Qur'an And Science in Depth_This book go in deep study about the Qur'an and Science investigating the truthful of facts or claims.
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Of all the Muslims’ translations, I only found one honest translation of this verse, by Muhammad Pickthall: “32And then insert him in a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits”.
The reason I'm showing you the Muslims’ translations is because someone might say it does not say that. It is a lie and the best way to prove it if we can is from Muslim translations Going back to the Qur’an, we need to go and find out what exactly this verse means based on the understanding of the scholars of Islam. Those Islamic scholars are approved by all the Muslims.
Let us read together the interpretation of one of the biggest scholars of Islam:
Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs Insert in him (Allah ordering the angels) the chain in his anus and extract it from his mouth, and of what remains of the chain length turn it around his neck, and its width is seventy cubits. It is also said to mean: 70 fathoms.
The best way to know Muhammad is to read his words as if you are someone studying psychology & human behavior science. 1 .That being said, everything Muhammad told his followers was as if it came from his god. It was meant to make Islam “attractive,” such as promising them plenty of women for sex, owning 70,000 boys as servants, having a river of honey, a river of milk and a river of wine.
2. But what if all these attractive promises did not work, meaning even after Muhammad would tell them what they would receive, they would still not obey him? He would need to find a way to assure obedience by terrifying those who think about not obeying. As an example, Muhammad told Muslims that they are going to be tortured even in their grave, which means that the torture process begins the second a human being dies, not on Judgment Day. Later on, we will speak about the story of the punishment in the grave and analyze it.
3. For now think about this chapter where Allah will insert to an individual’s anus such a huge chain which is extremely hot to the point it makes a mountain melt in contact with it, as we read in the interpretation of:
Tafsir al-Tustari, Vol. 2, p. 178
{ ُهوُكُلْساَف ًاعاَرِذ َنوُعْبَس اَهُعْرَذٍةَلِسْلِس يِف ّمُث }
And bind him in a chain seventy cubits long. Each cubit is equivalent to seventy fathoms and each fathom is longer than the distance between Kufa (in Iraq) and Mecca. If you were to put one of its joints on the top of a mountain, the mountain would melt, just as lead melts.
How big the each ring of this Chain? From Ibn Kathir book we quot; "Every ring of it will be equal to the entire amount of iron found in this world.'... (Then fasten him) "It will be entered into his buttocks and pulled out of his mouth. Then they will be arranged on this (chain) just like locusts are arranged on a stick that is being roasted.''
If you ever watched a horror movie, I don't think the director’s imagination would reach Muhammad’s level. His imagination leads us to serious questions:
1. I can understand that God is going to punish people for not being good but we cannot understand God ordering his angels to play with somebody’s anus.
2. If an individual is 5 to 6 feet tall, what is the point of using a chain that’s 70 times longer than the distance between the two cities of Kufa & Mecca, which is equal to: 1,930 kilometers x 70 = 135,100 km or 83,947 miles?
3. The ring is so big to the point each ring of the chain will be “ Every ring of it will be equal to the entire amount of iron found in this world” .. how big this anus is to take such a ring?
4. If Muhammad claimed that it is what his god Allah said, it can’t be logical due to the size of a man and the size of the chain which can cross USA many times around, as the distance between New York and California is less than 3,000 miles which also means this chain is almost 3 times the distance between California and New York. If such claim is not enough to prove that the god of Islam is just making up a lie then I am not sure what kind of proof you need to recognize how big the lie is.
5. As if it is not enough that Allah will insert a chain inside your anus, this chain is hot enough to melt a mountain! This means that the anus of a disbeliever, his entire body and mouth, will not melt but the mountain will?
53Ask no questions or we will kill you
All of us think that questions are allowed and essential with regards to faith. For me, the best way of educating is to provide answers to questions. In Islam’s case, it’s the opposite. It’s forbidden to ask questions especially when they might make Islam look embarrassing or to prove that the founder of Islam, the scholars, and leaders of Islam have no answer to them.
As long as they have no answers to it, they have to find distractions to stop those questions which make people maybe think seriously about Islam being a false religion that can’t provide answers.
The coming story is about the most famously smart and just man in the history of Islam. According to Muslims, the caliph 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab came in right after the prophet of Islam. It is about when the caliph heard that a man called a question about the Qur’an’s allegorical verses which no Muslim dared to give an answer for.
In the explanation book of Jame' of A'hkam Al-Qur’an by Imam Al-Qur’tubi, Vol. 4, p. 14:
Reported by Ishmael son of Isaac, the judge had been told by Suleyman son of 'Harb from 'Hamad son of Yazied son of 'Hazm from Suleyman son of Yasar: that there was a man whose name is Subi'q son 'Asal . He came to the city of Medina and asked questions about allegorical Qur’an and the news reached out to 'Umar the caliph. The caliph then ordered to bring him and had prepared sticks of branches out of a palm tree. Then 'Umar asked him: who are you? The man replied, I am the slave of Allah, Subi'q.
'Umar said, and I am the slave of Allah, 'Umar. So 'Umar stood up and beat him on his head and made a cut on his head and continued beating him until blood covered his face. Then the man Subi'q said, "enough the ruler of believers, all the questions in my head are gone".
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What we learn from this story is that torture was the way of practice by Muhammad and then practiced by Muslims who followed. It is the only way to silence individuals, even believers, who asked questions just to learn the cause. Questions are embarrassing and Muslims cannot tolerate them as they have no answers for them.
When reading that the caliph ordered to have this man brought to him, you would probably think that 'Umar wished to educate him, as he was one of the best companions of the prophet. Supposedly, Muhammad’s companions had more knowledge than the others.
1. The caliph 'Umar did not ask the man anything about any of his questions.
2. 'Umar did not ask him what he would like to know and what is causing him to be confused. 3. 'Umar started beating him severely until he made him bleed and blood covered his face. That was how bad that act of violence was.
4. If caliph 'Umar is portrayed as the most just man in the history of Islam, then what would an unjust man really do? 5. Ask any Muslim who is best described to be the man of justice in the history of Islam. The answer will be instant: 'Umar the caliph. Now, imagine putting into practice 'Umar’s ways of justice into our schools, in the streets, inside our Courts of law. And if anyone asks a question about Islam or even tries to question Islam, the fair practice would be to beat the individual until he/she repents and no questions would ever be asked again…as Subi'q told 'Umar he had no more questions left to ask in his mind!
And that is not a a mistake of 'Umar but its an order from Allah as we read in; Qur'an 5:101-102
“O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oftforgiving, Most Forbearing.102 Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.”
54Who is the worst criminal among the Muslims? Book of Tafsir Al-Qur'an by Ibn Kathir p. 123. “The prophet of Allah said:'The worst criminal among the Muslims is he who a
sks if a matter is unlawful or not, and it becomes unlawful because of his asking about it.' It is recorded in the Sahih that the Messenger of Allah said, (Leave me as I have left you, those before you were destroyed because of many questions and disputing with their Prophets.) An authentic Hadith also states.”
We noticed together here the following things:
6. There is a big risk if you Ask question. 7. Why I am not only a criminal but I am the worst for asking Muhammad, can we eat pork?, And later Allah made it unlawful so where is the crime?
8. Muhammad fear questions because it might expose his falsehood.
55Which did Allah create and finish first? Earth or Heaven? If Allah is a true god, he should not be confused. Even a child would answer correctly after we teach him. We will see a very clear contradiction and a huge mistake in Qur’an 41:9.
Qur’an 41:9
Say: Do you really disbelieve in the One who created the earth in two days, and ascribe to Him partners? That is the Lord of the two Worlds.
Muslims believe there are two worlds. One for mankind and the other for the jinns. Qur’an 41:10-12
10And made it firm mountains from above it and blessed it and measure therein its sustenance in four days whether to ask
11Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke, and said, to the heaven and the earth: come to me voluntarily or involuntarily.
12 So he made them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate and adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and to preserve the estimation of Aleem Aziz.
Let’s look at Qur’an 79:28: Qur’an 79:28-32
28 He raised and made it level,
29 and darkened its night, and he brought forth the day;
30 and after that He made the earth wide and flat;
31from it (meaning the earth. This is a contradiction, as many verses say the water came from the sky) He has ejected its waters and its pasture,
32 and has fixed on it the mountains.
The mistake in here is so clear.
1. In verses 41:9 and 79:28, Allah created the earth first. 2. In 41:10, 11 and 12, he finished the earth and then went to heaven and made it seven heavens. 3. But in 79:29, 30, 31 and 32, he made and finished the earth, mountains, trees and water after the sky.
4. The Qur’an itself says, “if this book is not from god, you will find in it many contradictions”.
Qur’an 4:82
If this book is not from god you will find in it many contradictions.
I think Allah shot himself in the foot!
56Uthman’s Mis-structuring of the Qur’an
In the Qur’an of Ibn Mas'ud, he said that Al Fatiha is not from the Qur’an, but rather a prayer Muhammad used to say. This is why it’s not included inside Ibn Mas'ud’s Qur’an.
The first revelation Muhammad allegedly received from Allah via the angel Jibrel (Gabriel) is Sura # 96. If it was the first revelation to Muhammad from Allah, then this Sura should be Sura # 1. The question is, why is it Sura # 96, and not Sura # 1?
Muslims claim that the Qur’an is not corrupted and no one changed it. However, since Allah wanted Sura # 96 to be the first Sura, we need to ask which Muslim has the right to change the location of the verse to Sura # 96?
What happened was Uthman Ibn Affan, the one who collected the Qur’an after Muhammad’s death, placed this verse as Sura # 96. It’s interesting to note that the name of this book isn’t even named after Muhammad; it really shouldn’t even be named Qur’an. We generally call it Qur’an but since Uthman the caliph, after Muhammad specified how the Qur’an would be structured, he rendered the Qur’an technically in name Mushaf of Uthman.
The Qur’an has 114 chapters. After examining how Sura 96: 1 [Muhammad’s first revelation] was interjected into a later Sura instead of being at the beginning of the Qur’an, it demonstrates from early on how Muslims played with Allah’s word, and it continues to this day.
In Sura 1:1, Allah is talking to himself. Why is he saying “ In the name of Allah”? Remember that Allah has 99 names, but Allah is the most used name. Looking at Sura 1:5, Allah is saying, “Thee do we worship and Thine aid we seek.” This means that Allah is worshiping Allah and seeking his own help. Remember, the Qur’an is supposed to be the direct words of Allah.
Muslims claim this is a prayer. However, Allah gives no indication that this is how to pray. It is Allah saying the words directly. When people asked Jesus how to pray, He showed them how. There are many passages in the Qur’an where Allah directs Muhammad to recite by saying: “Say,” but in Sura 1:5 it’s exclusively Allah speaking. At this point Allah is not revealing anything to Muhammad. If a Muslim says that this is Muhammad praying, it means that the Qur’an is from Muhammad, not Allah.
Again, looking at the Qur’an, the fact that Uthman put it together and Muslims don’t seem to know how he did it shows that Allah is speaking to himself.
57The Beginning of this Universe
The Pen Qur’an 96:1-4
1 Read in the name of your lord who create,
2 made human from a clot of blood,
3 it's your lord the giver,
4 who taught the human by the pen Another mistake is in Sura 96:4 regarding the use of the pen. How did Allah teach through the use of the pen? Muhammad did not know how to write or read, according to the Muslims’ claims!
Apparently the pen was one of Allah’s first creations. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 93, 514 So we ask you what the beginning of this universe was. The Prophet said, "There was Allah and nothing else before Him and His Throne was over the water and He then created the Heavens and The Earth and wrote everything in the Book.”
First, the prophet said that in the beginning of times, there was Allah and nothing before him, yet Muhammad went on saying that Allah’s Throne was over the water. How can he say there was nothing before Allah and yet his throne was over the water?
As we see, Muhammad was contradicting himself due to the fact that a) there was a throne; and b) there was water. Moreover, the verse shows that that water existed before heaven and earth, which were said to be the first things created.
1. The first thing that Allah created was a pen, but he ordered it to write on what? Doesn’t he first need to create something to be written in or on?
2. Then the pen wrote everything in a book. 3. How did it do that? What book is Muhammad referring to? Allah has a book next to him but no one can read that book since it’s only made for Allah. So the question is...
4. Why is Allah writing things for himself? Does he suffer from memory loss?
5. This brings us back to the question, why was Allah teaching himself through the pen?
6. Remember, according to Muslims’ claims, Muhammad could neither write nor read.
58Allah Swears by a fruit, a vegetable, a planet, himself and a pen! Ibn Abbas 95:1
And from the interpretation of Ibn Abbas, he said in regards to the interpretation of Allah's saying (by the fig and the olive): Allah swears by the fig,
Usually when people swear, they swear by something that is greater than them. A person doesn’t swear by a chicken, a cockroach, a rat, or a cat. One doesn’t swear by the zucchini, onion, or carrot because it isn’t something that a normal person would do.
In the above verse we’ve read, Allah swears by the olive and the fig. What was Allah’s point in swearing by the olive and the fig? If someone swears, he/she is trying to make a point.
God should not swear by his own creation because he can destroy it and create it again if he so chooses. Maybe Muhammad was hungry? This verse really demonstrates a characteristic of Muhammad. He was noted as always wanting to eat off the bounty of the lands he violently conquered or never set foot on.
The verse Ibn Abbas wrote seems more like lyrics of a rap song rather then the words of a prophet. Perhaps Muhammad was preoccupied with hunger rather than revelation. Muslims have a very difficult time explaining this verse. One c
an only wonder, if Muhammad lived today, would he swear by the iPod or by another type of fruit such as a banana. Muhammad is showing a god, who supposedly created the universe, swearing by fruits and vegetables.
Are our lives represented by the fig tree? Hardly. If this verse gave a word such as bread, that may have an entirely different intrinsic meaning. Still, using bread wouldn’t make sense but it would be more readily accepted as a form of common necessity for life, even metaphorically. What does the fig have to do with Allah swearing? What has this even taught us about Allah?
Many, many times the confusion of Muslims comes out when they try to piece together the context of what Allah is trying to say. Allah seems a bit odd in the fact that he swears by a fig, an olive and many other things too. For example:
Qur’an 16:63 By Allah, We verily sent messengers unto all nations before thee, but the devil made their works seem to be good to them and at the end they will be punished.
Allah swears by Allah in Qur’an 16:63. The mistake in this verse is clear. Allah is swearing by the fig and olive and at the same time swearing by himself. He is making himself equal with the fig and olive, because these three, by Allah’s standard, are the greatest. If a Muslim was to go to court, he or (no-she) should be given one of three options, either to swear by the holy fig, holy olive, or Allah. The clerics should not say they cannot do that because if it’s good enough and holy enough for Allah to swear by, isn’t it good enough for his followers?
Ibn Abbas 68:1
Ibn Abbas said, regarding this verse, Allah is saying “nun” , (pronounced like “noon”). It means he swears by the nun and the pen. And he said, that nun is a whale. His name is Lewash. He carries the earths on its back while in water and under, the bull, the name of the bull is Bahamot, there is a rock, and under the rock, over there is sand, and no one knows what is under the sand, but Allah.