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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past

Page 6

by Daniel OConnell

  Noskcaj consumed with rage yells, “You will suffer Caleb! Suffer more than any other, you will suffer!”

  Noskcaj looks at Rooke, as he is immediately engulfed in a blue cloak of energy, which rises from the deck. Rooke collapses to his knees as the energy overtakes his body and mind. He then slowly stands glowing, as his body courses with X’ena energy. Noskcaj yells, “Show him the meaning of pain!”

  Caleb is released from the force field, but still bound by the restraints to the deck plating. He struggles trying to rip free of the restraints. However, Caleb is too much pain. Rooke, who is now completely under Noskcaj control charges at Caleb with blinding speed. His body now shares the same strength and ability as Caleb. Unfortunately, for Caleb, Rooke is not suffering as Caleb is.

  Paladin telepathically tells Caleb, “Cale, Noskcaj has found a way to alter the program that created me. He has changed it, allowing him to turn Rooke into a mindless super soldier. I feel you may have succeeded in distracting him.”

  Caleb strains just to keep conscience, as he is struck so hard by Rooke that his restraints are ripped from the deck plating as he is sent flying off across the great hall, crashing against the wall, sliding down. This beating continues for several more minutes, as Caleb does all he can to endure Noskcaj wraith. Meanwhile, Paladin works feverishly as it can, preparing to take control.

  Finally, as Caleb can take no more, Paladin tells him telepathically, “Cale, you will have to try now.”

  Caleb, beaten, bloody, and battered, yells out, “Enough!” He puts his hand on the deck plating, as Paladin instantly begins to take control of the super space station known as Skull. Paladin first action is to immediately absorb all the X’ena energy, and instantly transfers that energy directly into Caleb. Noskcaj is taken completely by surprise.

  Rooke, who is still under Noskcaj control charges Caleb, but Paladin absorbs all his X’ena energy in the blink of an eye, allowing Rooke to regain control of his senses.

  Caleb is completely overwhelmed by the experience. He is intoxicated with so much power. Paladin hastily continues to take control of all Skull systems.

  A moment later, Paladin finally gains complete control of the station and Noskcaj disappears, as Paladin discovers that Noskcaj is actually a computer-generated holoprojection. Paladin also discovers the truth about Abraham. Abraham uploaded his consciences thousands of years ago into this very station, and over the eons that have passed, he grew this station to the monstrosity it is now. Noskcaj did this by capturing and absorbing every ship that crossed his sphere of influence. He used his superior intellect gaining every advantage. Abraham may have physically died. However, a very twisted and corrupted part of him lived on.

  Caleb is trying his best to maintain control, but is overwhelmed with so much energy and so many systems now under his influence. Paladin rapidly takes control of all the stations primary and secondary systems, as he begins to learn how to operate them, as quickly as it can.

  Caleb attempts to make direct contact with the database, trying to learn what he can. However, before Caleb can delve to deep, his consciences is immediately pulled into a psychic link within the ship, where he is confronted by non-other than Enoch, the last living X’ena.

  Enoch speaks, “You are the master of my creation X152. The one they call Caleb Ocoda, I have learned much about you over my incarceration within this station.”

  Caleb at this point is beyond speechless. He tries to understand what Enoch is saying. Unfortunately, the power is overwhelming him.

  Enoch detects the euphoria within Caleb as he focuses on his connection, making a stronger bond and allowing Caleb to stabilize his control. However, this has a secondary effect allowing each other to share in the other’s thoughts. This takes place at near instantaneous speed.

  Caleb, in a more stable condition takes in a breath. He is filled with all of Enoch’s memories. Caleb says, “I thank you for helping me Enoch, but all your thoughts are equally overwhelming.”

  Enoch unconcerned replies, “Caleb, this amount of energy is taxing even to me. I don’t know how much longer I can help you. Nevertheless, I am able to process your thoughts much easier than you will mine. I am aware of your plan to travel back to the past and although I have always agreed with the X’ena council laws against the use of time travel, I am forced to reconsider that belief. I will remove the blocks, which inhibits the X152 program has from assisting you.”

  Caleb states, “His name is Paladin, master Enoch.” Caleb pauses, as so much is happening all at once. He continues, “I see that you were captured by Noskcaj. He then used as bait to lure the rest of the X’ena to him. He made you watch their demise, one by one. I know you and your people wish to hide their pain. Nevertheless, because of this link, we share I know how much that pain has affected you.”

  Enoch, focused on controlling the X’ena power, struggles to reply, “Noskcaj was deeply affected by his time as a prisoner of your daughter. He was severely traumatized by her vicious mental onslaughts.”

  Caleb, confused by all of Carla’s action states, “This makes no sense Enoch. My daughter could never do this.”

  Enoch replies, “Caleb, I know not what occurred to alter your daughter's actions, but I do know that if Bach sensed she had this potential to be so evil that he would never have allowed her to share in the power of the X152 virus.”

  Caleb tries to gain better control of the station, as he focuses all his concentration on containing the power he is using. However, the strain continues to intensify.

  Enoch fixated on the task at hand responds, “Caleb, my time grows very short. I will give you and Paladin, all the help I can. Unfortunately, Noskcaj is rapidly regaining control of this station. Even now your control is slipping away.”

  Caleb feeling the power fading away asks, “Enoch, where can I find you on this station?”

  Enoch simply replies, “Caleb, I know you wish to save me, but Noskcaj has removed my personnel energy core. He has permanently bonded me to this station's energy core. If you attempt to remove me from this station, it would only kill me.”

  Paladin, who has been taking control of Noskcaj station finally responds, “Master Enoch, it is good to see you alive.”

  Enoch, finally showing some emotion of joy responds, “X 152…. Excuse me, Paladin. It is good to hear you as well.”

  Paladin aware their time grows short, immediately turns his attention back to the task at hand, reporting, “Caleb, “I have reversed the deconstruction of our ship, our ship will be rebuilt better than before, I estimate its completion in the next eight minutes. The process Noskcaj uses to control Ferrous Anatanium magnetic alloy is far beyond what even the X’ena had ever conceived. His knowledge is truly astonishing. I have incorporated multiple advances of this era, including a phase shift drive, and an advanced automation system. This system can allow for just one person to control the ship.”

  Enoch reveals, “Caleb, many on this station are unwilling participants of Noskcaj will. He uses those psychic shielding devices to gain control over most of the crew of this station. They’re innocent pawns under his control. I have been able to deactivate the program, which allowed him control them. Thus, when you leave these people will eventually fall back under his control.”

  Caleb, concerned states, “I will take them all with me.”

  Paladin aware of the insurmountable tasks responds, “Caleb, there are over fifty thousand people on this station. We cannot carry them all.”

  Enoch analyzes their ship, and states, “The docking bays emitters are currently locked in a building pattern of your ship Caleb. You only have enough time to create a single ship. It will have to be an exact duplicate of your ship. You do not have enough time to reconfigure the docking bay to create a larger ship.”

  Paladin reports, “I have begun the construction of the second ship, and with Noskcaj technology, it will be a simple task to reprogram the energy that forms the Ferrous Anatanium magnetic alloy from this station to create this
second ship. I expect it to be fully completed in fourteen minutes.”

  Caleb concerned asks, “Is there anything else we can do to save everyone?”

  Enoch replies, “Caleb, there is not enough time. Even now, Noskcaj is attempting to regain control of his station, and with my assistance, your body can only maintain control of this level of X’ena energy for another twenty-six minutes. Caleb, you should know, not everyone on this station is under Noskcaj control. Some are extremist followers of him.”

  Caleb frustrated, snarls as he replies, “Fine, Paladin, can you alert Benton and White to begin boarding the two ships as soon as they can. Make sure they focus on saving everyone they can.”

  Paladin struggles to maintain control of the station, as he focuses most of his control on the docking bays. Nonetheless, he quickly searches the station finding Benton and White, as they stand in a crowded corridor with most of Paladin’s remaining crew. They’re also surrounded by hundreds of Noskcaj crew, the majority of whom are finally freed from Noskcaj mind controlling influence. They are confused and frightened by what they see.

  Paladin uses the stations com system communicating with both, stating, “Gabriel, Reggie, Caleb has temporarily taken control of this station. We have freed most of Noskcaj crew, which have been under a form of mental control. I have completed all repairs on our ship, and have begun the creation of a second identical ship, and this vessel is near completion. Caleb has ordered that you save as many of this station’s crew as you can, and to prepare both ships for immediate evac.”

  White extremely confused asks, “Ships? Paladin, you created a second ship?”

  Paladin hastily replies, “Yes Commander White, I have created a second ship identical to our own ship. Noskcaj docking bay has the most sophisticated ship building technology ever conceived. I have been able to rebuild our ship using most of the advances made from this time era, and I have applied this technology to our ship. I have also been able to duplicate this on the second ship.”

  Cooley, recalling through one of her many visions of a talking ship just like Paladin, but it was not Paladin. Concerned that her premonitions could be wrong, she asks, “Paladin, will this second ship be sentient like yourself?”

  Paladin pauses for a moment, and replies, “I had not considered that Rachel, I will have to upload a Templar or Caviler A.I. program to help run the ship.”

  Benton annoyed, and unconcerned jokes, asking, “Why do you have to use one of those lame flyboy A.I. personalities. Why can’t you give it a personality that we all can get along with?”

  Paladin, aware of how Caleb thinks states, “Very well Colonel Benton, it is most likely that Caleb will assign you control of the second ship. I will endow this vessel with a personality of your liking.”

  White, realizing the severity of the situation yells, “This can wait! Paladin, start announcing the evacuation at once. Gabe, you and Rachel get on that other ship, and get it ready, I’m going to find Onatof and go help Caleb.”

  Paladin responds, “Commander White, Onatof is already returning to the ship, Caleb needs you to focus on prepping both ships for evac first. You are to coordinate both ships, and prepare them for immediate evac. Caleb will be with you soon.”

  White annoyed yells, “Fine Paladin, just get our people off this station now!”

  Benton jokes, as he races alongside White, saying, “Come on flyboy, move your ass.”

  White annoyed, looks at Benton, commenting aloud, “Really Gabe? The entire base is going crazy and you’re worried about the ship having a lame personality.”

  Benton laughs, saying, “Hey, Caviler is a real party animal I hear.” Both men smirk as they race down to the docking bay.

  Paladin starts announcing to key areas of the massive station evac orders, as Enoch does his best to guide Paladin to areas of the station with the fewest known followers of Noskcaj.

  Several minutes later, back within the psychic link Enoch alerts Caleb, “Caleb, Noskcaj has already recovered control of several key systems, and will soon regain control of this entire station. You will only have a few minutes before he gains full control.”

  Caleb exhausted asks, “Enoch is there anything else I can do to help?”

  Enoch responds, “Caleb, you will only have at best five minutes to get on your ship and restore yourself to it. I will do what I can do to help you maintain control of the X’ena energy for as long as I can. Unfortunately, Noskcaj will have regained control of the internal defense systems in just a few minutes.”

  Caleb, saddened, says, “I’ll make my way back, I just wish I could save you.”

  Enoch, still focusing on Caleb says, “Caleb, I have studied all the data, and determined the only way back to your time will have to be through the exact same way you came here. For that reason, I’ve downloaded the location of the last known T-Challa gateway directly into Paladin. I have also overridden the program, which prohibited his ability to assist you in time travel. Succeed in your plans to restore the timeline, and you will have saved us all.”

  Caleb lowers his head, replying, “I will find a way to save you Enoch, to save everyone.”

  Enoch replies, “Goodbye Caleb, and good luck.”

  The two break their psychic link. Caleb is once more overwhelmed with X’ena energy, but with Enoch’s psychic blocks in place Caleb can better control it, albeit briefly. He immediately notices Rooke is standing next to him.”

  Rooke sees Caleb’s eyes are open, and says, “Caleb, I don’t know what's going on, but if you can trust me, I want to help you. Unfortunately, my suit no longer works.”

  Caleb places his hand on Rooke, and transfers a very small amount of X’ena energy directly into him, saying, “Michael, you will need to run like you have never run before, and we have less than five minutes to get to the docking bay. Noskcaj is not going to make it easy.”

  Rooke, now charged with X’ena energy and able to control his own thoughts and actions, asks, “Why have you given me this gift? I...I betrayed you?”

  Caleb unconcerned replies, “Because there is good in all. You were an unwilling pawn Michael and I believe in second chances. That is if you want one?”

  Rooke lowers his head responding, “I will not betray you again Caleb.”

  Caleb smiles, and points to the door.

  The two race through the corridors, moving at blinding speeds.

  Noskcaj finally regains control of most of the super space stations internal defense systems. He locates and targets both Caleb and Rooke. They easily dodge the multiple volleys fired upon them.

  Back in the docking bay, both ships fill up quickly, as White and Benton rush everyone on board their ships.

  White studying the two ships is amazed at how identical each is. He asks Benton, “Have you even boarded that other ship?”

  Benton hastily replies, “No time Reggie, but Beauty Queen is on board. Besides, I’m more concerned about figuring how to get out of here. That little space storm doesn’t look all that friendly.”

  White smirks at Gabriel’s statement, as hundreds more storm the ships hoping for their freedom.

  Moments later, Noskcaj wrestles control away from Paladin for the docking bay defense pods. Noskcaj is twisted by centuries of cold-blooded manipulation, and the lack of a human soul, he no longer cares for humanity, and all he exists for is vengeance. Noskcaj callously opens fire on the thousands of helpless civilians whose only crime is trying to escape.

  Paladin quickly creates force fields to protect as many as he can. Still, hundreds are killed.

  Benton enraged at the blatant massacre yells, “Reggie, I’m going to the bridge of my ship! I’ll see what I can do from there.”

  Benton quickly forces his way through the hundreds of people crammed in the corridors, making his way to the bridge, where he sees Rachel through the congested bridge. She is trying to activate systems on the ship.

  Benton moves through the crowd, and over to the weapons systems. He reaches to activate them. However,
his interaction with the controls has an unexpected effect, as he is shocked to hear a very familiar voice.

  The voice speaks over the com, saying, “Celesta is now operational. We are currently at twenty-four percent power levels, and charging. Good morning Sunshine.”

  Benton is briefly shocked, as he recognizes the voice and mutters, “Celesta?”

  Celesta joyfully responds, “Paladin downloaded my A.I. personality into this ship’s data core, per your indirect request Gabe.”

  Cooley also spooked by the voice asks, “Gabe isn’t Celesta your older sister, the one who raised you?” She very softly and under her breath asks, “Who died?”

  Benton is still in complete awe, and is unable to react. Let alone speak.

  Celesta responds, “Hello dear, you must be Lieutenant Rachel Cooley, Gabriel friend. Paladin created my personality from all the data files that Gabe had kept of me over all the years since I died. Paladin had planned to use it for one of the boarding pods A.I., as a gift for Gabe, but decided to place me on this ship instead.”

  Benton quickly snaps back to reality, yelling, “Ok, the family reunion can wait! We got people out there dying! Celesta, activate the light cannons, and start blasting this murdering bastard’s internal defense system!”

  Celesta opens up her light cannon pods, and immediately opens fire on multiple defense stations within the docking bay, destroying them all.

  Onatof hearing the weapons fire makes his way to the outer decks. He stands on the outer aft decks and looks over at the crowds pushing to get onboard, looking down he sees White and yells, “Commander White! We need Caleb to reactivate the ships internal systems.”

  White looks out to the entrance and suddenly see’s Uari standing directly in front of him. Uari reaches his hand out and states, “Commander, if you will allow me, I wish to be of service to you.”


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