and closed the door. He spoke first, apologizing for Ronan’s behaviour. “I fired her. I thought she was harmless, just catty, you know? But apparently not.”

  I nodded my head, “I can’t say that I’m sorry for her. You can’t work with someone who’s jealous of every female who walks through the door.”

  “Actually, she’s never behaved this way with anyone else. Apparently she knew from the beginning that I thought you were special.”

  I swallowed hard and he said, “Listen, what she said back there isn’t true. She knows about my family’s hotel and our cabin on the lake because we grew up together, obviously. And I did mention spending time with you when she called me the other day when we together in your room.” Oh, so that was the person he had been talking to, I thought to myself finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

  “But I don’t take a steady flo
w of women to my family’s property and seduce them as she made it seem.”

  “Hmmm….so instead of a steady stream, it’s more like one or two a week?” I said jokingly, knowing Ronan’s words hadn’t been the heart of the issue.

  He smiled when he realized that I was being facetious and said. “So are we okay? Is all forgiven?”

  I wrapped my arms around him and shrugged, “There was nothing to forgive actually. I’m the one who slugged your assistant in the face.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure everyone who saw it will be talking about it for years to come. Maybe I should make you an instructor,” he said pulling me close and burying his head in my hair, inhaling the scent of me and he hugged me tightly to him.

  “No thanks, I’ll stick to grant writing, much more my speed.”

  He laughed and continued to hold me close to him and I enjoyed the feel of his hard chest under my cheek and took a deep breath, glad to have met Jonathan, glad to have a second chance.

  Chapter 6

  Weeks turned into months and Jonathan and I tried to see each other as much as possible; before we knew it almost a year had passed and we were still going strong. One day, shortly before the holidays, he stopped by my office unexpectedly and I was relieved to see him. I felt like the grant writing process never ended and I was tired of looking at data and figures.

  Jonathan was a much welcomed distraction as he popped his head around the edge of my door and smiled at me.

  “Hey there,” he said entering my office with a bag of Chinese food. “I figured you would be hungry.”

  He placed the bag on my desk and said, “Where’s your co-worker slash best friend, Luz?”

  I sighed, “She had an appointment with her chiropractor today. She’ll be gone for at least the next hour.”

  “So you’re all alone.”

  “Yep and bogged down with work.”

  “That’s too bad,” he said shoving a pile of papers that I was looking at to the side.

  “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

  “You work too hard. You should play a little.”

  “We did enough playing the other day at your place.” I said even though the look in his eyes was definitely making my heart pound and I knew that I was already getting wet in anticipation.

  He got up and closed and locked my door. “Take your panties off,” he ordered.

  “No! Are you kidding me? I’m at work.”

  He sighed, walked around my desk and pulled me up and sat down in my office chair in front of me.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked exasperated more because I couldn’t control the fact that I was already heavily aroused.

  “Take them off,” he repeated again and I looked around and then slowly did as he said.

  I slid my panties off, not bothering to take off my skirt and he stared at me from his seated position in my office chair and slowly unzipped his pants. He released his long, thick member and I felt my sex clench in anticipation of him inside of me.

  “Come here,” he said and I complied eagerly, straddling him and bracing my thighs as far apart as I could. His sex bopped against my moist opening and I sucked in a breath as he unbuttoned my top just enough so that the swell of my breasts were revealed.

  “God you’re sexy,” he breathed and I gasped as he grabbed my inner thighs parted my legs even more and started fingering me. He was gentle and I groaned as he dove one finger and then two into my wetness stopping, as he always did, to lick his fingers that he pulled out of me, as if I were a delicate exotic flavour and he couldn’t get enough.

  When he was done tasting me, he braced my hips in his hands and gradually guided my hips down until his member parted the entry to my sex. He slipped in easily and I bit back a scream. He filled me to the helm. I felt my inner muscles clench and quiver around his shaft, gripping him so hard, I thought I would orgasm right there and then, but I pushed my orgasm back and started to ride him, lifting my hips up and down, taking him in and then pushing him out.

  With each movement, my breasts jiggled and I attempted to get closer to him.

  “Damn, what a beautiful sight,” he said his voice thick with lust as he stared at my breasts. I barely heard him as I was too busy trying to get his sex deeper into me. The chair was too limiting and I frustratingly attempted to grind my hips down to take in more of him to no avail.

  I hadn’t noticed that Jonathan had his head back with his eyes closed until I stopped moving and looked up at him. He immediately opened his eyes and said, “What’s wrong? Keep going, sweetheart.”

  “I... I... I can’t get you deep enough,” I complained and he immediately stood up, grabbing me around the waist without withdrawing from me and planted me on top of my desk. He spread my legs wide and started to thrust into me, knocking papers off my desk as he mercilessly pounded into me.

  “Jonathan!” I screamed as I began to come, our lovemaking loud and messy as I was so wet now that you could practically hear his thickness collide with my wetness every time he slid inside of me.

  “Oh, Mia. Oh, God you feel so good, Mia.” He said as he grabbed hold of the desk and used it to anchor himself as his steady thrusts became out of control movements and he began furiously pumping his shaft inside of me.

  I lost it at that moment and screamed his name as I began to come hard, my inner muscles gripping his shaft for dear life, pressing down and quivering around his length, until he gave a hoarse shout and spewed his seed inside of me. I liked the feel of his warmth spilling inside of me and the pleasure of knowing that I made him come, sent me into orgasm all over again and as I shook and began to scream his name, he swallowed my screams with a rough kiss, stroking my hair and placing gentle kisses across my cheeks.

  He slowly pulled out of me and I felt my eyelids grow heavy.

  “No post coital cuddle for you, missy. You’re still at work, remember?” he said to me gently as he helped me down from my desk.

  He bent over and picked up my panties and helped me step back into them before righting my shirt.

  He then put his member back in his pants and gave me another hard kiss on the mouth.

  “I have to head back to the dojo tonight. I’ll see you when you drop Lincoln off. Bye sweetheart,” he said leaning in for one last kiss and then he was gone.

  I turned around to head back to my desk and he suddenly reappeared, looking nervous. “Umm… and do you think you could wear something nice tonight? I have something special planned.” And then he practically sprinted away and I stared curiously after him, not used to ever seeing Jonathan nervous, wondering if tonight that something special would come in a little black box…


  Part X

  My Magic Stepbrother

  Paranormal Romance

  About the Book

  Emily Chambers is starting a new semester at university. Another year of being bullied looms before her, but she is determined to see it through. Tormented by her memories of a brutal attack, she goes to her first day of class. The woman that tormented her for so long makes an appearance but so does a hot student she’s never seen before. He says he’s her stepbrother but is he really?

  Taking her on an adventure she’d never dreamed would be possible Anton leads Emily out of the darkness of anguish and pain she’s endured for so long. But the light comes with its own perils. Can Emily see through the trials she has to face to step into the light; will her own light finally bring her peace and happiness? Can her step-brother really make all of the bad things go away and can they have a life together?

  Chapter 1

  Laughter. Mocking, hysterical laughter surrounded Emily as she tried to get away. Jenny and her sorority sisters had pulled Emily into an empty classroom with the shades pulled down while she was distractedly reading her notes for geology class as she walked down the hall. Four of the girls held Emily down as Jenny stood over them, watching, a grin stretched her face. Emily’s heart pounded in her chest, terrified of what was goi
ng to happen next. No matter what she did to stop it, it always happened, over and over again.

  “Take her clothes off, it’s time to start the fun” Jenny spoke to her acolytes knowing they would obey her demands. They obeyed, as Emily knew they would, because they always did, without fail.

  The girls started tearing and pulling at Emily’s clothes, one managing to rip some of Emily’s hair out in the process. One of the girls whispered into Emily’s ear as she struggled to get away.

  “Scream, little chicken, scream and we’ll let you go”. Emily had no idea who whispered it: it was too dark to see and she had squeezed her eyes shut, hoping it would all just go away.

  Emily screamed throughout the ordeal but the screams were silent, no sound escaping her throat while her struggles to get away were somehow ineffective as if her arms and legs simply didn’t have any muscles in them. She tried to force a scream out as the buckets tipped over, pouring out something foul and disgusting smelling. She tried to pull her arms free as the girls smeared in the reeking sludge but she couldn’t even make her fingers obey her commands.

  “Let’s make her really pretty girls, give her a new haircut to match her new makeup” Jenny said as she clicked a pair of scissors together. Somehow one of the blades caught a glint of light in the darkness and the blade refracted the light into Emily’s grey eyes. Her terror increased as she tried even harder to scream and make her body move. And finally, a wail escaped her throat as Jenny approached her, a wail that finally woke her up from the nightmare.

  Turning over in bed, Emily saw that it was 3:45 am. Turning back over onto her back, Emily tried to catch her breath and reassure herself that it was only a nightmare, a memory. Reaching up to her head she felt that her once long black hair was indeed growing back, reaching to her chin now. It was only a memory, a nightmare that would not stop reminding her of what had actually happened to her.


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