Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims.
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The word 'Umeuna translated and taught in most of the Qur’anic translations comes as illiterate. As we read in the above verse, there are two kinds of people: Those called the “People of the book” and the others who are the “unlearned.” So it's very clear that the word illiterate is referred to the individuals who do not know the Scriptures. This is why the Christians and the Jews were not described as illiterate and Muhammad was called an illiterate as he was considered not to know God’s Scriptures.
Muslims altogether say that Muhammad was a believer in God even prior to becoming a prophet and that he was not illiterate about God but a follower of Abraham’s faith. However, the Qur’an proves the opposite:
"And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur’an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way," (Translation of Yusuf Ali).
When Muslims tell us that Muhammad was a believer in Ibrahim (Abraham), it is nothing but deceptions and falsification. Not only did Muhammad not know what the Revelation was, but he also never knew about faith. For sure, the verse is speaking about Muhammad being faithless and faith is meaningless for him. So how can Muslims claim that he was a believer when the Qur’an states he was not? What the Qur’anic verse speaks about is that Muhammad was an illiterate man as he had no faith and had no knowledge of the Scriptures, which are the inspiration of God. He was at a stage of ignorance. Therefore, it’s not about knowing how to write and read.
At the same time, Muhammad came from a pagan family and that made him an ignorant from the ignorant, which means an illiterate from the illiterate, as he and his own people also did not know the Scriptures of God.
In the following hadith we will see Muhammad stating in his own clear words that his father is in the hell fire:
Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0398 "Anas stated Verily, an individual said: Messenger of Allah, where is my father? He said: He is in the Fire. When he turned away, the Prophet called him and said: Verily, my father and your father are in the Fire."
It’s also the same with regards to his mother; she is in hell fire as she was pagan: Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 2129 "Abu 'Huraira stated Allah's Messenger, (may Allah pray on him and salute him) as saying: I requested permission to petition forgiveness for my mother, but He (Allah) did not grant it to me. I sought permission from Him to visit her grave, and He granted me permission."
In a different chapter of the Qur’an, we see it saying that Muhammad was an illiterate sent to the illiterate. That was the description for him and his family as they were disbelievers and illiterate about God.
Qur’an 62:2
"It is He (Allah) Who has sent among the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to recite to them His Signs, to cleanse them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom, although they had been, before, in plain deception."
After reading this verse, if Muhammad was for a moment an illiterate sent to the illiterate, it would mean that he could not had been sent to those who knew how to write and read as it would cause Islam a big problem; because then, Muhammad would not be a prophet to the entire world except to those who can’t write and read. To say that Muhammad was illiterate is really a foolish thing to say. Therefore, all these references prove to us that Muhammad was not an illiterate man but rather a person who well knew how to write and read. The word illiterate in the Qur’an is used to describe him as a person who did not know God prior to becoming a prophet. The same with his parents and his family. He was not from the pagan sent to the pagan, and verse 62:2 actually presents another mistake in the Qur’an. As long as the Qur’an agrees that Muhammad was a prophet from the illiterate to the illiterate, it means he could not have been claimed a prophet to the Christians and the Jews as the Qur’an never described them as illiterate but as the “People of the Book”.
In the following verse we read: Qur’an 25:5, Mohsin Khan’s translation "And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has written down: and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon." Say: "It (this Qur’an) has been sent down by Him (Allah) (the Real Lord of the heavens and earth) Who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
Why were people accusing him of writing down stories? As they were from his own people, they knew pretty much if he was illiterate or not. "Tales of the ancients, which he has written down: and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon."
And the evidences altogether will explain to us why Allah said that in the chapter given to Muhammad when he was in the cave. It was the first chapter supposedly revealed to Muhammad as the story of Islam which can now be found in the Qur’an:
Qur’an 96:1-5, Muhammad H. Shakir’s translation
1 Read in the name of your Lord Who created
2 He created man from a clot.
3 Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,
4 Who taught (to write) with the pen 5 Taught man what he knew not. As you see in here, the first word that was given to Muhammad as an order from Allah was “Read”. So if Muhammad did not know how to read, it meant that the god of Islam was an ignorant god as he was not informed that Muhammad was an illiterate man, as Muslims claim.
Some Muslims might say that the word “ read” means to recite or to proclaim. If that is the case, it means that the entire chapter of the Qur’an was fabricated, because,
1. The word recite mean repeat aloud or declaim (a poem or passage) from memory before an audience.
2. But if this is the first time ever Muhammad heared his first words of his god how he can declaim (a poem or passage) from memory? Did Allah used the wrong Arabic word?.
3. Why in the world a grown man in his 40’s would not have been able to recite or to repeat what the supposed angel ordered him to? The claims Muslims make about Muhammad being illiterate were mostly based from this verse in which Muhammad replied to the angel commanding him to read: “I cannot read.” The fact is that the verse does not say: “I cannot read,” it says in Arabic: “Ma 'Ana Be Qare'” which means “What should I read” rather than “I cannot read”. Arabic is a very rich language and there's no need to use the word “read” when it comes to reciting or repeating words or phrases.
At the same time, if the word “read” is about reciting, it would then be problematic for Muhammad because the meaning of the word “recite” is about saying what’s already been memorized in the mind. As long as “read” was the first word Allah spoke to Muhammad, how then can he recite something he’s never heard or learned before? Therefore if the word meant “recite,” then it would’ve meant that Muhammad was saying what was memorized in his head rather than what the angel ordered him.
From the Muslims’ exact words, here is their translation from the following hadith: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 111 (…) till suddenly the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira. The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read." (The Prophet added), "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and again asked me to read, and I replied, "I do not know how to read," whereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and asked me again to read, but again I replied, "I do not know how to read (or, what shall I read?)"
Please visit this following link if you want to read the entire translation made by Muslims.
book=87&translator=1&start=0&number=111#111 Notice here with me: Muhammad himself is saying in the Muslims’ translation: “again I replied, "I do not know how to read (or, what shall I read?)".”
You can tell how confused the Muslims are because they translate the meaning into two different meanings, not just one.
1. one is coming as “I do not know how to read” 2. the other comes as �
��what shall I read?” For sure both sentences are totally different and don’t have the same meaning. Based on what I’ve provided you, it must be “what shall I read” especially if you also noticed that he just said one word to him and not even a book. The angel came to him inside the cave and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, “I do not know how to read (or, what shall I read?).” So why is it that an adult can’t recite a word, even just a single word, which is “read”? It's very clear that Muhammad was rather asking him “what shall I read” because the angel did not give him any text to read. That again proves that this story was purely fabricated using and choosing the wrong words, wrong orders, and the wrong reactions.
Now we need to go back to Qur’an chapter 96:4-5
4 Who taught (to write) with the pen
5 Taught man what he knew not.
In verses four and five, Allah is stating that he told about him by the pen. Notice that they are allies talking about supposed knowledge of Scriptures. This means that Allah always spoke to people using their pen and he inspired them and they write down what he said. That is specifically made for the prophet of God and this was specifically was meant for Muhammad. So if a lie he told is the prophets only by the pen as this verse states and Muhammad spent his life cannot read and write this means Muhammad must be a false prophet and his verse must be a false statement coming from false god Allah.
With all the evidences, we can understand that Muhammad was a person who, in fact, knew how to write and read. After the death of Waraqa Ibn Naofal, he tried to commit suicide several times. Because Muhammad was now in trouble, how was he going to bring and make new verses for the Qur’an when it was Waraqa making them and providing them? The hadith clearly states that Waraqa used to write as much as Allah wished him to. He wrote the gospel in Arabic. Waraqa Ibn Naofal had left behind a book he spent his life working on. He was a very old man and this means that he started writing the book when he was still in good health and it is almost finished when he died. Therefore, Muhammad got a book in his hand and he knew how to read and write and had the opportunity to proclaim himself prophet of God.
51Muhammad attempted suicide many times?
Six Reasons People Attempt Suicide
1. They're depressed.
2. They're psychotic.
3. They're impulsive.
4. They're crying out for help.
5. They have a philosophical desire to die.
6. They've made a mistake.
So what was the case of Muhammad? Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 111 “And every time the prophet climbed on top of a mountain trying to throw himself down from the top of it, Jibreel would appear in front of him and say, "O Muhammad! You are truly Allah's Apostle in truth." Whereupon then the prophet would calm down and become quiet and would return back. And whenever the period of the coming of the inspiration used to become long without coming, he would do the same as he did before (attempting Suicide), but when he used to reach the top of a mountain, Jibreel would again appear before him and tell him the same words he’d said before.”
In this story we find that Muhammad is not a stable man. We also learn important things about Islam in that time and about the most important figure in Islam: Muhammad. “climbed on top of a mountain trying to throw himself down.”
1. To do such a thing, you need to think about it for a long time before you decide to kill yourself. 2. Why did Muhammad choose to die in such a way?
3. Why didn't the angel Gabriel appear to Muhammad before he’d begin climbing a mountain?
4. The angel appeared to Muhammad many times in order to stop him! Each time Muhammad, would go back home only to attempt throwing himself off a mountain again.
5. Why did Muhammad do this many times? Wasn't the first time enough for the angel to tell him not to? 6. Why did Muhammad try to kill himself after Waraqa's death? 7. Why did the Qur’an stop coming to Muhammad right after Waraqa's death?
8. The Qur’an: “the inspiration used to become long without coming.” Why?
9. Why was Allah doing that to Muhammad?
10. Why didn't the angel solve Muhammad’s problem of not receiving the inspiration, which made him want to kill himself?
11. Every time Muhammad changed his mind about killing himself was when the angel, Gabriel, told him, “O Muhammad! You are truly Allah's Apostle”.
12. Is it possible that Muhammad was not sure that he was a prophet of God? And the angel he saw was fake?
13. The fact is that Muhammad had a problem accepting himself as a prophet, which the Qur’an explains: Qur’an 10:94
If you are in doubt of what we sent down to you, ask the people of who read the Book before you (the Christians and Jews).
14. If Muhammad himself wasn’t certain of him seeing or speaking to an angel and receiving the book of God, then who could be sure?
15. According to scientific studies, most suicide attempts are directly associated with mental health problem. 16. Was Muhammad suffering from mental health problems? We will find out more later on.
Muhammad suffering from mental health problems I showed you that Muhammad attempted to kill himself several times but it does not prove that he was suffering from mental problems. We need more proof.
Muhammad had the strangest story! 1. Muhammad’s first wife, Khadija, was about 27 years older than him while he was in his 18th year. Some Muslims claim he was 25 at that time.
2. What made him marry a woman older than his mother? It can be for two reasons. Khadija was rich and he was working for her. The reasons are:
3. Money
4. Muhammad was an orphan and he was looking for a mother and Khadija was the one who could address that. He got two in one. Muhammad received messages not only from God but even from Satan! (see the satanic verses in Qur’an 22:52) That makes him:
5. He is Satan’s messenger and God’s messenger at the same time!
6. Muhammad had bad sexual problems affecting his life.
7. In fact, he is the only prophet who spoke of how powerful his private part was.
8. He is the only prophet whose god sent him a dish of faith & wisdom via the angel Gabriel. After he got the dish, he received the sexual power of 40 men!
Here’s the link to type in for: Fateh Al-Bari fe Sharh, Sahih Al-Bukhari, p. 450 (arabic): “The prophet of Allah used to say that I was among those who have little strength for intercourse. Then Allah sent me a pot with cooked meat. After I ate from it, I found strength any time I wanted to do the work.”Ibn Sa'd, Kitab Tabaqat Al-Kubra, Vol. 8, p. 200.
Sahih Muslim, Book of Eman, Vol. 3, p. 282, print yr 1966 “The prophet of Islam used to do his 11 wives in an hour.”
Click here to visit the Saudia Arabia Government site Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 5, Hadith 268 Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 5, Hadith 268
Reported Qatada: Anas bin Malik previously mentioned The Prophet used to visits all his eleven wives in a round, in one night, and they were." I questioned Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas responded "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men."
“Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet used to go do all his wives in one night(to have intercourse), and at that time he had nine wives. (Sahib AL-bukhari Book 62, Hadith 142)
even Muhammad's stories about other prophets is about sexual-intercourse power as we read in this coming story:
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Solomon son of David said, 'Tonight I will have sexual-intercourse with seventy ladies each of whom will conceive a child who will be a mujahid fighting for for the sake of Allah.' His companion said, 'If Allah will.' But Solomon did not say so; therefore none of those women got pregnant except one who gave birth to a half child." The Prophet further said, "If the Prophet Solomon had said it (i.e. 'If Allah will') he would have begotten children who would have fought in Allah's Cause." Shuaib and Ibn Abi Az-Zinad said, "Ninety (women) is more correct (than seventy)." (Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 55, Hadith 635)
9. That been sa
id it explaining to us the way Muhammad think, powerful prophet must be powerful in bed! Who in the word will believe that any man can have sex with ninety women in one night? That mean Solomon had 90 ejaculation in 8 hours = one ejaculation every 5 minutes for 8 hours none stop!.
10. That makes this angel, Jibreel, the same who delivered to Muhammad the Book of God and gave the sexual enhancement material!
11. He is the only prophet whose god sent a chapter about his penis. See Qur’an, chapter 108.
12. The only prophet who spoke about miracles of which no witnesses had seen but him! 13. The only prophet who doesn't have time for the poor and kicks the blind out of his house because he was busy dealing with rich people! See Qur’an, chapter 80.
14. The only prophet who married a 5 year old child (6 years old in the Islamic lunar calendar = 5 years in our calendar).
15. The only prophet who taught to a nation, while according to Muslims’ claims, he didn’t know how to read or write.
16. The only prophet who never spoke to his god in his book! 17. The only prophet who chose to change his name by himself. Not by God, like Jacob. In case you do not remember, the real name of Muhammad was Qathem (look it up in Vol. 1).
Later, we will talk about these things in more detail. ….......................................
52insert in him a chain in the anus length is seventy cubits.
by scaring them with low IQ “Intelligence Quotient” stories Qur’an 69:32
30 "seize him, and tie him,
31 "And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire.
32 insert in him a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits!
33 because he does not believe in Allah Most High."
click to read from the Muslims site
If we read these verses together based on the Islamic translation of the Qur’an, we will notice that we would have a hard time to find the true translation of those verses. As an example, in Yusuf Ali’s translation, reading “insert in him a chain” comes as “make him march in a chain” which is absolutely false and a way to deceive in order to cover up an extreme foolishness.