Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims.
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Imagine thousands of years ago our holy, amazing Book has already revealed to us what took mankind years and many modern tools to discover.
Job 26:7 - KJV
He stretches out the north over empty space;
He hangs the earthon nothing.
For the first time in the history of mankind, a scriptural book reports a scientific fact which was unknown until not long ago! By the way, Muslims have a claim about the expanding universe, but even this one is in the Bible.
If they say that the earth has walls standing on it lifting the sky up, why does the Bible say that the earth hangs on nothing? This means there is nothing holding the earth to the sky.
I will now answer his claim about the pillars in the Qur’an. Muslims try to fool us by posting a translated verse with parts of it taken out. If you look at the post of Mr. Harun about this verse, you will see how he cut short the verse to fit it with his falsification. Read again the verse he quoted:
13:2 God is He who raised the heavens without any pillars... Can he tell us why he didn't show the rest of the verse when there are just a few words left? He hid it purposely in order for him to fool the readers.
1. The verse tells us that the heaven was raised up. Does it mean it was down?
2. Are we not inside the space or underneath it?
3. It's so clear that this statement in the Qur’an was made based on the belief that the earth is flat.
Qur’an 2:252 “....His Throne wideness is same as skies and the earth, and He has no weakness in guarding and preserving them intended for He is the strongest the Supreme.”
Its so clear that, according to Allah, the earth and the sky are of the same width {Earth width = Sky width} because if his throne is the same width as that of the sky’s, would it matter what’s in it? The earth would not even equal to a dust in comparison to the size of the galaxy's
If the earth is so insignificantly small and is within the massive space, why does Allah say that the skies and earth have the same size as well as his throne being equal to both?
Qur’an 69:16-17
16And the sky will split apart for that day it will be breakable.
17 And the angels will be on its sides, and eight of them will, that Day, carry the Throne of, the Lord on top of them.
Ibn Kathir’s interpretation
And the angels will be on its sides or borders, The word angels, here is applying to some chosen Angels; meaning the angels will be standing on the sides of the heavens. AL-Rabe` bin Anas said, concerning Allah's testimony.
What is the sky, since it has sides and edges? It's just a roof above the earth.
From Mr. Harun's translation we read: “We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs. (Qur’an, 21:32) This means the earth is equal to the sky by size as a roof must be equal to the size of the house.
15Allah's heavens without PILLARS Qur’an 13:2
Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without visible PILLARS that you can see.
Notice the Muslim's claim would not show the entire verse. They cut it as this: God is He Who raised up the heavens without PILLARS.
They stopped there so you would not see the rest of the verse. It says clearly that there are pillars, but you can't see them. Since Mr. Harun mentioned the name of Ibn Kathir, let us see what Ibn Kathir said:
Ibn Kathir’s explanation
Between the throne to the ground marching of five hundred years after the A Country marching of five hundred years, and the throne of Allah made of red ruby, was narrated from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and Hasan, Qatada, that there is pillars but you can’t see them.
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Also, as long he accepts Ibn Abbas, as we have seen in Harun's text, {Ibn Abbas (d. 687 AD), Mujahid (d. 718 AD) and as Ikrima (d. 733 AD) believed in the existence of pillars (mountains) supporting the sky, too}, then check out what Ibn Abbas said and you will surely find it funny. You can read my translation or go to the Muslim's site and see theirs.
Ibn Abbas’ translation
He Allah it is who raised up the skies. He created the heavens and raised them up above the earth without any visible pillars. He says: you see them without support; it is also said, that this means: they have pillars but you cannot see it.
Muslims’ translation of Ibn Abbas: Click here
“He has created the heavens without any pillars that you see” Since he also used Tafsir of Mujahhid, let us get it and see how we can again expose the falsification.Here is the link about it from the Kingdom of Jordan Islamic website.
Click here
I guess Mr. Harun thought that no one would go look up the fabricated falsification inside his book. Actually, this man is greatly exposing the fairytale stories in the Qur’an. Since he accepts the view of Ibn Abbas, I think he has no excuse to reject what Ibn Abbas stated in the following verse.
Qur’an 50:1
Here is the link for the Muslim translation: Click here My translation
Ibn Abbas said, that about Allah’s quotation (Qaf.): It is a blue mountain around the earth from all directions of worldwide and even the sky it takes its color from this blue mountain; Allah swore by it.
Some might say there's no way that Muhammad would believe a mountain flying in the sky! The fact is that this is but another fairytale story in the Qur'an.
As you can see, the lie did not live long. Instead of trying to show us a mistake in the Bible, he instead gave us a fairytale story about a mountain surrounding the earth. To this day, no satellite has ever discovered it! Do you know why it cannot be seen? Muhammad told them it's a blue mountain because when he looked up, he saw a blue color along the horizon and believed that this was a blue mountain that the sky was taking its color from.
That explains the verse Mr. Harun quoted to us about the sky being the same as a dome, as we can see from his translation: Qur’an 2:22
“It is He Who made the earth a couch for you, and the sky a dome. He sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits for your provision. Do not, then, knowingly make others
equal to Allah.” Muhammad thought that there was a mountain surrounding the earth from its sides and was holding up the sky. But there’s another verse saying clearly that Allah is the one who holds the sky and keeps it from falling down on us, which is seen in:
Qur’an 22:65
Do you not see that he made for you whatever on the top of the earth for your use, and all ships sail on the sea by His orders? He holds the sky from falling on the earth except by His leave: for Allah is Most Kind and Most Merciful to mankind.
Since Mr. Harun likes Ibn Abbas’ interpretation of the Qur’an, we will take references from there. ريسفت Tanwîr al-Miqbâs Tafsîr Ibn Abbas This is the Muslims’ translations website to show that I am not making things up.
Click here As you can see, Ibn Abbas states that it is Allah who holds the sky from falling down on us, wherein the latter is something that will certainly happen on the Day of Judgment.
This makes things clear that Islam really considers the sky as a physical roof, like a dome, and Allah will make it collapse on us on the Judgment day. Allah even used the word roof, if you remembered reading one of the earlier verses mentioned. Note that this is Mr. Harun’s translation.
Qur’an 21:32
“We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs.
Hail come down from mountains in heaven?
“He sendeth down from the heaven mountains wherein is hail,”Quran 24:43 Muhammad Picthal Translation
Click here
Ibn Kathir interpretation
“He sends down from the sky, from mountains in it of ice, see Muslims site and translation”
Click here Tafsir al-Jalalayn, trans. Feras Hamza
He sends down from the heaven out of the mountains (min jibālin: min is extra) that are therein, in the heaven.”
Click here Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, trans. Mokrane Guezzou
“(He sendeth down from the heaven mountains wherein is hail) He says: He sends down hail from mountains in heaven”
Click here
Let’s go back to the topic about the earth being surrounded by blue mountains that are carrying the roof (the sky). 1. He believed that the earth surrounded by blue mountains which hold the sky up and keep it from falling down on us.
2. Heat in the sky itself has flying mountains where Allah store ice on it.
Reading the coming hadith, you will see how Muhammad explained where the sun is coming from: Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 1807 as saying: Do not try to observe prayer when the sun is rising, nor at of its setting time, for it rises between the two horns of Satan.
This is an absolute scientific discovery! Muslims will never make a movie about it! Do not forget the hadith where Muhammad tells the Muslims of the following: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 421 “Do you know where the sun goes everyday?” He said, “It goes and travels till it arrives and prostrates itself underneath the Throne of Allah and takes the permission from him (Allah) to rise again, and it is permitted
Have a look at it yourself in the Muslims’ translation’s website, which it not really accurate as always, but good enough to prove the point.
Click here
I wonder why Muslims do not make a book about this hadith?!
Muslims’ claim
This fact only emerged in the last century, but was revealed in the Qur’an 1,400 years ago:
This verse refers to "atom" and smaller particles still.
My answer
Here is the verse he quoted:
Qur’an 34:3 “He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom not an atom's weight eludes, either in the heavens or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that”
This is not even talking about an atom. The word atom means: the smallest unit of any kind of chemical element.
First how its Amazing discovery when the Arab used and made this word before Allah himself or Muhammad use it, if its the claim is true, then claim the credit must go to the Arab who made this word not to Qur'an author.
The word Zarah means one ant or singular sand, Let us read again Mr. Harun’s words:
“This verse refers to "atom" and smaller particles still.”
Mr. Harun forgot that the verse he posted says this: “ an atom's weight eludes, either in the heavens or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that which is not in a Clear Book.”
The word Zarah has nothing to do with an atom. When the West discovered the atom, we Arabs used that same word because we did not have an equal word for it. All that the verse is saying is that it does not matter how small your work is or how big it is. You are going to see your reward on Judgment day. It has nothing to do with science.
It wasn’t meant as a small single object, as we can see in the interpretation of Al-Qur’tubi:
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He said: “In the weight of Zarah means as a small Ant, nothing bigger or smaller than this ant.
Ant = small, nothing, smaller or bigger = all has one size.”
What we understand from this is that it's about one kind or one object of its kind and the ant represents that object. I don’t think Muslims will say that the ant is an atom.
To make it more clear from an Islamic translation to the Qur’an, read the following:
Qur’an 10:61, Mohsin Khan’s translation “Neither you (O Muhammad ملسو هيلع ا ىلص) do any deed nor recite any portion of the Qur’an, nor you (mankind) do any deed (good or evil) but We are Witness thereof, when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom (or small ant) on the earth or in the heaven. Not what is less than that or what is greater than that but is (written) in a Clear Record.”
However, if its true Allah speaking about Atoms and claim to be the smallest he is wrong again,because there Proton and Neutron as an example a lot more smaller than the atom.
“atom consists of a tiny nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, on the order of 20,000 times smaller than the size of the atom”
Muslims’ claim
And I swear by the stars' positions-and that is a mighty oath if you only knew. (Qur’an, 56:75-76)......
When the stars are extinguished, (Qur’an, 77:8) [I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur’an, 86:1-3)
My answer
Let us read the translated verse they chose to make their point.
Qur’an 56:75-76
And I swear by the stars' positions-and that is a mighty oath if you only knew.
In order to understand this verse we need to read more verses about the stars: Qur'an 52:49
“And in the night, give Him glory too, and at the setting of the stars”
Qur'an 53:1
“By the star when it descends,” So stars has positions and they leave their position every morning?
If you remember, this hadith talks about Muhammad asking the Muslims, “Do you know where the sun goes?” His answer can
be read here: Qur’an 36.38
Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic), Book the Start of Creation, p. 1171, Hadith 3027
Bukhari Book 60, Hadith 326
Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0297
Abu Zerr reported: Once I was with the Messenger in the mosque at the time of sunset. The Messenger of Allah said, "O Abu Zerr! Do you know where the sun goes?" I responded, "Allah and His Messenger know better." The prophet answered, "It goes and prostrates underneath and bows down under Allah's Throne; will it ask Allah's authorization to bow down, but he will not accept, then Allah will order it to go and raise back from where it came from, and that is Allah's All-Mighty Statement: 'And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term.
1. As long as the sun rests and sleeps under the throne of Allah, it means that the location of the stars would be the same location as that of the throne of Allah, which is exactly where Allah himself is.
2. In another claim, Harun Yahya said that the seven heavens are the layers of the atmosphere! Why is it then Qur’an is talking about black holes? In their false translation they posted this: [I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur’an 86:1-3)” Where did the word “darkness” come from?
3. Let us see what the hadith says about this chapter or verse in the Book of Al-Jame' Le A'hkam Al Qur’an, Vol. 20, p. 3:
Qur’an 86:1-3 Narrated from Ibn Abbas HE said, “'The prophet was setting with Abu Talib, then a star came down! And made the ground full of light so Abu Talib got scared and he asked (Muhammad), “What is that?” He, Muhammad, answered, “It's a star being thrown down.” And Allah gave him the verse of Al Tariq
4. Is he saying a black hole came down to Muhammad?
5. If not, both of them are telling a lie! A star fell on earth but we're all still alive!
Book of Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Al-Ansari Al-Qur’tubi, Vol. 20, p. 3, chapter of Al Tariq:
And to make it totally clear, Muhammad the prophet of Islam himself will expose this falsified miracle claim by Muslims.
We read in the book of Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi, translation of Mokrane Guezzou, Qur’an 86:2: (By the heaven and the Morning Star; ah, what will tell thee what the
Morning Star is! The piercing Star!) [86:1-3]. This was revealed about Abu Talib. He once went to visit the Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, and the latter offered him bread and milk. As Abu Talib was sitting and eating, a meteor fell, filling everything with fire. Abu Talib was scared. He asked: “What on earth can this be?” The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said,: “This is a meteor that was thrown and it is one of the signs of Allah”. Abu Talib was amazed, and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed these verses.
1. So according to Muhammad it’s a meteor.
2. But according to Harun Yahia it’s a black hole!
3. Now who’s telling a lie? Harun or Muhammad?
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Muslims' claim
My answer Mr. Harun's translation
{Allah is the light of the heavens and the Earth. The metaphor of His light is that of a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, the glass like a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, its oil all but giving off light even if no fire touches it. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whoever He wills and Allah makes metaphors for mankind a nd Allah has knowle dge of a ll things. (Surat an-Nur, 35)}
What we understand from this claim about this verse is that Allah is telling us science that no one knows but himself. Is Allah here speaking about Quasars? Quoting their words: “The light referred to in the verse is suggestive, in terms of its brightness, of these celestial bodies known as quasars.”
The word Dury يرد means bright one. This verse proves that the god of Islam fails to prove himself as God. The word kawkab does not mean star. It has always been used in Arabic to mean a planet, not a star. I will prove it below.
Why did Muhammad Pickthall translate it once as a star and then translated it another time as a planet? It's easy to answer. If they translate it as a planet, this would mean that Allah is a making a mistake for planets do not give light. They only reflect light. This would mean that Allah's light is a reflection, not the original which the verse accurately shows. Mainly because I don't want to explain this verse twice, I am going to use it in answering the next claim.