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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past

Page 5

by Daniel OConnell

  Paladin reluctantly responds, “No Cale, as much as I wish I could help I cannot assist in this. Bach has hardwired multiple directives into my programming, and even though Enoch removed many of them to allow me to become a weapon of war I’m sorry to say Cale, that I am strictly prohibited from time travel.”

  Caleb laughs, saying, “Well Pal, you already broke that law by traveling three thousand.” Caleb suddenly stops himself as he realizes that it’s been three thousand years. He points this out to Paladin, saying, “Bach and the X’ena were to return in three thousand years.”

  Paladin quickly analyzes the data replying, “If the X’ena returned Caleb, it would have been over seventy-six years ago.”

  Caleb annoyed keeps thinking to himself. X’ena energy and a direct descendant of mine with residual X’ena energy in his body, just what the hell is going on?

  Four more hours pass, as Uari returns to the bridge. He quietly whispers to Rooke.

  Rooke turns to Caleb and says, “Admiral Caleb, we have installed the shift drive generator and we are ready to activate the device. I will need access to your helm control, so that I can navigate your ship to our base.”

  Caleb, who is starting to feel uncomfortable, reluctantly looks over to White, who shrugs his shoulders, saying, “Your call Cale, you know my thoughts.”

  Caleb sneers and says, “Ok Mister Rooke, the helm is yours.”

  Rooke takes his place at the helm and begins powering up the shift drive. Navigational screens pop up as Rooke ties his suits internal programming into the navigation system to plot their course. Paladin uses that moment to once more scan and duplicate the programming. Paladin is able to access millions of files in an instant through the connection. He begins scanning through the data.

  Rooke looks over to his second in command as they make eye contact, acknowledging some hidden agenda.

  This action does not go unnoticed, as White moves over to the helm and leans up against the control panel next to Rooke, smiling, he says, “Caleb has a lot of faith in you Michael. You may not be aware of it, but he knows a lot about you. Probably more than you think, and yet he still trusts you.”

  Rooke, a little uncomfortable answers, “I don’t know what you mean sir?”

  White, still smiling says, “Honor is a trait not often found in men, and very few have it, so let me tell you Michael, that I’ve not met a man that has more honor that man there.” White points to Caleb, declaring, “Caleb trust in you Mister Rooke, I hope you are as honorable as he believes you to be.”

  Rooke pauses, as he considers what he has to do, and to whom he will be doing it too.

  White walks over to Cooley, whispering, “Any premonitions?”

  Cooley annoyed by the question answers, “It doesn’t work like that luv, but I don’t need to see the future to have a bad feeling about all this.”

  Paladin privately tells Caleb, “Cale, I have been able to access multiple systems within Rooke’s suit. Once again, they were designed specifically to prevent me from scanning. However, from what I have analyzed, the creator of those suits has detailed knowledge of X’ena technology.”

  Rooke finalizes his calculations, and engages the shift drive. Paladin disappears from normal space, as it travels ever so briefly within null space, reappearing at the edge of a massive space maelstrom of immense size.

  Paladin immediately reports, “The energy from this storm would rip this ship apart in a millisecond. The overall energy being released is almost beyond my sensor limits.”

  Rooke, unconcerned at the space storm says, “I will need to guide this ship from here on manual.”

  White seeing the massive storm reacts, asking, “Ok buddy, no offense to your piloting skills, but why the hell didn’t you just put us on the other side of this wall of death?”

  Rooke smiling says, “Our base is at the center of this maelstrom, and as the storm center is constantly moving we cannot enter by phase shifting. The only way to enter is through skilled navigation.”

  Caleb eyes are wide open, as he stares at the storm. He asks Paladin telepathically, “Hey Pal, what do you think about this?”

  Paladin replies in kind, “One miscalculation and we are doomed. However, I doubt that they brought us all this way to destroy us here.”

  Caleb pretends to smile, saying, “Mister Rooke, guide us to your base.”

  Rooke turns reluctantly to Uari again. The two once again make eye contact, as Uari shakes his head and touches his specialized suits controls.

  A moment passes, when an image suddenly appears on the main holocom. The holoimage is of a very young man, who speaks, “Hello Caleb, my name is Noskcaj and I welcome you to my home. My men will escort you to my base.”

  Caleb, staring at the young man noticing the mixed racial heritage and a striking likeness of his good friend Andrew Jackson, Caleb stands up astonished, saying aloud, “My god you couldn’t be alive after all these many years.”

  White looking up at the image slowly turns to Caleb, asking, “Cale, you know who this guy is?”

  Noskcaj sneers, answering White’s question, “Caleb gave me the knowledge of the X’ena at my birth Commander White, a gift that gave me the ability to survive long enough to put an end to this madness. My name was once Abraham Wu Lei Jackson. I am the son of Andrew and Qui Shi Jackson.”

  White is completely shocked, asking, “What happened to your father and mother?”

  Abraham quickly becomes annoyed at that question. He stares at Caleb for a moment, angrily, he answers, “My father died trying to save the fleet, just hours after Caleb and you disappeared. My mother was killed by the Demon Queen a few years later.”

  Caleb lowers his head and says, “I’m sorry Abraham, I am truly sorry. However, I think I have a way to prevent this from ever happening.”

  Noskcaj smiles, saying, “I have been waiting my entire life to meet the great Caleb Ocoda. My men will bring you to me now.”

  The communication is terminated, as Rooke turns to Caleb and asks, “May I have full control of the helm Admiral Ocoda?”

  Caleb, very uncomfortable answers Rooke, “Well, not many other options out there, so let’s get this over with, ok Mister Rooke let’s go.”

  Benton walks over to White and whispers, “Reggie, I don’t know about you, but I have a very bad feeling about this.”

  White replies in kind, “Gabe, we all know this is a trap, but we don’t know why, or what they want. Caleb knows what he’s doing, I think. We really have very few alternatives.”

  Rooke engages the engines, as he begins to bring Paladin through the deadly maelstrom. Rooke guides Paladin through the outer rim, and deeper into the heart of the storm, energy discharges cross ahead of Paladin, closing within a few millimeters, as Paladin continues ahead. Deeper and deeper Paladin journeys into the lethal storm, until finally, at the heart of the storm a massive space station of unimaginable size sits. The eye of the storm is vast and completely tranquil, as the outer fringes of the maelstrom protect the space station.”

  The station is nearly ten kilometers across, and almost the same length at its circumference. This massive station stands over eight kilometers in height, but what is most alarming isn’t its sheer size, but the ominous shape of its construction. The station resembles the appearance of a human skull.”

  Cooley finally gets her premonition. She screams out, “Caleb, we need to get out of here now!”

  The massive station sends out a wave of energy that completely blankets the area. Paladin is immediately engulfed within the energy. The entire ship loses all power. Only Paladin itself operates, and only through its symbiotic connection with Caleb.

  Before anyone can react, the ship is flooded with hundreds of men phase shifting aboard. They stand before the crew with weapons drawn and at the ready. Rooke stands, saying, “I’m sorry Caleb. This ship and you are now our prisoners.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “It’s ok Michael I expected no less. Please take us to see Noskcaj.”

nbsp; Benton looks over the dozens of men all pointing weapons at him and the rest of the bridge crew. He frowns, as he considers all his alternatives, but sees no way out.



  Paladin is pulled into the massive stations docking bays as multiple docking clamps reach out and hold fast the powerful battleship. The ship is scanned in complete detail and the crewmembers of Paladin are placed in restraints, as Caleb has multiple weapons pointed directly at him.

  Paladin telepathically tells Caleb, “Cale, I have no power to do anything. Whatever that energy wave was, it has crippled all systems on the ship.”

  Caleb responds in kind, “We both knew this was the likely outcome Pal. Let’s just see what they want from us, before we make any decisions.”

  Uari speaks aloud to the bridge crew, “You will follow us to a temporary detention station. Any attempt to escape is useless. You are on a station that is under the complete control of our leader, Noskcaj.”

  Caleb smiles and asks, “Your name is Uari is it not?”

  Uari confused replies, “Yes, it is.”

  Rooke stands from the helm, stating, “Caleb, you will follow me to Noskcaj’s great hall. Should you attempt to fight us, or resist in any way, we will be forced to kill a member of your crew, starting with her.” Rooke points to Cooley as two guards place their rifles directly at her head.”

  Caleb stares at Rooke. He contains his anger, responding, “Mister Rooke, let’s get this over with, but know this, should any harm befall my crew, I will hold you personally responsible.”

  Caleb is escorted from the bridge and off the ship. He is directed down a long corridor, as the rest of his crew are taken off the ship. Caleb is led through the great corridors of Noskcaj vessel. For almost twenty minutes, Caleb is deliberately walked through multiple passages. Until they reach the great hall of Noskcaj.

  Caleb is brought to a massive room, where he is directed to a circular disc located in the center of the room. Rooke’s men hastily attach restraints, which are bolted directly to the deck plating.

  Finally, after several more minutes pass, Noskcaj suddenly appears in the center of the room, and a force field then encases Caleb as Noskcaj approaches. He methodically approaches Caleb, staring intently. He scowls with all discontent at the man before him.

  He speaks after a few moments, “I have thought long and hard about what I would say when, and if I would ever have the opportunity to meet you. However, it still doesn’t seem to fill the void within me “

  Caleb confused and reserved asks, “Why am I your enemy Abraham?”

  Enraged at Caleb, Noskcaj yells, “Abraham died! I am Noskcaj, and you are my enemy and the enemy of the entire human race.”

  Caleb quickly realizes this first encounter is going far worse than he expected. Caleb focuses past Noskcaj rant in hopes of reaching an accord with him responding, “Well, whatever you want to be called I am not your enemy. If you will just listen to me for a moment I believe I have a way to save everyone, and prevent this future from ever happening.”

  Noskcaj becomes more enraged by Caleb’s arrogance, and screams louder and louder, “You’re responsible for this future! You’re responsible for the Demon Queen! You’re responsible for the death of my father and my mother! You are responsible for everything, and all I want is to make you suffer!”

  Noskcaj waves his hand, creating a holoimage, which shows Paladin in the docking bay, as several large devices raise up, and surround Paladin. A moment later, massive cutting lasers begin tearing the ship apart, slowly. The pieces are then converted into energy, which is absorbed directly into Skull. Caleb immediately feels the pain as Paladin is being sliced apart, piece by piece.

  Noskcaj callously says, “Thanks to your gift Caleb, I possess all the knowledge of the X’ena, so I know how to manipulate and control the energy within Ferrous Anatanium magnetic alloy better than any. I will slowly disassemble your ship, and then add it to my station Skull. All that was your ship will become part of my home, skull.”

  Noskcaj smiles wildly, as he turns to the holoimage, saying, “I will make sure you live long enough to feel the pain of your ship being ripped apart.”

  Caleb falls to one knee, as his ship is sliced apart piece by piece. Ever so slowly, the ship is converted and absorbed into Noskcaj’s massive space station, as Caleb, now suffering yells out, “Noskcaj! Wait, please! Listen to me. I have a plan. Will you please listen to me?”

  Noskcaj simply smiles, as he enjoys Caleb’s pain, replying, “I don’t care what your plan is Caleb, I only want to see you suffer. Suffer like no one has suffered before.”

  Noskcaj pauses, as he delights in the moment. He studies Caleb intently, watching as he twists and convulses in pain. After a few minutes, Noskcaj begins to torment Caleb further, “I could easily disassemble your ship in mere minutes, and end your pain quickly. My docking bays are exceptionally capable of tearing a ship apart and absorbing it. However, I’m truly enjoying this, it’s too bad I can’t make it last longer.”

  Rooke is now taken aback by Noskcaj actions. He asks, “Master, are you truly sure this is necessary?”

  Noskcaj glares yelling, “Watch your place!” Noskcaj quickly turns back to watch Caleb suffer.

  For several minutes, the massive ship called Paladin is slowly dissected, as each piece converted into energy and absorbed directly into Noskcaj enormous space station.

  Paladin speaks to Caleb telepathically, “Cale, I may have found a way for us to escape.”

  Caleb suffering says, “Whatever it is Pal, let’s do it.”

  Paladin responds, “It appears that Noskcaj miscalculated an important piece of data. By absorbing our ship, we may have a chance to gain control of his station.”

  Caleb in utter agony asks, “What do you mean?”

  Paladin replies, “Cale, as our ship is being absorbed into this station, Noskcaj integrates it into the inner workings. Thus making it part of this station. This appears to be how he made this station so large, absorbing thousands of ships that he had captured before, so by absorbing our ship, he is infusing it within his station, making this station part of you.”

  Caleb withering in agony as pieces of Paladin are continually absorbed into Skull. He struggles to asks, “How can I do this Paladin? I don’t understand?”

  Paladin responds, “Cale, when we first merged many years ago, it was very late in your development, forcing us to permanently bond with the USS Massachusetts. However, your daughter’s power was developed over her growth, and she can transfer her symbiot to any vessel she wishes, augmenting, and controlling that vessel.”

  Caleb concentrating through the pain asks, “Pal, I think I understand what you’re, saying, but this station is so massive. Will we have enough energy to control of it?”

  Paladin responds, “Cale, while Noskcaj has been absorbing the ship, I have detected that this space station is powered by multiple power sources. One of which, is pure X’ena energy, so much so, that I truly fear where they may have acquired it from.”

  Caleb aware of Paladin’s concerns yells out to Noskcaj, “What happened to the X’ena!”

  Noskcaj beams in delight, as he continues to watch Caleb suffering, he gleefully responds, “Yes, Caleb, thank you for reminding me, I would have hated to miss the opportunity to share that tale with you. You see Caleb, they came to see how we progressed, and they thought they could help us. I however, did not want their help. You see Caleb, as much as you are responsible for this Frankenstein future. They are responsible for you.”

  Caleb yells out in agony, “What did you do to them!”

  Noskcaj grins as, he walks slowly to Caleb, and looks directly into his eyes replying, “I absorbed them, and their vessel just as I’m doing to your mighty Paladin. I absorbed each and every X’ena of their very life force. One by one, I drained them. Including the one, you called Bach, and I made sure they all suffered, as you suffer now. However, I did save one. I believe you called him

  Paladin hearing this tells Caleb telepathically, “Cale, with that much X’ena energy I can absorb it and transfer it directly into you. Unfortunately, your body can only handle it for a few minutes at best. Cale, I have been investigating Noskcaj other power sources, one which is far more powerful than anything I’ve ever detected before, even more powerful than all the X’ena energy. I will try and learn all I can, as we continue to merge.”

  Caleb barely able to stand, let alone remain conscience asks, “Pal, when can I try and gain control of this station?”

  Paladin responds, “Cale, you will only have a split second before our death to transfer me directly into this station. If you attempt it too soon, Noskcaj may detect our plan, and kill you, and if you wait too long you may not give me enough time to absorb all the energy needed to gain control. So, you must wait until I tell you, but it would be helpful if you could find some way to distract Noskcaj attention.”

  Caleb, suffering worse than he has ever suffered before realizes just how to distract Noskcaj. He shakes his head, dreading just how he has to do that. Yelling out to Noskcaj, “You know Abraham! Your father was one of my best friends! I’m sure he’d be proud of how you carry on his legacy.”

  Noskcaj delight changes swiftly to pure rage as he yells, “You know nothing of my father! You left him to die.”

  Caleb is a master at finding weakness in his opponents, and exploiting it. He does this by causing them to become overwrought with blind rage. This often ends with one of two possible results. One, Caleb’s enemy beats him with all his might or it exposes a weakness, which Caleb can exploit. Caleb coughs up blood as he speaks, “Abe, you must have known I’d be able to detect the lineage of Michael Rooke.” Caleb pauses as the pain increases, and through clenched teeth, he struggles to continue, “You must have gone to great lengths to capture one of my descendants.”

  Rooke confused asks, “What is this about? I am related to you?”

  Caleb realizing that Noskcaj is completely focused on him says, “Your body has trace elements of X’ena energy. I’m guessing you were being experimented on by both my daughter and Abraham here, probably as a pawn to be used against the other. That is why you have so many gaps in your memory.”


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