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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 7

by Talia Carmichael

  “Thanks for the ride.” Robert kissed him and got out of the car.

  Miguel got out on his side. Looking over the roof of the car, he glanced at Robert.

  “Let me walk you in.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Robert protested.

  Miguel closed his door and walked around the hood to Robert. “I know. I want to. Besides, I can meet Bernie. I still don’t believe he’s like you said: a mixture of sultry yet innocent that makes you want to protect him.”

  “You’ll see I’m right. There’s just something special about Bernie.” Robert’s voice was soft.

  “Should I be jealous?” Miguel frowned.

  Robert’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. “No. He’s more like a little brother to me.”

  Miguel smiled, touching Robert’s shoulder. “I’m kidding, querido.” He lowered his voice. “I know I’m the only one who you let make you scream.”

  Robert blushed, that enticing color that Miguel found so sexy. Miguel leaned close to him and sniffed him.

  “You smell so good.”

  “Miguel,” Robert hissed.

  “You looked flushed, querido. Are you okay?”

  “You wicked man. You know you’re trying to make me blush.”

  “You do it so well,” Miguel teased. “Come on.”

  He took Robert’s case and waited for him to move, then closed his door. Gesturing for him to go, Miguel followed him. His eyes dropped to Robert’s ass.

  “Stop ogling my ass.” Robert’s voice caught his attention.

  He looked up, meeting Robert’s gaze. The wicked humor in his eyes made his already half-hard cock harden even more. Moving until he was next to him, Miguel matched his stride to Robert’s.

  “But it’s such a good ass,” he whispered, giving it a slight squeeze.

  “Miguel.” Robert squeaked and jumped.

  “Robert,” he replied in the same way.

  “What has gotten into you?” Robert stopped, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Miguel stopped with him before replying. “A good mood.”

  He smiled and rocked back on his heels. Robert cocked his head to the side. Miguel resisted grabbing him and kissing him silly. A smile curved Robert’s lips, and then he looked around quickly. He came closer, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Miguel quickly. He stepped back, and then started walking again.

  “Your good mood makes you sexier. We’ll see how sexy you can get later.”

  Miguel chuckled, following him. They went through a set of double doors, then down a hall, without saying a word. Arriving at another set of double doors, Robert opened them and went inside.

  “Morning, Bernie!” Robert called.

  Miguel glanced at his watch as he stepped inside. It was a little after six o’clock in the morning. He shook his head. He had thought Robert going to work so early when he technically didn’t have to be in until eleven for his first class was weird. He had thought that Robert’s comment about Bernie being there before him was an excuse. Seemed he was wrong. Miguel glanced up, anticipating finally seeing this Bernie he had heard so much about.

  Robert was talking to a really gangly man. When Robert gestured to him, Bernie glanced his way. Miguel walked closer to them. The man smiled shyly. He lowered his lids over pale green eyes. It was endearing. Miguel looked at Robert. A smug smile was on his face. Miguel bowed his head in acknowledgement. Robert was right. Bernie was a mixture of innocence and sexiness.

  “Bernie, this is Miguel. Miguel, this is Bernie.” There was warm affection in Robert’s tone.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, Bernie.” Miguel put out his hand.

  “The same, Miguel,” Bernie answered softly and shook his hand.

  Bernie quickly pulled his hand away and put it in the pocket of his baggy slacks.

  “So, Robert has been talking about me. What did he say?”

  “Miguel,” Robert said, an enticing blush on his face.

  Miguel wanted to lick along his face.

  “Can’t say in mixed company.” Bernie’s soft voice drew his attention

  Miguel studied him. Bernie raised his eyes. There was sparkle in them that made him even more intriguing. The smile on his lips was sly. He lowered his lashes again and shuffled his feet. Miguel chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. Bernie glanced at him, startled. Miguel squeezed his shoulder gently.

  “Do you like poker, Bernie?”

  “I’ve never played.” Bernie had a befuddled look on his face.

  “We’ll teach you. Come by for poker night. It’s at my house. Robert can give you the details.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve gotta go. Nice meeting you, Bernie.” He patted him on the shoulder again.

  Bernie smiled, waved, and walked to one of the tables. Miguel walked to the door. Robert followed him. Turning, he pulled Robert to him and kissed him. Robert sagged against him. Miguel let him go. He ran his hand down Robert’s reddened cheek.

  “See you later, querido.” He turned and left.

  Whistling, he walked rapidly down the hall and out to his car. Fifteen minutes later, he walked into the locker room. Nodding to the other officers, Miguel went to his locker, put his stuff away, and started to get dressed. Sitting to tie his shoes, he started to whistle again.

  “Oh, got lucky last night?” a voice teased.

  “You’re behind, Ramirez. He’s been getting lucky. Last night must have been a real good one. Come on, give us the detes,” another voice interjected.

  “You wish, Provenza,” Miguel replied, standing and closing his locker.

  “Hey, since some of us aren’t getting any, we need something to keep us going.”

  “Speak for yourself, Provenza. I don’t want to know any details on his freaky deakiness.” Ramirez paused. “Unless it is about a built female. And since Rodriguez doesn’t swing that way, no details when I’m in the room. Please.”

  “Come on, Ramirez. You know you want some of that freaky deaky.” Miguel turned to face the two men.

  “You so walked into that one.” Karl Provenza glanced at Gerald Ramirez, then started to laugh.

  Miguel chuckled, joining them. He slapped the two men who were his friends on the shoulder. Ramirez nudged him in the side. They walked out of the locker room together, heading to roll call.

  “So, you and the prof are going strong?” Ramirez asked.

  “Why do you wanna know?” Miguel asked.

  Provenza and Ramirez exchanged glances. Miguel put his hand on each man’s arm, stopping them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “He has a right to know,” Ramirez told Provenza.

  “You just want to win. You know he’s stubborn and will go against the most against him,” Provenza snorted.

  “I’m wounded. Would I do that?” Ramirez put his hand over his heart.

  “Yes.” Miguel said it the same time as Provenza.

  They laughed. Ramirez glared at them and pouted exaggeratedly. Provenza rolled his eyes. They started walking again.

  “There’s a pool going on how long you and the prof will be together before he moves in,” Ramirez said cheerfully.

  Miguel stopped. “You all are betting on my love life?”

  They shrugged, grinning, their fingers hooked in their gun belts.

  “Provenza, even if you bet for me, how’d you feel if I bet on you and Harper?” Miguel said, frowning.

  “Against you. I bet for you. Provenza bet against you even asking the prof to move in,” Ramirez said.

  “What? You bet for me. Why?” Miguel asked.

  “I like a sure thing. That look on your face when you saw the prof, and the way you look at him during our weekly poker games. Since Provenza has missed the last few weeks of games, he hasn’t seen you together yet, or he would have gone the way I did. I know it’s much different than I’ve ever seen. So, sure bet. Can’t wait to get that big screen TV I’ve been eyeing.” Ramirez rocked back on his heels.

  “The pool is that high?” Miguel co
uldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Yeah, boyo. Even Cap got in on it,” Provenza said.

  Miguel blinked. Their captain was understanding and cool, but he had never taken part in any pool as far as he knew. He looked at Ramirez and Provenza, waiting for them to say it was a joke.

  “It’s real, buddy.”

  Curiosity got the better of him. “Which way did he bet?”

  “For, with me. I mentioned it was a sure thing,” Ramirez said.

  Miguel shook his head, baffled at the whole thing, then smacked Provenza in the shoulder.

  “I can’t believe you bet against me. To think, I was pulling for you and Harper when you got together. What’s up with you two, anyway?” Miguel asked.

  Provenza’s face went somber. “Problems with his family again. I don’t want to get into it.”

  “I’m sorry, man. If either of you need anything, let me know.” Miguel put his hand on Provenza’s shoulder and squeezed.

  Provenza nodded. They started walking again. Ramirez filled the silence with a story about his last date. By the time they got to the check in, they were laughing. As they sat waiting to start, Miguel opened his book.

  He leaned over to Provenza and Ramirez. “What are the odds and take?”

  “Forty-two to eighteen. To be in the pot costs one-fifty,” Ramirez said.

  “I’m glad to know some people have more faith in me than you, Provenza.”

  “The forty-two is against,” Ramirez laughed.

  “Christ. Glad to know you all have such little belief in my monogamy.” Miguel frowned.

  “Uh-oh. He’s using big words. The prof must be rubbing off on him,” Provenza said.

  “God, TMI, Provenza. TMI. My ears, are they bleeding?” Ramirez asked.

  The other officers in the room chuckled. Miguel ignored them. He was close to a lot of the officers, closer to a few of them that hung out together away from the job. The women and men he served with had to trust each other. Thankfully, they knew him and they worked well together. Miguel glared at each of them. They smirked, outright laughed, or flipped him the bird.

  In a loud voice, he said, “Ramirez, start looking for that TV.”

  There were a bunch of groans and booing. Also a few whoops, the loudest from Ramirez.

  “Damn it. That stubborn Rodriguez pride. I knew that he shouldn’t have been told.” Provenza smacked Ramirez with his book.

  Miguel shook his head, watching them hit each other.

  “Officers. If we’re finished with the comedy hour,” a gruff voice said.

  They all stopped and straightened. The captain looked around the room, a stern look on his face. He met Miguel’s gaze, then nodded. He started his briefing. After half an hour he wrapped up. Miguel sat up as he heard his name.

  “Rodriguez, I’ll be sure to tell my wife you’re the reason she gets an unexpected shopping spree. That is all. Dismissed.”

  The captain left. The officers in the room started to laugh. Miguel ignored them and gathered his things.

  “So, when are you and the prof shacking up?” a voice called.

  “When are we going to meet him?” another asked.

  “When you all learn to act like adults.” Miguel looked at the officers.

  “He means you.” Calles poked Flack.

  “Hell, that means we won’t ever get to see this prof who has Rodriguez’s nose wide open,” Flack stated.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” someone else said.

  The rest laughed. They started to get up and head for the door. Miguel joined the exodus. Provenza and Ramirez were by his side. They went out to their cars.

  As they parted, Provenza called, “Be safe out there.”

  “You too,” Miguel said.

  “Keep sharp,” Ramirez added.

  Miguel got in his car and put on his shades. Backing out of the space, he turned his car toward his patrol zone. Thoughts of Robert filled his mind. Whistling, Miguel went to work on his shift.

  DISTRACTED, ROBERT put down his papers. He hadn’t understood a word he had read. A look at the clock showed it was already after one. His classes were done for the day, and he was supposed to be doing research. He sat back as thoughts of Miguel filled his mind.

  He asked you to move in with him, again. Why are you hesitating? He had no answer. He rubbed his hand over his face. Leaning back in his chair, he stared off into space.

  “Rob, can I leave early? I need to find an apartment.” Bernie’s voice made him pay attention.

  “Sure, Bernie. No prob. I’m leaving a little early to go house-hunting, but will be back later.” He turned to face him. “Why are you looking for a new place? What’s going on with your old place?”

  “I need quiet and more space. My roommates have been partying and having lots of people over. It’s time I got my own place anyway.” Bernie shrugged.

  Robert tried to be diplomatic. “Can you afford it?”

  Bernie was on a full scholarship. The little bit of money he made was from his TA and research position.

  “I can afford a place if it’s really cheap. I’ll be eating lots of noodles, or I won’t eat. I don’t need that much anyway.” He laughed.

  Robert didn’t like the sound of that. He could imagine the cheap place Bernie would be able to afford. He wondered how he could help him.

  “So this is the lab.” Alex’s voice echoed.

  Turning, Robert smiled at Alex. “Yep, this is it.”

  “Very nice, Robin.” Alex walked over to them.

  “Robin?” Bernie whispered.

  “Rob,” Robert stated firmly.

  “Is this the Bernie you’re always talking about, Robin?”

  Robert smacked Alex as he came closer. “Not Robin. And yes, this is he. Alex, this is Bernie. Bernie, this is my pain in the ass, Alex.”

  “Don’t make me beat you, Robin,” Alex said.

  “That’s Miguel’s job,” Bernie said.

  Robert gaped. Bernie flushed, while Alex hooted. Bernie lowered his lids, then flashed Alex a wicked grin.

  “They are so disgustingly happy. Aren’t they, Bernie? I almost couldn’t eat at our Sunday brunch. Robin and Miguel were all over each other.”

  “You are such a liar. We were not,” Robert snorted.

  “Who can blame him? Miguel is sexy. A rugged, tough man. I thought they were going to get naked right here,” Bernie said in his soft voice.

  Robert flushed. He stared at Bernie, unable to believe he was talking so easily to Alex. Usually, unless it was about work or something he was interested in strongly, you couldn’t get him to talk much. He frowned, thinking about it. Bernie had spoken easily with Miguel too. He studied Bernie, realizing that there was more to his assistant than he thought. Alex went closer to Bernie.

  He put his hands on Bernie’s cheeks. “I like him, Robin. You and I will be great friends, Bernie.”

  Bernie mirrored Alex. “Do you like musical movies?”

  Alex blinked, then grinned. “Yes, very much. We’ll have to catch one soon. We can talk about what a meanie Robin is. And imagine what he and Miguel are doing in the bedroom. ”

  He patted Bernie’s cheek.

  “Soon.” Bernie winked and released him.

  Robert groaned. He could imagine what trouble Alex could get Bernie in. Alex turned to him and patted his cheek.

  “Don’t worry, Robin. We’ll be nice. Very nice.” Alex had that devilish look in his gaze.

  “Don’t corrupt him, Alex,” he said, then thought about it and added, “too much. Come on. Let’s go check out some houses. We’ll talk later, Bernie.”

  He grabbed his briefcase in one hand and Alex’s arm in the other. He pulled Alex out the door.

  “Bye, Bernie. You can get my number from Robin. I’ll convince him to give me yours,” Alex called.

  “Okay,” Bernie said.

  Alex laughed. Robert steered him out the door. Alex shook off his hold and smoothed his jacket. He pulled at his cuffs.

  “So, Robin. When are you going to give up this house-hunting thing and move in with the big lug?”

  “What? How did you know he asked me to move in?”

  Alex put his hand on his arm, stopping him. “I didn’t, until now. So why are we going house-hunting?”

  “I didn’t say yes… yet,” Robert replied.

  Alex smacked him in the arm. “Are you crazy? Why haven’t you told him yes? You’re already crazy about him.”

  Robert winced, rubbing his arm. Alex had a powerful punch, even when he pulled it.

  Alex apologized. “Sorry. But come on, Robin. We can have you moved in quick.”

  “I can’t move in until Friday, anyway. That’s Miguel’s next day off and he….” Robert trailed off as he realized what he said.

  “So are you moving or what?” Alex demanded.

  Robert blinked, then grinned. “Give me a sec.”

  He walked rapidly back to the lab. He looked inside the door.


  Bernie jumped and glanced at him.

  “Sorry. Don’t worry about finding a place. You can have my condo,” Robert said.

  “What? Where will you live?”

  “I have a place. You can rent my condo.”

  “No… I can’t afford it…. Heck….”

  Robert cut him off, walking to him. “It’s fully paid for. I don’t need a lot of rent. Besides, you’ll be doing me a favor. I can’t sell in this market without a huge loss. I need someone to live there. Make it look occupied.”

  Robert stifled a smile at the look of longing on Bernie’s face. He could only imagine the rattrap Bernie was going to be looking at with the money he could afford. He said the one thing he knew that would convince Bernie to say yes.

  “It has a lab all set up. I don’t need the equipment, since my regular things are in storage. I only bought it for the space I had. What would I do with all that stuff? Help me out,” Robert wheedled.

  Bernie lowered his eyes, then looked back at him and smiled. “That is such a load of shit. But I’ll accept it. When can I move in?”

  Robert laughed. “Okay, it was, but I’m glad you’ll accept. As for moving, how about sometime this weekend?”

  “Cool. I can get my stuff out of storage.”

  “Yeah. We’ll work out the details later. I’ve got to go. I won’t be back till tomorrow. Lock up when you leave.”


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