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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 8

by Talia Carmichael

  “Okay, Rob. Thanks,” Bernie said.

  Robert nodded his head and left. He went back to Alex. Just before reaching him, he called Miguel.

  “Hey, I’m with Alex. We’re going out, so I’ll meet you later at your house. About six thirty. Okay, good. Bye.” He hung up.

  Alex straightened from the wall he was leaning on, putting away his BlackBerry. “So where are we going?”

  “To get some boxes.”

  Alex chuckled. “A boxing we will go.” Robert chuckled and linked arms with him. They went out the door to the parking lot.

  ROBERT PUT down what he was holding. After wiping his hands against his slacks, he pushed the doorbell. Quickly, he bent and picked up his package. Miguel opened the door, a smile on his face. He glanced at what Robert was holding, then back at his face.

  “Do you have some space for your querido?”

  Chapter Five

  ROBERT’S HEART raced. He knew this was a major step. Miguel’s smile widened, and he stepped forward, taking the box from Robert and kissing him on the lips.

  “Get in here, mi querido.” Miguel’s voice was gruff.

  Robert walked inside. The door thumped behind him. Miguel passed him, taking the box into the living room. Robert followed, observing as he put the box down. Miguel turned to him. Robert’s cock hardened, recognizing the look on his face. He backed up as Miguel stalked toward him. Miguel rushed him. Robert squeaked, then yelled, as he was lifted and put over Miguel’s shoulder. Miguel walked with sure strides. Hanging upside down, Robert laughed.

  “Move in with a guy, and he gets all caveman on you.”

  “You mine,” Miguel grunted.

  Robert laughed. They went up the stairs. He was put upright and undressed quickly, and then pushed down onto the bed. He watched as Miguel undressed. He licked his lips as the beautiful body he was becoming real familiar with was revealed. As the last of his clothing dropped on the ground, Miguel crawled up the bed between Robert’s legs. Robert moved back, heart racing, as his sleek lover came to him. Reaching the pillows, he lay down. Miguel laid his body against Robert’s. They gasped as skin met skin.

  “I’m gonna make sure you know who you belong to,” Miguel stated, lips almost pressed against his.

  “Make me yours, mi amante,” Robert commanded.

  Miguel growled and kissed him fiercely. Robert wrapped his arms around him and hung on for the ride.

  MUCH LATER, Robert cuddled into his lover. Miguel’s steady heartbeat under his ear made him feel he was home.

  Miguel’s voice broke the silence. “What are you going to do with your condo? If you sell in this market, won’t it be for a loss?”

  “I’m going to rent it to Bernie.”

  “You already have this figured out? What happened to the place he has now?”

  “He needs a bigger place. He doesn’t have a lot of funds, so I’m going to give it to him cheap.” Robert chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “He said earlier I was trying to dupe him into renting my condo. I mentioned the loss and him doing me a favor.”

  “He’s a smart kid. So what changed his mind?” Miguel asked.

  Robert looked up at him. “The lab.”

  Miguel laughed. Robert held him as his body shook. He slapped him on the chest.

  “Stop laughing. He knows what’s important.”

  “Only you, and, it seems, Bernie, would put so much importance on having a lab in the place they live.”

  “It’s important,” Robert insisted.

  “Just as long as you don’t do anything illegal.”

  Robert batted his eyelashes. “Define illegal.”

  “Querido,” Miguel said.

  He laughed. “Nothing illegal. It’s just that we need space for research and our experiments. I’m just worried about Bernie.”


  Robert shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” He put his hands on Miguel’s chest, then put his chin against them. “Can we move the things from my condo and storage on Friday? That’s your next day off, right?”

  “Actually, I’m off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We can do it on Thursday.” Miguel frowned. “Oh shit, the poker game is supposed to be here on Saturday. I’ll ask someone to switch.”

  “No, don’t do that. We can move me in on Thursday. I don’t have any classes on that day or Friday. I can use the day to get everything situated.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I don’t want you to change your plans.”

  “This is our home now, and we both have a say,” Miguel said, firmly kissing him.

  “In that case, I say we have it.” Robert wrinkled his nose. “I hope my things will fit. I have a lot of furniture. Some in my place, but more in storage. I don’t know how we’ll get it all to fit.” Robert wanted to bring his things, but didn’t want to ask.

  “Baby, we can fit whatever you bring. I haven’t given you the full tour of the house yet. There’s a lot of space for your things. Don’t worry so much.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just give Bernie some,” Robert said reluctantly.

  “Talk to me, querido. What do you really want to do?”

  Miguel’s gaze was patient.

  “I want to keep it and mix it in with yours if we can. It’s a lot, but I don’t want to part with it. My brother made the furniture for me. The bedroom set, living room set, and dining set. I didn’t even know he was working on it. He did it for me while I was in college getting my degrees. He gave it to me when I got my first job at the university back home. It’s the way he is. He’s done similar pieces for all our siblings. He acts all gruff and is real quiet. But the furniture he makes is his way of showing he cares. I want to keep it,” Robert blurted out.

  “Okay, then we will. We can move my bedroom set into one of the spare rooms and put yours here. We’ll figure out the rest.” Miguel’s matter-of-fact tone calmed Robert.

  He lowered his eyes, feeling foolish. Miguel’s hand cupped his cheek, making him raise his head.

  “It’s okay, querido. From our talks, I know you love your family, although you should talk to them more.” Miguel’s statement made him feel guilty. “Which brother is it who made the furniture? From the pieces I’ve seen in your condo, he’s very talented.”

  Robert smiled with pride. “He is. Aristotle is very good. He has his own custom furniture business. He picks and chooses who he makes them for. He’s sort of prickly.”

  “I’d be prickly, too, with a name like Aristotle,” Miguel snorted.

  “Hey! There’s nothing wrong with the name.” Robert smacked him lightly.

  “I guess it’s better than Hemingway or Steinbeck. Man, your parents could pick names. It’s a good thing for you, Lawrence, and Dante that you have sort of normal names.”

  Robert watched him with narrowed eyes. “Pot. Kettle. Black. Don’t get me started on your family names.”

  Miguel put up his hands. “Okay, okay. True, my family has some interesting names, but none as special—” Miguel grinned. “—as Aristotle, Hemingway, or Steinbeck. I bet they were teased as kids.”

  “Not at all. I’m actually the black sheep of the family.” Robert grinned thinking about his brothers.

  The disbelief was plain on Miguel’s face. He laughed. Miguel would see what he meant when he met Robert’s family. Miguel pursed his lips, then tickled Robert. Laughing, they rolled around on the bed. Out of breath, Robert looked up at the man covering him with his body. He cupped his cheek with his hand.

  “I can’t wait to be all moved in.” He smiled, a slow wicked grin. “We’ll have to christen each room.”

  “Ah, querido. I have lots of rooms, and don’t forget the closets.” Miguel’s smile was equally as wicked.

  “We’ll get to them all. I promise,” he said.

  “I promise,” Miguel echoed.

  “FUCK, THIS is heavy. What the hell is this made of?” an out-of-breath voice griped.r />
  “Shut the hell up, and stop complaining. Just lift your fucking end, Tomas,” another voice retorted.

  “Fuck you, Malik. You’re not lifting your share. Put your back into it.”

  Robert winced at the curse words Malik started to let out. They were a mixture of Spanish and English. His eyes widened at an especially colorful suggestion Tomas made in return.

  “I don’t think that’s even possible, Robin,” Alex said.

  “If it is, I so want to get a step by step diagram to prove it.” Robert looked at Alex, who was standing with him at the bottom of the stairs.

  The two of them burst out laughing.

  “They are fucking laughing at your weak ass, Malik. Come on and get it up the stairs,” Tomas growled.

  Robert put his hand over his mouth to stop the laughter. He looked at the men straining to get the armoire up the stairs. It was one of the last large pieces he had. It was the heaviest and biggest. He was glad Miguel’s house had such wide staircases, or it would never have fit. Tomas’s back was slick with sweat, making his vest stick to his skin.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Malik? Sitting on your hands? Come on,” Tomas roared.

  Malik started cursing again.

  “What the hell is going on?” Miguel asked.

  Robert jumped and looked at him as he came in with Hector and Simon. Robert opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of more cursing cut him off. Miguel sighed, then put down the box he was holding. He went to the door and screamed.

  “Guys! We need some help here!”

  Hector put down his box and went over to Tomas. He called up the stairs. “Guys! We need some help down here! These two weaklings need us!”

  “Fuck you, Hec,” Tomas and Malik said together.

  The men from outside came in and put down the boxes they held. Then they went to the stairs. Harper came inside holding a box. The others came from upstairs.

  “No way two of your brothers were able to lift this by themselves,” Miguel said.

  Robert grinned and shrugged. They had, but no matter what he told Miguel, he wasn’t going to believe him. Miguel gave him an exasperated look and went to join the men on the stairs. Miguel counted off, and the ten men finally started to make some headway moving it up the stairs.

  “Oh, my. All those muscles,” Simon breathed.

  “Provenza looks so hot,” Harper added.

  “Oh, my. Nothing like a little sweat.” Alex sounded awed.

  Robert’s eyes were locked on Miguel. The play of muscles across his back was fascinating. With grunts, they got the armoire to the top of the stairs. They continued carrying it down the hall and out of sight. Curses could be heard from above.

  Robert finally looked at the other men. They each had the same expression he probably had on his face: a mix of awe and lust. Robert slapped Alex on his arm since he wasn’t with any of the men.

  “Hey, I can look,” Alex defended. “I know those not taken already are straight. Damn it. ”

  “What? The hell they are,” Simon said.

  Harper bit his lip. Robert shifted, realizing he hadn’t told Alex.

  “Robin.” Alex’s eyes narrowed.

  “They aren’t all straight,” Robert said.

  Alex’s eyes widened, and a smile curled his lips. “Who?”

  “I don’t know. Miguel won’t tell me. He said to figure it out.” Robert shook his head.

  “Hmmm….” Alex looked up the empty staircase, then at Simon and Harper. “Who?”

  “I’m not getting into this,” Harper said.

  “Uh-uh. You figure it out.” Simon picked up the box.

  He frowned, then handed it to Harper. Harper grunted, then glared at Simon.

  Simon shrugged. “It’s too heavy.”

  Harper dropped the box. Simon moved out of the way before it hit his foot. Robert winced.

  “I’m not your carry boy.” Harper looked at Robert. “Sorry, Robert.”

  “That’s okay.” Peeking, he saw it was labeled “books.”

  Simon pushed Harper playfully. “Come on. Be my carry boy.”

  Harper rolled his eyes. They laughed.

  “Let’s go supervise the placement of Robert’s beautiful armoire. I really must get your brother’s number, Robert, so he can make me something for the house,” Simon said.

  Simon and Harper went up the stairs, disappearing down the hallway. Alex glanced at Robert.

  “No, don’t even think about it. Sex with any of them would be a bad idea.”

  Alex stiffened, then glared. “Fuck you, Robert. I’m not that much of a slut.”

  Alex stomped up the stairs and disappeared from view. Robert stood there with his mouth open. Uneasy, he wondered what was going on. Thinking about it, as far as he knew, Alex hadn’t been with anyone since he moved to Mapson. Robert would know, since Alex usually told him such things. Confused and guilty, he went up the stairs. He went down the hall and into the bedroom. Simon and Harper were supervising the placement of his armoire. Alex was standing a distance away from the others, looking out the window. Robert went over to him and hugged him from behind. Alex stiffened, and then relaxed.

  “I’m sorry, Alex-bo.”

  “It’s okay, Robin.”

  “If you need to talk, I—”

  “I can’t. Not now. I know you’re there for me, but I need time.”

  “Okay, Alex.” Robert hugged him tighter.

  Alex put his hands against Robert’s, which were around his waist. They were quiet.

  “Let’s get the rest done, then eat.” Miguel’s voice drew Robert’s attention.

  He glanced back at Miguel. The men left the room. Miguel looked between him and Alex. Guiltily, Robert stepped back.

  “I’ll get started on the eats.” Alex went out.

  Miguel walked over to Robert.

  “You used to be lovers?”

  His tone was calm, and it didn’t give Robert a clue as to what he was feeling.

  “Yes. But we’re just friends now. Close friends. We’re just comfortable with each other.” He sputtered to a stop.

  “It’s okay, querido. I can see you’re close. I wasn’t sure if it was more before. That’s in the past, and I don’t mind.” Miguel smiled gently.

  “You’re sure?”

  Robert frowned. His other boyfriends hadn’t liked or understood his relationship with Alex. They were usually jealous of their close friendship, and of Alex’s relationship with his family. Alex was part of Robert’s family. He talked to them more than Robert did.

  “Querido, I know it is as it looks—a close friendship. Besides, how can you leave this?” Miguel smirked.

  “That’s true. I would be crazy to.” Robert winked, then laughed.

  “Got that right.” Miguel kissed him.

  Robert stepped closer to him and deepened the kiss.

  “We’re working like dogs, and you’re in here making out,” Tomas said.

  Robert jerked away.

  “Damn, skippy.” Miguel pulled Robert back and kissed him thoroughly.

  Robert sagged against him.

  “You better come and tell us where you want this long, metal, table thingy. And these weird boxes with ‘hazardous’ on them. I swear, Miguel, I don’t know if you’ve got a mad scientist on your hands or what. You better be careful about what he might be cooking up,” Tomas growled.

  Robert pulled away from Miguel and glared at Tomas. “It’s you I might be cooking something up for.”

  “Bring it, Robin.” Tomas flipped him the bird then turned to leave. “Come on. Let’s get this done so we can eat.”

  “We have some really weird family and friends.” Robert met Miguel’s eyes, and they laughed.

  “Weird, but good. They came over to help.”

  “True. Let’s finish this so we can feed them, then kick them out.” Robert lifted up onto his toes, then whispered in Miguel’s ear. “Then we can start working on christening some rooms.”

  “I can’
t wait for your test to come back so we can go bare,” Miguel moaned.

  “Me too.”

  Miguel had gotten his clean results yesterday.

  “The quicker we get this done, the faster we can get busy.” Miguel kissed him, and then he grabbed his hand and dragged him out the room. Laughing, Robert followed him.

  A FEW hours later, Robert came down the stairs after his shower. Tired, he trudged to the chair by the front door. He grabbed his case, walked down the hall to the living room, and then flopped on the couch. He took out his mail and started to sort through it.

  “What are you up to, querido?” Miguel, fresh from his shower, flopped down beside him.

  “Sorting my mail. I didn’t get a chance to with all the packing.” Robert glanced at the letter he was holding.

  Excitement filled him as he tore it open. He bounced as he read the content.

  “Stop bouncing. I’m too tired to move,” Miguel moaned.

  “How tired?” Robert leaned against Miguel.

  “I know that tone. I’m too tired for even that.” Miguel opened his eyes and looked at him.

  “I’m clean.” Robert held up the letter.

  Miguel bolted up from the couch and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the stairs. Laughing, Robert stumbled along behind him. Reaching the side of their bed, Miguel stopped. He took the paper out of his hand and put it on the bedside table. Then he turned to Robert. Without a word, he gently undressed him before shucking his own clothing.

  Miguel kissed him as he lowered him to the bed. In moments, his senses were overwhelmed. He licked along his lips, down the side of his neck. Kisses were placed along his chest, then his nipple. Miguel bit down, and Robert hissed at the delicious feeling. His cock was leaking pre-cum. Miguel let go, then licked across to the other one and did the same. He moaned, rubbing against Robert’s hot body. Miguel continued his delicious torture with deliberate precision. He alternated between bites, licks, and kisses. Robert was delirious, not knowing which he would go with.

  Miguel spread Robert’s thighs and continued his trek. Robert tensed, waiting for Miguel’s lips on his cock. He didn’t touch it, instead kissing around his erection. Robert closed his eyes, whimpering continuously. A lick at the sensitive skin just around it, then in the crease of his thigh made him shiver. Miguel continued down. He widened Robert’s thighs, then lifted his hips. Robert jerked at the feel of Miguel’s tongue against his hole. Pounding his fists on the bed, Robert bowed.


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