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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past

Page 4

by Daniel OConnell

  She seemed to feed off the despair and pain of others. She drove the human race into an abominable force of evil, far more aggressive the T-Challa ever were. The Earth forces under her control quickly stretched out across the galaxies. Destroying and reconquering the T-Challa Empire, as all that opposed her were reconditioned to serve, and those that resisted were simply destroyed.

  However, Noskcaj found a way to shield his mind from the Demon Queen’s power. He established a resistance force, and began attacking the Demon Queens forces, but at best, we were a minor annoyance. Thankfully, for us the Demon Queen discovered two other races during her universal expansion. Both of these races were powerful psychic races. One is called the Dorsa, they are an aquatic life form that individually pose no threat to the Queen’s psychic power, but collectively they have repeatedly defeated her. The other is called the Halimag. These creatures are a vile scourge on all life. They seem to be a collective species sharing one mind. They are scavengers and not much more is known of them. These two new opponents have forced the Demon Queen to dedicate all her attention to them, allowing Noskcaj the time to build up the resistance, but now we need your help in defeating the Demon Queen.”

  Caleb sits back and takes pause, as he absorbs all the information, after a brief few minutes he asks, “Do you have detailed information of the events you described?”

  Rooke smirks as he confidently replies, “I can upload it directly into Paladin’s memory core.”

  Caleb smiles back, saying, “Please, if you will.”

  Rooke takes his forearm, accessing his suit's systems. He says, “The information is ready for upload.”

  Paladin responds, “I have downloaded the information and will analyze it immediately.”

  Paladin and Caleb have a brief telepathic conversation, “Cale his story is accurate to a point. Carla did indeed access her powers much too early in her development, as for her assimilation of the human race, that took decades not years.”

  Caleb suspicious, asks, “Pal scan the battle data of Carla assault on the T-Challa home world. Check for obvious discrepancies in the T-Challa tactics. We both know that an attack on T-Challa was virtually impossible after we returned from X’enablanca.”

  Paladin analyzes the data instantly reports, “Cale you are right, it does appear that the T-Challa made blatant mistakes. They appear to have allowed her easy access to the Queen.”

  White confused asks, “Cale, this makes no sense, how could Carla ever do this?”

  Rooke, bothered by White's statement says, “What you may remember of the Demon Queen may be of a sweet innocent child, but make no mistake Commander White, that child is ancient history. You’d best remove those memories and listen to what I’m telling you, she is evil as evil can be.”

  White annoyed, asks, “Take no offense Mister Rooke, but all I have to go on are my memories.”

  Rooke activates his suit holoplayer. He once again begins to narrate his tale, “The Demon Queen is as evil and vile a creature that has ever lived. She has dedicated her life to ensure the human race suffers in unimaginable pain.”

  An image appears of Rooke standing over the bodies of two dead women, one very young. Rooke saddened by the image states, “This is my wife and daughter. They were killed during an attempt by my people to escape from the Demon Queen’s forces. However, the Queen herself intercepted our vessel, and had everyone killed, everyone that is, but me. For some unknown reason she chose to keep me alive. The Demon Queen then made me relive my family’s death over and over. She seemed to revel in my pain.”

  Rooke becomes somber as he shuts down the holoimages.

  White concerned asks, “Why did Carla keep you alive?

  Rooke exhales as he replies, “I wish I knew, but I never figured out why. Eventually, I was rescued from the Demon Queen by Noskcaj’s strike force. He had me trained in all forms of combat and I excelled, becoming the leader of his elite strike force. Noskcaj has given me the chance to exact my revenge on the Demon Queen. As leader of this strike team, we have saved thousands from the Demon Queen

  White confused asks, “You say you’ve saved thousand? Did you save them in the same manner as us, with weapons and death threats?”

  Rooke becomes confused. He seems to be searching for an answer. Finally, he replies, “Each rescue is different Commander. I don’t really recall every mission. You see, for years I have had lapses in my memory. I feel it was some after effect of the Demon Queen’s manipulation.”

  White, untrusting of Rooke probes deeper, asking, “Convenient that you can remember so much detail on certain issues, but not on others, wouldn’t you agree Mister Rooke?”

  Rooke, now uncomfortable with the line of questioning once again seems to search for a reply, answering, “I have been doing this for many years Commander, I do have trouble recalling most of our previous missions. I have always had issues remembering.”

  Paladin telepathically tells Caleb, “Caleb, I’m picking up a lot of activity from his psionic shielding device. However, it too seems to be specifically shielded from me as well.”

  Caleb now very interested in Rooke’s black outs, asks, “These blackouts you have, just how long have you had them for?”

  Rooke exhales, saying, “I have had blackouts in my memories for years. I believed it was caused by the Demon Queen. Noskcaj has been helping remember, but it’s difficult.”

  Caleb says, “Mister Rooke, if you would allow me, I could help you recall some of those lost memories.”

  Rooke feeling confused asks, “How can you help me recall my lost memories?”

  Paladin answers, “Caleb’s power is one that allows his body and mind to join with another. Allowing him the ability to heal that person, as well as share in each other’s thoughts.”

  Rooke hesitant, but equally curious of his lost memories says, “I’m not sure that will be possible.”

  Caleb smiles as he looks directly into Rooke’s eyes, asking, “Mister Rooke you’re asking me to trust in you with all my people’s lives. Do you have something to hide?”

  Rooke, now feeling cornered, sighs heavily, saying, “Very well.”

  Caleb makes contact with Rooke. He places his hand on Rooke’s head. However, the connection fails, as Paladin alerts them, “Cale, his psionic shield device is preventing our connection.”

  Caleb looks at Rooke and once again asks, “Are you trying to hide something?”

  Rooke reluctantly removes the device from his belt and shuts it down, saying, “I have nothing to hide.”

  The connection is instantaneous, as both men are connected, sharing in every memory of each other’s life. While Caleb and Rooke’s mind converge, Paladin takes advantage of the connection to bypass his suits defenses, and is able to scan and analyze all about Rooke. Paladin examines him right down to his D.N.A. There he shocked as he detects residual traces of X’ena energy, deep within his cellular system. Discovering this he scans even deeper, learning a well-guarded secret about Michael Rooke. Rooke is a direct descendant of Caleb. Paladin shares this information only with Caleb.

  Rooke is also flooded with all the memories of Caleb. Including the loss of his own family, a memory they both share. Rooke was taught to believe something different of Caleb, but now he knows the truth about him, and his mission is forever changed. Rooke tries his best to shield his true mission. However, he is very troubled by what he has learned and now questions his mission. He wonders if Caleb has discovered his true mission.”

  Paladin says telepathically to Caleb, “Cale his mind is an endless void of gaps, even just moments before you contacted his mind it appears as if it was purged of significant data.”

  Caleb concerned asks, “What do think happened to his memories? Do we have a psychic on board?”

  Paladin replies, “No Caleb, I’m not sure how, but I believe that psionic shield device may have something to do with it. However, his true mission is to capture us Cale, and bring us to this Noskcaj as prisoners, not as allies.”

/>   Caleb smiles and says, “It appears that your memories are well hidden Mister Rooke, I’m sorry, but I was not able to recover them.”

  Rooke smirks, saying, “Thank you for trying.”

  Caleb asks, “Mister Rooke would you allow me and Commander White some time to confer on everything?”

  Rooke, feeling uncomfortable looks at both, as he stands, saying, “I will wait on the bridge.”

  Rooke reaches for his psionic shield device, as Caleb snatches it up, saying, “If you don’t mind Michael, I’d prefer that you leave this device here with me. You will not need it while Paladin’s shields are up.”

  Rooke confused, pauses for a moment, as if he is waiting for a reply that doesn’t come. Finally, he answers, “That will be fine Caleb.”

  Caleb waits for Rooke to leave, as he turns to White and says, “Reg, we have a lot of things going on here. One, this guy is a direct descendant of me.



  White, concerned, asks, “Caleb how do you know he is a descendant of yours?”

  Caleb sits back down as he thinks for a moment, and then he speaks, saying, “Reg his mind was like Swiss cheese. Large sections were just erased, and he doesn’t just have memory gaps, he has huge sections of his life missing. Still, I was able to get enough information to see that their main goal is, and that is to capture us. Paladin, however, was able to find out a lot more than I was.

  Paladin hasn’t been able to scan pass these suits of theirs, but as I made physical contact, Paladin found some shocking stuff. Rooke had traces of X’ena energy infused within his D.N.A.. Once Paladin detected that he analyzed his D.N.A. further, and discovered the genetic match.”

  White is taken aback with Caleb’s previous statement. He shakes his head in shock saying aloud, “Cale, no disrespect here, but are you completely insane? Look Caleb, I trust you with my life. Hell, I pretty much wrote my life off just to help you save our friends, but Cale, you need to stop and listen to yourself. Especially the part where he’s planning on taking over the ship, but you’re sitting here thinking that he’s a relative is more important, than being caught in a trap!”

  Caleb laughs, saying, “Reg, we all know people act out of fear, let these people think they have the upper hand, we both know Paladin won’t operate without me on it. Besides Reg, I looked deep inside Rooke’s mind when I connected with him. He is a good man, he may be a little lost, but I feel he may eventually find his place with us. Besides, we need allies here Reg. Just let them think they captured us. I’m sure they can be reasoned with. We know if they need our ship they will have to deal with us.”

  White still in total disbelief yells, “Cale, for someone who knows so much about everything.” White grabs his head, frustrated, saying aloud, “I swear you can do the some of the stupidest things.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “Reg, I could be dead wrong, I just know that we will find our way through this, we always do. Now, forget the part where I said Rooke is related to me, and focus on the part where I said he had X’ena energy within him. Doesn’t that trip a WOW switch in your head?”

  Paladin states, “The X’ena energy I detected seemed to have direct similarities to me. It is possible that they were trying to construct a clone of Caleb, or he could be one of Carla’s children, possibly a grandchild. However, his overall genetic makeup is completely human.”

  Caleb says, “No Paladin, I don’t think he is a clone, and most certainly not an offspring of Carla, no, I believe he is a direct descendant on my father’s side.”

  White confused points out, “Not trying to be racist here, but you’re Asian Cale, and this Rooke guy looks as white as my namesake.”

  Caleb grins, saying, “Reggie, I’m only half Filipino, my father was Irish American. I think this man is a direct descendant of that family line.”

  White asks again, “So what's the big deal, about him?”

  Caleb shakes his head as he thinks to himself. What’s the big deal? I wished I knew. However, what's even more concerning is what was he doing with X’ena energy in his system?

  Down in engineering, Onatof stares attentively at the engine room. He stares elatedly as all the knowledge that Caleb downloaded into his mind starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Benton and Cooley arrive with Rooke’s men. They’re carrying a large device, which is three meters tall, eight meters long, and three meters wide.

  Benton says, “Doc, Caleb wants us to hook this device up to the engines, as soon as we can.”

  Onatof walks over to the device and sees a control panel. He touches a few buttons that exposes the phase shift drive. Onatof studies the device quickly. The image of the device appears in his mind, and he says, “This will need to be attached to the power core, not the engines.”

  Cooley noticing Onatof’s confidence asks, “Doc, you know what this is?”

  Onatof smirks, answering, “My dear sweet child, for the first time in all my years of dealing with Caleb, I can honestly say and feel with all confidence that I know what something is, and how best to use it.”

  One of Rooke’s men steps forward introducing himself, saying, “I am Uari, and I am second in command of this team; I will help in the installation of the phase shift generator. We have some delicate components that I myself will need to install.”

  Onatof smiles, as he replies, “Don’t worry son, I won’t break your toy.”

  Cooley suddenly gets another flash of déjà vu. She is taken aback to see Professor Onatof lifeless body lying on the deck. Cooley is then thrust back to present time once again, and overwhelmed by the experience, becoming so disoriented that she begins to stumble.

  Benton, who is standing next to her notices her bewilderment and quickly supports her upright, asking, “Hey Beauty Queen, you ok?”

  Cooley annoyed and visibly upset at the latest image, snaps out a quick answer, “I’m fine.” She angrily storms off thinking to herself. What the hell is going on with me?

  Three hours pass, Onatof, Uari, and the rest of Rooke’s men hastily install the phase shift generator to the main power core.

  White and Rooke remain on the bridge, monitoring the approaching ships as they rapidly close in on their location.

  Caleb remains in his ready room trying to understand everything that has happened, or that can possibly happen.

  Caleb is deep in thought, staring out at the stars when he hears his lift rising to his room. A moment passes, as Cooley enters his room, she is annoyed and confused and does not hide it well. She asks, “Cale, just what the hell are you doing? Why are we letting these men do whatever they want, they could easily be planning on blowing this ship to kingdom come.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “Rachel, we all know that we are heading into a trap.” Caleb then glares at Cooley, suggesting, “Somehow, I ‘m thinking you may feel that more than I.”

  Cooley, a little concerned about her premonitions pretends, rather poorly to be unaware of what Caleb said and asks, “What do you mean?”

  Caleb grins as he looks back at the stars, saying, “Rachel, if they wanted to blow us up they could have just shifted a bomb directly onto the ship, unless of course, you see some other ending to this uneasy alliance.”

  Cooley lowers her head, and takes in a deep breath. Angrily, she looks up at Caleb saying nothing.

  Caleb turns to her and smirks, saying, “Ok Rachel, feel free to share with me when and if you want too, but we both know that you sensed their arrival moments before anyone. I also know you just saw something disturbing in the engine room too.”

  Cooley remembers that Caleb can see, and feel everything on Paladin becomes very quiet, not really knowing what to say.

  Caleb still looking to the stars says, “This is a horrible future we’re in, if I could just figure out how to get us back to our own time.” Caleb pauses, reflecting, “Well, I hope I can prevent it.”

  Cooley once again begins to sense the approach of her déjà vu. She suddenly feels the appr
oaching future, unable to deal with the effects. She is once more overwhelmed with the images of what may come. Cooley mind is flooded with images of Paladin entering a gateway with hundreds of ships around them. She then sees a massive ball of energy blocking that gateway, as she quickly becomes light-headed. The constant waves of images become far too much for Cooley to handle, and she begins to pass out. Caleb moves with blinding speed, catching Cooley. She instantly regains conscience and quickly jumps away from Caleb screaming aloud, “Cale, what the bloody hell is wrong with me?”

  Paladin responds, “Rachel, when Caleb just touched you I sensed a time differential within you. Somehow, our travel through time has had an adverse effect on you, for some unknown reason, your mind is seeing possible future events. In some way, it is like the time itself is talking to you.”

  Cooley, remembering the image of Onatof lying dead on the deck causes her to become emotional, asking, “So everything I see could happen?”

  Caleb grins, saying, “The Future is not written in pen and ink. The future is written in the dreams of the heart, and the courage of our own convictions.”

  Cooley upsets, says, “I hope you're right Cale.”

  Cooley distressed leaves Caleb, as Paladin says to Caleb, “Cale, I am as always aware of your thoughts, and I know you are considering seeking a way to time travel back to our time. However, you must know that time travel is strictly prohibited by X’ena law. I cannot go back in time.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “Pal, I don’t give a damn about X’ena law. If we have a way to go back in time to prevent this future. We will.”


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