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by Norman Ohler

  glucose injections, 25–26, 112, 137, 141, 150, 156, 173, 179, 212, 213

  Hitler’s decline, 135–36, 175–76, 178, 180–82

  Hitler’s firing of, 222

  Hitler’s request for stronger medicines, 127, 211–12

  Hitler’s trust in, 171–73

  Homoseran use, 114

  Knight’s Cross of the War Merit Cross, 146

  medications administered, list of, 115n

  at military briefings, 122

  Morell as prisoner of, 178–79

  Morell, suspicions about, 107, 165–71, 168, 218

  Morell’s civilian status, 78–79

  Morell’s concerns (1944), 175–76, 178

  Morell’s exit strategy, 250 n116

  Morell’s influence, 104, 165, 242 n6

  Morell’s notes on, 107–8, 137, 139, 139, 141, 142, 145, 156

  Morell’s personal gain, 27, 127, 131–32, 140

  morphine use, 184

  Mutaflor use, 24, 183

  nocturnal tea-drinking sessions, 139–40

  Orchikrin use, 114

  Parkinson’s disease, 178

  Pervitin use, 213

  Prostakrinum use, 114

  syringes, disinfection of, 170, 252 n160

  Testoviron use, 114

  Tonophosphan use, 114

  on train journey, 114–15

  vein scarring, 180–81

  Vitamultin use, 89–91, 112, 115, 146–47, 239 n109

  at Wolf’s Lair, 110–11, 112–15, 153–54, 175–76

  “x” use, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155

  Hitler, Adolf, personal life of

  Braun, relationship with, 23, 145–46, 147–48, 148, 224

  favorite food, 23

  fifty-fifth birthday, 150–51

  Hitler Youth, 205–6

  Hoechst (company), 114, 140

  Hoffmann, Felix, 7–8

  Hoffmann, Heinrich, 22, 67, 79, 112, 147

  Holocaust, 120

  Holt (Ranke’s driver), 85

  Holzlöhner, Ernst, 255 n21, 257 n37

  Homoseran (supplement), 114

  Höss, Rudolf, 257 n36

  Hoth, Hermann, 75

  Hülphers, Arne, 83

  Hungary, threatened break with Hitler, 146

  Huxley, Aldous, 210


  IG Farben, 9, 28, 140

  Institute for Pharmacology and Army Toxicology, 45

  intestinal conditions

  Hitler’s, 23–24, 27, 125, 135–36, 137, 151, 163, 174, 182, 183, 184, 251 n138

  treatment for, 24, 232 n42

  Ironside, Edmund, 76, 79


  alliance with Germany, 135, 138

  Allied invasion, 135, 146


  Japan, N-methylamphetamine, 28–29


  equated with poison, 18, 19, 21

  extermination of, 114, 120, 121, 130

  property seized from, 127, 127n, 151

  in Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 200

  Jodl, Alfred, 67, 77, 113, 124

  Jost (Engel pharmacy owner), 140, 243 n11, 248 n89

  Junge, Traudl, 140

  Jungnickel (criminal investigator), 243 n11


  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 171

  Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, 114

  kamikaze pilots, 29n

  Kampfzeit (period of struggle), 13

  Keitel, Wilhelm, 83, 113, 122, 154

  Kershaw, Ian, 104, 242 n6

  Kharkov, Ukraine, 125n, 129–31

  Kielmansegg, Johann Adolf Graf von, 69, 237 n64

  Kleist, Paul von, 146, 146n

  Klinische Wochenschrift (journal), 34, 36, 46

  Knoll (company), 9

  Koch, Erich, 129, 130, 142

  Kosmehl, Erwin, 19

  Krauch, Carl, 232 n45

  Krebsstein, Theodor Benzinger von, 242 n11

  Kretschmar, Otto, 84, 86, 88

  Krummacher (doctor), 86

  Krupp, Alfried, 149

  Kulmhof (Chełmno extermination camp), 120

  Kursk, 135

  K-Verbände, 191–92, 194, 196–97, 225, 255 n18


  Laboratory for Serum Conservation, 45

  laudanum, 6

  Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring, 17


  imprisonment of addicts, 15, 15 n22

  Marital Health Law (1935), 17

  Nuremberg Race Laws (1935), 18

  Reich Opium Law (1941), 1, 100

  League of Nations International Opium Convention (1925), 9

  leeches, 243 n22

  Lehmann, Günther, 202–3

  Lemmel, Gerhard, 36

  Linge, Heinz, 112, 135, 143, 154, 158–60, 170

  Linz, Professor Dr., 243 n11


  Morell’s preparations, 132–33, 150, 216, 219, 248 n75, 250 n118, 258 n57

  parasite and fluke livers, 150, 250 n118

  substances produced by, 132–33, 247 n74

  Loerzer, Bruno, 95

  London, German bombings of, 92

  Long, Tania, 225

  Lübeck, Germany, 121


  Britain, Battle of, 92–93

  concentration camps, human experiments, 257 nn36–37, 258 n41

  Dunkirk, 81

  Göring’s administration of, 94–97

  Hitler’s favoritism toward, 81

  last mission, 214

  Pervitin use, 92–94, 97, 98, 188, 214, 240 n119


  Maginot Line, 85–86

  Magische Gifte (“Magic Poisons”), 18–19, 231 n35

  Main Medical Park, 73

  Majdanek (extermination camp), 120

  Mann, Golo, 37, 55

  Mann, Klaus, 10, 136, 248 n80

  Mann, Thomas, 136

  Manstein, Erich von

  Ardennes offensive, 56–57, 62, 236 n49

  dismissal of, 146

  on Dnieper River, 145

  on Dunkirk, 82

  on Eastern Front, 123

  memoirs, 250 n110

  war crimes, 250 n110

  Manteuffel, Hasso von, 212

  Mantey, Heinz, 206

  Marital Health Law (1935), 17

  Martelange, Belgium, 70

  Maser, Werner, 252 n138

  Medical Academy of the Bundeswehr, Munich, 44–45, 50–51, 189–90

  medical confidentiality, 15, 165

  Medical Journal for Lower Saxony, 18

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 13, 185

  Mendel, Albert, 2

  Merck Company. See also Eukodal

  bombing of, 215

  cocaine market, 9, 10, 145, 159

  company growth, 28

  founding, 7

  opiates market, 7, 10

  Psicain, 251 n137

  Merck, Emanuel, 7

  mescaline, 209–10

  methadone, 140

  methamphetamine. See also Pervitin

  addiction process, 232 n49

  amphetamine comparisons, 241 n133

  as coffee substitute, 59

  consumer demand for, 32, 34, 233 n53

  crystal meth, 1–2, 2n, 36n, 187

  in “D IX,” 194

  dosage, 32, 232 n49

  German Army’s use of, 72–77, 223–24

  German Navy considering use of, 197

  hallucinations, 52

  inhibitions, reduction in, 52

  medical indications for, 32

  modern consumption, 1

  as performance enhancer, 32, 34, 36, 233 n53

  physiological effect, 29–31, 241 n133

  prescription drugs based on, 229 n1

  pure form, 2n

  regulation of, 229 n1

  suppressing sense of danger, 75

  synthesis, 29, 232 n46

  tolerance threshold, 232 n49, 245 n31

  methylamphetamine, 29. See also Pervitin

  N-methylamphetamine, 28–29

p; Meuse, German crossing of, 71–73

  Military Medical Academy, 44–45, 50–51

  miracle drug

  German Navy’s use of, 206, 206–8

  quest for, 190–92, 194, 196–97, 198, 199, 203, 208

  testing in concentration camp, 199, 201–5

  MKUltra, 211

  modafinil, 189–90

  Mohr, Richard, 192

  monasteries, production of medications, 6n

  Montgomery, Bernard, 125

  Morell, Hanni, 20, 24–25, 26, 146

  Morell, Theodor

  addiction, 149

  as Braun’s personal physician, 147

  business ventures, 127–33, 140, 247 n74

  capture by Americans, 225

  and Czechoslovakia’s defeat, 38

  death, 226

  on doctor-patient relationship, 103, 242 n1

  estate on Schwanenwerder Island, 27

  Farmacija (company), 140

  final days of war, 222–23

  Hamma Company, 127–29, 150

  health of, 149, 150, 170–71, 173–74

  Heikorn Company, 127–29

  income, 79, 79n

  joining Nazi Party, 20

  liver preparations, 132–33, 150, 216, 219, 248 n75, 250 n118, 258 n57

  meeting Hitler, 22–24

  mistaken for a Jew, 20

  patients, 254 n6

  postwar investigations of, 106–7, 225–26

  professional success, 20, 22–25

  steroid preparations, 216, 258 n58

  table manners, 150–51

  treating top-ranking officials, 143, 149, 249 n99

  Ukrainian Pharma-Works, 129–33, 247 n74

  uniform, 78–79, 153

  as vitamin pioneer, 22, 89–91

  on Wolf’s Lair, 110

  Morell, Theodor, as Hitler’s personal physician, 123, 166

  absorption of injections, 125

  analyses of, 104–5

  appointment of, 22–25

  assassination attempt on Hitler, 154–55

  barbiturate-based narcotics, 183

  bloodletting, 219, 243 n22

  confidentiality, 165

  drug withdrawal, 216–20

  Eukodal use, 135–36, 137, 138–43, 145, 151, 162–65, 164, 173, 175, 181–82, 184–85, 212–15, 252 n147

  Eupaverin use, 181, 212

  as exhausting for Morell, 149

  file cards, 137, 156

  final phase of war, 216–17, 221

  and Giesing, 158–59, 169–70

  glucose injections, 25–26, 112, 137, 141, 150, 156, 173, 179, 212, 213

  Hitler’s decline, 135–36, 175–76, 178, 180–82

  Hitler’s firing of, 222

  Hitler’s request for stronger medicines, 127, 211–12

  Hitler’s trust in, 171–73

  Homoseran use, 114

  Knight’s Cross of the War Merit Cross, 146

  medications administered, list of, 115n

  at military briefings, 122

  Morell as prisoner of, 178–79

  Morell, suspicions about, 107, 165–71, 168, 218

  Morell’s civilian status, 78–79

  Morell’s concerns (1944), 175–76, 178

  Morell’s exit strategy, 250 n116

  Morell’s influence, 104, 165, 242 n6

  Morell’s notes on, 107–8, 137, 139, 139, 141, 142, 145, 156

  Morell’s personal gain, 27, 127, 131–32, 140

  morphine use, 184

  Mutaflor use, 24, 183

  nocturnal tea-drinking sessions, 139–40

  Orchikrin use, 114

  Parkinson’s disease, 178

  Pervitin use, 213

  Prostakrinum use, 114

  syringes, disinfection of, 170, 252 n160

  Testoviron use, 114

  Tonophosphan use, 114

  on train journey, 114–15

  vein scarring, 180–81

  Vitamultin use, 89–91, 112, 115, 146–47, 239 n109

  at Wolf’s Lair, 110–11, 112–15, 153–54, 175–76

  “x” use, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155

  Mormon tea, 29

  Morocco, poppy fields, 140


  in Berlin (1920s), 11–12

  derivatives of, 209 (See also heroin)

  for euthanasia, 17

  Göring’s addiction, 80–81, 91, 95, 223, 223n, 238 n92

  Hitler’s use of, 184

  isolation of, 6, 163

  Pervitin comparisons, 188

  pharmaceutical industry, 7

  synthetic substitutes, 140

  wartime pain relief, 7

  morphium. See morphine

  Moscow, German attack on, 116–17

  Müller-Hess, Professor, 243 n11

  Mulli, Kurt, 132


  Bundeswehr, 44–45, 50–51, 189–90

  failed Nazi putsch (1923), 190

  Mussolini, Benito

  abduction of, 196

  meetings with Hitler, 114, 135, 136, 138–39, 155

  as Morell’s patient, 149

  Mutaflor (medication), 24, 183, 232 n42


  Nansen, Odd, 202


  addicts as mentally disturbed, 17

  Hitler’s use of, 183, 243 n11

  required reporting, 15–16

  National Archives, Washington, DC, 105–8

  National Socialist German Association of Doctors, 60

  National Socialists. See Nazi Party

  Naval Medical Research Institute, Washington, DC, 211

  Nazi Party (NSDAP)

  alcohol use, 13, 13n

  chaotic structures of, 13, 230 n16

  drug use, as systemic, 144–45

  drugs, as taboo, 12–14, 15

  economic independence, 27–28

  failed putsch (1923), 190

  founding, 13n

  Office of Racial Policy, 19

  Official Reich Photographer (See Hoffmann, Heinrich)

  social intoxication, 13–14

  Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, 106

  Neger (mini-U-boat), 192, 194, 196

  Nero decree, 221

  Neubrandenburg, Germany, 225

  Neustrelitz, Germany, 225

  Nissle, Alfred, 24

  N-methylamphetamine, 28–29

  Nobel-Vitamultin, 89–90, 213, 239 n109

  Nordmark (firm), 89

  North Africa, German actions in, 125, 140, 145

  NSDAP. See Nazi Party

  Nuremberg, war crimes trials, 205

  Nuremberg Race Laws (1935), 18


  Obersalzberg. See Berghof

  Odeonsplatz, Munich, 190

  Office of Racial Policy, 19

  Olympic Games (1936), 28

  Operation Bagration, 151

  Operation Barbarossa, 110

  Operation Paperclip, 258 n41

  Operation Reinhard, 121

  Operation Sea Lion (Battle of Britain), 91–98

  Operation Valkyrie, 153–56

  opiates, defined, 113n


  defined, 113n

  oxycodone, 136, 248 n84


  availability in Germany, 140

  in Berlin (1920s), 11–12

  German laws concerning, 100

  German production and export, 9–10

  Sertürner’s experiments with, 6

  Oranienburg, 199–201

  Orchikrin (medication), 114

  Orzechowski, Gerhard, 192, 194–98, 195, 198, 255 n14

  Oshima, Hiroshi, 149

  oxycodone, 136, 248 n84

  Oxycontin, 248 n84

  Oxygesic, 248 n84


  Paderborn, Westphalia, 6

  Panzer Ersatz Division 1, 88–89

  Panzer Group von Kleist, 63, 67–68, 73, 88


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